Accidental love

By nochillmad

125K 3.9K 1.8K

Some times love is accidental literally More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chappter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 34 part 2
Chapter 34 part two and a half
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
39 part two
Chaper 40
40 fuckin5
The end
Youve been blessedโ€ผ๏ธ
And it begins, sequel out now

Chapter 1

10.4K 178 93
By nochillmad

•The night of the accident•
(Lauren's point of view)
Today is mine and Lucy's 3 months anniversary, I had everything planned out, I ordered these expensive cup cakes that had candles in each of the cupcakes, happy anniversary is spelled out in chocolate on the side of the plate, after that a nice dinner at claim jumpers, then taking her back to where we first met.

I unlocked her door walking inside, I didn't see her so she must be upstairs, I walked into the bathroom checking myself out in the mirror I fixed my hair, then headed towards the stairs, "babe" I called out walking up the stairs, when I reached the top of the stairs I heard moaning.

"What the fuck" I busted into her bedroom door, there was a girl under the covers going down on her, when I busted through the door the girl fell on the ground, lucky grabbed the sheets wrapping then around her self in it, "what the fuck" I said louder this time, "you're fucking cheating on me", "Lauren?", the girl popped back up from the ground looking at me, "keanna?", "wait you have a girlfriend", "you two know each other".

"You didn't know about me?" Keanna shook her head putting her hands up surrendering, I threw keanna her clothes, I looked back at Lucky with nothing but hurt in my eyes, she just started at me with a stupid look on her face,"you can't even say anything". I scoffed before turning to run out, she chased after me, "baby,wait it's not what it looks like", I turned around to hear what she was about to say next.

"We weren't doing anything babe", I chuckled, "happy anniversary" I said in a shaky voice before slamming the door shut, I walked out to my car hoping inside, I immediately starting hitting the steering wheel tears threatening to fall, i pulled off wanting to get away from this scene, I was racing down the street not knowing where to go or what to do.

I pulled up to this intersection, I was fuming with emotions, I wanted to lay in the street and die, I felt like crying for hours on end, I was so upset, this girl was my rock, she pulled me out of how fucked up my life used to be, the tears were spewing from my eyes at very fast rates, my phone was dinging receiving calls and text messages, her moans replayed in my head as the light turned green, she continued to text me, I grabbed my phone trying to turn on do not disturb.

I didn't see the car coming towards me, it made impact, the next thing I knew m the car was flipping over, the windshield broke send glass all over me, I saw my life flash before my eyes until I hit my head knocking me out. When I woke up there was a blinding light flashed in my eyes, "mam", "mam", "can you hear me?", "can you tell me your name". I was laying on a gurney strapped down with a neck brace around my neck, my ears were ringing loudly and the parametric's voice was fading in out.

My eye lids became heavy as I was being lifted into the ambulance, "hey, stay with me Hun, can you tell me your name?", "Lauren" I managed to grunt out, my legs were killing me, "good,good, my name is Matt", "Lauren I know you're tiered but I need you to stay awake for me can you do that", I was having trouble seeing blood was dripping into my eyes. "It hurts" I cried out to him, "that's good at least you're legs still work", my eyes grew heavy again, "Lauren, stay with me babe" I closed my eyes un able to open them again.

I woke up in a bed with an Iv in my arm and a white thing on my finger, my leg was in a cast laying on a pillow, there was something itchy around my waist, I moved my hand feeling it, it was bandaged thoroughly. The door swung open, in walked my mom and dad, followed by my brother and sister. "Papá " I said excitedly attempting to get up. "No no hija, rest" my dad said stoping me from getting up.

I laid back down, "hey Taylor", "hi Chris", "hey" Taylor said back excitedly, "sup" Chris said never taking his eyes off his phone. "Hi mom" I said with a little hope in my voice. "Hi Lauren" she said a little less enthusiastic, she wasn't very fond of me being gay, maybe because she caught me making out with a super hot chick, I mean I technically wasn't hiding, we were in the kitchen but I also thought no o e was home.

The doctor walked in, "hi, miss Jauregui?" He said unsure, I nodded, "so you have suffered a few creaked ribs and a broken leg, nothing major" I nodded sighing then wincing it hurt to even breathe, "it has been brought to my attention that you live by yourself, well you're going to be in a wheel chair for the next month so a nurse has been a pointed to you", I sighed "I'm not 80 I can get around", "how long until I can play again?", "it depends what sport and what position", "soft ball and short stop", "who do you play for?", "Sacramento Hornets", "wow, you guys are 28-0" he said impressed.

"I know which is why I need to know how soon" I said, "it depends on how fast your bones heal, if I were to give it a estimate..., at the minimum 2 months"
I sighed closing my eyes, "it's okay hija, at least you don't have to go to shcool for two months, or until your able to walk again", I was still pissed, "Welp on the bright side your being discharged today" I gave a smug smile to him.

•back at Lauren's house•
"Woah you live here" Chris said excitedly finally looking up from his phone, I chuckled "last time I checked I did", I opened the door Chris and Taylor ran in nearly tipping me over, I looked at the door size and with and size of my chair trying to calculate how the fuck two stairs a lifted door and a handy cap person will work.

Before I knew it I was being lifted out of my chair inside, "you sure know how to make someone feel handy caped" I said to my dad as he carried me over to my couch setting me down gently, he chuckled, "I had to change your diapers, "you're dignity means absolutely nothing to me", I rolled my eyes turning on the tv, I noticed my mom standing up awkwardly, "ma, you can sit down", she looked around at my couches like they weren't good enough for her. "I'll stand", I let out a deep breath, "do we have to do this every time we see each other?".

"I don't know Lauren when are you going to stop pretending to be something you're not", "for the upteenth time, I am gay, les-bi-an, you cannot change who I am of what I like"
"It's a faze and it's getting old now" I blew out a deep breath, "I came out 6 years ago don't you think that so called faze would have passed?", dad Taylor and Chris watched us go back and forth, "well maybe you're doing it just to embarrass me". I laughed humorlessly, "you know what mom, don't let the door hit you".

She looked at me with a grimace, "let's go" she said angrily, "Lauren can I stay?" Chris asked not moving, "why not" I said unenthusiastically, "well be here to pick you up before I flight leaves", "sounds good" he said in a sarcastic tone, she scoffed before turning out the door, Taylor walked up to me giving me a hug followed by my dad, "bye" they both said in Unison, "adios" I said locking the door behind them.

Chris got up walking to the kitchen, "what you have to eat in this bitch?", "what ever your cooking" I said back in a smart ass tone. He grunted, "let's order a pizza and hot wings and breadsticks", "do you have pizza and hot wings and breadsticks money?", "why yes I do thank you very much" he said taking out his phone calling dominos, after he got off the phone he came and sat down a cross from me, "so, what exactly happened?".

I looked at him, "what do you mean?" I said playing dumb, "I mean the nurse said your phone was getting calls and messages no stop from some named Lucy, so what happened?", "where is my phone" I said looking around. took it out of his pocket holding it up, "pass me it" I said, "not until you tell me what happened" I sighed, IfoundoutmysoontobeexgirlfriendLucywascheatingonme. I said getting it all out I one breath.

"Maybe a little slower this time, and choppier", "I said I found out my soon to be ex-girlfriend Lucy was cheating on me on our 3 month anniversary", "what a bitch" he said shaking his head, "tell me about it" I was just getting angry thinking about it. "What about you, what's your love life looking like?", "oh me, my girlfriend is all that she's thick, educated, and she's fine", "what are you waiting for let me see" I said anxiously. He handed me the phone,

"Holy damn" is all I managed to get out, "how old is she?", "she's 21", "and you said she's bi sexual". I said clicking on her contact, "no Lauren I never said that, give me the phone" I started typing, he jumped up trying to take the phone from me, I read out loud as I typed, "have you ever kissed a girl?" He snatched it form me before I could hit send. "Awe,no fun" I I said as the door bell rang. "What's her name?" I asked curiously, "jilly" he said getting up walking to the door, "oo,she sounds like a freak", "shut up" he said with a bit of jealousy in his tone.

Chris and I watched movies and ate dominos sharing and laughing at our memories, I woke up on the ground with my leg elevated on Chris's chest his arm was laying across my face, "what the fuck happened last night" imagines flashed in my mind, we got sugar high and had a dance party, well he did I just cheered him on, the door bell rang again, "Chris" I said sitting up, he flipped his head over laying back down, I wasn't playing games, I smacked his face roughly with the back of my hand.

His head shot up, "hum?" He said never opening his eyes, "get the door", he grunted Laying his head back down, "get up right now before I get the choncla". He started laughing, "ill push you down the stairs", "I'll fuck your girlfriend" his head shot up and so did his body he walked to the door opening it. In walked dad and Taylor, "woah you guys look horrible" Taylor said laughing at the both of us, Chris walked back to his spot on the floor getting into the same position shutting his eyes again, "no it's to early for this, get out of my house". He grunted, "Noooooo", "it's 9am" Taylor said in a matter of factly tone.

"Vamos Chris" he immediately got up, he was always scared of our dad, I scoffed "buster" low enough for him to hear, "you know what Lauren, Id there's something you need to say you should walk up to me and say it, stand up and say it to my face".

I chuckled, "remember that time when dads car was missing for a couple of hours, I think my amnesia is wearing off". As i was finishing the sentence he came and grabbed me roughly pulling me into a hug,"I love you too sis" he patted my back roughly.

Taylor pulled me into a hug, "love you" she said rubbing my back, "love you more" I said back, "yea your probably right" i gasped pretending to be hurt, "bye hija, we'll be back soon", "bye pops" i said waving them off, "oh yeah you're physical therapy nurse should be here any minute","be nice" he said before shutting the door.

I managed to crawl to my chair using my upper body to pull me into it, I grabbed all of the trash off the table wheeling over to the trash can, I rolled into the bathroom I really did look bad, I took my hair out of the bun letting it be free, I put a little water in it, "Jesus, my lips look like freeze dried strawberries" I grabbed my chap stick layering it on.

I couldn't reach my tooth brush so I rolled back into the kitchen popping in a peppermint, I rolled back to my room, I took of my clothes from yesterday, I stunk a little bit so I grabbed a wash cloth quickly wiping my body down I threw on some sweats before going into the living room turning on the tv.

I lifted my self onto the couch, my ribs hurt a little bit but I can handle it. The door bell rang, "it's open" I yelled, the door swung open revealing the most beautiful woman I ever seen, she was pure chocolate , she couldn't be any older than 25, "hi, I'm Normani, you're home nurse, she had this big bright smile in her face, "damn" was all I could get out, her smile was so...damn, her body was so...damn, she was so...god damn.

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