Proxy Problems (Creepypasta x...

By HomicidalSweetheart

164K 3.6K 8.8K

(Y/N) was a normal, orphaned teenager. She had a bunch of disorders, her mother was dead, her father was... g... More

A/N Before we start...
1. Operation: Undercover
"Mood Swings"
3. Interrogation
4. Competition
5. Oh... Joy
6. Secrets Revealed
7. Dude... we're Screwed
8. Dreams
9. Friends
10. Boys are Idiots
11. Gone
12. This is what love is like
13. Decision
15. Saving the Proxies
Warzones: Sneak Peak
Nearing the End

14. What Happened?

4.8K 107 139
By HomicidalSweetheart

~Unknown PoV~ 

I watched the boy drag the unconscious bodies of Slender's three little proxies into the forest, one by one. Alex was a good proxy, but he can be a bit... overenthusiastic.

I've made deals with the devil, literally, and brought the boy back. After years of these pity squabbles I've had with Slenderman, I'm finally going to win. After all, Slenderman can't fight if I've got his Proxies, and soon his daughter, with me.

I laughed softly as I saw the irritated expression on Alex's face. There he is, scrawny Alex Kralie, forced to drag three well-built boys on his own through the forest, while I hide in the shadows and laugh at him. Hey, I'm the leader, I don't do the dirty work, unless it involves spilling blood.

When Alex managed to drag them in the trees, I teleported to him.

"Seriously?? Couldn't you have just teleported them all to HQ?" Alex Complained

" I could, but it's much funnier seeing you struggle" I replied

"Douche..." He muttered

"What was that, Kralie?"

"Nothing sir..."

"Thought so."

With those last words, I teleported to my Headquarters. It was a relatively modern building... On the inside. Because the building was situated in the centre of the city, we have disguised it on the outside as an old, broken down storage facility. Here, me and my followers live, scheme, train and occasionally bicker. Slender calls his followers "family". I call them followers. Straightforward and true. At some point, I might even have been considered "family" to Slenderman. The man is an idiot.

As Kralie once again struggled with dragging the bodies through the building, I went to my office.

I crashed onto my office chair and looked out the large window that overlooked the neighbourhood.

"Revenge will be sweet, indeed"

~Your PoV~

I went outside to the scorch marks, now heavily armoured and armed, and surveyed the scene some more. There were grooves in the grass... They must've been dragged. I followed the trail, but it stopped directly in the first line of trees.


The fact that there is now further trail, means they were either teleported, or they flew... and I'm pretty sure Alex isn't half fairy.

But how?

Does Alex have an accomplice? Because I'm pretty sure he can't teleport. The next question is, where..

I need to find Alex's hiding spot, and something tells me it isn't in the forest.

Why would a guy that hates Slender live in the same forest as Slender? I huffed and went deeper into the forest until I got to the other side, and into the city.

While I walk around the city for possible hideouts, my thoughts wandered to the proxies.

I hope they are okay....

Soon, my thoughts led to what would happen if they were killed, and my heart immediately tightened and tears slowly started welling up in my eyes.

I don't want to lose Hoodie and my best Friends.

I can't lose them.

I won't allow it!

These thoughts were the exact thing I needed to spark my determination, and I seemed to have discovered some sort of ability. If I concentrated, I could sense the number of people in a building, but it was tricky. After hours of walking in the huge city, I lost my temper.

I was fed up.

First, I meet my only living relatives after 16 years of being abandoned.

Second, my best and only friends start fighting over me.

Thirdly, some fire-crazy wacko is after me

And Fourthly, just when I finally made up my mind, the damned jerk kidnaps them!

I growled loudly in frustration, and immediately caught the nearby passersby's attention. My tendrils extended, and a loud ringing noise echoed through the region. My mouth split at the side, like Slender's does, and my eyes darkened until they were black. Out of frustration, I threw my grenades at the people and large infernos started as the grenades exploded. The humans that weren't killed either ran away screaming, or tried helping others.

I was so angry.

My vision  turned red, and I started killing everything in sight.

Until I saw the last building with living things in them.

An old abandoned warehouse.

I growled and kicked the doors open, revealing a very clean, modern building, and stormed in. Somehow, I missed someone, and they grabbed me from behind before I could sense them, or fight back, and pressed a rag against my face.

I gasped and breathed in a sweet aroma.


I was out in seconds.


I woke up again in a dimly lit room. No windows, and I couldn't tell if it was night or day. I felt nauseous because of that stupid chloroform, and I felt dizzy. Everything felt.. weird... I must still be in Rage-Mode. I tried moving my arms, but they wouldn't move. I blinked a few times, in hope to sharpen my vision again.

The room I was in, was relatively empty, with a few pipes and boxes, and I was sitting... yes.. I was sitting on a chair and tied up with thick ropes. If I moved just the right way, the ropes would slip down a teensy bit, but it will never be enough to get out.

I heard footsteps, and hung my head, pretending to still be asleep, in hope to trick them somehow.

"-Still haven't told me what you plan on doing to the girl"

Alex Kralie.

"You don't have to know"

I blinked. I didn't know who the other guy is, but something about his voice.. it sounds so familiar..

"Oi! We know you're not asleep!" Alex yelled, making me flinch.

I glared at him and struggled a bit.

"Where are my friends??" I asked

"Somewhere" said the unknown man. It was too dark to see his face. Or him for that matter.

"Where is 'somewhere'?"

"Not in this room"

I growled in frustration, and tried to extend my tendrils to untie the ropes, but they were trapped.

"Let me go!"


I blinked and stopped struggling


"We can let you go, but we won't tell you where your friends are. We are done with you"

I thought a while, trying to make sense of his words, then I growled at him

"What did you do to me?? Where are the proxies?? What are you going to do to them??"

"Oh, don't you worry. It's not your concern"

I growled at him again, and struggled more. This guy wasn't good for my already thin-worn patience. I bared my teeth as I struggled and violently pulled against the ropes. A strange, almost animalistic, snarl escaped my mouth, and I lashed out with my tendrils, and the chair I was sitting on broke, allowing my freedom. I immediately got up and stood in a threatening stance, ready to attack, but the bloody cowards were gone. I snarled and ran up the steps, my worry for the proxies coming back like an annoying rash. My cheeks knit themselves back together, and my tendrils retracted, as I sprinted through the building, only now realising that I'm defenceless except for my powers, and searched for the proxies.

I swear, as soon as I save them, I will burn this place down, and make sure Alex and his buddy are still in here.

I. will. kill. them.

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