Proxy Problems (Creepypasta x...

By HomicidalSweetheart

164K 3.6K 8.8K

(Y/N) was a normal, orphaned teenager. She had a bunch of disorders, her mother was dead, her father was... g... More

A/N Before we start...
1. Operation: Undercover
"Mood Swings"
3. Interrogation
4. Competition
5. Oh... Joy
6. Secrets Revealed
8. Dreams
9. Friends
10. Boys are Idiots
11. Gone
12. This is what love is like
13. Decision
14. What Happened?
15. Saving the Proxies
Warzones: Sneak Peak
Nearing the End

7. Dude... we're Screwed

9.2K 240 431
By HomicidalSweetheart

~ Your PoV ~

"Dad?!" Masky said

"Say what now?" Hoodie said

"I knew it!" Toby said.

We all looked at him in surprise.

"What? She's really pale and skinny. She said she met her dad last year, and she also said Slender started stalking her a year ago... I just connected the dots. Same story, different cover. It's really not that hard." He explained. I shook my head and glared at Slender again.

"Why did you send your Proxies after me? I told you I'll be fine!" I said

"Child, please, you don't know what you're up against..."

"How bad can it be? I'm half you. I think I'll be fine."

"Please just listen to me for once!"

"NO! You abandoned me, Slender! Where were you when mom died?! Why help me now?" I said

"You do not understand. It's not what you think-"

"I understand quite well! You ignored my existence because you broke the rules by keeping me alive! Why you haven't killed me when I was born is beyond me! I'm endangering the people around me just by existing!"


"NO! Do you know what hell I've been through in that orphanage?! What it feels like to be called a freak?! It's all your fault!"

I felt a surge go through me, and I immediately recognised it. It's what happens every time I lose control over my emotions... but the only difference is, I let it go instead of oppressing it. A huge wave of energy pulsed from me, throwing back papers, books, anything, including Slender. He and his Proxies stumbled back.

"That's enough! Listen to me-!"

"Fuck. You." I said and darted out of the office, the Proxies following me. Following, not chasing. Strange.

I sprinted out of the building, the boys having no trouble catching up to me.

"I'm so getting grounded for this!" I yelled.

"I didn't know you could do that!" Toby yelled.

"That was so cool!" Hoodie yelled.

"Hurry! I think he's catching up!" Masky yelled

Suddenly Hoodie disappeared. I heard him yelp and I looked behind me. Slender had grabbed him by the foot and Hoodie was now dangling upside down. Two can play at that game! I ran slower, and extended my own tentacles form my back. Gee.... haven't used them in a while. I grabbed onto Hoodie, and pried Slender's tentacle off Hoodie's ankle. I almost dropped him, since I'm kinda out of practice, and Hoodie is heavier than I thought.

I managed to get Hoodie, and run away again.

"You are just full of surprises aren't you?" He said after I got him back.

"You haven't seen anything yet!" I yelled. All four of us broke through the barrier of trees, Slender long gone. I retracted my tentacles, and surveyed the scene. I wasn't that far away from my home, still walking distance. I walked along the line of trees to my home.

"So... Slender is your dad?" Masky said, just trying to break the slightly awkward silence. I snickered.

"Isn't it obvious?" I said

"Well... for one you have a face.... and you're kinda..."

"Short? Yup. Ironic ain't it?"

"Why are you so..... casual about this? I'd be freaking out."

"That's because you only found out now."

"I... huh. Makes sense."

I smiled at him.

"How'd you guys meet him?" I said." Even though you guys don't actually remember yourselves, and just what he told you." I continued.

They stayed silent for a while.

"I started going insane after my sister died..." Toby said. I looked at him.

"And then Slender started appearing... my... dad was a drunk old bastard. He didn't care for any of us. Not Me. Not Mom. Not... Lyra... So I killed him and ran. I set the house and a large part of the forest on fire, almost killing myself, but then Slender saved me. When I woke up after that, I couldn't remember anything." he continued.

I smile at him.

"I guess both our dad's are assholes. What about you two?" They didn't answer immediately.

"Well... it's started when we were making a movie with-" Hoodie said.

"Meow!" We turned our gazes toward the sound, and saw Felix running towards us.

"Felix? What're you doing here? Home is that way, silly!" I said, picking up the cat.

"Hey, anyone else smell smoke?" Toby said.

"Oh, ha-ha" Masky said sarcastically.

"No, really, I smell something burning" We all stopped and sniffed the air.

"Forest fire?" I ask.

"No... I know forest fire. This smells... different..." Hoodie said.

Masky suddenly went stiff as a plank.

"Wait...." he muttered. He looked at Hoodie.

They both sprinted off towards my home. Toby and I followed them shortly.

We reached my home... or what's left of it.

The remnants of my home was still a flaming pile of ashes.

"No..." I muttered.

Felix gave an agitated purr and jumped out of my arms.

"No, no, no... not again..." Masky muttered.

"Bad case of Deja vu, I see." a male voice said behind me. I heard the sound of a gun's safety being disabled. I stiffened. Hoodie tackled me to the floor, getting me out of firing range. He stayed on top of me, protecting me from any potential bullet wounds. Masky slowly backed away, and Toby unsheathed his hatchets. Masky and Hoodie seemed very afraid of this guy.

I peeked slightly from under Hoodie at the guy. He had brown hair and eyes, and was wearing glasses.

"Alex?! You should be dead!" Masky yelled.

"Shut up, you liar! It's your fault I died!"

"Yeah, I killed you, so what? You killed Brian and attempted to kill me before that! You killed Jay too! Jessica and I are the only ones to survive! If she's still alive!" Masky yelled.

"It's your fault it came after us! It's your fault I tried killing everyone!" he yelled

"Are you just gonna yell at each other, or are we gonna kill this guy?" Toby said.

"Hoodie, you can get off now, I can defend myself." I say.

"Sorry. Don't want you getting hurt." he muttered. He got up, but still stood between me and this... Alex.

"What do you want, Alex?" Hoodie said coldly.

"The girl. I finally tracked down that thing's precious daughter. She's my way of getting revenge." he said

"I'm guessing you're the ass who burnt down my house?" I said.

He ignored me. Masky started yelling at him again, Hoodie still protecting me. Then I had an Idea.

I slowly extended my tentacles, wrapping them around each of the boys' wrists. They caught on fast, and pretended to not notice. Then, closing my eyes and concentrating with all my might, I teleported.

When I opened my eyes, we were in front of the Mansion. I fell to my knees in a coughing fit.

"Man *cough*... I need  to *cough* practice more..." I said. The boys bent down to me, checking if I'm alright.

When the coughs subsided, I stood up.

"You think he followed us?" I say, my voice sounding strange and weak.

"No... he doesn't know where the Mansion is." Masky said.

"Tim, I though you said you killed him." Hoodie said.

"I did kill him. I made sure, believe me. I wasn't going to give that bastard a chance to live. Or, well, that's what it looked like on the video." he said.

"Gee... looks like taping everything was a good idea, huh?" Toby said.

"I thought you guys said Marble Hornets weren't real" I said.

"We.. might've lied to keep the whole Slender thing a secret. We had to, remember. Orders." Masky said.

"Makes sense." I said. I looked back at the Mansion.

"He's so gonna rub it in my face. " I say.

The boys laughed, then we made our way up the steps to the front door. I lifted my arm to knock on the door, and a sharp pain shot through my arm. I cried out and looked at my arm, only now noticing the bullet wound. Alex must've shot me just as I teleported.

Hoodie looked at my arm, then opened the door and lead me inside. He lead me by hand to a room that ought to be the medical lab. There were cabinets filled with various medicines and surgical tools that was neatly placed on a counter nearby. Everything was white, and a surgical table was in the middle of the room. It looked like a standard ER that you would find in a hospital.

Hoodie gestured for my to sit, then grabbed a few things from the cabinets. I sat down on the table, lifting the short sleeve of my shirt to let Hoodie work. He was calm, like he's done this many times before.

"How are you so calm?" I ask.

"I've... had my fair share of bullet wounds. Mostly on missions. Mostly on Masky. Why Masky is always getting shot is beyond me." he said and placed the item on a small metal table next to me.

"This might sting a bit." he said, and lightly dabbed a cloth against my wound. The substance on the cloth was cold, and I shivered. As Hoodie cleaned my wound, I started asking him about this... Alex.

"So... who was that guy?" I ask.

"Alex Kralie. He used to be a friend of mine." he answered plainly.

"Used to be?" I say.

"Yeah... I played in one of his films. The original Marble Hornets. Don't ask me why he called it that, I have absolutely no idea. But yeah. Tim and I met him while auditioning for the film. Okay, I auditioned, Tim was waiting for me, and I got him to audition too."

"I find it hard to believe that you, Mister Social Anxiety, was an actor." I say.

He chuckled.

"Well, if your friend was starting to go insane halfway through filming, then having a faceless demon/alien/whatever he is stalk you and makes that friend go homicidal, I'm pretty sure you'll develop a bad case of stage fright as well."

I laughed at him. "Wonderfully put, Hoodie." I said.

Hoodie, smiled. I couldn't exactly see it, but I can tell. He grabbed the bandages and wrapped it around my arm. When he finished, he stood upright and held his hand out for me to take, and I did. I jumped off the table, but Hoodie didn't let go of my hand. I didn't mention it though.

"So, what happens now?" I ask, trying not to blush.

"Now, we go to Slender to explain our little... problem." He lead me through the living room, where the elf-boy was playing video games and a guy with black hair and pure white skin was watching him play.

"Hey, Hoods, where's the other two?" I ask, eyeing the pale guy, who seems to have a cut on his face that looks oddly like a smile.

"They're already a Slender's office. Probably. Or they're searching for us. I wouldn't worry about it" he said. He sounded almost glad that the other two weren't with us.

We approached my father's office and Hoodie knocked. After hearing a 'come in', Hoodie pulled me inside.

"Sir, we have a problem" he said. Slender cleared his throat, and Hoodie let go of my hand. I giggled at him. He was blushing, I just know it.

"Where's the other two?" Slender said.

"Oh, they're here. Not sure where here, but here." Hoodie said.

"That makes no sense. Well, what's the issue, child?"

"Kralie is back" He said.

"Impossible. I didn't bring him back. The only other person I know who can do that is Zalgo and my brothers."

"Maybe Zalgo did it to piss you off again..." Hoodie said



"Or, he sees it as a way to kill a bird twice. " I mutter. They look at me.

"What? They both want revenge, they both get revenge."

"I understand that. But the expression is 'To Kill two birds with one stone'"

"Oh screw you." I say "I said it like that because they're throwing two stones"

"And killing two birds" Hoodie said.

"I... good point."

"If we are finished here, I advise you to stay here (y/n). I can find you a room. You can borrow clothes from one of the girls or-"

"Uncle Trendy!" I finished.

Hoodie looked at me.

"You like your uncle but not your dad?" he said

"Yeah, well, I saw him a lot.... and we actually talk so..."

"You wouldn't have hated me so much if you could just remember."

"Remember wha-" I couldn't finish. Everything suddenly went dark.

The last thing I saw was Hoodie reaching out to me.

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