WRONG #complete

נכתב על ידי LeeleeKez

134K 11.9K 302

"You must find him, the man with the..." "The greasy shirt and turkey on his laps" She echoed Eve. "Of course... עוד

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter Fifteen

3.1K 295 10
נכתב על ידי LeeleeKez

Eve stood by the side of the ball room, her eyes scanning the crowd as they went about dancing, socializing and the likes. While the party was thrown in her honor, she was way too tired from her trip back to Celin, to socialize.

After her meeting with Father in the throne room, she was whisked away to her bed chamber to get dressed for her home coming party. She was given a warm bath, her hair was combed and braided to the top of her head to form a crown, a gold colored gown was worn for her and paired with black sandals.

She stood, trying to look interested in the party as people she didn't care to recognize, passed by and exchanged pleasantries with her. A few young men had asked her to dance but she had turned them all down. In a few seconds, she would excuse herself from the party and go to her bed chamber.

“Princess” She smiled at the familiarity of the voice. “May I have this dance?” She spun around to see Chris standing behind her.

“At the risk of sounding like a terrible host, I would just rather lay down.”

“I will take that as a yes” He grabbed her hands and led her to the dance floor. He faced her and grabbed her waist with one hand and her right hand with the other. He leaned close. “Tell me about this Prince of Graceland” He whispered against her hair.

“Mark” She smiled to herself. “He is so wonderful, Chris. You both will get along just fine.”

“Eve” He stopped in his tracks and held her at arm's length. “Father might absolutely love you but your desires could destroy him. My advice, forget about Greece and the people you met there. You have a responsibility here”

She watched him, confused. How did he expect her to forget Mark?

“Is something wrong?” She looked into his eyes. “The Chris I left behind couldn't care less about responsibilities. Why now?”

He took her hands and swayed her gently on the dance floor. “Father will not welcome your news, Eve. ”

“I know. But everything will work out, I just need to know you are on my side”

He let out a nervous laugh. “You are quite head strong but this isn't like the time you requested for your freedom for a year. This is much more different. When do you plan on telling him?”

“I don't know” She leaned on his chest. “Mark is still in Greece and he made me promise to wait until his departure to Graceland, a month from now”

“Good, you have a month to think things through”

She listened to his words but said nothing, there was nothing for her to think through; her mind was made up, she was going to marry the Prince whether or not Father approved.


“If you miss the Prince so much, then you must write a letter. I will deliver it myself” Adrianna said, as Eve sat with her legs crossed on her bed.

She stood before Eve two weeks after their return to Celin. She had gotten a lot better the moment she stepped foot on solid grounds. Thankfully, Eve had restrained Amir from throwing her over board. She frowned. The Arab had something against her. Not that she knew what it was but she thought it best to avoid him.

After a week of recuperating, she had returned to serving Eve. Apparently, Eve requested that Adrianna be given to her as a personal slave. The times they spent alone, Eve would sit and speak of nothing else but Mark and Adrianna had no choice but to listen. She wished above all things that she could shut Eve up but she was nothing but a slave, subject to her master. If only she could end this madness. She had sat in bed for days until the right idea came to her mind.

“Of course!” Eve chirped.

A few minutes later, Adrianna walked hurriedly down the flight of stairs, Eve's letter in her hand. Only, she wasn't going to deliver the letter to a slave who would take it to the sea port where it would be bound for Greece.

Once down the stairs, she took the turn to her left and walked down another hall way. She passed by a large fountain in the middle of the an open space and took another flight of stairs that led her to the King's quarters. She came to a halt in front of a huge door, two guards standing in front.

“Tell the King that I would like to be granted audience with him immediately” She said.

The guards eyed her, a smirk on their face.

“Why would the King grant audience to a slave girl?” One finally spoke.

“Would he grant me audience if I told him it had to do with Graceland and the Princess might be in danger?” She questioned, her brows coming together to form a frown. “Oh for heaven's sake, you two idiots, get out of my way!” She demanded.

They exchanged looks then one went in perhaps to inform the King of her presence. A few minutes passed and the guard reappeared.

“You may enter”

She slid through the door and walked a short distance down another hall. She had never been to the King's quarters before. It was grand, beyond everything she imagined it to be. To her right, stood a door and a guard. At the sight of her, he nodded his head and she passed through the door and came face to face with a massive living room. Gold vases and lamp stands stood on the tables that lined the side of the wall. A purple Persian rug stood in the center of the room. The King was seated on a golden chair. 

“Your Majesty!” The moment she snapped out of her trance, she fell to her knees.

“What is this you say about Eve being in danger of Graceland?” She heard his authoritative, yet worried voice.

“I fear for the life of the Princess, oh King” She placed her head on the marbled floor.

“You will rise, and you will speak” He said impatiently.

She scrambled to her feet and stood before the tall, salt and pepper haired, yet handsome king. His son Christopher bore a striking resemblance to him. She could tell from the look in his brown eyes that he was concerned.

“The voyage to Greece almost cost the Princess her sanity. I'm afraid she had completely lost it. For you see, she has been bewitched by the Prince of Graceland and claims to have fallen in love with him” She watched as the King became completely pale at her words. “I have a letter here to prove it” She said, letter in hand.

The King nodded towards a guard she hadn't noticed until now. The guard walked to her and retrieved the letter from her hands. He walked back to the King who took it from him. There and then, he tore open the letter.

She waited a few seconds and watched as the look in his eyes went from confused, to shocked, to angry. She watched as anger settled on his face and he squeezed the letter in his hands.

“Leave!” He growled.

She didn't wait to be told twice as she hurriedly walked out, a big smile on her face.

המשך קריאה

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