The Princess Needs A Prince

By BookwormStory101

8.1K 651 94

The United States is not the same. Neither is the world. The world dwells in a monarchy government. Kings and... More

[Chapter One]
[Chapter Two]
[Chapter Three]
[Chapter Four]
[Chapter Five]
[Chapter Six]
[Chapter Seven]
[Chapter Eight]
[Chapter Nine]
[Chapter Ten]
[Chapter Eleven]
[Chapter Twelve]
[Chapter Thirteen]
[Chapter Fourteen]
[Chapter Fifteen]
[Chapter Sixteen]
[Chapter Seventeen]
[Chapter Eighteen]
[Chapter Nineteen]
[Chapter Twenty]
[Chapter Twenty-One]
[Chapter Twenty-Two]
[Chapter Twenty-Three]
[Chapter Twenty-Five]
[Chapter Twenty-Six]
[Chapter Twenty-Seven]
[Chapter Twenty-Eight]
[Chapter Twenty-Nine]
[Chapter Thirty]
[Chapter Thirty-One]
[Chapter Thirty-Two]
[Chapter Thirty-Three]
[Chapter Thirty-Four] The End
[Chapter Thirty-Five] I Do
[Thank You]

[Chapter Twenty-Four]

163 19 7
By BookwormStory101

Xavier's POV:

"Yeah, just set that there," I directed. She set the flowers in the middle of the table.

The lights were already strung up. It was already getting dark, but we had time. The preparations were almost done.

Talking to a serving boy, I heard the door. My head turned when it clicked open while she burst through door. She stood at the opening, her hair a mess. But her dress was stunning. It fit her waist perfectly. She was gasping, as if she had been running.

My mouth was open in shock. She was nearly two hours early.

"Uh, Nayla?"

"Am I late?" she gasped. She looked around and her face was beginning to filled with horror. I walked to her. "Oh Xavier, I'm so-sorry. I thought-thought that it was time and I just ran. And I oh, gosh-"

She stood before me, still gasping for breath. I chuckled. "You uh, surprised me."

"Early bird gets the worm?" She smiled and bit her lip.

"First you scare me half to death, then you call me a worm. You sure know how to make a guy feel special."

"It's a talent," she laughed.

After ordering the guards and serving ladies away, we sat across from each other. The food wasn't ready yet so we waited.

"I really am sorry, Xavier."

"It's alright," I chuckled. "But what gave you the impression that it was time?"

"Well, Rose, my head Lady had informed me. And, I really do trust her, so I went with it. But I should have checked the time anyways." She shrugged. I nodded and sipped on my wine. Her hair was calmer. She had straightened her dress and her smile was framed worriedly on her face.

"Are you going to fire this Rose?"

She gasped. "Heavens no! Why a would I do something like that!"

"Well because she did something wrong."

"Oh everyone makes mistakes Xavier."

I just shrugged.

"Well, how is the party planning going?" I asked, changing the topic.

"To be honest, it's actually been quite challenging. With all of the countries to consider, It's difficult to consider everyone."

"Ah, I see. That really must be difficult. If you do need help though, I'm happy to lend a hand." I offered. She looked stressed.

"Thank you. Anyways, let's forget about that for now. Update me about your family. Have you told them of the news?"

"Yes I have. They were overjoyed to be invited, especially my brothers. Those rascals." I said. She laughed.

"That's good."

"You could say. They have ways of making you feel annoyed without making you angry."

"Hmm, sounds like someone I know." She replied, raising a brow. I eyed her.

"Is that supposed to mean something?" I asked.

"Beats me," she shrugged. I shook my head and smiled.

When I looked up, I found that the serving boy had come to deliver the food. He set the silver plater in front of both of us. The steam of the broth reached my nose. Delightful.

"Thank you, Grant," Nayla said looking at him. I looked at her. The boy perked up at his name and smiled widely. Then he quickly poured our drinks and left.

"Do you know everyone's name?" I asked. Why waste time in trying to memorize names if they could be fired anytime?

I tasted a spoonful of the soup. Carrots were added.

"I try my best."

"So that's a yes?"

"No, that's a, I know most, but still learning when new members come."

"But why?"

"Because it makes them happy, if you could tell." She looked at my plate and then directly at me. I couldn't decipher her eyes.

"But they could leave any minute. And you don't even have time to get to know them." I shrugged.

"Ah, but you forget my point. It makes them happy when they are recognized, doesn't it? They clean my rooms. They make my food. They got chosen because they were the best. They worked for it. Shouldn't they be recognized for their hard work?"

Hmmm. If you think of it like that.

"Why do you keep picking out your carrots?" She asked suddenly. I was surprised to see she noticed. I had been tucking them beside my plate.

"Because I don't like them."

She frowned. "You shouldn't be a picky eater," she scolded.

"Gee okay mom."

The edge of her lips lifted slightly.

"Really, you don't like them? Why?"

"Tasted them as a kid and I've never ate them again."






"Yes, never. I don't like carrots."

"Well maybe they don't like you either." She said.

I nearly choked on my food. I wiped my mouth and laughed. I just laughed. When I finished, I adjusted my tie.

"I don't see what's so funny." She looked at me, utterly confused.

"Really? Well maybe they don't like you either?" I mocked.

"I don't sound like that." She giggled. "Well, maybe just a little."

Grant came back to refill our cups. She motioned to him. He leaned down as she whispered something in his ear. He smiled and left with a bow.

"You going to tell me what that was about?" I asked, eyeing her. She sat contently. The dark sky was was lit with the sprinkled stars.



"But I will ask you what you like to do. What do you like to do?"

"I play the guitar when I have spare time. I also talk with the other guys. Other than that, I get calls from my family from time to time."

"That's interesting," she nodded.

"And you?" I asked. Really, what does she do. Is her mind filled with one of the guys here?

"I read alone or go to the library to read to the children. Or talk to Rose and Kate. But my day is usually filled with dragging documents and paperwork."

"You really lead an exciting life."

She smiled. "I agree through and through."

Grant came back with two cakes. Nayla smiled kindly at him before he scurried off without a word.

I took a small bite. I'm really not a big fan of sweets, but this is amazing. I dug in. "Wow, this is good! Don't you think?" I said.

"You really think so?"

"Yeah!" I exclaimed.

"Good, because 90% of this cake is made of carrots."

I nearly dropped my fork. Carrots tasted this good?

"You're lying."

"It's a fact."

"But carrots are supposed to taste like medicine," I said without thinking.

"Well then medicine must really taste good," she said. Her eyes were happy and her mouth formed a sly smile. The one that should be on my face.

I chuckled. "Alright, I hereby admit that carrots aren't that bad." She laughed. "Who made this cake anyways?" I asked.

"Grant made it personally."




"It's getting late, should we get going?" She said.

"Yeah, I'll walk you."

I extended my elbow to her. She looped hers with mine and we left the roof and the night sky.

As we walked, I could feel her radiating warmth. Maybe it was because the cold night still lingered. Maybe she felt it too, because she walked rather close to my side.

We reached her corridor in a rather short time. She stopped at her door.

"Thank you for today Xavier." She smiled.

"Always a pleasure to be with you." It truly is. With Nayla around, I always feel like myself. "And, I think...that I might just get what you mean with the serving people."

"Good, but you still have a long way to go."

I slid a hand to her waist as I pulled her into a tight hug. When she pulled away, I felt the cold hit again.

"I'll see you tomorrow Xavier." She smiled.

"Alright. Night."

She slid through the door and was gone. I stood at her door for a few seconds before leaving.


And that concludes their date. ♥o♥

You get to see how Xavier perceives things around him. Like the servants and Nayla. You see how much influence Nayla has on him. They have different lifestyles but they have a way of communicating, as you could tell.

Voting for Xavier? ;)

Aaand of course, thanks for reading.

Your beloved,


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