The Big Five

Od Ferealbum

8.7K 558 212

Excerpt: I laughed with my best friend. Joey had slipped by stepping on a puddle of water. He rubbed the back... Více

1. The Big Five
2. Favors, Sleepovers, and Shopping
3. Hating Pickles and Hiding Nicole
4. Spill the beans and eat the Ice-cream
5. Mending Relationships....or Not
6. Flirting, Hating, and the Death Whistle
7. Fisher's Treat
8. Overdue Books and Rainy Day Romances?
9. Cheater Cheater Lasagna Eater
10. Clumsy, nerdy, five-year-old artist
11. The Creep, the Jock, and the Quiet Girl
12. Onesies or Revealing Costumes
13. Halloween Dance Party
14. My hero is a cop
15. Happy Birthday, Joey
16. Die Twice, Live Twice
17. BFFs and the surprise guest
18. Big Brother's Mischief
19. Daddy Problems
20. The Flu
21. The Notebook
22. Stupid Fat Fingers and Exhausting Holidays
23. Curiosity killed the cat
24. Happy Holidays
25. Several Reasons Why
26. Chances
27. My Petty Problems
28. Besties
29. Darned Tripping Mechanism
30. Dances and Goodbye?
31. Confession
33. End It
34. Dilemma
35. Make Up
36. No Problem
37. How to Relieve Stress
38. Final-ly
39. Closure

32. Emma's Valentine

152 5 1
Od Ferealbum

Super early update. I won't be on Wattpad for at least the next two weeks, so here's an early update for you! :D


"Shh," I hissed and Maggie stifled a giggle. It had been two days since Emma came back and we were busy setting up the party for her.

"She's going to love this!" Maggie whispered, a little too loudly if you ask me.

"Well, it's not going to be much of a surprise if you keep making noise like that!"

"Shh! She's coming!"

Footsteps echoed beyond the closed door and I felt my heart beat with anticipation.

Ooh, I hope Emma likes it, I thought. What if she thinks it was insensitive? What if she doesn't enjoy it? What if she--

"Hello?" Emma's voice rang out into the room. "Nicole? Maggie? Why the heck are the lights turned off?"

Her heels clicked as she made her way to the switch. I held my breath and, as soon as the lights turned on, I jumped up.

"Surprise!" Maggie and I yelled.

Emma squealed in shock and whirled around. I gawked at the sight. She was absolutely beautiful. Her hair was tied into a bun, a silver tiara holding it in place. Her elegant strapless dress shimmered in the dazzling light, hugging her waist before flowing like a waterfall down to her legs.

Her red shoes matched well with her dress and she wore a diamond bracelet as well as matching earrings. Maggie and I had sent them to her so she would wear it before coming here. I honestly didn't think she would, but, not only did she wear it, but she also looked gorgeous.

I knew the dress would suit her perfectly, but I didn't think she would look this good. It was like I was watching a celebrity go down the red carpet.

"Um," Emma nervously said. "What are you guys doing? Why'd you tell me to wear this dress?"

I cleared my throat and smiled. "You look beautiful."

Emma smiled. "You too. Did....did you guys do this for me?"

Maggie grinned widely. "Yep. And we got another surprise."

She and I exchanged a look and stepped aside, revealing a table behind us. It was covered in a soft satin cloth, intricate designs lacing at the edge. Two chairs were placed in opposite sides and a candlestick was placed in the middle.

"Mademoiselle," Emma whirled around to be met with her date. I smiled when Liam gave her a tight hug. He wore a white suit and a red bow, which he constantly tugged at as if it was suffocating him.

"Liam?" Emma said. "What--"

"You missed the Valentine's banquet," Liam said. "I'm just here to make sure you went. I know how much you wanted to go."

Emma had tears in her eyes. She whirled around to look at us.

"You guys...." she trailed off.

"Do, uh, do you like it?" I asked.

"Like it? I love it!"

Maggie squealed in delight and pumped her fist in the air.

"Alright!" She yelled. "Let's get this party started!"

"Hold up a minute there, Mag," I interrupted. "Okay. I know this is supposed to be a Valentine's banquet for Emma, but don't you think it's a little....empty? Like it's missing something."

"Which is why I invited the party people," Maggie giggled.

"Party people?"

I jumped when a popping sound filled the air. I looked up to see Alex on the second floor.

"Are we going to get this started or what?" He asked.

I turned to Maggie with narrowed eyes, asking her what he was doing here.

She raised her hands in defense. "We needed some people for this party."

"Come on!" Oh no. She did not. "Where's the music?" I turned around and it was confirmed: Maggie had invited Sophie freaking Wagner.

"No you didn't," I said, hoping Maggie didn't really invite her.

"Uh....yeah. About that," Maggie laughed nervously.

"Maggie! This was supposed to be for Emma! What the heck is she doing here? She's only going to ruin the party!"

"What did you say?" Sophie huffed.

I groaned inwardly and put on the fakest smile I could muster before turning to face her.

"Nothing at all, Sophie."

She rolled her eyes. I honestly did not know why she hated me so much.

"I didn't come here for you, so stop feeling all special," she said, none too gently.

I turned back to Maggie, waiting for an answer.

She sighed and pulled me away to talk in privacy.

"Look. I'm sorry, but I owe her."

"Owe her?" I snorted. "What would you owe her for?"

Maggie guiltily avoided my eyes.

"She used to be my friend. Best friend."

My eyes widened. "What?! When?!"

"It was a while ago. She's not that bad, just a little possessive."

I groaned. All this time I thought Sophie hated me for no reason. She must have hated me for the same reason I hated the Big Five.

"I grew up with Sophie. Her dad is the principle of our school, so she can get a bit cocky and braggy. She doesn't mean to, but that's just how she grew up. Right before you came, I had a huge fight with her. We stopped being best friends after fighting over a guy and when you came along, it only got worse.

"You and Emma were already close by then and when I 'joined' your group, Sophie came over to me to apologize. When she saw me with the two of you, I guess she felt like I betrayed her. On top of that....ugh. I got angry at her. For stealing the guy I liked. She said she was sorry, but I brushed her off.

"I've been feeling bad about it for a while and I thought I could be friends with her again. She was never the type to throw her body at every guy. She changed about a year ago. I let it pass, but I don't like seeing her like this. I'm just trying to fix this."

I sighed. "Yeah. I understand what you mean. Alright. I'll allow her to stay."

Maggie smiled gratefully. She began to go back to the party, which had begun.

"Wait," I grabbed her arm before she could leave. "Did Emma know about this?"

Maggie shook her head. "Not really. I mean she knew I was friends with Sophie and all, but she didn't really know that I was her best friend. I never really hung out with her until I fought with Sophie."

I nodded and let her go. So the cold, mean girl did have a heart after all.

She wasn't all that different from me. Wow. What a disturbing thought.

I saw her with Alex. She was dancing with him and had a smile on her face. Looking at her from as different angle, she didn't seem so bad. She was pretty, I'll give her that. She wasn't that likable, but it was only because she hated me for stealing her friends.

Wow. Seriously? And I thought I was the only one who was going through that. I was so selfish.

I debated about whether or not to go talk to her. Maybe I could get to know her a little.

When she was done dancing, she went to a seat and took off her heel. I went over, my heart beating. I never had a friendly chat with Sophie before. This was new.

I took a seat in front of her and watched the party.

"What do you think you're doing?" Came her annoyed voice.

"Watching the party," I replied.

"Go watch it somewhere else. This table is taken."

"I can see that. It's taken by me and you."

I could see her fuming from the corner of my eye. I sighed and faced her.

"Look, Sophie," I began. "I just....well, since you're here, I thought I'd, you know, talk. I mean, I've known you for three years now and I don't even know the first thing about you."

Her nose crinkled in disgust. "Why would you want to know about me?"

"I know why you hate me," I said, avoiding her question. She seemed taken aback, but she regained her composure quickly.

"Oh?" She hissed. "Then I suggest you stay away."

"Look. I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know Maggie used to be your best friend. I'm sorry I came between you two."

She huffed. "You think an apology will make it go away?"

"Nope, and that's why I'm here. I want to be with you."

She laughed humorlessly. "Oh, yeah? Well, go f--"

"You know a funny thing?" She halted when Alex came up behind me.

"I was just wondering where you were."

She smiled at him and batted her lashes.

"Come on, Nicole."

Her eyes widened and she sent daggers at me. I swear that it was the scariest thing I ever saw.

"Uh....yeah, sure."

I stood up and grabbed his outstretched hand.

"And you wonder why I hate you," I heard Sophie mutter from behind.

I halted. "On second thought," I pulled away. "I need to go use the bathroom. Why don't you go dance with Sophie?"

He opened his mouth to say something, but he glanced behind me and closed it. He looked from me to Sophie before sighing.

"You sure?" He asked.

I nodded. "Pretty sure. Go on."

He smiled and turned back to Sophie. I saw her face light up and take his hand without hesitation. It was then that I knew. It was that look I saw in all the cheesy romance movies. It was the look I saw in myself when I fell in love with Paul.

Sophie liked Alex. Yes, she flirted with every guy she met. Yes, she threw herself at any groping hands. But I knew that look. It was the look someone got when they truly loved one person. How could I have been so blind?

I shook my head and walked away. I must be getting pretty perceptive. I was actually noticing things.

I saw Emma joking with Liam and smiled. They were at their own table, so I let them be. I found Maggie and went to her instead.

"Hey," she said as she enjoyed the music.

"Hi," I replied. I looked at the growing crowd. "Just how many people did you invite?"

She shrugged. "I don't know, but the word spread. I'm pretty sure everyone is here."

"And we thought this would be all about Emma."

"Actually," Maggie smiled slyly. "Just you wait until the highlight."

I shook my head and smiled. "I can't wait." I knew something big was up. Maggie was the best at throwing parties. She must have prepared something big.

"Anyway," I said. "Did you know Sophie likes Alex?"

Maggie's eyes widened. "No way."

"I know right."

"You freaking noticed."

"I kno--what?" I scowled at her and she burst into laughter.

"Kidding. I'm just kidding!" Maggie laughed.

"Huh, you better be. But seriously. How long have you known?"

Maggie shrugged. "Since forever. It's so obvious. The way she looks at him."

"Really? I never knew."

"Actually, he's the guy we fought over."

"Really? Alex?"

She smiled, looking a little shameful. "Alex likes her too, you know. He chose her over me. That's why I got so mad."

"Oh...." I glanced over at the couple. They were easy to spot since Sophie wore the brightest dress.

"He still likes her," Maggie said, almost wistfully.

"How do you know?"

"He's also the reason I'm trying to patch things up with Sophie, actually."

"He is?"

She nodded. "He asked me to turn Sophie back to the way she was. He broke up with her after we fought because she changed, but he still likes her."

Great. That was more of a reason to stop this game.

"Wow," I said. "That's a surprise. I never knew Sophie was so....I don't even know."

"Yeah. And they are a good couple. I admit that."

"Yep. As much as I hate to say it, Sophie isn't so bad after what you told me."

"Yeah, but she needs to stop torturing you. I think that's why Alex is in this game. He wants her to stop hurting you. It's just not her."

"Huh," I said. "That's funny. And he tries so hard to get me."

"Yeah. He needs to stop too. Both of them are going out of their way to make each other jealous."

"Ouch. I mean I want the game to end and all, but I didn't think Alex would use me."

"I'm sure it's not intentional."

"Yeah, but this game has to stop. I'm going to end it soon."

Maggie nodded. "Good idea."

We watched the dances for a couple of hours and had our dinner. Then, surprisingly, Sophie went on stage.

She cleared her throat and tapped the mic.

"Okay, everyone! This is our second Valentine's banquet this year and the prom king and queen will be announced. Because this banquet was thrown for a specific person, this banquet's prom queen is Emma Morgan!"

There was a roar of applause as Emma made her way to stage. She looked uncertain, but Sophie continued without noticing.

"And today's prom king is," she paused for effect. "Liam Smith!"

Another roar of applause, as well as some back slapping, accompanied Liam to the stage.

"The couple will dance and then you may join."

Maggie leaned over to me to whisper, "She wanted to be the host since she couldn't be the prom queen."

I snickered. Typical Sophie. She always had to be the best.

Emma and Liam started off the dance and soon enough, everyone joined in.

"Would you like to dance?" I looked over and saw a cute boy ask Maggie. She glanced at me and I nodded.

He was the same guy Maggie went to the Halloween dance with. Mark Jones. Maggie was all hyped about him after the dance and they had exchanged phone numbers. I suspected that it was him she was texting whenever she giggled while on her phone, but I never asked.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned my head. Joey was standing there, wringing his hands nervously.

"Do you, uh, want to dance?"

I smiled. "Yeah. Sure."

I got up and took his hand. I didn't want to make things awkward between us, but I couldn't help but think of what he said to me on the first banquet.

"Do you...." he trailed off. I knew what he was going to ask.

"I don't know," I sighed. "I really don't. I'm so confused. Let me just end this game then we can talk."

He nodded and we continued to dance.

Today was an interesting day. I found out a lot about Sophie and Alex, and I was actually beginning to like her. Who would have thought? That and Caleb's expression was hilarious. He was dancing with a little girl, whom I assumed was his sister, and he looked absolutely mortified.

"Joey, do you know who that girl is?"

Joey glanced back and smiled when he saw who I was talking about.

"That's his cousin. She follows him around everywhere. Can you believe that she's worse than Caleb? Imagine a girl version of Caleb who's still six years old."

I laughed. "Well, he looks terrified. I know I'd be."

"Yep. And he deserves it."

I completely agreed. Today was very interesting. I was confused and happy at the same time. I was stressed as well, but all that mattered was that Emma was having the time of her life.

I watched her happy face as she danced with Liam. She was truly happy.

If I ever wanted time to stop, it would be now, when everyone was dancing happily with their deserved dates. It was absolutely terrific.

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