The Sins of a Father

By CharlyDashwood

472K 10.6K 6.1K

Raven Evans has known only two things about her biological parents. 1) her mother, Lily, died by the hand of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty - four
Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven: Battle of Hogwarts
Chapter Twenty Eight: The Final Battle
Chapter Twenty Nine: Memories of a Father
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One!
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Twenty

6.7K 168 103
By CharlyDashwood

              School started up again and I continued to pay closer attention to Malfoy and I had come to notice that he hadn't been quite himself. I presumed it was because his father was caught being a Death Eater and sentenced to Azkaban but he also seemed distressed with something else, that made me think of what Voldemort could be making him do  but I then I would hit a bump in the road. I spent most of my days in my room studying and every so often I would take a break and walk with Dimitri  around the grounds or sometimes Hagrid would see me and invite me to tea and he would tell me about the different creatures of the Forbidden Forest and that would be the excitement of my life. In a few short weeks school would be out and I had only subbed once and Draco was feeling ill that day and then finally there was a day where I would subbing for Snape and I would try to find something about Draco. Everyone one of his classes would have to read a chapter in their book then write an essay about how the students could apply that chapter to their life in the future. I would actually be teaching the sixth years about the Locomoto Mortis spell, which would lock the opponent's legs together. It was a simple spell that would be easy enough to teach a group of sixteen year olds. My brother and a large group of other six years moved into the classroom but they all stood in groups and began talking amongst themselves until I brought them all to order.

"Good morning, as it is obvious Professor Snape isn't here today, he gave me the plans and I am to teach you a defensive spell, but that is all. This spell is called Locomoto Mortis and when casted this will - " my voice was cut off by Hermione, which was to be expected.

"Lock your opponents legs," she finished, there was a sound of quiet laughter.

"Thank you Ms. Granger," I smiled at her. " Miss Granger is correct, that is what we are practicing today, I would like to show you how it works, is there anyone brave enough to allow me to lock then unlock their legs?" I waited as students murmured to each other, each of their friends daring one another to do it finally a very unlikely person volunteered.

"I'll do it Miss Evans," Neville's voice came from the back of the classroom. I knew Neville had experience with that particular curse and I had really hoped that he wouldn't volunteer.

"Are you sure you want to do this Mr. Longbottom?" I asked him in a low voice. He looked me straight in the face and nodded with confidence then he moved to the middle of the floor. I pointed my wand at his legs. "Locomotor Mortis" I muttered, suddenly Neville was the floor with his legs locked, I quickly muttered the counter cruse and paired everyone up  and taught them the counter curse, for some it didn't really work and for others, like Hermione, it worked perfectly. I assigned Harry and Draco together only because I knew they would start a fight and I would have a moment to talk to both of them. About five minutes before the class ended Harry was yelling at Draco and Draco's passe couldn't stop laughing.

"Mr. Malfoy, what's going on?" I asked, after I spoke the counter curse to Harry who tried to hit Malfoy but I stopped him with Ron assistance.

"I don't know what you're talking about Miss Evans," he lied innocently.

"Oh I think you do, or did you all of sudden become mentally retarded?" my voice was polite but my comment, however was not.

"How dare you speak to me that way!"

"If you are going to act like a child, I shall treat you like one, you are going to come see me after your classes for Detention."

"You can't do that you have no right - " he snapped but I snapped louder.

"I have every right, for today I am your teacher, Professor Snape put me in charge, not you and you will come to detention or when Professor Snape comes back, the punishment will be worse. Do you understand?" Draco glared at me with eyes full of hate and deep down I had been enjoying giving him a little piece of my mind. "Class dismissed." All the students evacuated the classroom but Malfoy didn't move at first, then after a while he gathered his things then finally left the room. I released a sigh of relief then I put all the desks back in an orderly line for the set of students. Right before dinner Malfoy had come back in the class room and sat down at one of the desks in the very front.

"Thank you for coming Mr. Malfoy, this detention we are going to have a little discussion, alright?"

"You're the sub, let's talk," he flashed a fake smile, which turned back into a frown.

"Is everything alright at home?" I asked softly.

"Really? Are you seriously asking me this?"

"Just answer the question please, is everything alright at home?" At first I could tell that he wanted to tell me but then he shied away from it then he just let it all out in a huff.

"No, everything is not alright! My father is put away in Azkaban all because of Potter and - and UGH!" I knew what he had been going to say and I knew why he wasn't going to say it.

"Mr.Malfoy, I realize that you're angry and you need someone to blame for your father's jailing but it is not Mr. Potters' or any other student here, your father was working with You-Know-Who, he's a Death Eater, that is not Harry's fault that would be your father's fault for making the wrong decision." I could tell Draco wanted to talk some more but some kind of fear had been  preventing him to do so. "Mr. Malfoy, I know that when we were in school together we acted dreadfully to each other but I'm training to be a teacher here and I've decided to forgive you for all the horrible things you've done to me and my friends and I want to help you but I can't do that if you keep shutting me out," I told him softly. Draco debated this decision with himself and we both could tell what the answer was going to be.

"Am I free to leave, Professor?" he asked, with his head down. I kind of expected that reply from him, a breath of defeat escaped my lips.

"Yes Mr. Malfoy, you are free to go but just remember what we talked about." Draco got up from the desk and left the classroom. I needed some fresh air, I quickly grabbed cloak and went outside, the sun started to set in the West and the sky had turned into vibrant orange, the sight really took my breath away. The mixture of colors reminded my of a painting I once saw, the way the trees collided with the sky. I could have stayed in that position forever but Dimitri's laughing disrupted me and I looked over at him, he had stumbled his way to me.

"Hey Raven," he laughed.

"Hi Dimitri, are you alright?" I asked him, turning my back on the beautiful sunset.

"I'm fantastic!" he slurred. He looked awful and he smelled awful. "You know you look so beautiful tonight," he slurred again.

"What did you do to yourself?" I asked, ignoring his drunken comment,

"Oh me? I went down to the pub and had a drink or two or five." he started to laugh at himself, then he started to fall forward so I caught him and started to carry him back to the castle. On the way he mumbled all sorts of rubbish, telling me how pretty and smart I was, though I would simply ignore it because it was the liquor talking. Soon we reached the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and I sat him down in a desk.

"Raven, I have to tell you something," he said softly, trying to contain a laughter.

"What Dimitri?" I asked, feeling impatient. He used his index finger to beckon me closer to him and I obeyed. My ear's distance from his lips looked like they were glued together as one.

"Raven, I'm falling in love with you and I want you to leave George and be with me then together we can-," Dimitri got cut off by my father, clearing his throat. I jumped while I turned to face him.

"Hello father, I found Dimitri around the grounds, he's drunk I thought you were gone so I brought him here to sober up," I explained to him.

"I'm sure he has good reason for leaving his post to go get a drink, but listen to me Dimitri, while you are in here you will be silent. Do I make myself clear?" he asked Dimitri directly. Dimitri nodded and fell forward on the desk.

"How did classes go today?" he asked me.

"They were all perfect but I did have to give Draco Malfoy detention but all I did was talk to him."

"What did he do this time?"

"While we were practicing the Leg locking curse, he refused to do the counter curse on Harry Potter then he kicked his wand out of his hand so Harry wouldn't be able to undo it."

"Did Potter receive any kind of scorn or punishment?"

"No, I didn't think it was necessary since he had been the victim but I will go and talk to him if that'll make you feel like they both received a detention," I promised, for once Snape smiled in approval.

"That would be a very Professional idea, wait until tomorrow though," he suggested.

"How did your trip go?" I asked.

"I didn't go anywhere, I stayed in Dumbledore's office all day talking about your further production as a Professor here."

"What do you think?" I wished I hadn't have asked that but now it was too late to go back, I had to face the criticism.

"In all honesty, I think you will make a fantastic professor and I have asked Dumbledore to make you an official Professor. We would double teach, I think we would a good team but that's only if you'll stay and do it."

     For the first time ever I saw something change in my father's eyes, it looked like a twinkle of some sort, his eyes looked happy, if I stayed here and double taught with him then he would be happy and heaven knows when the last time Snape has been happy. Snape's happiness will always be more important than mine, that's all I ever wanted to do since I found out that I was his daughter and just saying one word would make him happy. If anyone needed happiness it would be him.

"I would love that father," I responded, the twinkle got a little bit bigger as he took me into his arms. I embraced him tighter, feeling a fatherly love that I had never been able to feel. When we released each other, I looked behind me to see that the seat that Dimitri sat in was now empty.

"Where did he go?" I asked Snape.

"He finally sobered up and went back outside for duty, now if you'll excuse me I have somewhere to be." Before he left, the twinkle that had been in his eyes had disappeared completely and I started to wonder what had made it go away.

      After a while, I decided to go thank Dumbledore for considering me as a Professor, I left the classroom feeling happy and jittery. I knew I should've felt a little afraid because Voldemort was still on the prowl but knowing that my own father wanted me to stay and double teach with him was the best feeling and of course I when I told Harry about it, that's when I would tell him about me being his daughter. Things couldn't possibly go wrong tonight!

    When I reached the Headmaster's office, I noticed that the secret passage had been open already so I walked, feeling a little bit cautious about the passage being open but the happiness didn't completely die. I made my way to the office but found no one there, so I quickly jogged to the Astronomy Tower, I knew Professor Dumbledore liked that tower when I started up the steps, I heard angry voices and I saw Harry hiding under the floor so I met him there.

"What are you doing here?" we both asked in a soft whisper.

"What's going on?" I asked him.

"Draco is supposed to kill Dumbledore." No I thought to myself. I knew that if I tried Draco would make the right decision so I left Harry and went on the top of the tower where everyone else was. There had been a small group of Death Eaters on the top as well, Bellatrix Lestrange and a Werewolf along with others I didn't know. Their wands were out and pointed at me, I instantly raised my hands to the air to show that I didn't have my wand but it was actually in the my sock...

"Who are you?" Bellatrix asked but then she gasped in realization. "Wait, I remember you, you were at the Ministry last year along with Potter and wait even better I know who exactly you are. You my dear are Severus's daughter, you resemble him a lot except your - " I cut her off.

"My eyes, yes. yes, everyone knows that I have my mother's eyes. Draco listen to me, I know whatever you are about to do isn't a good choice and I'm sure Dumbledore understands and if you lower your wand he'll offer you and your mother protection. I know for a fact that the Order will but you need to take the first step and drop your wand." I knew Harry had heard that whole discussion and I prayed that he would understand.

"I need to do this!" he cried, his cheeks were wet with tears, he didn't want to do this - I knew he didn't. 

"No, you don't," I corrected him.

"No, you don't understand, if I don't do this he'll kill me," he cried again.

"Draco, don't listen to her! DO IT!" Bellatrix screamed.

"No." It was a new voice, recognizable voice came from behind Draco, I turned and saw my father with his own wand out. "Draco step aside," he ordered, a breath of relief left my body.  Snape took Draco's place and he pointed his wand at Dumbledore, confusion overtook my brain as I watched Snape hold his stance towards Dumbledore. My arms slowly dropped to my sides, waiting to see what would happen next.

"Severus... Please..." Dumbledore begged softly. Quickly I stared at my father, holding my breath - waiting for something to happen. I couldn't read his expression, it was blank and cold.

"Avada Kedavra." A brilliant flash of green light hit Dumbledore square on the chest, Dumbledore's body fell out of the window.  A scream escaped my lips, a look of hatred and disbelief took place on my face and tears threatened to fall but now wasn't the time to cry.

"Well done Severus, now let's go before the Order or the Ministry arrive" Bellatrix ordered.

"What about her?" the werewolf growled. "Can we kill her?"

"No, in case you have forgotten Firnir this is my daughter and one mark on her will be trippled on you. Raven, you must come with us now," he told me softly. He stood in front of me with pained eyes.

"I can't believe you did that," I whispered.

"You lied to me dad, you lied to my face! You told me that you weren't a Death Eater anymore!" I yelled.  I started to grab my wand  but Bellatrix saw my move and cut me off.

"CURCIO!!" Pain instantly spread through my body like a wild fire on a windy day. Pain had been everywhere, there wasn't a single place where pain couldn't be found. I screamed a bloodcurdling scream and tried to fight back but the more I fought the more it hurt, so finally I let my strength disappear. My body hit the ground and I tried to move away from the pain but wherever I went so did it follow.

"Enough Bella, let's go, it's obvious that my daughter will not be joining us."  With that the pain stopped but I couldn't move and they were all gone. I grabbed my wand and stood up; I felt weak but I had a determination so I stood up and ran down the  stairs as fast as I could, which was barely a jog. 

       In the hallway I saw Harry, the Order fighting with the Death Eaters, I even saw a few sixth years, like Ron, Hermione, Luna and Neville and Ginny. Harry went after Snape and I knew why so I followed after him, ignoring everyone's voices but I didn't get very far because the Werewolf caught me from behind, I quickly got my wand out but using his knee he got it out of my hand but I didn't fear that much because Dimitri had to be close behind. I saw him a little ways off and screamed for help and he ran towards me.

 "Dimitri please help me," I cried. He held out his wand out and made a gesture with his wand, which made the Werewolf cry out  and release me. I ran into him and hugged him close.

"Goodness Raven you're shaking, is everything all right?" he asked.

"He's a Death Eater Dimitri, my father's a Death Eater, he killed Dumbledore," I cried.

"Raven I need to tell you something right now. I'm in love with you and I'm also a Death Eater." I looked at him in shock.

"What and WHAT?" I backed away from him in shock.

"Raven Snape, I'm falling madly in love with you and I want to run away with you," he declared.

"And you are also a Death Eater, Dimitri. I should've known!  Ugh I feel stupid, let me go Dimitri!" I snapped but Dimitri held on tighter to me. Luckily my grandmother taught me how to deal with these kind of guys. I forced my foot in the air and and stomped hard  on his foot, made way for my wand and blasted Stupefy at him, which threw him away from me. Suddenly a fiery blast came from Hagrid's hut. I ran with the cheetah I could feel within me and in almost no time I had made it just before they left. Snape was still there and Harry was on the ground, I stepped between them.

"Dad, you've done enough damage, leave now and I never want to see you again," hatred and disgust is what filled my voice.

"Raven, we could still have a chance at a father and daughter relationship but you have to come now so I can explain everything to you," he begged. I wanted to give in and hear him out but I simply couldn't, his happiness didn't matter now.

"Don't you understand? You lied to your own flesh and blood! I trusted you! I hate you! Just leave!" I screamed at him. He finally apparated but Bellatrix Lestrange lagged behind, she stared at Harry and me both pointed her wand at me, made a movement with it and a golden light zoomed out of it and hit me, I felt like my life energy was being sucked out by every breath that I took. I had already been weak from the curse on the tower this made it ten times worse. Ever so slowly I lost feeling in my legs, it felt like a vampire snake was slithering up and down my body, I moved to Harry, babbling slurred apologies of not telling and then my ears started to combine different  sounds together and he was trying to say something to me but I couldn't understand. Then a burst of loud noise took over Harry's voice, I looked toward the voice and saw different kinds of shapes and colors but I couldn't place them together. My eyes turned black then out of nowhere, intense pain flooded through my body, it felt as if a bullet had hit me in the stomach, I cradled my stomach looking for the ghost bullet but my stomach felt smooth but with every touch and breath was more painful. My body started to aim for the ground but I was stopped but familiar arms.

"George s'that you?" I slurred. He started give comforts but my world went dark and empty.

ATTENTION READERS!!! I WANT TO KNOW HOW YOU ARE ENJOYING THE STORY SO FAR! I won't write another chapter until I know. Comment below and of course I don't own Harry Potter or its characters.

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