Ender's War

By Jessnguyen99

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A sequel to "Ender Returns to Earth." The entire world is at war, and the IF is losing ground. Locke, also kn... More

Chapter 1 - A Hero Once Again
Chapter 2 - Strategy
Chapter 4 - Hope
Chapter 5 - The Game Plan
Chapter 6 - An Unexpected Reunion
Chapter 7 - The Rescue Mission: Part One
Chapter 8 - The Rescue Mission: Part Two
Chapter 9 - Tragedy
Chapter 10 - The Illusion of A Happy Ending
Chapter 11 - You Want Me to What?
Chapter 12 - A Sham of a Martial
Chapter 13 - New Recruits
Chapter 14 - Welcome Back to Battle School
Chapter 15 - Fun and Games
Chapter 16 - A Brother and a Problem
Chapter 17 - Fatal Discovery
Chapter 18 - Lost
Chapter 19 - Destroyed
Chapter 20 - Picking up the Pieces
Chapter 21 - Goodbye
Chapter 22 - The Devil You Know
Chapter 23 - Battle Plans and Chaos
Chapter 24 - Waking Nightmare
Chapter 25 - Back to Work
Chapter 26 - Preparations
Chapter 27 - Snakes and Strawberries
Chapter 28 - Get Ready for War
Chapter 29 - The Past Becomes the Present
Chapter 30 - Ender's War

Chapter 3 - Revelations

154 6 6
By Jessnguyen99

"You don't understand what kind of pressure I have been subjected to within these last few years."

Ender watched seamlessly, as MinCol Graff paced around the small conference room they were situated in.

Ender shook his head. "No, I don't. And perhaps you've put some thought into why that is?"

His voice was overly sarcastic.

"Enlighten me, please." Graffiti seated himself across from the saviour–Ender–who was sitting alone at a long table.

The young boy, or man, Graff automatically corrected himself, took a moment to collect his thoughts before proceeding.

"You really have no idea?" Ender replied with another question.

"If I had any idea whatsoever I wouldn't be waiting for you to give me, what I hoped would be, a serious answer."

Ender seemed to disapprove of Graff's lack of knowledge.

"Unbelievable", he could not help but say. "I have been working my ass off for the good of the entire planet the whole time I have been in space!"

Graff nodded, as if this was old news.

"And to top it all off, I had to figure out how to prevent a damn nuclear missile attack on the United States from Iran!"

"And obviously your tactics were a success." Graff cut in.

"Only after I spent months trying to come up with a way to disable their attack! And get this! I had absolutely nobody to work with! Literally, an empty spaceship, a pilot, like a hundred different books, and my own brain! Because someone did not give me the authorization to make myself known!"

Ender was projecting a little more than your average frustration, as tiny beads of sweat were slowly trickling down his forehead. Yet, Graff was not at all phased by the verbal attack his former student had given him.

"So this is what this rebellion is about", He smiled.

"This is not some petty joke", Ender replied. "Since your role as Colonel was terminated, I have the higher rank. And you interfering with my job for two years straight was just cruel."

"And you are just assuming that it was me who did this to you?"

"I do not hear you denying anything, Graff. And I will not stand here and be manipulated into doing your dirty work for you."

"I haven't summoned you in here to do my dirty work! If you have not noticed, Ender, it's the work that will prevent us from being invaded by the enemy." Graff folded his arms, and looked as if he was going to huff.

"I understand that", Ender responded a little more calm. "But I think it would be more effective if I didn't have to work behind Peter."

"You are not. I thought we cleared this up before we came back here."

"That is not what I'm saying." Ender shook his head. "My older brother is ruthless, and will not recite my words! How am I supposed to use Peter as a front when he will not cooperate? In fact, he has made it his mission to disable my authority over him."

"He won't be able to do such a thing."

"He should not be able to, but this is Peter we are talking about. I have seen first handedly the impossible things he has managed to accomplish. And the last thing we need is for him to restrict my public influence."

Graff nodded, finally understanding Ender's concerns. "I know your menace of a sibling is a problem, but what I want to propose is something that I am hoping will fix the situation."

"And what is that? I am basically breaking a number of laws by even setting foot on this planet." Ender threw his arms up in the air for what felt like the millionth time.

He had almost had enough of this plan that he knew, was a bad idea in the first place. It was not like he would have access to the resources he needed to fight this war, all the while being invisible to the world.

Being unknown was a big advantage the I.F had against the Warsaw Pact, yes. But it definitely was not much of one considering that the International Fleet decided themselves, that Ender was more of a hazard than an asset.

"Actually", An unexplainable expression formed on Graff's face, as he said the next words. "You aren't breaking a single one."

Ender looked at him like he was crazy. "I am pretty sure I am breaking at least 30 different ones just by breathing." He countered against his argument.

"You would be, if the verdict was actually to remove you from the planet for good." Graff started to smile.

"What did you do?" Ender asked him after taking a moment to process what the man had just said.

"It is not what I did, Ender", Graff continued while pulling a file folder out from a desk behind him. "It is what the entire International Fleet did."

Without explaining himself any further, Graff tossed the folder at Ender, who immediately opened it to flip through its contents.

*       *       *       *      *      *      *      *

Dust particles swirled around the vacant hallway, as Bernard slunk around a corner. He could hear echoing in the distance, as he approached what he thought would be an important discussion.

"I don't understand", he could hear a faint voice coming from where he was headed.

Jackpot, he triumphantly thought to himself while continuing to inch forward.

Long story short; he had been waiting for what felt like forever, where in reality it had only been a couple of years, to prove himself to Peter once and for all. Of course, if that meant trying to get information on top secret government material from 'The Great Ender Wiggin', so be it.

When Ender had been banished from Earth just over two years ago, he had been more than happy with the end result. In fact, Bernard had felt a sense of overjoyed accomplishment. For, he seemed to be the only person-besides Peter-who was not fawning over the 'war hero' as everyone was doing.

But he, being the great individual he was, was not even a little phased by this act of idolizing a child. Sure, Ender did save the world, and he did help train the BattleSchool children, Bernard included, so they would be able to defeat the buggers. Yet, Bernard could not fathom what exactly was so special about a boy who eliminated a species.

Not that there was even a remote chance of humans and Buggers coexisting, but he did not feel as though that would be a cause for the never ending praise to Ender. Maybe he was more like Ender's brother than he realized before. Maybe that is why Ender went out of his way to outsmart his insults in BattleSchool. Maybe it was because Ender saw the same darkness inside Bernard as he did in Peter.

Either way, he would never know for sure. It is not like Ender would open his soul to Bernard of all people. They did not have a relationship even remotely close to those he had with Bean, Alai, Hot Soup, or Petra. And they never would. Because Bernard did not trust Ender, and he was sure that the feeling was mutual.

* * * * * * * *

"You've got to be lying to me, Graff", Ender said as he held the documents outstretched, and in both hands.

"Nope. I only lied to you and everyone the first time around", he replied. "Now I think it is time that you get to know the truth."

Ender was almost speechless. "Two years after the trial you decided to give me files that contradict everything that I have come to accept as true?"

"Precisely." Graff did not even try to hide the smile that formed on his ice cold lips.

Ender only stared at him for a moment, before methodically imagining Graff as he truly was. And in that moment, he reminded Ender of a vicious snake. Still managing to slither his way into his life. Even now, when his power seemed to be all but terminated. Yet, he supposed, that for more than once today, he was wrong. Graff still had a lot of the cards, even now.

"So what does this mean?" Ender snapped himself out of his temporary fantasy. "Are you the only one that knows?"

"Well", Graff began. He folded his arms across the table, as if he were getting more comfortable. "No. In fact, the entire government knows, the ones that are important enough anyway. As well as the highest members of the International Fleet. Then of course, there is myself."

"But you came up with the notion I assume?"

"Even after all these years, you still manage to know me so well, Ender," Graff answered. "But do not go thinking so selfish of me just yet. This time, and just like every other time, I did this for the sake of the world. How would the Warsaw Pact react if they knew the truth? Think about that."

Ender's head was reeling, and his eyes kept drifting between Graff and the numerous government papers still grasped in his hands.

He wanted to be furious at his controller, but the more he analyzed the situation, the more he saw Graff's point of view. Don't get me wrong, Ender thought to himself. I am the last person who should be agreeing with Graff's actions, but it is justifiable.

"Are you done processing? I can practically see the wheels turning in your mind."

"Oh shut up", Ender sighed. "I would love nothing more than to grab you by the collar, and shove you against that wall."

"But you won't", Graff smiled. "Because if you were you would have done it by now. Which means that you understand why I did what I did."

"Yes, but I still do not understand why you had to leave me out of the inner circle you concocted." Ender clenched his free fist that was not holding onto the files.

"Easy", Graff said. "I'm telling you this for a reason. And it is not so you can get even with me."

Ender stayed silent to let him continue.

"It is so you are aware of all the elements. I can't have you running around trying to save the world without knowing how the people of Earth truly feel. I know you, Ender. Whether you would like to admit it or not. I helped shape your brain, remember? And you would go out there and punish yourself for your actions, thinking that everybody viewed you as a killer."

"And luckily for you, that is not the case." Ender finished Graff's pitch for him.

"Bingo." Graff stood up from his chair, and pushed it back from the table.

A loud screech could be heard as he did so, and continued to echo the room when he pushed it back in.

"You can hold onto those", Graff motioned to the papers. "I trust you will keep them secure."

Ender only nodded in understanding as Graff left the room. Leaving him to fully look over what he had so generously slapped in front of him.

*       *       *       *      *      *      *      *

To everyone,
Whomever you may be,
Spectator, government official, International Fleet officer, or to Ender Wiggin himself

We the board of directors of the Court Martial, after thoroughly overseeing all of the provided evidence on this very day, have come to a conclusion.

With a unanimous vote, it has been declared that Andrew-Ender-Wiggin be sentenced not guilty on all crimes possessed against him in this court of law. The defendant should be held non-applicable for the actions that led to the gruesome deaths of his schoolmates.

We, the government of the United States of America believe that his actions were entirely at the fault of the International Fleet, as well as their Colonel. Mr. Hyrum Graff.

Hyrum's position shall be no further tolerated, and is declared to be eliminated immediately.

As for Ender, the boy is allowed to do entirely what he pleases. The country has granted him the right to live out the rest of his days here, if he sees fit. Or, to venture off planet if he so chooses.

(Government stamp at the bottom)

Ender could not help but replay what was supposed to be the 'official statement' broadcasted out into the public, in his mind. Mentally, he understood how much of an advantage the U.S. now had because of having him, but emotionally, it was tearing him apart.

And it wasn't the family thing that was eating at him. He could not help but shake the thought of actually having the chance to make a life for himself down here. Even if it only would have been for a year or two, it would have been something. Obviously, he knew it would have been impossible for the country to survive that long, if he did indeed stay. But, once again, his chance at a normal life had been ripped away.

Ender could feel tears quietly streaming down his cheeks, as the reality of this new discovery hit him all at once. It was clearer to him now than it had ever been. All of his hopes, his dreams, and his vision of a better tomorrow would never happen. He would never get his happy ending. The western half of the world only survived because he got pulled away from his first chance at happiness in years.

He saw the irony. In order for the world to keep spinning on its axis, the universe made it its mission to make sure Ender's suffering, would be the only thing that ensured the world be kept whole.

Which was why he decided, while sitting on the edge of his bed in his individual quarters, that he was done looking for a happy ending. Never again, he thought. He was going to fight this war until he died. Ender had nothing else to look forward to.

* * * * * * * *

"Mr. Wiggin!" Bernard jogged across what appeared to be a mess hall. He made his way towards Peter, whom was sitting at a table in the corner.

"Can't you see I am busy eating lunch?" Peter growled distastefully in front of a bowl of soup. "And are you not supposed to be doing the task I ordered you to do?"

"Please, ... sir", Bernard said between gasps of breath. Running had really taken the wind out of him.

"I am waiting", Peter tapped his fingers on the table, projecting his impatience.

"Sorry", he continued after catching his breath, and pulling up a chair across from him. "But I found something. Something that I believe you can use to your advantage."

"Now you're talking." Peter smiled. "Maybe you will actually prove to me that you can be useful."

"Oh I promise", Bernard had the same evil look in his eye. "This is good."

Peter frowned. "Oh just tell me you incessant BattleSchool frog." He lost his coolness.

"Okay", Bernard answered, sounding a little defeated.

After a brief silence he continued. "As you instructed, I kept my eye out for any suspicious dealings happening with Ender. And as it turns out, Hyrum Graff had a lot to discuss earlier."

Peter looked bored. "I do not need to know the boring details."

"Okay, okay. Sorry boss." He waved him off. "He gave Ender documents that Ender said, and I quote "Two years after the trial you decide to give me files that contradict everything I have come to accept as true?"

"Anything else? Like what were the files!?" Peter looked intrigued at this new information.

"No, I am sorry. They did not really say any of what it said out loud. It was more of a verbal quarrel. Though, not really threatening. Just an intense atmosphere. And the next thing I know, Graff gets up to leave and I had to bolt."

Peter shook his head in disappointment, and rubbed in between his eyebrows with his hand. "You fool", he responded. "How can I use half of the information to my advantage when I do not even know what the papers say!?"

"I..I.. I do not know.", Bernard shrugged. "But Ender still has them. And from what I could see, he appeared quite torn up."

Peter just sighed because of his inefficiency. "Just go. I do not want to look up and see your face."

Bernard quickly rushed out of the hall, and left Peter to stew in his new intel. Or should he describe it as, half intel. This definitely was not much to go on, but with the position of the 'Leader of the American Troops' at stake, Peter needed to get those pages from his brother. He needed to know everything in order to beat him out of his own status. Which, he would only ever admit it to himself, would be much harder than he thought it would be.


Hello! I feel like I am always apologizing for long delays, but I am actually trying to get these up. I know it does not seem like it. But yeah. Bear with me! I love all who read, and continue to through my long absences.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter. I LOVED writing it, and if you would please VOTE, maybe share? Or add to your reading lists? That would be so nice and I thank you so so much!

Next update: ASAP. I am going to say 3 weeks ish. My Birthday is in just over three weeks too so yay!! That was irrelevant but whatever😂

Thanks again and until the next update,

Jess xxx

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