Audrey Riddle and the Soul Sn...

By MysticMayhemx

8.3K 167 36

When any witch or wizard dies, they automatically transform into a ghost whether they chose to go to the othe... More

Audrey Riddle and the Soul Snatchers {HP Fan Fiction}
Chapter Two: Aboard
Chapter Three: The You-No-What
Chapter Four: Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.
Chapter Five: Gryffindor!
Chapter Six: Mysterious Pages
Chapter Seven: Paranoid... Of a Book
Chapter Eight: Never Doubt James... Ever.
Chapter Nine: Creepy? Not even.
Chapter Ten: Cover your ears before she comes near..
Chapter Eleven: I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.
Chapter Thirteen: Quidditch and the Ravenclaw Cake.
Chapter Fourteen: The Note With No Name
Chapter Fifteen: Giving a Hippogriff a bath.. Yeah, I said it.
Chapter Sixteen: The Made - Up Spell
Chapter Seventeen: Taking the Plan In Action.
Chapter Eighteen: Lord Voldemort Will Rise Again
Chapter Nineteen: The Truth Behind His Story
Chapter Twenty: Witnessing Hell

Chapter Twelve: Teddy Lupin

376 5 1
By MysticMayhemx

Authors Note:

Hey guys! Hope you're all enjoying the story. So I just want to say that the picture on the right ------------------------------------------------> is a picture of Teddy Lupin, Remus Lupin and Tonks's kid! 


"The Mauradurs Map, eh? Count me in"  Teddy exclaims wildly, his blue hair sticking up with so much gel that it sits as stiff as a statue. "As long as I get a look at it. I've heard about it by some rumors.. Is it true it can transport you to places?" James let's out a ridiculous snort and shakes his head. "No way. It tells you where others are in the castle... Anyone in any place. Check it out". James spreads the map on the grass floor and points to the name that reads Teddy Lupin. "See? It shows where you are". 

"Wicked" Teddy coos with a wide grin. His gray eyes glisten just like James's did yesterday. "Hey, look.  Victoire Weasley's walking this way". Teddy wiggles his eyebrows up and down, his grin continuing to widen by the second. "How do you say 'your hot' in french again?" Rose scrunches her nose and smacks him on the forearm. "Instead of gawking at woman all day, try reading a book for once" she snaps, rolling her eyes. Teddy let's out a chuckle, his hair suddenly transforming from blue to orange - the same color as Rose. Not only his hair but he transforms his whole body. His tanned skin suddenly loses color and grows tiny little freckles. His red hair growls long while his body completely changes from himself to transforming into Rose. Teddy flips back his long red hair and begins to mimic Rose. "Why have fun when you could read boring old textbooks all day and be a kiss up to every teacher that walks by? ...Fun isn't it?" Rose crosses her arms over her chest and holds her chin up high. "Very funny.. Now change back" Rose orders, slamming her text book close. Teddy shrugs and morphs back to his normal state of blue spiky hair, but changes his eyes from gray to a bright purple.  Did I mention Teddy is a Metamorphmagus? He could change his appearance at will and could transform into almost everybody. 

At exact timing, Victoire Weasley strides by with her perfect posture and beautiful silhouette. Her long blond hair sways with each step she takes. And to my not so surprise, James and Teddy gaze at her with that creepy freak look. Victoire glances over to us and gives Teddy and James an odd look before wiggling her fingers into a wave over to Rose and me. She then fixes her pink book bag onto her other shoulder and strides away, flashing warm smiles to her friends. "Boy, is she something" Teddy gawks, almost as if in a trance. "Oh, pa-lease. She's just a normal girl. Get over it". 

"Just a normal girl?" Teddy spats in disbelief. He turns around to fully face Rose. "She's part Veela. That is not just a normal girl". 

"How about focus on personality more than appearance? Never judge a book by it's cover, Teddy"

"I use that motto all the time... I'm friends with you, right?" 

Rose once again smacks him on the arm, this time with her textbook. "OW!" Teddy yells, rubbing his arm angrily. "Keep hitting like that and I might just have to turn into Mcgonagall and give you a failing grade" he adds with a grin. "Disgusting" Rose grumbles, shaking her head. "Rude and disgusting". I can't help by chuckle at Teddy's hand yapping around, mimicking Rose. 

"You two are like an old married couple" I say, flipping the pages in my own text book. Both Rose and Teddy make a gagging noise and go against it. "That is just preposterous!" Rose hollers. If it weren't for their three year age difference, they would of been perfect. "What if I told you that you and James look cute together, hm?" Rose remarks, grinning. "Wait - no! Scorpuis... What if I said you looked cute with Scorpuis. You wouldn't like that, now would you?" James clears his throat awkwardly when Rose mentions his name, yet twitches angrily when she mentions Scorpuis. My cheeks can't help but flush an embarrassing shade of pink and red. "Ah look, she's blushing" Teddy laughs, pointing his finger at me like a little kid. I slap his finger away and try my best to not look embarrassed. "Scorpuis is the last person I'd ever lay eyes on. And for James.." I glance over at him, chuckling, "Friends for life. Nothing more". James flashes a small smile and nudges my shoulder. "You got that right". 

Our 'so called' meeting for the plan we have fades off quickly. Instead we talk about school, home and how much of an 'idiot' Teddy is. It is official that Teddy is apart of the plan since he is experienced in going into the forbidden forest. He's in his sixth year at Hogwarts and hasn't been caught once going out there. Teddy is also one of James's close friends since they knew each other forever. He is an only child supposedly since his parents died in the Batte At Hogwarts. To this day, we still hold a day for sorrow and respect when the week of the war happened. That's when Teddy goes into an odd trance and usually stays in his bed all day. I don't blame him, not one bit. It is also said that Teddy lives with James during the summer since he really has no one to be with.. And when Teddy isn't at the Potters, he's usually hanging around the Weasleys since Victiore sometimes visits. He barley stays at his home where his grandmother takes care of him. I find his life hard... Harder than mine, but he's pulling through. 

"You're making Teddy the leader of this plan now?" Rose sighs, glancing from James to Teddy. "I wouldn't say 'leader..." James remarks. "I'd say chief. I'm the leader". 

"And what am I?" Rose asks.

"A know it all" Teddy coughs under his breath, smirking. "But I can name many more things if you don't like that one". 

"16 years old and you still act like a 5 year old - no wonder Victiore won't give you the time of day" 

And then the fighting begins all over again. Scratch out what I said about them two being an old married couple. Now they are acting like brother and sister. Of course I wouldn't know how that would feel since I'm an only child. I decide to let them be and just listen. Teddy, Rose, James and the rest are the closest thing to a family. But I'm not one to complain - I love all of them. 

"Why is it that you two always fight?" I say, looking at them two both.

"Because he's an idiot" Rose says simply. 

"Because she's annoying" Teddy exclaims

"AM NOT!" 

"AM TOO!" 

"AM NOT!" 

"AM -" 

"Guys!" I yell, placing one hand on Teddy's mouth and one hand on Rose's mouth. "Do us all a favor and - What the... DID YOU JUST LICK MY HAND?" Teddy snickers loudly and nods his head, that devious grin winding up on his face again. I quickly snatch away my hand from his mouth and wipe his spit on his robe. "Rose is right, you are disgusting" I snap playfully. 

"Try acting like a human being for once" Rose growls sharply. "Maybe then I'll give in a good word to Victiore about you".

"And why would she listen to you?" Teddy asks.

"Because I am her cousin. Where have you been?" 

"That doesn't mean anything" Teddy says. 

"Hey, if you and Victiore ever get married, you'll be related to Rose than" I pitch in, laughing. Rose and Teddy both look at each other with fear in their eyes and shake their heads. "No way. Not in this lifetime" Teddy protests. 

"It's not that bad" James shrugs. "She isn't as stuck up as you think". 

Rose smiles proudly and nods her head. "See" she says. "At least someone here appreciates me". Rose gathers up her things and tells us she has to meet Albus at the green house for Herbology. We say our goodbyes to her, then I get up myself, noticing Dominique Weasley, Victiore's sister, talking with Scorpuis. I make a sour face and gather up my things. "I have to go too" I say, covering my eyes from the sun. 

James glances up at the clock tower and gasps in surprise. "Bloody hell!" he yells, scrambling up to his feet. "Quidditch practice is starting in 10 minutes!" Teddy jumps to his feet as well. "Let's go!" he cries, already beginning to run. James says his goodbyes and runs along with Teddy, both of them pushing and shoving people out of the way. 

They really are two bone headed gits. 

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