unbound, untamed

By Sanctus

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When the change comes it brings Danica Rodgers’ world down upon her but then puts it back together as quickly... More

unbound, untamed
unbound, untamed [chapter 1]
unbound, untamed [chapter 2]
unbound, untamed [chapter 3]
unbound, untamed [chapter 5]
unbound, untamed [chapter 6]
unbound, untamed [chapter 7]

unbound, untamed [chapter 4]

845 12 6
By Sanctus

i intended to make this longer and include Danica's weekend with Marcus. But because of the Olympics (wiiiiii! Mārtiņš Dukurs got silver in skeleton! I m SO proud!) I haven't had decent sleep and also because of some personal crap I just don't feel that I can write about that right now... 

Sorry bout that! 

But I hope u'll enjoy what I have so far!

Oh and - Apocalyptica ROCKS!!! If u dunno what it is - go listen to it NOW! lol! And even if u do - go listen again:




Chapter  4

Feeling fond of the game room

"Give up and swear you'll be my slave for eternity! Muhahahahaaa!" the scream echoed through the forest making evil laugh quite eerie.

It was Wednesday afternoon. Orange sun was already sinking behind the trees so in the forest it was dusk. Me, Ian and Kari had gone to hunt wolf style but I was in too good and playful mood to stealthy pray on the game. So just as we (read Ian and Kari) was about to pounce on the doe I run in Ian's side. The momentum of our collision sent us rolling into bushes.

The crash of course had scared the doe away but I didn't pay any attention to that as I playfully bit Ian's ear before he got his bearings and quickly leaped out of the bush laughing loud. With growled "oh, no you won't" he was after me. That started a chase and fake fight that had went on for about half an hour. The forest was perfect place for that kind of "exercise". We slalomed around the trees; when I was chasing Ian, he threw sticks at me (which was kinda funny because he had to do with his mouth); when he was chasing me, I stopped to let him get closer and started to dig sending grass, moss, dirt and other rubbish into his muzzle. Kari was trying to be (more like - to look) disapproving but I could tell that she was amused with us.

Somehow Ian had pinned me down (I guess I was just laughing too hard to put up a good fight) and was now on top of me acting like an evil villain hence the eternal slavery and muahahaaa part.

"Never!" I answered in heroic voice.

Then I got my hind legs under him and pushed with all I had. Ian flew long way, nearly crashed in a tree and landed with a loud thud. Ooops, I thought, too much.

"Sorry Ian! I... erm.. just wanted to teach you fly?"

"Haha... I was born to walk the Earth not to fly! You'll pay for disgracing me this way!" Ian was all mocking seriousness.

But just as he was about to bring his "revenge" Dagur came running into the clearing we were in.

"Alexander wants you in the throne room" his voice was calm so nothing serious was going on.

I looked at Ian "Come on you turtle! The last one on the front stairs will be making popcorn for the winner for the rest of the month." I saw Ian's eyes light up with excitement.

"You're on!"

And with that we took off running. I caught a glimpse of Kari disappearing in opposite direction and thought that she apparently wasn't playing before turning my full attention to beating Ian.

I am faster than him so when we had reached the path out of the forest I was in front of him but he wasn't leaving it at that. He reached out and took a bite at my tail. Not too strong to injure me but strong enough so it would hurt like hell. Because of my instincts I turned around with a "hey!" but he just shot past me.

"Not fair!" I screamed but only answer I got was Ian's laugh in my head.

I quickly took after him. Now I really had to work if I wanted to win (what I of course did). We got out of the forest and soon after we had to make sharp turn to the left if we wanted to go straight to the front steps. I had almost caught up with Ian by that point. As we made the turn I thought that it should look really funny for bystanders because we skidded in the turn like cars. You know, "Tokyo Drift" style. Ian slid further and I took advantage of it pushing myself forward harder.

I was in the lead and when it was just two more leaps to the stair I thought "yes!" But in that exact moment Kari showed up from the other direction and with a gracious leap landed on the steps.

"So who is my popcorn slave?" she asked with a big grin. Wow, she must know a short cut.

I came to a stop beside her and looked back to Ian who looked quite miserable. Kari didn't usually hang out with us in the game room but I had an inkling that she would from now on just to boss Ian around. I laughed at his prospect.

"Kudos!" I told Kari and took off again to find some clothes before meeting Alexander.


I was wearing my black school girl skirts, red semi-long sleeved top and simple black high heals. I entered the waiting room and there were Jonathan and James again.

"Hey, boys! How is your day so far?" I asked the sexy twins cheerfully.

"The usual" James answered shrugging. I guess the guard duties weren't exactly thrilling.

"You?" Jonathan asked me.

"Excellent!" I said in Burns-from-the-Simpsons kind of manner. They both smirked.

"It shows cuz..." Jonathan started in seductive voice

"...you are looking real good" James finished in the same way. Huh, real twin thing.

I smiled and winked at them as I entered the throne room. They had just made my day better. I mean, which girl in her right mind wouldn't feel good if guys like them gave a compliment. Agh... I really need to stop drooling over them!

Alexander was standing with tree other people. As he was facing me he was the first to notice me.

"Danica, finally!" he said with a smile.

"I'm sorry you had to wait! I was in the woods with Ian and Kari. I came as fast as I could" that I really did, I thought to myself remembering the race. I had to struggle not to laugh out loud.

"That's ok. I think you have met Byrne" Alexander motioned at the man beside him.

He was alpha of the nearest pack and I indeed had met him. He was quite cool for an older man. "I have. It's pleasure to see you again!"

"The pleasure is all mine!" it sounded like he really meant it, not that he was just being polite.

I just smiled at him joining the group. I looked around; there was a guy and a girl around my age.

"These are my children. My son and heir Bryan" he said clapping the guy proudly on the shoulder "and my daughter Bri'' from the way Byrne was looking at the girl everyone could tell that he really loved her.

"They will be staying here for a while. I know it's sooner than usual but I thought you could use some company" Alexander explained to me.

I had been taught bout this last week. It is like a tradition that the heirs of other packs come to live in the mansion with the next Alpha to get to know each other and to bond so when they success their parents it would be easier to work together. Alexander had also added from his side that the Alpha has to know the strengths and flaws of his allies or something like that.

But of course there was more to it than that. Alphas hoped that by sending their children to "the court" it'll help them achieve more in their future. The "big prize" in their opinion was if their heir got into intimate relationship with the next Alpha. No matter how it turned out it could always become handy. In short - this tradition includes a lot of politics as well.

Bryan eyed me from head to toe and smirked seductively "Hi!"

So he was one of those heirs. He actually was handsome - brown short hair, hazel eyes, strong jaw line and he was big, like Aiden junior big, tall and with big muscles, obviously sports type. All in all - sexy, but not my type.

I thought "two can play the game", smiled, eyed him and answered in the same way. I always had enjoyed flirting. I actually couldn't help myself when a guy acts like Bryan did or tries to get me embarrassed with bold questions. I take it as a challenge and try to reverse roles; by putting the guy on the confused side, if you get what I mean. And if it gets too far or if someone accuses me of being a tease I defend myself saying that "just because I flirt, it doesn't mean I'm interested." It may sound slutty (God, I hope not!) but I just like to play these games.

Then I turned my attention to the girl. One can tell that they are siblings straight away. Only the drastic difference was that Bri was small, curvy and very feminine.

"Hi!" she said shyly and I got the feeling that we will get along.

"Ask Mia to show you their rooms. They are on your floor." Alexander told me. Mia is Ian's older sister.

I nodded and waited until Bryan and Bri said their goodbyes to their dad. Then all three of us left the throne room; Alexander and Byrne obviously staying to talk more. Jonathan and James were standing on attention, all serious and intimidating but still managed to sneak winks at me while siblings from the other pack didn't see. I couldn't help myself and giggled.

"What?"Bryan demanded.

"Nothing" I chuckled lightly and tried to change topic "so... are you ok with being here or were you kinda... forced to come?"

"Nah, it's good to get away from the pack and it seems that here life is more exciting. And more parties as I've heard! So I'm ok with this" Bryan answered me. He sounded like eager kid and like someone who finally has been given a chance to be himself to full extent. I just grinned.

"Yes! It's nice to get away from the ordinary for once" Bri chimed in.

I spotted Mia by the stairs. She looks nothing like Ian except the eyes. She's tall, blond with sharper facial features than her brother and the same brown eyes; all in all Mia is pretty. Anyway - I like her, she is independent and strong willed but friendly and forthcoming.

"Hey, Mia! Alexander said that you know where their rooms are" I motioned to our new inhabitants.

"Yeah, sure! Come on!" Mia said starting to climb up the stairs.

Bryan and Bri got the rooms few doors down the hall from mine (closer to the stairs since my room is at the end of the corridor). I left them to settle in and went to change into something more comfortable. After changing in black jeans and sneakers I gave the siblings an hour or so before going to get them on my way to the game room.

Ian, Alecto (oh, joy!) and Mia was already there when we came in. I introduced Bri and Bryan to them and also to Jonathan, James and Kari as they arrived later on.

Bryan kept flirting with all girls (except Kari. After first attempt he got cold death glare from her so he didn't try again. I don't blame the guy, she can look really scary when she wants to) but it wasn't pushy or serious more like teasing and friendly. He proved to be nice, social and opened person. Bri was quiet at first but after I got her talking she was good company - she was more like her brother than it seemed at first, only shy around strangers.

Kari used her "popcorn slave" to the fullest and was making jokes a lot about it as well. It was so funny. She was like "Ian, go make some salty popcorn for us" and after he got back made innocent eyes at him "sorry, I meant I want sweet popcorn".

And Ian didn't have any other choice but to go do it. And as soon as one of the bowls was empty, Kari lifted it in the air with "Ian, more!" But I have to say in his defence that he didn't whine about his new duties only was highly irritated about it.

Kari was smirking every time she sent him off. I definitely got to know new side of Kari that evening. I guess she was just starting to feel comfortable in my company because I didn't mind that she wasn't "serious general" all the time.

James and Jonathan turned their charm to maximum towards Bri making the shy girl blush and squirm under their intense gazes. So I slapped the twins on back of their heads and told them to stop.

"Oh, is our Alpha jealous?" James hugged me.

"You know you are our one and only, babe" Jonathan joined the hug.

I snorted "Uh huh!" and got out of the hug "Like you ever could manage with having only one girl!" I teased them.

"Ahhh, angel, you are hurting us" James put his hand on his heart. I just laughed.

I think Bri got from our exchange that they are only messing with her and next time when Jonathan tried something she shot back.

"U and I sound good together, doesn't it?" the twin said wrapping his arm around her.

"Not as good as n and o" she stood up leaving him open mouthed. The look on Jonathan's face was priceless. Everybody went like "oi!" and "ouch" before starting to laugh.

"I like them feisty!" James wiggled his brows at Bri but since she was now standing beside Bryan he was smart enough not to approach her.

It was really nice evening - just playing video games, watching a movie and teasing each other. Lots of laughing and just chilling. Alecto wasn't as bitchy as usual so it was nice change for me (I really don't understand why she is hanging out with us if she doesn't like me that much). Bryan and Bri fit in our small group perfectly and by the time we were going to sleep I felt like they had been with us from the start.

The next morning it turned out that Bri and Bryan are having the classes with me. We were in the gym and while Aiden was evaluating them I was going over some attack tactics with Alexander.

The siblings both are beautiful wolves in earthly brown colour. Of course Bryan is big and massive but Bri still manages to look feminine in her wolf form (how the hell does she do that?!).

"They are both well trained and strong" Aiden projected to us as all three of them approached Alexander and me.

"Good! Now let's see how Danica can handle unknown opponent!" Alexander looked smug.

Smug as in he thinks that I can kick their asses or as in he anticipates that my ass will get kicked, I was feeling worried.

"I'll go first!" Bryan said.

I rolled my eyes, of course he will. I seized him up as we faced each other... darn, he's big!

"Come on, chika! Show me what you got!" he projected. I just "smiled" showing him my teeth (in animal world smiles are used to intimidate, in case you don't know).

Bryan attacked full force but I just sidestepped him. "Appraise your opponent first and find his flaws" Alexander had taught me and I fully intended to fallow his advice.

"Strong but not fast" I thought watching how long it took Bryan to turn back. He run at me again and this time I waited for him to get closer then I leaped up in the air, landed on top of him in the same time changing my direction pushing him to the side. I hoped that he will fall because of my move and he did. I quickly leaped at his throat. He tried to resist but he was surprises by the way I fought and soon enough I had pinned him down with my teeth softly closed around his throat.

"Impressive, my Alpha" Bryan projected "I definitely don't want to be on your bad side."

Again I was glad that because of my fur he couldn't tell that I was blushing. Guy as Bryan saying something like that meant really a lot to me and I was feeling uncomfortable with him calling me "his Alpha". He is my friend, not my inferior. It didn't feel right.

Fighting Bri was more complicated. She was fast, small and witty. She seemed to squirm out of every hold I tried when I finally successfully jumped on her. But I was stronger than her so she couldn't pin me down as well. We had been attacking each other for a while now and both of us were breathing hard. I was frantically trying to find a way to pin her down and I was hit by idea. I just lay down, put my head on paws and waited. Bri looked at me confused.

"Are you giving up?"

"No" I answered and in my head thought "come, try to get me"

She started to circle me slowly still completely confused. I was watching her attentively. After a while she still was confused with me but just jumped at me. At the last moment I rolled on my back and as she slammed in me I got hold of her and rolled. In no time I got her by her throat.

I heard clapping from the side and got up.

"Beautiful, girls!" Alexander exclaimed coming closer.

"Yeah, that was... just WOW, sis!" Bryan came to nudge Bri.

"You are really good" I told her "you should be a warrior!"

"You are better" she replayed.

"Nah, just some creative thinking."

It was so nice to have companions in my classes! It wasn't boring before but now it was just better. Bryan's comments definitely made it more interesting and funny and it turned out that Bri can do magic so I got to see some of the spells I was studying.

After the classes me, Jonathan and James (Ian had disappeared in some hole again and I couldn't find him) gave Bri and Bryan a tour. Starting with mansion and finishing with the beach (I think I hadn't mentioned this - on the other side of the forest is a sea with a rocky beach). This time the twins left Bri alone and along with Bryan were being stupid boys instead. They had a ball with them that they were passing to each other while doing funny tricks and when they got tired of it they started "male" conversation about something along the lines which celebrity has the cutest butt making me roll my eyes at them once in a while. They weren't usually this shallow but I have to admit some of the stuff they talked about was funny.

Like when they all agreed that the perfect woman should have Scarlett Johansson's lips, Angelina Jolie's attitude (James' demand), Megan Fox's body but with Brooklyn Decker's butt (I have no idea who she is... but apparently guys do because when Jonathan mentioned her they all went "swoon" like girls).

After the supper we all went to the game room and had awesome evening again. It looked like a tradition was forming. When I was falling asleep I understood that I was starting to feel really fond of the game room. "Just like guys" I chuckled.

In the next morning I woke up to Apocalyptica's song Path. I absolutely love that band but I hadn't listened their songs for a while so I woke up in a really good mood. When I understood that it is Friday and I'm going out with Marcus I got completely ecstatic. So I got out of the bed, changed the playlist to one that had only Apocalyptica and lightly swaying to the music started the day.

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