Green Lantern's Child

By Shadowedmoon13

195K 6.3K 911

Hal Jordan was a fun loving, easy going guy, fighting the bad guys to protect earth and fitting in with his n... More

Family Matters
Learning Languages
Waiting Room Woes
Kee's Uncles
Night Visitor
The Necklace
Sick Child
The Intruders
Uncle Superman
The Super Family
Vandal Savage
Villainous Vandal
Forget it all
Meeting the League
New Friends
Father's Day
The Message
Power Outage
Stand Alone
Nightmare Havoc
Young Justice
Movie Night Drama
The Elementals
Tonight's Terror
The Kitchen Master
Forget Me-Not
How Much I Care
The Butler
Remember Me

Parenting Problems

9.7K 274 38
By Shadowedmoon13

Hal just stared at Kee's bare neck, now exposed as she'd moved her long brown hair out of the way. He let out a small gasping noise.
The entire right side of Kee's neck was covered by three long reddish pink scars, that looked like a feral cat had attacked her, that wasn't the problem. The scars were so deep they were like trenches carved out of her neck, right near vital arteries and her small windpipe. The scars were still looking painful and were so deep he was surprised that she'd survived whatever had caused them, obviously she'd gotten help quickly. And he realised something, they all passed right over where her voice box was.
Glancing up at her face he saw barely suppressed tears of frustration in her eyes. Tears that she was refusing to spill.
" have been keeping quiet, you can't speak," Hal said slowly.
Kee met his gaze awkwardly and nodded, cheeks colouring slightly in embarrassment.
" Kee.....I'm so sorry, I honestly didn't know. I imagine you've been trying to tell me all night long, haven't you," Hal murmured.
Kee nodded vigorously, making some more strange hand gestures.
Hal realised that they weren't hand gestures, they were sign language! She was trying to communicate with him all night long. Unfortunately, Hal definitely didn't know sign language, but, maybe his girlfriend did! He'd had to call her later. She wanted him too anyway to tell him how it had went, but now he had more to talk about!
" Okay Kee, I understand now. Why don't we have some dinner? I don't have much but I've got left over Stir Fry," Hal murmured encouragingly.
Kee's eyes lit up at the mention of Stir Fry and she rapidly signed something with her small hands.
Hal stared at her blankly and she stopped, mid sign, noticing that he didn't understand. Instead, she grinned brightly as a way of saying her approval.
Hal understood smiles, and helped her to the kitchen, where she watched him heat the food with wide eyes, in awe of the man that was her father.

When Hal put her to bed he noted how she wore green lantern pyjamas and pride swelled in his chest. She tied up her hair in a loose braid and grinned up at him with her freshly brushed teeth. She seemed very happy for a teenager forced to leave her country. Hal noticed the familiar necklace that she placed on the night stand and smiled at the sight of it. Imagine his surprise when she proceeded to take a contact lense out of her right eye. Hal had seized up in surprise, noting that it was on the same side of her body that the scars were. She just smiled knowingly at him, not even bothering to sign out and explanation, since he wouldn't know its meaning. Hal was about to leave the room when she leapt up and hugged him. Hal awkwardly hugged her back and she leapt back to her bed.
" Goodnight Kee," Hal whispered.
She waved at him as he shut the door to the spare room, where she was now staying permanently.
He stared at his reflection in the mirror.
" Who am I kidding? Hal Jordan is not father material! How am I supposed to be a dad if I can't even understand what my daughter is trying to say?! How do I even care for a kid anyway? Sure she seems to like me, but what do I do when she gets in to dating guys or needs to talk about women stuff? I'm not a woman, who will I ever be fit to do this, I'm a playboy, a member of the justice league, facing villains, not facing school formals! I already failed today, picking her up late, not knowing about her ' problem ' and not knowing that she likes hugs!" Hal vented in to the mirror, making sure to be quiet.
He put his head in his hands and sighed.
" I'll have to call Carol," he decided.

Standing outside on the deck, he dialled the familiar number. Almost instantly the phone was answered, his boss and frequent girlfriend answered instantly.
" Hal! How did it go? Is she nice? Does she like you?" Carol asked rapidly.
Hal sighed and prepared his answer.
" I was late to the airport by accident and she was just sitting there alone for two and a half hours. She was overjoyed to finally meet me and I found that she definitely likes hugs. She's a really sweet kid, not like those angry antisocial teens, and seems to like me, heck, She looks like someone cloned me and turned me in to a girl, she's a spitting image of me," Hal said cautiously.
Carol laughed in  to the phone.
" You suck for being late, you idiot! But I'm glad she likes you, and the fact that she looks like you is just the cherry on the top. I'd say your first night wasn't too bad," Carol complimented.
" But wait, Carol, there's a monumental issue with this situation," Hal grumbled sadly.
Carol sighed in to the phone.
" What?" She inquired in concern.
" Carol, my daughter, Kee, can't speak! I don't know sigh language either, and so she understands me, but I don't understand her answers! Carol, I don't know what to do, she just lost her mother, and doesn't have a clue about me being green lantern, or me being a part of the justice league! What should I do?" Hal asked desperately.
Carol didn't speak for some time.
" Oh, Hal, you'll get through this! I'll help you, I know a tiny bit of sign language, not a lot, but I know the basics, and you'll learn the rest on the Internet! And I can take care of her when you're on missions, I'll be like her mother figure, because goodness sakes, you aren't going to be giving her boy advice if I can say something about it! I'll come over tomorrow and meet her!" Carol offered excitedly.
Hal grinned brightly now, his girlfriend was simply amazing.
" That would be amazing, thanks honey," Hal murmured.
" I love you, my Lantern," Carol said back before ending the call.
Hal grinned, tomorrow he'd learn the basics of communication! He would learn to be a proper parent!

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