Wrong Number? - Lauren/You

By MusicBandsFans

574K 15.7K 7.2K

G!P You Y/N gets added to a group chat, where she doesn't know anybody. Maybe she'll become friends with the... More

Chapter 1 / Prologue
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 20

14K 383 128
By MusicBandsFans

Narrators POV

The girls of Fifth Harmony have been continuously trying to contact Y/N but to no avail. It has been a week since the concert in Miami and everyday the girls would try to contact Y/N in any way. When they found out about Y/N blocking them, they started trying to contact her through social media. Just anything to try and talk to her, but nothing worked.

That was until Lauren got an idea. She talked to the girls about it, and they thought that it was a good idea even though they had their doubts.


Your POV

I had just put on all of my football (soccer) gear for a game we had, which was starting in half an hour. We had that half hour for warm-ups with our team. My teammates and I walked out of the locker room with a jacket on, which we would take off when the game started. We started off with stretching before we started running back and forth five times. During this half hour the commentator, obviously, commented on many of the things we did. I had a hard time concentrating, so coach started having a talk with me near the end of the warm-ups saying that I needed to "get it together" for the game. I just nodded before walking into the locker room when we all finished warm-ups.


I walked out with my teammates after the commentator presented us. Our team captain ran through the banner with our logo on and the rest of our team ran through it after her. I was the last one to run through. It felt like everything was moving in slow motion. Like from a cliché high school movie. Though, I would never get used to the cheers of the audience and the feeling of accomplishment. Every time I had a soccer game I felt as if I made my mum proud. It was all for her.

The first couple of minutes were a blur as I couldn't focus much. I got the ball a few times and it went great until something would happen which would make me lose the ball. I'd trip or one of out opponents would just run by taking the ball from me. I didn't know what was going on with me, I never was like this.

As we reached half-time we all walked into our locker room. Oh no...

"This game is awful, what is happening with you girls?!" Our coach basically yelled but also tried to keep his cool.

"And especially you, Y/N. You need to get it together or I'm benching you. This is your last change!" He said pointing his finger at me before walking out of the locker room.

I hate when people point fingers

I sighed while looking down and putting my elbows on my knees and rubbing my face with my hands.

I drank some water before walking out with the rest of my teammates. They knew to just leave me alone at times like these. Not that it happened often.

We all walked out of the locker room yet again when we heard something through the speakers.

"What are you doing? You can't do that!" We heard before there was a crash.

We all looked up to where the commentator sat but didn't see the actual commentator.

There was a blonde girl with a mustache on?

She coughed before talking in a manly voice; "Yup, yeah, can I please have Y/FN (your full name) to raise her hand."

Everybody started looking at me but I didn't raise my hand. I couldn't see the girl's' face clearly because she also had a baseball cap on which covered most of her face.

"I'm guessing that's her- OW!" She was pushed away and fell to the floor when a dark haired girl appeared.

"Y/N, it's Lauren." She calmly said before I heard a younger voice yell; "That's Lauren Jauregui!"

I stayed quiet, not knowing how to react so Lauren continued.

"Y/N, it really was and is the girls and I. We didn't lie or anything, there was just a misunderstanding."

I looked around the football field seeing so many people confused. Lauren continued talking making me look back towards her.

"If you just give us a chance we'll explain everything." She practically begged when I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around seeing a man that most possibly was a guard because of his attire. He held a microphone in his hand that he was motioning for me to take. I looked at the microphone before looking towards Lauren who had held a nervous look. I slowly took the microphone out of his hand before turning fully towards Lauren and taking a deep breath.

"Okay," I breathed out into the microphone as it was heard all around the place.

Lauren smiled brightly before taking the hand of the blonde girl and pulling her with her towards me. The blonde girl's' fake mustache was halfway off but she tried fixing it while they ran towards me which looked quite difficult.

When they both stood in front of me I saw three other girls appear, and that's when I realized. It was them.

The six of us stood on the football field but on the side of it. Dinah was breathing heavily as if she had ran a lot. Lauren took a deep breath before speaking:

"We're really sorry you couldn't be there at the concert. We told a guard that a girl named Y/N, which was obviously you, was invited along with two others, which were your sister and your best friend. We told him to tell the other guards but most importantly Big Rob. Apparently he didn't which led to Big Rob telling you that no one by your name was invited. I'm so sorry Y/N. We would never lie to you."

It took me a while to take it all in but I believed them because they were obviously right in front of me and it was really them from the pictures they sent.

I have trust issues so when the whole situation started, with them adding me to the group chat, I had a hard time believing them when they told me who they were. It wasn't because they were famous. I would never be friends with them just because of that. That doesn't matter at all to me. I hate attention as well which is also why I always get nervous before a soccer game. I just hate attention as in where everyone would be looking at me or something along those lines.

"I believe you," I said while smiling slightly. All the girls held big smiles when Dinah's mustache suddenly fell to the ground. I started laughing along with the girls before Ally hugged me and yelled: "Group hug!".

We hugged for a bit before pulling away when we heard a cough.

"Are you girls done? We have a game to finish." I heard my coach say as I rolled my eyes. He could be a big douche sometimes.

Dinah glared at him and when I saw that she was about to say something, I quickly put my hand over her mouth and answered my coach.

"Yes, we can start the game again." I said sending a fake smile towards him. When he turned around to my teammates I turned to Dinah and whisper-yelled: "Do you want me kicked off the team already?!"

She widened her eyes before shaking her head. I removed my hand from her mouth and nodded.


"I'm coming!"

"That's what she said." I heard Dinah say before she, Lauren and Normani giggled while Camila looked dumbfounded and Ally tried to hold in her laugh.

I rolled my eyes at them before hugging each of them and running towards my team.


Narrators POV

"I gotta say Lauren, this has by far been your best idea." Dinah said giving her best friend a highfive. Lauren giggled before nodding as she and the girls watched the rest of your game with a bodyguard standing next to the bleachers they were sat at. Ally scooted over and motioned for him to sit beside her since there wasn't really any reason to just be standing there.

The Fifth Harmony girls and their bodyguard watched the rest of Y/N's game. Y/N felt like this half of the game was better than the last and she thinks it's most possibly because she cleared everything out with the Fifth Harmony girls. Now there wasn't anything on her mind to keep her from focusing on the game.

The soccer game ended with Y/N's team winning, 3 - 1. The girls decided to wait for Y/N to finish showering and getting dressed since they wanted to spend some time with her.

Once Y/N was out of the locker room and at the school's parking lot she saw the girls and their bodyguard. She quickly walked towards them and hugged each of them.

"I'm so happy that it wasn't true about you guys cat fishing me." She said smiling brightly before continuing. "Rosie will be so happy!"

The girls giggled before agreeing.

They all got in the van they had and spent the rest of the time they had with each other.



This was crap and I didn't really know how to end it, so I'm sorry about that.

Next chapter might be up later today or tomorrow, but no promises.

- M

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