Addison Winchester (Now Compl...

By LillyTheTurtle

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"Looking for something?" A chill voice sounded from behind me. Whipping around the man who stood behind me he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
chapter 37
Chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
Chapter 52
Witchy Winchester
War of the Winchesters

Chapter 3

29.2K 623 40
By LillyTheTurtle

Spencer ended up having to cancel on lunch due to a case that presented itself. Part of me was slightly upset but the other part was thankful that I didn't have to look him in eye and pretend that everything was fine when everything is not. So instead of spending the next week stressing I decided to get to work on unpacking all our crap.

Before we came here we had been living on separately. He had lived with his mother and stayed in the house after he put her in a home, which he did shortly after him and I met. We had been together for about a month before he decided that placing her somewhere people could take better care of her was the best idea. I stayed there most nights but I had been living in an old cabin that a friend of my father owned. Of course said friend didn't know I was there but it's not like he ever stopped by to check on things and I always made sure that my things were packed and nothing was ever out of place, the only thing that might have made anyone think someone was there was the fact that I cleaned it. And by clean I mean dusting. I honestly feel that he kept the place just to have it. Spencer knew that I ran away from my family but I never gave him a real reason as to why. I just told him that I had moved around a lot and that I just wanted to settle down and make a life for myself.

At first he had a lot of questions that I had managed to silence with vague answers, I tried to keep everything as close to the truth as possible because starting a relationship out with lies is how you end up alone with 40 cats.

When he enrolled into the academy, we decided to get a place together here and really start our life. I had planed on enrolling in the police academy but that's obviously getting put on hold. Even though I no longer intend on being a hunter I still want to kick ass and take names but I also want a family, though right now isn't the best time to start said family. Though thought of having a family has sounded a lot better in my head then it felt right now in this moment.

Okay, so unpacking is the worst thing ever, when we moved around when I was a kid we only had enough things to fill one dufful bag. I don't even know where he wants half this crap. We already put the bookshelf where we wanted it, but last time I tried to put the books away, he freaked out. Apparently there's a special order that he wants them and he didn't bother to inform me of that order. So now I've got ten boxes scattered around the living room, if you can call it that, floor that I have no freaking clue what to do with them. This is the only room I have left to unpack and I refuse to stare at the three empty bookshelves and a mountain of boxes until he comes home.

Its not like we had anything to put in the kitchen and we already put most of our room together, all that's left is the freaking books. And its not like I can put my books away until I know how much space his takes up. The really sad part is that these are the only things that we really have other then clothes and a few personal items. Neither one of us had very many pictures from when we were kids and the only childhood mementos I own are guns and knives, maybe a handful of pictures. Spencer didn't like my idea of hanging the guns them on the walls so they're tucked away in a box in the back of our closet with the exception of one or two I hid around the apartment, but Spencer doesn't know that, at least I don't think he does.

Just as I was about to give up someone knocked on the door. It was more then likely a neighbor just trying to be friendly. I shoved the box that was full of books about the French Revolution, that were written in French mind you, away from my spot in the middle of the floor and stood before making my way to the door. I didn't bother looking out the peep hole before opening it, stupid me.

Spencer flipped through the case file. To anyone else it would look like he was just skimming the pages but the wasn't at all the truth. He had already memorized the details but that didn't stop him from double checking. When Addison first saw him doing it she thought he was messing with her, that the socially awkward man had a sense of humor she could connect with after all. If took him letting her buy a random book that he'd never seen before and reading it in front of her then she made his recite the first couple pages. Then she never doubted him with anything having to do with his mind ever again.

Spencer hasn't ever really been good with other people, awkward would be the best word to use. Most people saw his ability to speak like a book odd and avoided him. Addison seemed to be the only person so far, besides his mother, who actually enjoyed hearing all of his statistics and weird facts about anything and everything. She had her fair share of things that she could ramble on about. When they had first gotten together he read 64 books on relationships and how to make them last. Of course those book did nothing but make him look like an idiot though he didn't know that until she said something about it. Addison had laughed it off and said that she didn't want to be with a robot. He had been more then a little worried when he got an offer to join the FBI. He had been afraid that she wouldn't want to come with him, that she would prefer to stay in Vegas. Even now that she came with him he was still nervous. She's been acting odd since he told her about having to move to Virginia. He was scared that she was having second thoughts and wanted to leave, wanted to leave him. He didn't want her to be unhappy with him. He remembered her talking about how much she moved around growing up and didn't want this job to remind her of that.

"You okay kid?" Derek asked finally. He was getting tired of watching the younger agent freak out at whatever was going on in his head. His eyebrows were pushed together and Derek could see sweat forming on the agents forehead. Spencer jumped at his voice and gave him a confused expression, not understanding why the other agent would ask that question. Derek assumed he was just nervous about his first case, most newbies acted like this but so far Spencer had been quite unique, it only took him a few minuets alone with the gut to figure that out.

"Um...yeah." He stuttered, shaking his head as if to clear the thoughts that were running though his mind and went back to focusing on the papers in front of him, Addison was the only topic change that could ever derail his thoughts entirely. Aaron didn't pay them any attention, he was to busy trying to find a connection between the victims, do what the other men were supposed to be doing.

"You know for being a profiler, you're pretty bad a lying." Derek chuckled. Spencer coughed awkwardly. That was something Addison always told him, not that she was any better, at least not to him anyway though he had watched her lie to complete strangers without so much as a flinch.

"It's just...My g-girlfriend, Addison, has been acting strange. I'm just trying to think about what could be upsetting her." Referring to Addison as his girlfriend had always been odd for him. When he was going through high school he never thought he would find someone that understood him, at least not someone who was as beautiful as Addison, the bullies weren't much help either. Derek looked over the young man, he wore a sweater vest and mismatched socks his hair was on the longer side and he had a boyish look to him. He didn't seem like the kind of guy that would be comfortable around women, especially one that would move all the way across the county with him.

"You've got a girlfriend?" Spencer nodded. "She came all the way out here with you?" He asked surprised. Spencer nodded again. Most people reacted that way when they found out him and Addison were together. Addison is incredibly confident, she never showed any kind of weakness and when she did it was to make others underestimate her, another reason he thought something was bothering her, she had been keeping things to herself more then normal. She was tall, blond and not someone you would expect to be standing next to Spencer. He had spent a lot of time thinking about what she saw in him and always came up short, she's the one puzzle that he hasn't ever been able to solve. "Then I really don't think you have much to worry about. Most girls don't leave everything behind to follow their boyfriend across the country." He gave Spencer a lighthearted grin.

"She didn't have anyone in Vegas, she ran away from her family when she was 15." He disagreed. "I was the only thing keeping her there." He closed the file and set it on the table. "She might be worried about her father trying to find her, the apartment is in her name." He was thinking out loud at this point.

"Okay, why don't you talk to her before you get a crazy idea in your head." Derek chuckled. Spencer nodded, he was right. He would just have to talk to her. "She's probably just adjusting to the new place." Derek assured. "I don't think you've got anything to worry about." He repeated with am all knowing smile before moving back to the case.

They finished the case in three days and Spencer was pretty proud of himself. He managed to figure out where the unsub was keeping the girl and saved her life as well as three others. He tried calling Addison to tell her he was on his way home but she didn't answer. He brushed it off, she was more then likely asleep and nothing short of a bomb going off would wake her. The plane ride was uneventful, he just really wanted to go home and sleep in his own bed.

It wasn't till they landed that he realized that Addison had their car. Derek offered to give him a ride home after Addison still didn't answer her phone or the house phone. Spencer felt worry begin to build up in his chest as they got closer to the apartment. It wasn't like Addison to not answer, even when she's upset but he pushed the negative thoughts away, she's probably just asleep.

"This is it." Spencer pointed to the building. "Thanks, see you in the morning." He got out of the car and hurried up the stairs to the second floor. He still couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. He went to unlock the door only to find that it was already open.

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