Imagine me and you (Swan Quee...

By Aca-Addicted

4.3K 140 31

You've guessed it. Another damn sleeping curse. Though no one could've really predicted that the savior would... More

Chapter 1 - Another damn sleeping curse
Chapter 2 - One hell of a night
Chapter 3 - 'Stay'
Chapter 4 - Parenting advice
Chapter 5 - Off the Hook
Chapter 6 - Temptation
Chapter 8 - An aching heart
Chapter 9: I am falling for you

Chapter 7 - May I have this dance?

401 13 0
By Aca-Addicted

"Damn ants!" Regina spilled, sweeping her hand across the red and blue checked blanket to dispose of an army of insects. "Why did we have to settle down next to an anthill again?"

"Oh... didn't notice them. We'll just move the blanket." Emma motioned Henry to attend to the blanket then offered a hand to the mayor. "My lady." Regina returned the saviour a stare that could turn sweet into sour. In some way it could've been considered polite but Regina did not approve, neither did she trust the woman's intentions. After having moved to a different spot, Regina sat down again to prepare some snacks. "Mom, aren't you coming? Me and Emma are going to play hide and seek in the forest." Henry asked. Regina gave a smile. "Maybe later sweetheart. You and your mom go ahead; I'll prepare you some snacks for when you come back."


Regina held her eyes closed, enjoying the sun that kindly warmed her skin at the contact. She heard two familiar giggles and guessing to who they belonged to was no challenge. Regina opened her eyes to see Henry on Emma's back, clutching onto her like a little monkey. A chuckle escaped the mayor's lips as she admired the two from a distance. Regina found herself lost in the memory of her and Emma's first encounter. And thought about how much closer they had grown over time. They used to hate each other's guts... Now they were inseparable.

"Looking good. I'm starving." Emma said as she crashed down next to Regina and eagerly reached for one of the sandwiches. "Henry, thank your mother for having prepared this."

"Thank you mom!" Henry obediently said as he too dug in.

"Hmhm..." Regina hummed. "Have you two put sunscreen on?" She asked, experiencing a moment in regard of motherly instincts.

"Yes." Both said in sync, both still with their mouths full.

"Good." Regina peacefully laid back again.


After a while Regina was still sun bathing not aware the sheriff was sneaking up on her. Then unexpectedly, Regina's muscles tensed up at the direct contact of cold water and sat up straight. "SWAN!" She clenched her jaw, the water almost vaporising in an instant as Regina's blood was boiling. Emma dropped a watergun right in front of the older woman's feet, challenging her to pick it up.

"Come on, pick it up mom!" Henry now said as he joined his two moms, careful to keep a safe distance.

"Not a chance... I came here for my rest not to-" Regina was cut off by yet another splash of water. Emma was unable to hold back the laugh that desired escape so badly, though did grow a little worried by the mayor's glare that intensified within seconds.

"Okay now you're dead!" Regina yelled, her eyes burning with fire as she picked up the watergun. Emma decided to make a run for it, looking back only to see Regina was gaining on her. She spun around aimlessly shooting into Regina's direction. Regina shielded her face with one hand, shooting with the other. Even though she hated to admit it, she was enjoying their little game, laughing hard as the duel continued until their water bottles were empty. They were quick to refill and ready for another round, this time Henry joined the fight, aiding Regina who was losing the match. Emma was evading attacks by hiding behind a fallen tree. Henry pretended to be hit by a real bullet, grabbing his chest dramatically and falling to the ground. "Argh! I'm hit! Avenge me m-mom..." He groaned, Regina playing along and grabbing his hand. "Henry no!" She turned to Emma who was watching in awe from behind her cover. "We are role-playing now?" She asked, amused by their performance.

"Aaaaah!" Regina released her battle cry, storming towards Emma.

"Wow... Wow Regina!" Emma held out her hands in surrender but the older woman would not show mercy. Then before Emma was aware of what had happened, both were lying flat on the ground, Regina on top, both soaking wet. Regina did not know what had caused her to lose wit. She pulled back to meet Emma's confused eyes and felt her stomach shrink. Never had they been this close. Droplets of water, desperately clinging onto Regina's locks until gravity claimed them its own, dripped onto Emma's face. They stared into each other's eyes and shared breath for a short moment until Regina pulled herself out of the daze she was found trapped in and rolled to her back. "I can't believe you actually tackled her." Henry said as he ran to the two women. "Yeah..." Regina nervously chuckled and got back on her feet. "I think it's going to rain soon."

"Yeah we'd better head home." Emma then said, grabbing the little boy's hand that bravely tried to pull her up.


Emma almost choked on her red wine as a result of the mayor's remark, not meant for the ears of a child. Regina covered up her lips at the realisation while Henry just gaped. "What does that mean?" He asked, noting the expressions of his two mother's.

"Time for bed!" Emma then spat out and lifted the little man from Regina's lap to put him on his feet.

"But-" Henry tried to protest but the blonde shook her head. "No no... It's already passed twelve and you have school tomorrow mister." Emma said strictly, receiving an impressed stare from the mayor who was merely just observing. "Fine..." Henry sighed in defeat, the struggles of being under aged. "You just get yourself ready for bed. We'll bring you a goodnight kiss." Emma said.

"And don't forget to brush your teeth!" Regina added, calling out after him as he was already running up the stairs.


After few minutes, both women came to check on their son who they found lying in bed, reading comics. "Wolverine?" Regina guessed as she sat down at the edge of the matrass, Emma on the other side. "Xena." Henry said, his eyes raving through the pages.

"Xena? That one is new." Emma said, usually she was well informed of the comics Henry was busy with at times.

"I got it from Ruby." Henry added.

"This... Xena is always dressed like that?" The words left Regina's mouth like vinegar, her eyebrows furrowed in question as she was observing the cover of the thin comic book. It had a well-shaped woman, wearing a short leather outfit that barely covered up her cleavage and legs. "Bold choice of clothing."

"It's her warrior costume." Henry explained. "Every hero has one."

"Doesn't she ever get cold?" Emma asked.

"Doesn't seem very comfortable to me." Regina joined, much to Henry annoyance.

"Well she likes it." Henry said, defending the fantasy heroine.

"And this blonde here. Look at the eyes she is giving her." Emma noted, pointing at the small pixie haired girl standing beside Xena.

"That's Xena's sidekick Gabrielle." Henry said.

"And what's the story about Henry?" Regina now asked, curious of the character's motif despite it all evolving around violence.

"Xena and Gabrielle travel around the world, aiding the innocent and people in need."

"Sounds honourable." Emma said.

"Very. Now, do you know what you need young man?" Regina asked.

"More of these comics?" Henry said, raising his eyebrows, it was a long shot.

"Debatable, but I was going to say 'sleep'."

"Henry just grinned and put the comic underneath his pillow to thereafter rest his head back. "Sleep tight kid." Emma placed a soft kiss, her lips scented with the flavour of wine. Regina followed. "Sweet dreams."

Once they were outside his room, the true believer drew himself the widest smile. It was pretty awesome both his parents gave him a kiss goodnight, he decided it was something he could get used to.


Regina was busy on the dishes while keeping an eye on the saviour who was snooping around the house. Emma brought a halt to her pace as soon she walked past the stereo. Greeted by a tower high stack of cd's, Emma smiled. Music often says a lot about somebody's character. "Let's see what we have here..." Emma muttered to herself, feeling brown orbs following her every move. The sheriff's eyes danced across the many cd titles, freezing at a certain one. "Jazz?" Emma spat out, taking out the cd and studying its cover.

"Hmm?" Regina looked up, trying to appear indifferent.

"I never pictured you to be a jazz lady." Emma said before she put the disk in the stereo.

"What can I say, I'm classy." Regina teased adding a wink to the comment which Emma was just in time to catch.

Emma averted her gaze, a blush running through her cheeks. The music started playing. A catchy duet of classic piano and sax with a cello playing at base. Emma slowly moved on the beat of the music, her hips rocking sideways. Regina snorted at the sight. After having cleaned up the countertop of its dish and filth, Regina allowed her eyes to wander back to that lopsided grin, eyes promising mischief. Emma crooked her finger, motioning Regina to come closer. The older woman shook her head. "Nah ah... I don't dance." She said but the blonde wouldn't accept that answer. With elegant steps she moved towards the mayor. "Ah come on Regina. Don't be boring."

"I? Boring? Tsk..." Regina rolled her eyes at the idea.

"Come on. Prove me wrong." Emma challenged, closing in the distance between them till mere breaths were their space.

"Why do you need to make everything a challenge?" Regina made comment, frowning her eyebrows. The sheriff felt bold and wrapped one hand around Regina's waist, though the mayor became aware of the blonde's intentions and denied them by spinning around elegantly. "So this is how you want to play it?" Emma asked, moving forward while Regina did just the opposite. "You were the one to have started this cat and mouse chase. I won't give you the satisfaction of winning." Regina smirked, then instead of continuing to pace backwards she turned to her toes and smoothly moved past Emma, their backs almost touching. It had turned into a dance for dominance, a dance that evolved around chase, and both were enjoying it. They circled around each other, their eyes remaining locked. Emma placed her hand on Regina's back, and Regina's hand settled down on Emma's shoulder. Then finally their hands met and both started to move as one. Regina was taking the lead with Emma following. "So you do know how to follow." Regina grimaced. "I would follow you anywhere Regina." Emma cleverly responded, feeling the song was reaching its end just like their dance. She pulled the older woman closer, combining the warmth of their bodies. Regina's felt her heart trapped inside her throat as she felt the blonde's fingers travel across her skin. The way Emma was looking at her, lust threatening to consume her. Regina bashfully stared down to her feet but Emma cupped her chin and lifted her head back up to meet her green eyes. "Regina..." She whispered.


A/N: I know, I know I'm an ass for ending it like that, I'm sorry...
Don't be shy and feel free to comment or message me if you'd like :) I'd love to hear your thoughts about this chapter!
Stay safe, wear helmets and stay in school. That's all the wisdom I have to share for now ;)
Later dorks xx

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