Daughter of The Darkness

By parallelamy

53.4K 1.8K 156

"I have not had dealings with dwarves or anyone in too many years than I care to remember, I never want to ei... More

Hey Guys/Gals!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter Six
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Thanks for your support!
Chaptet 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Story premotion!!!
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Question Time!!!
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 48

393 14 0
By parallelamy

For the first night in her old chamber, Elfreda did not sleep well. Her dreams haunted by black castle ruins and cages for torture. There was a whisper in the air, a language or spell she did not know. Elfreda walked, bare foot towards the sound, she was wearing a silver gown, loose around her body and her long hair unbound. It was not cold, despite being the idle of the night but her spine was ridged as he felt eyes scanning her.

A foul voice filled the air. An Orc. It was sneering at one of the cages. There was a man inside, his old face beaten and bruised. The Orc threw the cage onto the ground and all the air in the mans lungs left in a lurch. Gandalf. Elfreda screamed.
As if in reply, a hand shielded her mouth from any sound. The had was light but warm and pale. Galadriel faced her- Queen of the Elves gazed upon Elfreda's shouting face, a command to remain silent. The queen was barefoot also, dressed in white an a silver crown adorned her head.

With a flick of her wrist the Orc went flying off over the edge of the ruins. Gandalf was left on the ground, his body not harmed by the magic but by the days of starvation and torture.

Elfreda attempted to aid her friend but nothing she did worked. Galadriel it seemed was the only one who could see her. With immortal strength, the lady of the light carried the grey wizard through the ruins, Elfreda firmly behind her.

Another fell voice filled Elfreda's mind. It was old and jagged, telling a legend they all knew too well.

Three rings for Elven Kings under the sky...
Seven for Dwarf lords in their halls of stone...
Elfreda finished the rest "nine for mortal men, doomed to die," As she whispered the last line of the prophecy, silhouettes of men surrounded the trio.
"My lady, you must flee," Elfreda muttered. The figures approached them- there was no escape.
One light in the darkness
"I am not alone," was the Queens only stand of dominance. As she spoke Elrond and Saruman appeared. In all her life, Elfreda was more please to see them than ever before.
"You should have stayed dead," taunted Elrond as he attacked, deflecting the blows of the dead kings with ease. The White Wizard did the same, his magic banishing them back but not for long.

Two kings faced Elfreda. Oh they could see her. Having no weapon, Elfreda knew hand to hand combat would prove fatal. Backing away, she felt like a coward. The Kings laughed as dark ominous laugh that broke her bones. She would not stand down. As they attacked, with all the energy she could muster, a golden ball of light erupted from her hand. That pushed them back. Her energy drained, Elfreda could do nothing more as she slumped onto the wall. Elrond spotted the Kings and felt with them as swiftly as before. He could not see her.

Galadriel kissed Gandalf's forehead. The wizard breathed into life once more. But he was not glad to be back.
"He is here," Gandalf whimpered. The queen nodded. Elfreda wept. He had done this.

Radagast rushed in on his sled and Gandlaf was pushed on. They spoke briefly. Elfreda could not hear. Her mind too full of rage and empty of energy to listen. Another pulse of power came from Galadriel and Radagast was on his way once more.
The ruins were silent once more. But for only a second. Fire ripped through the bridge of the ruins, his voice filling Elfreda's head. The figure of hatred stood there, the fire surrounded him like an eye.
So the Kingdom of Angmar shall rise.
The in her head was filled
With the King and his princess. Elfreda roared, slamming her hands into her head as she felt her fathers fire fill her mind with blackness.

A wave of golden light resented through Elfreda. Her eyes molten she faced her father.
"Go back to the depths," she ordered, the voice not her own. Her fathers flame could do nothing against her shield.
Child we shall be great once more. Rule as my heir and the world will fall at our feet,
"Never," Elfreda retched. The other council members could see her now. A body rose next to her. Galadriel was a angle of green death, not like the elf who had saved the wizard. A white light came from her hand to join the golden one.
"You have no power here," the two voices became one as they ordered Sauron to flee.
"Go back to the void!" The energy that resented from the queens of Middle Earth send the shell of the monster into the east. A ripple of lightning shot from the clouds to the mountains in the horizon.

Both women fell to the ground. None could catch Sauron's daughter but Galadriel could be saved. The two women clasped hands, a bond of unbearable strength that had been absorbed by the darkness.
"Without the ring of power, Sauron can never claim Middle Earth, leave Sauron to me,"

Elfreda awoke, her bed was like the water from the lake. Yet entire body frozen and damp. Pain raced through her left arm from her hand. Burns covered her entire palm, the power still glowing along the creases in her heated skin. Elfreda wept and wept, removing any sheet that adorned her bed. She needed a bath, needed to be cool.

The icy water made her hot skin hiss, steam came off her like a boiled kettle. Elfreda bathed her hand and put salve onto it before wrapping it in torn bed sheets.

It was not yet dawn. Her bath had not calmed her, physical energy needed to be burned, she needed to contemplate. To her barracks then. Where she could train, hone her skills with a fine comb.

The ouch bag made a good warm up. Her fists curled and arms swinging, the bag picked up speed hit after hit. A swift kick made the bag fly then sent backward by an opposite blow. She enjoyed hitting things. It made her feel good. She needed to feel good after the blow that had sent her within herself to rediscover her darkest nightmares.

The battle for the mountain was about to begin.

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