Midnight Special (Supernatura...

By Watermelonnez

384 34 13

Sage Frost, a girl living alone in a mansion in the woods has spent her whole life trying to protect the peo... More

The Forest
Man I hate Bars
Welcome To My House (Cue That One Flo Rida Song)
Welcome To The Hotel California
Midnight Whisperings
Deal Or No Deal
Dark Necessities
Initium Novum (Thats Latin)
Epilogue/ Its The Hardknock Life


31 4 0
By Watermelonnez

2:30 Am

Sage's POV

After playing the piano for awhile, we all decided to watch a movie to pass the time. I suggested The Shining and Sam and Dean just agreed.
After we were done with the movie, Dean had already fallen asleep on the couch and Sam...Well Sam was barely staying awake. I got up from the couch and was about to open the door to go outside until Sam stopped me "Hey where are you going?" He asked. "Oh I'm just gonna sit outside" I replied. "But I thought you said it's dangerous to go out"
"It's dangerous for you guys but not for me" I grinned. "Sage" He said concerned. "What I'll be back. I swear" I laughed. I could tell he didn't like that idea. "Alright" He said reluctantly. I gave a small smile before I walked out the door.


I sat on my porch steps, inhaling the crisp autumn air. The air felt slightly thin. Winter was close. I was so tempted to have a stroll in the forest but it was close to the witching hour. Demons will come and that'll be the end of me.
Spooky sat next to me, staring at the distance; probably seeing things like cats always do. I got up from the steps and decided to sit on the porch chair. Spooky followed me and hopped onto my laps to fall asleep. My eyes grew heavy with every passing minute. I would close them momentarily then give in.

You sleep out here you're gonna die.

The thought made me open my eyes wide. Spooky wasn't on my lap anymore. He probably went back inside but it was strange because I never felt him leave. I got up and my eyes met with the black eyes of the figures in the distance. That's when I knew it was best to get back in. There were a dozens of them. There will be more afterwards. I reached for the door handle but as I tried it, the door wouldn't open.

Were the Winchesters pulling a prank on me?

Wow how mature.

"Haha very funny. Please open the door" I didn't get any answer. I looked behind me and saw more demons, they were all approaching. "Alright come on open the door now!" I said louder. I looked behind me and saw them even closer. I gave up in trying. I began ramming the door to get it to open.
Third time is a charm.
I didn't notice my eyes were shut, but I wished I had kept them shut. I felt terror as I saw the floor and the walls were covered in blood. It was sickening. How it all flowed down. Despite seeing the blood spilled, I witnessed a horror far worse.
There laid Dean's body, covered with blood. I rushed and checked his pulse even though it seemed impossible that he could be alive.

No pulse.

No no no this can't be happening.

"Sam!" I called out.
I walked further, to check behind the couch. I could feel the tears already filling up my eyes. I found his body but he was in the same state as Dean was. I kneeled down, still hoping he could be alive. I reached out my fingers to check his pulse.
His cold hand suddenly gripped mines, making my heart fall down to my stomach.
"You did this" He said. My first instinct was to pull away and run because this thing couldn't be Sam. "It's time you pay the price" He continued. Words couldn't escape my mouth. It was just gasps and whimpers as I helplessly tried to break free.
I suddenly felt arms pulling me backwards. I looked behind and saw Dean dragging me towards the door. "You'll join your family now!" He thundered. The front door caught up in flames and I was now staring into a dark abyss. "This is where you belong" Sam said as his eyes turned black as a raven. I felt his forceful shove and my feet weren't on the ground anymore.
I was falling fast. I could feel my stomach drop. I could already see the racks I'll collide with quickly approaching. I held my eyes shut, but I felt the sting of the hooks.

I shot straight up. My head drenched in sweat. I quickly pulled my sleeves up but saw nothing but my old scars and the singed anti possession symbol my aunt gave me. My breath felt short. I looked at spooky who was now on the ground with his back arched in fear. He was staring into the distance. I looked in the same direction and saw two figures standing. More figures appeared and I decided it was time to go back in. I grabbed Spooky and went back inside.

As I went back in, Sam was still awake but this time, Dean was awake too. It seemed like they were talking about something.
"I hope I didn't interrupt anything" My voice sounded a bit shaky.

I hope they don't notice.

"Hey are you okay?" Sam asked.

They noticed idiot.

"You look spooked" Dean added.

"I'm okay" I answered. They both narrowed their eyes and obviously hinted they didn't believe me.
"I had a nightmare alright that's it" I grumbled.
"And there are demons outside because it's the witching hour" I said now focusing on the clock that read 3:00 .

The look of fear appeared on their faces. They both walked towards the window to look outside.

I heard Dean give out a little "woah" before I walked to the kitchen to grab salt. I moved onto the living and began pouring salt by every entrance of the house including the windows.

I wiped off the sweat and plopped myself on the couch. "There. We're safe now" I sighed. "Do you do this everyday?" Sam asked concerned.
"Yeah. It's a living" I answered. "They come every night then leave in the morning" I added. I closed my eyes for a second just to get the tension off.
"Sage...How did your parents die?" Sam asked.
My eyes flung open. Why would he ask such a question? The question seemed like a ticking bomb and it just exploded to flood my brain with all the memories.

"W-Well they-" A thunderous echo collided with my skull which caused me to cover my ears. The sound continued and it made me feel like my brain was about to split. Dean placed his hands on my shoulders and shook me. I knew he was trying to tell me something, but I wasn't sure if he was calling my name but whatever he was trying to do, I couldn't hear it.

My eyes met with darkness. The sound was quieter now and almost muffled. There was nothing to be seen except for myself. I walked forward to see if there was possibly anything out there.

I soon thought there was nothing but darkness here until I heard the sound of a whisper that seemed to radiate above me.
There it was. The source of the whispering was a terrifying figure with horns, standing upside down and staring at me with the widest grin.

"I'm here"

I inhaled deeply and saw both Sam and Dean looking down at me with a look of relief. "Sage what happened?" Dean asked. I couldn't even talk. I knew I was in another trance but it drove me to my instincts. I grabbed Dean's arm and quickly got up to my knees. "Sage wait!" Sam called out. I couldn't stop. I knew there was something wrong. I knew there was already something in the house.

I ran upstairs and found the door of the storage room open. My eyes widened as I saw a woman standing in front of me.
"Nice to know you got my message" She snickered. I was suddenly pulled in with an extreme force and I crashed into old photos and vases. I flinched as the glass scratched my face and hands. I saw Sam and Dean looking in horror as they saw me on the floor. In a split second, they were flung across the hall before the door slammed shut. I was picked up forcefully and thrown to the wall. I was already feeling dazed as I was staring into the eyes of the demon.
"Well it's really an honor that I'm the one to get the job done" The demon said. I had nothing to defend myself. I had no knife or bottles of holy water. I rushed instead of thinking of taking a weapon with me.
"Of course I would've never gotten in if it weren't for you Sage" She picked me up and pinned me to the wall.
"Someone forgot to salt the windows" She laughed. I kept my eyes on the door. I couldn't escape but there could be hope for me. Sam and Dean could save me.
The demon looked at the same direction "You're not getting out of this room tonight" She grinned.
"Neither are the Winchesters" She continued.
A feeling of dread emerged. Soon I'd be dead but worse I'd be responsible for the Winchesters death. "W-wait I will join you" I said pathetically. All the demons wanted me to join them the minute my aunt was killed. Maybe if I join them, they'll let the Winchesters live.
"Oh you will join" She smirked. She moved closer to my ear
"The best part is that you'll be the one to kill the Winchesters"

My blood ran cold as she moved away. I knew what was going to happen but it was happening too fast.

She lifted her fingers.

Suddenly it all froze. The demon was stuck in the same position, still lifting her fingers. I didn't feel her force anymore, but I soon realized I couldn't feel anything. The broken shards on my face didn't sting anymore and I didn't feel dazed.
I walked away from the wall and around the demon. I looked around confusingly and moved to open the door. Sam and Dean laid there in the same spot unconscious. All seemed dark until a bright light suddenly shined and I saw a dark woman with curly jet black hair standing in front of me. "Hello again" She said soothingly.


Welllllllllll guess what?
Another cliffhanger. Hahahaha. I mean it's pretty obvious. Should've seen this coming :)
-Latifa (the meme)

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