The NCC Camp

By Pixie_land

374 43 14

For those who don't know what NCC means It means National Cadet corpse which is a basic course of milatry tra... More

Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 8

12 3 0
By Pixie_land

Hope u like the story....


After all of us were done bathing, we quietly returned to our room. When we entered the room a large smile graced my lips as I saw most of the girls looking tired and worn out. Atleast now they will sleep at night and let the others sleep too.

I went to my luggage and started to put my belongings in my bag. I then lied down for some rest and closed my eyes.

After much twisting and turning I sat up again and dismissed the idea of sleeping and took out Dash and Lily's book of dares. A really good read if you ask me.

The book is captivating in it's own sweet way. It's an adventure in it's own way. The thing about this book that I liked the most is it's simplicity. A teenager's story that keeps you begging for more. Though I might dare say that this book makes me question my vocabulary as many words are very new to me.

As I was reading further I saw Sarah reading a piece of paper and decided to bug her. I put the book away and made my way towards her.

"A love letter huh?" I said in a serious tone as I read the untidy writing over her shoulder.

She quickly stuffed the letter in her pocket and turned towards me.

"Geez ever heard of the word private space?" She asked sarcastically.

"Nope. What's that?"

"You're hopeless, you know?"

"Me? Pffttt.... Now don't try to change the topic Missy." I said.

"Well it was worth a try." She grumbled under her breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing absolutely nothing." She said with fake innocence.

"Soo.... About this lover boyyyy." I dragged.

"Yeah? What about him?"

I slapped her hand lightly while saying," Don't try to be a smartass."

"I am not." She glared at me while nursing her hand.

"What's his name? Do I know him? Is he in our class? For how long is this going on? Should I ..."

"Hush,... Breathe a little Amy, I will tell you."

I excitedly sat cross-legged on the mattress like a kid waiting for his favourite bed time story.

"Well.. his name is Shawn."

"Like Shawn the sheep?"

At this she gave me a dead panned look and I tried to control my laughter.

"Sorry couldn't stop myself. Continue please." I said.

"He's our classmate and..."

"No way. Brewery?"


"Cool. So how long is this been going on?" I asked.

" It's been a month now."

"He's your first right?"

"Uh huh" she replied.

An awkward pause.

Another long awkward pause.

I mentally slapped myself for not being able to make a conversation. By the RULES of talking it's my turn to say something. Think you fool. Think for something to say.

"Did you two kissed yet." I blurted out before actually slapping a hand on my mouth.

"Sorry personal question. Shouldn't have asked. You know my capability of blurting things out. I totally didn't mean to make it awkw...."

" It's alright and for your answer no we haven't."

I blushed a deep Scarlett and apologised again.

Someone award a prize to me for having the talent to make any situation awkward.

"Umm.... I will leave you to read that letter then." I awkwardly said.

"Uhh okaayy." She replied.

Just then a girl came to our room and told us that we are requested to assemble in the ground. Confused we all wore our shoes and started moving downstairs. Looks like we are the only ones that have been called.

When we reached the area we found Mrs. Rose and another teacher of our school with an expression of worry and rage. We all quickly settled in rows of three. After a minute or two the seniors of our school also assembled with their leader Ashely at the front. A pretty brunette with blond highlights and chocolate brown eyes. Though they look anything but warm.

"So have she been found?" Mrs. Rose asked.

"No ma'am. We have searched everywhere." Ashley replied.

"Who are they searching?" I whispered to Rachel.

"Hush, be quiet. I don't know either." She whispered back.

"Have you checked the other rooms. She is quite comfortable with other girls." Alex asked. One of the senior girls.

All the while we were standing there confused as hell. The other teacher started whispering something to Mrs. Rose with some hand movements and just when I was gonna ask again about what happened we were asked to turn around and sit. WTF?

Why had they called us if they don't want to include us and moreover they should at least tell us something about the matter or why we are called. Come on it's our resting time and they are wasting it.

"You all must be confused as to why we called you here." An officer asked us.


All he got in reply were several nods, no one having the strength to say anything.

"One of the senior girls is missing." He said directly with out any bullshit.

"Missing?" Rachel asked in astonishment.

"Yes and we are trying to find her." He replied.

"What's her name?" Di asked.


We all turned around towards the new voice. It was Alex's.

"She said she was going for a bath in the hostel block but she's not there." Alex further said.

"Huh? So why are we called?" Lily asked, one of Rose's best friend.

Before anybody could answer that question a shout sounded and I turned to see a girl walking to our side only. By the looks of relief on many face I guess she must be lavender.

A girl with small height and big brown eyes. Her hair reached past her hips with a petite figure. Her pace slowed as she saw everyone assembled.

"LAVENDER HERE NOW." Mrs. Rose shouted. Everyone including lavender flinched back in fear. A look of pure rage clouded her face, it almost looked like she is gonna blast.

Lavender timidly walked towards her and the moment she was in her range Mrs. Rose started shouting about how irresponsible and stupid she was and how worried she made everyone else.

From the one sided talking or more like shouting I understood that she went to her home for just bathing without telling anyone which is actually quite irresponsible if you ask me.

"That's it." She said,"no one is having a bath anywhere but the toilets and if I found anyone defying my orders......"

She let the threat hang in the air and turned around and stormed off.

'Noooo' , I thought with dread. Just because of this girl why are we punished.

I frowned and looked around to find a similar expression on everybody's face.

"Are you mental or something?" Ashley asked lavender when Mrs. Rose was out of hearing range.

"I don't know what you are so getting worked over." She said back.

"WHAT AM I GETTING WORKING OVER YOU ASK? Well for one thing I am your leader and it's my responsibility to know about the whereabouts about my comrades. Second you were not allowed to go out of school premises at any cost. Third because of your stupidity I was lectured. Fourth, instead of resting like all of should be doing every senior was searching the whole damm school. Fifth, even the juniors were asked to come down because of your irresponsibility. Sixth because of you now everyone of us juniors and seniors alike have to bathe in those stinking washrooms. So don't try to look innocent cuz you are not and this is the last warning. Something like this happen again and you will face serious consequences."

Instead of looking ashamed like she should be lavender just muttered a rude, "yes leader." and brushed past Ashley.

Alex told us to go to our room now and rest while cursing lavender to the darkest pits of hell.

We all just turned around and started walking sluggishly inside but before we could reach our room a scary looking female officer started talking in a really loud voice.

"Everybody is required downstairs in the next two minutes or you will face punishment"

Several people groaned from our group including me and RacheL.

'can't we catch a break for God's sake.'


Hope u like the story...

Politely point out any grammatical mistakes.

Long time no updates. Well sorry for that.
didn't got the time.

Thanks for sticking.


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