King's Cage- A Fabulous Fanfi...

By pamsam101

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King's Cage the official release by the one and only Victoria Aveyard comes out February 2, 2017. Which In my... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Three
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight


1.1K 18 18
By pamsam101

Kilorn was being so annoying today, he kept insisting we go check up in Maven's room. Honestly, I wanted to also, but Sentinels weren't supposed to be in the king's room.

Ever since the bombing incident, no they haven't come with a clever name for it. Though the were considering calling it the royal burst, bet they wish Elara was around to give it a proper name but she wasn't. Anyway ever since that happened the security has been an edge, extra drills, guards outside Maven's door at all times. Only the head of the guard owned a key to Mavens room. He didn't even allow maids in there without supervision.

Ptolemus Samos has been missing for about two days now, the few times I've seen Evangeline I hid attempting to restrain myself from full out murdering the girl.

She's been o a wreck since her brother's gone missing, Maven hadn't done much to comfort her, jerk husband. He seemed to spend allot of time in his room, after the bombing attack. Mare where are you?

Kilorn and I were struggling to get on the schedules for the king's room. While Cameron was struggling to keep her cool, she was working in the kitchen and almost threw a razor sharp spork (I see you lilmisseevvee) at a complaining sliver. She was also having trouble being put on the schedule to clean Maven's room, she was trying to buddy up to the head maid, but Cameron wasn't exactly charming.

"Honestly, I say we signal Farley to blow holes throughout the Castle and get this over with," Cameron said frustrated she was now on probation, for muttering inappropriate language within a slivers presence.

"And what about Mare?" Kilorn asked in his sentinel uniform. No expression but he sounded angry, and frustrated, and annoyed, and upset, mixed with sadness. Angrily Sad. How was that even possible? How was rescuing someone, who you had no lock on her location possible? How was is even possible that after all that's happened with Mare from watching her kiss Maven onboard of my father's ship, to snipping off my father's head, I was still madly in love with her.

Ever since she left I spent hours lying awake, the only time I could sleep is when exhaust had taken me out. Sometimes I'd had Kilorn purposely knock me out, or pissed off Cameron and passed out.

"She'll be okay, I think" Cameron's voice lowers, her face freely flaming. No one would question it.

"Wow, Cameron if you're gonna be two-faced at least make on of the pretty." Kilorn retaliated, to was weird, Kilorn was rarely rude first. He and Cameron seemed to have this raging war between the two.

I could tell Cameron was also sorta flustered by Kilorn's retaliation. Kilorn's voice sounded strangely smug "What can I say, I love to slay"

"Your rhymes are terrible and so are you,Otherwise," I say turning my back on him, I honestly Should've went stayed by myself, but I gotta admit it was nice having someone to talk to in this mad house Maven calls a Court.

"I'm gonna go check up on the schedules", maybe we could run into Carlo'Otherwise known as Maven's favorite bakery, I remembered the lazy days when we would 'sneak' out of a castle, of course, Sentinels would low-key follow us, but it was still pretty cool. We felt like ninjas laughing and biting into the best cupcakes in town.

My heart tightened as I entered the locker room for the sentinels, Kilorn and I were both known as silencers. Kilorn because he was practically useless on a battlefield and me because no one in Norta was a burner unless they were apart of the royal family.

First I scanned for my name Calvin (Cal for short) Arven, instead of just being assigned to rounds, I was assigned to a station. The king's bedroom itself. And as if dad was smiling down at me Killegan Arven was placed right next to mine. Killegan otherwise known as Kilorn was assigned to Mavens room at the same exact time.

Apparently, they needed all the Seasoned Sentinels for some big event happening today. Rumors say it was Ptrolemus' funeral, but Evangeline wouldn't allow it until we had a body. I actually hoped they found his dead carcass, I had really left a mark on him, well Cameron did I did the one fatal strike.

This was perfect if you asked me, Maven wouldn't be in his room while we were watching, and the maid that wasn't Cameron wouldn't have any allegiance to Maven. It was all going down at noon. I read the clock reading 9 am. There was only one thing to do until noon.

The bakery was just as I remembered it Carlo's Bakery Cake shop. The Bakery had been around since the old era, even had a Tv show about the second owner. The Valastro family was an extremely wealthy family, that had no wants to join the nobles couldn't blame them, they were a mad house.

Kilorn decided to stick around the castle while Cameron was on cleaning duty, that she couldn't get out of. The usually packed bakery wasn't full for once. Weird usually the bakery was packed around brunch hour. Maven and I would sneak in around the counter and the head bakers son would pass us an assortment of cookie's, cannolis, and best of all muffins. I walked in, in my Sentinels uniform.

"Welcome to Carlo's bake-" Said Mary's voice the second she heard the bell ring. Her usual loud peppy voice faulted, she fixed her eyes with a glare. "Welcome to Carlo's Bakery, how can I serve you?" Her voice was hard like she wanted me to go away.

"A three Cannoli's, and four blueberry muffins,please, " I said as politely as I could, Mary was usually nice and warm with everyone, why was today different?

"That'll be thirty-five sixty," Mary said harshly barely meeting my eyes.

"Um, think you got the math wrong, it would be twenty-five thirty" I knew the taxes around here.

"Price is increased for noble's and anyone who associates themselves with those animals," Mary said raising her chin "Go run to your king and tell him what I said, This kingdom gone to shit." Mary huffed she looked angrily sad, like Kilorn. "I don't want to be here anymore anyway."

"Same" I whispered under my breath.

Mary looked up all eyes shocked "Lies, That's all you nobles sprout these days, don't tell me you know anything about, what's been going on outside of the palace." She muttered even louder.

"I know more than you think, Marijane" I attempt trying to keep my voice under control, I didn't like the fact people thought Me out of all people didn't understand what going on outside of the palace I spend two months of life living in the wilderness while my brother toasted my name.

"Sure" She grunted throwing my order into a box, I swear if any of my cannoli's were broken I was gonna throttle her. "I bet you were one of the Sentinels who had a part, in that young boy's fate"She whispered, barely audible. Her eyes had watered up. "Leave" She stated shoving the box into my hands. The only time I've seen that much hatred in someone's it's the same way Kilorn looked at me, that night in the dungeons, the night of the sun shooting.

Mary was always a woman of her thoughts, she didn't care what anything thought. And if she was saying things like this to customers, no wonder the place was quiet. And Buddy was still allowing her to work here? Buddy had fired her once because of her mouth why was this any different?

I nodded, grabbed the box and left. It just hit me that I completely forgot to pay. I turned around back into the bakery. "I'm sorry I-" My voice caught the second I saw the paper Mary was studying. The top read Scarlet Gaurd. That was about all I need to so before turning and leaving the shop.

Farley had assured us that we had friends on both sides, but Mary. No wonder she was spouting things like that and didn't want to be here anymore. I began walking down the hill with a munching on a muffin. I'd ordered four, I couldn't have Cameron knowing I got more than her.

Cameron. I wonder what she was doing at the moment, she said she'd be off around one, she was on duty to clean the queen's room herself. Apparently, there had been a lot of tissues everywhere and the room was a wreck. Someone wasn't taking to her brother's death well. Maven didn't seem to care, the only thing her was morning was the loss of his kitchen.

I checked my watch instructed to ever sentinel it read 12:10. How long could I've possibly been gone, our shift started ten minutes ago, and Kilorn was all alone standing outside Maven's door. The idiot was probably being reckless and going through everything.

"Crap, Crap,Crap" I whispered stuffing my muffin in mouth And sprinting down the hill. My Cannoli's were most definitely broken now. I didn't stop until I got to the town square in Archeon, the big event was taking place and a crowd had gathered they were all screaming excitedly. But they weren't why I stopped running, I stopped running because of what they were gawking at. A tiny figure stood in a Cage wearing all white, her hair had grown really long, it twisted to her waist, yet her arms were painfully skinny. Mare.And I took of running.

Lately, I've been obsessed with Cake boss Yes, I know it's cringy. But I've been obsessed, and in Red, Queen Maven pointed out his favorite bakery to Mare while they were touring Archeon. And I was like lets add some Old Era love to this book.

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