The Joker's Sister

By akakocat15

6K 173 16

What if Taehyung had a younger sister who was kept a secret. Well, she was a secret before a certain rap mons... More

The Clumsy Monster
Phone calls and Best Friends
Digicams and Dorms
V's conclusion
The Concert and The Commencement
I Think We Deserve An Explaination
The Walk Home
Dating the Disaster
The Other POV
Jin's Cooking VS Hospital Food!
Arrangements, arrangements and more Arrangements.
The Very Next Day
The Neck Pillow Girl
Crying Over Spilt Coffee
You never know when you gotta go
Social UGH
Gap Year
I Need U
Maybe a Stalker Isn't a Bad Thing
Don't Wanna Be Fool, Wanna Be Cool
The Joker's Sister

As Fluffy As Milkshake

540 12 2
By akakocat15

 Another Chapter. Also, the girl in the pic is a rough idea of how Chin would look like. Enjoy!

Mi-Hi groaned as the sun hit her eyes. She buried her pillow over her head in an attempt to block it but Chin snatched it away and tossed it to the foot of her bed.
"Hurry up!" She said as she brushed her teeth and went back to the bathroom they shared. The wine-streaked haired girl rolled out of bed groggily and made her way to the bathroom as her brunette friend exited. After a few minutes she, too, exited and fished out clothes from her wardrobe.
"What does your brother's friend look like?" Cho suddenly asked, using a bow to clip her auburn bangs in place.
"Umm... Well, I don't really see my brother much, let alone his friends... but I guess he dyes his hair a lot. Oh and he... umm... is really... nice? I don't know how to describe it but something about him... Hey, why are you so dressed up? We're only going to the local shops..."
"Well I, unlike you, have class. you just happen to throw on whatever shirt you can find with the same old jeans and, "She scrunched her nose, jokingly of course, " Wear any old random pair of high tops you find. If only I had a genie to grant me three wishes!"
"Oh yeah? And what would those be?" Mi-Hi giggled as she braided her hair.
"One would be to marry Kim Taehyung! Two would be to be the smartest person in the history of smart people and finally, three would be to get you to wear something with class!" She smiled.
"I will wear something classy the day you marry Taehyung. That way, two of your wishes would be fulfilled". You both burst out into laughter as you exited.
"Hyungs! Who picked up my phone last night?!" Taehyung yelled from the main room.
"I think it was Namjoon Hyung," Jungook called back. V rushed straight to Rap Monster's room but couldn't find him- although, he did find a note:

Gone to the doctors. Really Ill. Be back by five~ Namjoon.

V grabbed the note and announced it aloud so that all the others could hear.
"Eh? He was fine yesterday."Jin commented.
"Maybe it was an overnight thing?" Jungook offered.
"It's MY FAULT!!! I Shot him wit a water pistol and now he has a water bullet stuck in his heart!" Taehyung burst out suddenly. He ran off towards the bathroom and dashed inside, drawing the shower curtain.]
"What the hell?! Oh, it's you TaeTae..." Jimin yelped. V took his shoes off and stepped into the shower, grasping Jimin's shoulders.
"I injured Namjoon-Hyung!" He cried.
"By shooting him with a water pistol! Now he has a water bullet in his heart and had to go to the doctors!"
"If he was injured, how could he have gone?! And if you shot him in the heart, then where is his dead corpse and the blood?!"
"OOOOOOOH... I guess I over reacted a bit, huh?"
"Aishh! I'm going, I'm going!"
The two girls waited by the fountains for a few minutes before Namjoon finally appeared. As he said, he was wearing a hat and... broken sunglasses. You didn't notice him at first, too busy listening to the music from your headphones (You never left home without them!) and Cho had to elbow you to get you to notice.
"Hey, is that him?" She said, gesturing to Rap Monster.
"Yup," She nodded before standing up to greet him.
"Wassup?" He said casually.

Rap Monster POV
She looked cute. I had been in the park for about ten minutes, just strolling around really before I headed to the fountains. At first, I couldn't find the two since I didn't know what her friend looked like and I couldn't see her but then her friend pointed me out and she stood up. She was wearing a beanie that complimented her red converse high tops. Her hair was tied up in a braid which made her highlights stand out, and she was incredibly skinny. A little too much, in my opinion.
Her friend, on the other hand, looked as if she was going to go on a date. A skirt and shirt that was figure-hugging with her hair loosely styled. I think I liked the casual converse look better.
"Wassup?" I greeted them.
"Hey" Mi-Hi replied, "This is my friend, Cho. Thanks for offering!"
"Hello" Cho waved. A smiled at her and we got introductions out of the way. Hopefully, she didn't let on who I was since me and Mi-Hi both made it very subtle.
We had been walking around for some time now. Cho dragged her friend into a shop, pick out outfits and put them back before dragging us out again.
"Is this what usually always happens?" I asked jokingly to Mi-Hi.
"Yep. Don't worry, though, her shift starts in twenty minutes and lasts an hour since it's the weekend. We can eat something then and do the ACTUAL hard work." She said, a smile drawn across her pale face.
"What's the hard work?"
"Getting her to not throw random outfits at you. Seriously, you might wanna hide when she finally picks something out..." She sighed. We both laughed as Cho came back.
"No luck?" I smiled. She shook her head and stuck her tongue out at Mi-Hi when she had giigled at her.
"My shift starts soon. Can we go there now?"
I'm the most evil best friend on this planet. Not only is Mi-Hi so cute and charming, she is extremely oblivious too! When I saw someone approaching us, I nudged her and she greeted the stranger. She clearly didn't see him check her out. Neither did she notice how he had soaked up every word she said or how he would gaze at her smile. I noticed this from two/ three racks of clothes away but she, who was standing two three steps, couldn't see. It's so frustrating!

My shift was about to start so we went to the cafe I worked in. I purposely sat them down on a table-for-two as I ran off behind the counter to start my hour-long shift. It was funny, seeing them awkward but then transition into friendliness. Soon after, they ordered and I served them, winking at Mi-Hi. The idiot gave me a WTF look as I giggled away. everything was going well until I saw him walk in.
General POV
Mi-Hi was uncomfortably shifting in her seat as she fiddled with a napkin.
"So..." They both said at the same time. They then apolodised at the same time, too.
"Tell me about yourself, " Namjoon spoke up, uncertainly.
"What do you want to know?"
"Basics, I guess. Favourite food, colour etc. Relation with Taehyung maybe?"
"Well, I love the colour red and my favourite food... lamb chops, " She smiled, licking her lips at the thought. "Me and my brother are very close. We tell each other almost everything and I guess he knows almost everything about me... including certain dates..." She shook her head and chuckled.
"What about you?"
"I like black and I love knife noodles! And meat! Any kind. " Namjoon grinned. "Are you going to get anything or is this trip really just your friend?"
"Maybe.. I'm not too sure and anyways, the only reason she's putting in this much effort is because she got backstage passes. I don't really care all that much mostly because there's no reason. But hey? C'est la vi!" She sighed.
"She paid for backstage passes? Does she know you could probably get them for free?" I wondered out loud.
"I could but she doesn't know about Oppa. Apart from you, no-one outside of family and family friends knows. We made a pact a few years back, just before your debut, actually, that I wouldn't tell anyone about oppa, to avoid bullies and other circumstances, and he wouldn't tell about me, since I have certain conditions that can... yeah. "
"I see." the food arrived just in time, " Oh yes!"
Mi-Hi had ordered a chocolate milkshake, sandwiches and a muffin and Namjoon watched out of the corner of his eye how she ate some of the muffin first, resulting in a couple of crumbs in the corner of her mouth. It was cute the way she wiped them off. Rap Monster dug into his own food hungrily (he had skipped breakfast) but his stomach had really bad timing. His friend's sister choked on her food as she laughed when his stomach made a hungry noise. She laughed even more when he turned red.
"Don't be embarassed! It's natural!" She said after a while. Namjoon simply huffed grumpily before leaning back and sipping his drink, a smile playing in his lips a while later.
"Do you want a refill?" He laughed as he watched Mi-Hi desperately try to drink the last few drops of her milkshake.
Her eyes widened as she smiled, "YES! PLEASE!" Namjoon chuckled as he took the cup and went to the counter. There was a long line and he was at the very back so Mi-Hi decided to type down notes for her Japanese assignment. She didn't notice the person who had sat down opposite her.
"Mi-Hi! Long time no see, huh?" An all too familiar voice sneered.
"Mi-Hi! Long time no see, huh?" An all too familiar voice sneered. I froze. Glancing up I saw the one person I never wanted to see again.
"Hey... Mongdal" I said, looking back down at your phone.
"Why aren't you calling me 'oppa'? I really love it when you do that!" He growled as he grabbed my wrist, causing me to drop my phone on the floor. I bent down to pick it up but he lifted his leg up forcefully, thus kicking me in the process. I recoiled in pain.
"Did I hurt you? Oh I'm sorry! Maybe a kiss would make it better?" He was tightening his grip on my wrists now and it was beginning to hurt. I tried but to no avail could I shake myslef free this time. I looked around and I could see chin looking my way but she was too busy with other people to actually come help and I coudn't see Namjoon anywhere.
"Let go! I wouldn't kiss you back then and I sure as hell won't now!" I hissed. He struck me on my face then. I had dropped my phone and he stepped on it, consequently cracking the screen. At that moment, I was bewildered how the people around us were so oblivious- or maybe they were just turning a blind eye? I don't know!
"you know, if you do anything stupid, there is a table knife right here. It may not be too damaging but I bet I can get a few drops of your precious blood to ooze out-" He was pushed out of his seat as Namjoon sat down.
"Hey! In case you didn't realize I was sitting there!" Mongdal said, narrowing his eyes.
"Well, I was here first" Namjoon replied, completely throwing him aback.
"What? Why are you here with my girlfriend?" He retorted. I coughed as I glared at him.
"As far as I know, she isn't because one, she wouldn't be glaring at you, two, you probably can't have a girlfriend for shit and three, we're on a date" He replied in a matter-of-fact manner. Not only did this take you by surprise( you kept a lid on it though) but it silenced Mongdal. He was so flustered he stormed off.
"Who the hell was he?" Namjoon asked, a bit intimidatingly.
"My first and probably last boyfriend. I broke up with him because, well, he's a creep. He enjoyed threatening to cut and beat me, which he did a few times, and he let people bully the life out of me. I don't know why but he stalks me and it's really ticking me off," I explained. Namjoon looked thoughtful for a minute before he spoke up.
"Does V know about him?"
"He knows that we were a thing and that he was very creepy, but he doesn't know about the last part.".
"Are you going to tell him?"
"It's kind of hard to. Especially because he hardly has the time anymore to always listen to me and I have Cho . Right now, thanks to you, he'll back off for a while and until he comes back, I need to find somewhere to fix my phone." I sighed again as I placed my head in my hands. Only ten minutes before Cho's shift ends and then we can get up and go.
"I have until five. since we have, like three hours left, do you want to watch a movie or something? You know, the three of us can go after we're done here?"
"I guess that would be nice. Oh, can we watch that new movie? The Wailing?" I suggested just as Cho walked towards us, ready to leave.
"What about wailing?" She asked. confused.
"You know, that new movie. Namjoon suggested we go for a movie, the three of us." I added a subtle hint so that only Cho would get what I was saying. If I had said that sentence in any other way, she'd have teased us mercilessly.
"Ok then, but first can we finish shopping?"
We spent another half hour shopping. Cho finally chose a cute shirt with shorts and tights and a few accesories to match. I don't normally buy them but this was a rare case when I found a cute little necklace. It had a small, simple, triangular charm on it that was a red jewel thingie. We passed by the window where I saw it actually, and as we were walking past, Namjoon suddenly stopped and asked of he could get something. Obviously we let him and we made our way to the movie. Thanks to Cho , I ended up sandwiched between the two.
A/N: So I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Please comment on my story oh and i might just follow you if I see favourites or others following moi (No bribery intended obviously, it's completely your choice!) See you in the next chapter!

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