The Road to the White House

By ThisDutchKid

2.1K 326 242

David is the 16 year old son of democratic candidate for president, Marley Adams, which puts him in the spot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 14

64 10 6
By ThisDutchKid

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9th of June,152 days til the election

David P.O.V

'Hi mom.' I say softly.

She turns her head towards me and Greg.

'Hi boys!'

She makes a move in order to hug us, but she stops in the process; her arm is in a sling. Her face scrunches, she is hurt.

After a second she seems fine, as long as she doesn't move her arm. I guess her shoulder is touched by the bullet.

'I'm so glad you're good, mom.' Greg says as he kisses her on the cheek.

I do the same and look her in the eyes, she is smiling. Although her arm may be hurt, mentally she is not hurt at all.

The fire is still burning in her eyes.

She is strong, as strong as one can be. This ensures me once again in my opinion that she is the most capable woman to lead our nation.

She will be a great president, one with compassion, endurance, resilience.

But back to the present, I say:

'I'm afraid I cannot stay long, mom, my flight for D.C. leaves in 2 hours.'

She looks at me in a strange mix of surprise and pride and says:

'Good, David, good luck.'

Very simple and straight words, big meaning.

'Who are going with you?' Greg says.

'Well the new bodyguard, Kailey, and some others I guess.' I say, I haven't really thought about this.

'Take Anna with you, she will be of good use. And you guys can have some fun after these stressful days.' my mother says with a little smile.

'Yeah, that would be a Good idea.' I say thinking about it.

We probably will have fun. I've deserved that, I feel.

I hope Kailey and Anna get along. Well I hope me and Kailey get along for that matter, I have only seen her briefly since the chaos started a few days ago.

And what a chaos it has been, although everything seems to be allright now.

I am totally not looking forward to the funeral tommorow.

How can I face this man's family, their father and husband is dead while my mother is here almost untouched? How?

I sigh, it's not gonna be easy, but I gotta do it.

You can do it, David, yes you can.


10th of June,151 days til the election

'Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins. Thank you.'

I groan as I wake up to this sound, I slowly sit upright and rub the sleep out of my eyes.

I did stay with mom some more time yesterday, it was really nice to talk to her. But I feel I had to leave too soon, I hope she doesn't mind.

When I look next to me I see Anna reading a magazine, something about conspiracy theories.

When she notices I'm awake, she smiles and puts away her magazine;

'Good morning, David, had a good sleep?'

'Too short. What's the time?' I mumble with a raspy morning voice.

'It's 6 am ET, we'll arrive at the National airport in 20 minutes. The funeral starts in 4 hours. Just enough time to get you ready.'

How can she already be this awake, it's 6 damn am?

I groan mentally, the funeral. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to watch the soldier's wife in the eyes. Or his entire family for that matter. Lord, help me.

'A penny for your thoughts.' Anna says with asking eyes.

I sigh and decide to tell her;

'I'm quite scared for the funeral, I'm afraid they might think my family is guilty for their loss, and that they will be so terribly sad. I am entirely not sure how to behave.'

After saying this I feel my eyes automatically get very attracted to the floor.

'Aaw, you're nervous. That's so cute.' Anna says.

I give her the "this is not helping"-look. Then she says:

'Well, they will cry and they will be sad, but I'm sure they will value you being here for them. They will appreciate that you are willing to share in their grief.'

That did make me feel a little bit better.

'I hope they will.'


After a few hours of press, traffic make up and the reverse we arrive at the graveyard for the funeral.

When we walk up to the place where everyone is standing, I see all eyes are on me.

Anna whispers in my ear:

'You look good in all black, everyone is looking at you.'

I'm not comfortable, what should I say? Feeling their eyes burning on me doesn't help.

We are greeted by the family with the wife in the middle. She has bright, sad but very beautiful eyes and I am quite hypnotized by them.

My nerves disappear and I just start talking kind of automatically:

'I can't say how sorry I am about your husband, he was a great man. My mother gives you her biggest condolences and thanks. She will contact you in order to help you get back on your feet again later.'

'That's very friendly of her, thank her for me, young man. It's also very good of you to be here.' She says calmly but lovely.

'This is the least I can do to pay my respect to your husband, and to thank him for saving my mother.' I say with a small smile.


'He fought hard for his country and defended it. He died defending Marley Adams, who is represented here by her son David, who has assured us his entire family will be grateful towards him for ever.

We all pray justice will be brought upon those who did this terrible thing.

I ask you to join me in a moment of silence and after that our national anthem.' The man holding the speech says.

I rise and bow my head, and I silently thank the man for saving my mom. Thank you. That's all I can think, really...


'And the star-sprangled banner in triumph shall wave over the land of the free and the home of the brave.'

After the music stops, a man in a uniform says:

'In the name of the father, the son and the holy ghost, I bless you may your soul rest in peace.'


I can't believe it, 900 views. Thank you all so much, I'm stunned. Please share my story to everyone you know on wattpad, we're so close to 1k! Have a great day!

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