Living with the Badboy

By washablle_unicorn

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The fear is what gets us all, isn't it? The fear of getting caught, the fear of breaking the rules, the fear... More

Living with the Badboy
Chapter 1-----Elizabeth Lodge
Chapter 2-----Meeting the devil
Chapter 3-----Riverside College Prep
Chapter 4-----Soft Spot
Chapter 6-----Princess
Chapter 7-----The Kitten Roams the Mall
Chapter 8-----Together ~ Part One
Chapter 9-----Together ~ Part Two
Chapter 11-----Step.
Chapter 12-----The Ride
Chapter 13-----In Bed
Chapter 14-----The Next Morning
The Last Time

Chapter 5-----First Party

40.9K 1.1K 376
By washablle_unicorn

Dear Slycats, I will be writing WAY more this next week and I might even get more than 2 chapters in. The next few chapters will most definitely have some more action then the first few, but I hope you can enjoy a little drunk action ;)



A party? I honestly didn't know what to say. I had to make up some kind of excuse because I could under no circumstances let BEN take me to my first party. Or could I?

No. No this is wrong.

"I-I don't have anything to wear. So I can't go sorry." 

Ben just kept driving. The nerve of him! He was completely blocking me out! 

"So are you gonna call your aunt?"

"Yes. I'm going to call her so that she can pick me up."

"And how exactly will she find you. In-case you didn't notice, I'm driving you to  party, and she has no idea where I am right now."

"Well that's why I'm going to call her."

"Go ahead."

"Um....Can I please borrow your phone?"









"What? I didn't say anything."

"Oh my god just let me borrow your phone."


I grumbled and sank into my seat. Did Ben just call me gorgeous? I felt butterflies tickle the bottom of my stomach. Seriously though, I had never been to a party and I wasn't exactly the queen of social life. 

"Wait so, don't you have your own phone?"

"I do, but I don't have service on it anymore."




"I can't pay for it."

That was the most embarrassing question he could have ever asked me. I felt awful. I felt my cheeks flush a deep shade of red, and I tried to look away from Ben. I just wanted to avoid anyone else knowing about the deep shit I was in, but still, I could feel his gaze burning the back of my head as I looked out the window. My father stopped paying for a lot of things about a moth back, so my phone's service was cut off right on time. Obviously I didn't have a job, and I was not about to ask Macy for more then she had already given me. I really wanted to work, but I didn't know where, plus exams were coming up in school, and I didn't have the time. 

"So, do you need to call your aunt?" Ben asked me.

"Yes", I responded bluntly.

He handed his phone over to me and I dialed Macy's number. 


"Hey it's me Liz."

"Oh hey honey what do you need?"

"Uh, I was wondering if I could go to a party with my um...friend, Ben."

"Sure! Wait is he your boyfriend?"


"Okay whatever you say..."

"He's not my boyfriend!" I screeched, forgetting that Ben was still in the car.

He smiled and made a fake kissing noise in the backround, and pulled over.

"Hey babe you wanna go inside now?"

"So he Is your boyfriend!" Macy squealed.

"No! Hes just pretending I swear!!!"

As quick as I could blink, Ben snatched the phone away from me. 


"Yes I am her boyfriend"

"Ben!" I screamed. he just laughed and continued.

"Yes I will take care of her."

"Okay thanks bye." He hung up and then grabbed me in his arms. He could not stop laughing! Ugh! How was this in anyway funny?! He let himself fall onto my lap and laughed like a crazy child.

"Ben it isn't funny!"

"Its fucking hilarious!" He yelled between laughs.

It all happened to fast for me to catch it. He was laughing in the car, when he slowly leaned closer to my face. Then, he whispered, "Liz. Will you, be my....bestfriend?"

I know. A let down. Even if Ben had asked me to be his girlfriend, I would have said no. I mean we barely know eachother. Right?

Still though, I kind of did want to be his bestfriend.


"Great! Now lets get this bitch started!"

"What bitch?"

"Liz are you stupid? The party."

"Oh", I mumbled. We left the car and approached a huge mansion with an inviting open door. Only a few people were there, but it was already beginning to get dark. Ben grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me inside. He smiled and motioned me towards the grand staircase.

"Common! Lets go upstairs while everyone gets here."

"Wait are we even allowed to be here?"

"Why wouldn't we? This is my house."


I was feeling really stupid right now. I mean, he kept saying things that I honestly didn't understand, so I guess it wasn't really my fault. We made our way dong the long hallway until we came to an end. White double doors stood in front of me, and for some reason, I was nervous to enter them. I knew nothing would happen between Ben and I, but I had never had a friend that was a....boy. Hell, I never even had friends. 

I watched as he took the golden handle in one hand and pulled it open.

"Wow. This is amazing!"

"I know."

"Look at the view!"

"I know."

"Oh my god! You have leather couches in here!"


Suddenly I realized that I was probably being really annoying right now, but hey, could you blame me? I had never even had a house this big and suddenly I learn that people have bedrooms like this? I mean, it was kind of a smack in the face from where I came from. 

"Sorry." I responded sheepishly.

He looked at me with those perfect blue turquoise eyes. Then he broke the  silence.

"Do you want to go out onto the balcony?"

"Yeah", I said.

We walked across the bedroom to find two clear double doors that had a full ocean view. As we stepped outside, I realized that the situation I was getting myself into was not a good one. Sure it's just a balcony, but it was made for only one person to stand on it. There wasn't even enough space for a chair.

"So Liz, that night in the alley. What really happened?"

I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't. The subject about my dad was already touchy enough, but staying with Jake and his family? No. Jake might just murder me if I were to tell anyone about me living with him. At that exact moment, the sun started to set. The sky filled with pinks, oranges, and purples. I could feel a soft breeze that the late ocean waves had picked up, but when I turned to look at Ben, I realized that I couldn't examine him. I couldn't see what he was made up of like the sun or the waves. It was like, he had an even bigger secret than I did. 

"Liz?" he asked.


"Who are you?"


"Hey guys! Woah am I interrupting something?" It was Nick, and honestly, thank god. I remembered him from the popular table today. He was the one sitting across from Ben. He was also known for being a huge man-whore at school, but why was he here? Wait. Why was I here again?

"No. No you're not interrupting anything." Answered Ben.

"Awesome, then let's get the party started!"

Oh yeah. The party.

We walked downstairs to find that people were already starting to fill the first floor. Since it was only 5 o'clock, no one was really doing much of anything. Most peole were just standing there, talking to their friends, and waiting for other people to get here. I decided that I should just leave. I knew it was already awkward enough to be next to Ben, but around complete stragers? Plus, no one was going to ask me to dance, and I have no friends to dance with. There was only one problem, I didn't have a car. 

Guess I'm stuck here

I peered out the window and saw that ore and more people were starting to get here. The sun had already set, and it was really dark already. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder and I jumped three feet in the air.  I quickly turned to look at...Jake? 




"Liz. I-I'm sorry."

His 6'1 frame towered over my 5'7 height. Still though, he looked into my eyes with such sincerety, such regret, such reality. I couldn't even respond to his apology when Cassidy interrupted. I hate that little bitch. 

"Hey baby", she said twisting her platinum blonde hair in her long fingers.

"Hi Cassidy."

"Why are you talking to her?"

"Let's just go dance", he took Cassidy's hand and walked away.

Then, I felt the same as I did just before that. Alone. He just left me hanging here, with nothing to hold on to. I looked around to see if I could find Ben, but of course, this place was now completely full. It would take ages to find just one person. 


When I did find Ben, he was in his bedroom, with some bimbo, doing the dirty. So now, I was sitting outside waiting for something to happen, but honestly, what was going to happen to me? I'm just the girl that everyone lets down. I've always wanted to be more, but no matter how much I try, everyone just ends up not caring. Not my dad, not Jake, not Ben, not anyone. 

The only possible way to get out of what I've gotten myself into, is to fix it myself. So, I did the only thing that I could think of, and I started to walk. I knew where the school was from here, so I could walk there, and then figure out where the house was. I was glad I left that party anyway. I wasn't exactly dressed as slutty as most of the girls there were. 

This was definetly going to be a long walk, but how else was I supposed to get home. I had barely walked a few blocks and my feet were already killing me. Fuck them. God I felt so angry at Jake and Ben. I didn't understand what I ever did to Jake, and Ben isn't the person I thought he was. Even if I didn't know Ben that well, I never thought he did sluts at parties. 

Finally. Finally, I had gotten to the school, and all I had to do was figure out where Macy's house was. Then i remembered where Jake dropped me off at school after being such a douche. So I walked towards where I thought it might be, and sure enough, in ten minutes, I was home. Well, I would never be home, but I was here for now. It was about 9 o'clock now, so Macy is probably still up, but I was not up for talking about how my night went, so I snuck into the front door, took off my shoes, tiptoed upstairs, and into the bathroom. I didn't really have a bedroom, but I guess a bathtub will do....

While I undressed I saw my brown eyes starring back at me through the mirror. Black strands of hair cascaded down my shoulders, and I thought about my appearance. Sometimes, I just felt so ugly, but nothing made me feel even worse than looking at my naked body. I stood in only underwear and as I peered into the mirror I asked myself various questions.

Am I too ugly?

Is Cassidy prettier than me?

Is everyone prettier than me?

I pushed the image of myself to the back of my mind and put on an oversized shirt that Macy had lent to me for pajamas. I froze in my tracks as I heard the front door open and then close downstairs. I heard yelling, and growling. Then, I heard glass breaking. No one was home, so this burgular was definetley going to hurt me, but just incase he found me in the bathroom, I grabbed the metal towel rod that sat perched on two hooks. This was my weapon for now. It had been about an hour and a half since I left the party, so I didn't think it could be Jake, until I heard my name.

"Liz! Liz! Where the fuck are you!" Jake slurred.

This only made me more afraid. An unexperienced burglar I could deal with, but when I heard a drunken voice, it reminded me too much of my father. I climbed into the bathtub and curled into a tight ball.

Please don't find me

Please don't find me

Please don't find-


Jake kept on banging on the door until I opened it. I became so afraid that he would get angrier if I didn't open it, but when I opened the door, I realized that I didn't even know what he wanted from me. 


"Jake? What happened to you?"

"I just. I-I..."

His eyes looked so delicate that I thought that maybe, just maybe, he might let me touch him. I raised my hand to touch his forehead, and he felt soft under my touch. He looked down at me, and then grabbed my hips and rammed me into the wall behind me. His eyes held the most intense anger I had ever seen in any eyes. Suddenly he grabbed my left cheek in his hand and rubbed small circles around the area. I felt traces of fire being left behind as he did so, and I couldn't even explain what I felt as he looked into my eyes. His eyes moved up and down my body as he bit his bottom lip. Suddenly, his gaze stopped at my lips. He looked between my lips and my eyes, and then, without any hesitation, he smashed his lips onto mine. I was so shocked at first, but eventually, I kissed him back. His right hand was on the wall beside me, while his other had a handful of my hair. I had my arms slung over his neck, and I didn't want to stop kissing him. Sadly, he pulled away, but then he leaned into my ear and whispered, "Your not so bad, loser."

Then, he wiped his lips, and walked into his room. I just stood there, shocked at what just happened.  How could he be so damn casual after having a complete makeout session with me? Did this mean something? Did I mean something to him? Everything swirled aroud me while my emotions took a jump off a cliff. I honestly just didn't understand what I felt at that moment. I went back into the bathroom and folded my clothes into a neat pile, placing them on the sink counter.


I reluctantly made my way into Jake's room to find him waiting at the door.


"Well thats not very nice." he pouted like a little boy.

"Since when have you not been such a cold hearted devil?"

"I never was. I just didn't like the idea of more people in my house."

"What do you want?"

"I was looking for you princess."


"Yes princess. Now what were you doing after I left you completely stunned and overwhelmed about my kissing skills?"

"You do not have kissing skills Jake."

"Yes I do, and why aren't you in my room?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You're sleeping in here tonight princess."


Ohhhhh. Looks like Jake is different than we thought huh? This was kind of a cliff hanger but not really. Don't worry though, more cliffy's will be coming soon ;3. Now don't forget to




Love ya slycats.

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