Smokey Love (M.H, A.H)

By itssskezzz

3.4K 55 33

"We just smoke together" More

Too much
That Girl
Crocodile Rock Cafe
Long Time No See
Little Brother
Back at it again
Song Writing
Talking Mariage
New Jersey
Date Night
Breaking Point
New tunes
Wrong inpression
Authors Note xx
All is lost
Talk it out
Baby Boy
Just a dream
Truth Time
Bad idea
Family meal
Wake up


64 1 1
By itssskezzz

**Matty's P.O.V**

I stayed silent in the corner as Ash walked out, I could here Sheppard and Jenna asking what she was doing and where she was,
"Chill out," she said, "I was just at the restroom," she says calmly,
They huff and puff and soon they are gone away from the door, probably to the stage, where back here I can here the kids screaming and chanting her name. I understand that she has gone on when the screams increase to ear piercing and the music starts.

I walk out, checking my surroundings, I'm not quite sure, how I got into here, the see cutout is shocking if I'm honest. I creep around, checking round the corners, I think I'm good, when I here a voice,
"Typical," an amused voice from behind me, I swivel round, and see Sheppard looking at me amused, crossing his arms,
"I'm, I was just," I scratch the back of my neck, he smirks,
"What are you doing?" He rolls his eyes,
"I'm, I'm, I'm lost," I surprise myself as I say it, that's the worse excuse ever,
"Lost?" He laughs,
"Yep, wrong venue, silly me," i stick with the awful story,
He looks at me intently, "your full of shit,"
I laugh, "yea your right I am, I came to see Ash," I roll my eyes and smile,
He shakes his head, "you really don't know when to stop do you?"
"What do you mean?"
"You broke up, badly, end of story," he make a cross motion with his arms,
"Nah," I shake my head, "I wanted to fix things with her,"
"No you wanted to shag her, and you did that, now leave," he sounds angry,
"You really don't me, do you. I mean sure, you like to think you do, but if you really think I'm shallow enough to have sex with herself, in the state she's in," I pause knowing I shouldn't have said that, "then your out your fucking mind,"
He looks at me for a while, "I'm Gonna be honest, I do believe your helping her, get over the miscarriage, but I really don't think that you need to be here, minutes before her performance," he smiles at me weakly,
"What if she wanted me here?" I ask looking up,
"Then she's stepping into dangerous territory you two falling for each other again," he rolls his eyes,
I look at him, "what if its already happened?"
"Then your both fucked," he shrugs and grins,
I roll my wuss back,
"Nice taking to you," turn around to go,
"What? Your not staying for the show?" He asks confused,
"No I think If Ped saw me, he's shoot me," I shrug, at that moment a shirtless red haired figures comes walking past,
He sees me, "hey dude, I didn't think you were Coming," Josh smiles,
"I'm not staying," I shrug,
"Why?" He screws up his face,
"Wasn't invited," I laugh, Sheppars laughs behind him,
"Well your invited by me," Josh says shaking my hand,
"Ash would love it," He smiles, he knows, he saw us together,
"Um, maybe not," I say,
"He's scared of Peder," Sheppard says amused,
"IM scared of PEDER," Josh says, "look at him," he laughs,
"He's pathetic," I think out loud,
"Says the boy cowering in the corner," Sheppard points out,
"Fine, what ever I'll watch it," I say sighing. "But if I get beaten up," I warn jokingly, "your telling my manager,"

We walk into the pit in front of the stage, I'm in the middle of the two guys, I pull my hood up covering my head, because I don't want to get spotted but he crowd or Peder. Ash is talking to audience, she's got a piece of paper in her hands,
"So I just got handed this note," she says, I girl in the front row screams, "and I'm gonna open it," Ash continues.
She opens it carefully and begins to read it,
"Read aloud:" she begins, she quickly scans the page and does a double take, "are you sure?" She asks the girl sweetly, the girl nods.
"Okay well it says that Emma is bisexual, and by the way Emma's mums in the room," Ash says smiling, the crowd cheers,
Ash gets down from the stage, the body guards steady her, she talks to the girl quietly, the girl is crying she nods, Ash give she hug, she's so loving with fans. She half speaks to the mic,
"Your so brave, okay, I love you," the girl nods and hugs her again, Ash climbs back onto the stage,
"So I have this Friend," she smiles, "who's a really good friend, and he's in this band, you might know it," she pauses, "it's called something like 21," she pretends to forget it, "21 pilots," the crowd goes literally wild, like animals.
"This friend plays the drums in this band, and he's hot red hair and tattoos and likes to play shirtless, and he's called Josh Dun," the crowd goes crazy again. Someone helps Josh onto the stage From the front, he hugs Ash and sits behind the drum and adjusts it, the crowd are still screaming.

They do Roman Holiday very well, at the end she runs up and hugs him, he grips her waist and she flinches, Josh looks at her worried, she covers it up well my thanking him, he runs off stage waving and smiling.

After a few more songs, she talks again,
"So a while ago, me and Lido did like a version of Jaden Smiths song, and we never got to perform it, and I thought why not, like London is like one of my favourite cities," there a cheer, "so here it is," everyone gets incredibly over excited when Lido walks on.

He looks like an arse, with a grey hoodie on with the hood up, they start singing, he's not bad, I'm surprised, at the end, he hugs her from behind, she jumps away from him, he frowns,
"You scared me," she lies, the crowd awes,
"Awwwww," I mock loudly, Sheppard laughs and nudges me with his shoulder. They hug for a while in stage then he walks off, she goes down and picks up her water bottle, I notice dark liquid coming out of her nose, shit. I seem to be the only person who notices it. She carries on talking I the audience, she goes to wipe her forehead, when she sees it on her hand,
'Fuck' she mouths,
"God," she says playing with her t shirt, "it's so hot, I'll be two seconds," she bounds off the stage smiling,
"What the he'll just happened," Sheppard yells at Anthony, he shrugs.
"Wait here," I say quickly beige dashing off.

I run backstage,
"Ash!" I call, "Ashley," I call again, I notice the bathroom is unlocked so no ones in there, then I see the back of her, walking the other way down the corridor, she turns around, a tissue to her nose,
"Oh thank god god," she says jogging over into my arms,
"U fine?" I ask, looking at her in the eyes,
"Yea," she nods, "it want too bad, it'll stop,"
I nod,
"Why the hell does it keep happening," she runs a hand through her hair,
"I have no idea, it never happens to me," I shake my head,
She takes the tissue away, I take it from her and and clear up the last of it,
"I feel like your a doctor," she rolls her eyes,
"I quid be a good ass doctor," I say smiling,
"Yea maybe," she laughs,
"I'd prescribe Weed to everyone," I laugh, she grins,
"Now I really want a joint," she says seriously,
"I've got pot, in my pocket," I shrug, I dig out a case of it,
"No way," her eyes light up,
"Our, your it allows to smoke on stage," I add,
"Say a who," she raises an eyebrow,
"Says me," I reply,
"Okay," she says before taking it out my hand and running off,
"Wait for me after the show," she yells smiling,
"Anthony will kill me," I laugh, she raises her eyebrows and runs back on stage, with a joint in her hand. 

She darts back on stage and the crowd cheers again,
"What the hell is she holding?" Anthony asks,
"Dunno," I mutter,
"Oh god it's a joint isn't it," he says shaking his head,
"I wouldn't know," I turn away,
"Fuck you matty, she can't get high on stage," he groans,
"Why? I do?" I add in,
"Yes but your you," he scratches the back of his neck,
"What's that suppose to mean," I inquire,
"She's fragile," he pleads,
I laugh rather loudly, "you think I don't know that,"
"No, I just don't think you know how she really is," he says shrugging,
"Trust me," I pause looking at him, "I do."

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