MaNan SS: Chase

By dua_arafat

51.5K 4.2K 497

story by if_account with my suggestions.. More

Chapter 1 - Fate or Drunken Mistake!
Chapter 2 - Playing with the Lamb
Chapter 3- The Deal
Chapter 4 - The Story Begins
Chapter 5- Missing Manik
Chapter 7 - Mistakes & Apologies
Chapter 8- Cute Compensation
Chapter 9 - Let's Talk
Chapter 10- Just like that
Chapter 11 - Building Trust
Chapter 12 - Ae Dil Hai Mushkil
Chapter 13 - Scared and Screwed
Chapter 14 - His Toy
Chapter 15 - Let's Take It Slow

Chapter 6 - Insight of Past

2.8K 250 13
By dua_arafat

** MANIK**

"Arrggghhh" I groaned. This headache is killing me and this fucking lights coming from the window is frustrating the hell out of me. I picked the telecom beside my bed and called for my black coffee. Not longer before the coffee arrived. I sat on the bed resting my back on the bed rest. The aroma of this coffee is perfect and strong the way I like it. My eyes are still not open fully and I was pressing my head with one hand and with the other I picked my coffee and take a sip.

'Umm.. Soothing' I lifted my eyes too see the clock. It was 11 in the morning, my usual time to wake up. I kept pressing my forehead remembering the last night. I can't recall much but I have it in bits and pieces.

Going to the party with Nandini. Cabir's lecture. Alya's performance. Leaving the place. Driving to the bar and then.....

"C'mon Manik.. Think..!!" I tried to get more pictures of yesterday.

Drinking but not much coz it was already near 1, closing time for bars. Driving back to the venue. It must have been around 1 or 2 when I reached there and....


Running into Alya..

Why the fuck she effects me so much.?

'Coz I let her' my subconscious answered.

As usual I went to the bar at the Party and drank.. Drank until I couldn't remember anything..!! I couldn't even stand properly. Calling a driver and reaching HOME..!!


Finally the riddle is solved. That's how I got here. But... I don't know why I feel like something is missing. Something, unn..

Think Manik..!! Think..!!

What the hell am I miss-- Oh shit..!!

My eyes widened suddenly as realization dawned upon me..!!

"Nandini" I whispered these words and jumped out of bed..!!

Hell hell helll...!! I don't remember bringing her back.. May be the driver did..!!

"Albert..!! Albert...!!" I yelled as I descended the stairs hastily running outside. Albert was washing the Car and was startled to see me.

"Y-y-ye-s s-s-s-i-r"

"Where is Nandini?" His expressions were blank.

"I-I don't kn-ow sir" He replied shaking in fear.

"U picked me last night? Hai na?" I pointed at him and he nodded immediately..

"Didn't u pick Nandini?" I hissed at him. He gulped and licked his lips.

"S-sir.. Hume nahi pata tha Nandini bhi wahan hai.. Hume bas aap hi dikhe.." He stuttered this reply too cowering away from me..!!

"What the fuck do you mean Nandini wahan Nahi thi.. Did u even check?" This time he had no answer. Hellll I'm ready to explode.

"YOU'RE FIRED..!!" I stated and ran inside to ask other servants..!!

"Maya, Raju, Jason I want all the servants in the hallway in 5 minutes." I barked orders moving towards my room to change. I was wearing a trouser only so I hastily put a t-shirt on, grabbed my violet, credit cards and car keys before rushing downstairs.

As per order all my servants were standing in row with worried expression and bowing their head.

"Did Nandini come back last night?" I glanced at watchman Kaka who shook slowly. He looked worried not for himself but for the person he brought here Nandini..!!

"Does any of you know where she is ?? Any idea ??"

"Nahi Baba.. Wo apne room me bhi nahi thi subah and breakfast k liye bhi nahi aayi.." One of my female cooks answered. Watchman Kaka wiped his eyes before any tear could fall. I felt really ashamed of myself seeing him like that. He is so old and is like a father to me. The guilt was increasing only.

I walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He looked at me with hopeful eyes.

Someone still trusts me..!!

That gave me courage. I gave him a sad smile.

"I'll find her. I promise..!!" I assured him and he folded his hands to show his gratitude while a few tears made their way from his eyes.

"All the drivers take all my cars and look for Nandini and inform me as soon as you find her. Okay..!!" I instructed and all of them nodded before dispersing. Albert was still there, I glared at him.

"Sir.. Mujhe nahi pata tha Nandini bhi apke sath hai.. R us party me wese bhi zada log the nahi. Wo wahan nahi thi sir.. Please.. Please mujhe job se mat nikaliye.." Albert cried requesting me. I nodded.. Albert is one of my most trustworthy servants. If he's saying something. He is not lying..!!

"Go.. Look for her..!!" I said and nodded before running outside.

"If she comes home, Inform me immediately.. Got it..!!" I ordered the remaining servants and they all murmured a ' yes sir' in response..!!

I too went outside and revved up my black BMW and started driving on roads to look for Nandini. First with the Cafe she works in..

I barged in the cafe she goes to and as usual the crowd there surrounded me making it almost impossible for me to move..

For fuck's sake.. Fan could be hell annoying sometimes..

"Excuse me guys..." I tried to take a step ahead but they became more adamant. I used my good height and looked at the counter but she was not there instead some other girl working on her place.

"Guys please I've something important.. Let me......." I tried to dismiss them but

"Maniieekk.. Please one picture..!!"

"An autograph Manik.."

"Manik I love u so much.."

Were not stopping. I was getting more and more agitated by each passing second and I finally lost it .

"FOR GOD'S SAKE...!! MOVE" I yelled and their eyes went wide where half of them gulped in fear. But Eventually moved from my way giving me some space. I stride towards the counter and asked the girl..

What was her name..?? Shit Manik..!! Why the fuck I can't remember names.. Then again it's not like she's my family or Friend so I had to remember her name..!!


But there was something else too..


Shut up Manik.. How can Mara be a name.. Be logical..!! Think think think..

Fuck that..!!

"Nara..!! Hie.." I smiled..!! She looked at her left and right before pointing finger at herself with wide eyes, her jaw was practically touching the floor..

"Me??" She asked, her eyes dangling with hope and excitement..!! Silly girl..!!

"Yeah..!! Actually I wanted to know where Nandini is?" I asked and her face fell for a moment before she recovered..!!

"Our Manager kicked her out this morning..!!, And baby My name is SARA. But I don't mind changing it.." She batted her lashes running her hand through her hair. I ignored her rest of the answer. The only thing I registered was that Nandini came here this morning maybe..!! But that bloody manager sect her out..!!

"Where the hell is your manager..?? Call her..!!" I hissed she nodded before running in the cabin and a few minutes later they both were walking my way with Cara following her..!!

"Hello Manik.. We are really lucky to have u again..!!" Flattering won't get u anywhere..!!

"Was Nandini here this morning??" I asked gritting my teeth..!! She looked alarmed..!!

"Manik.. Why don't we sit in my office and then talk over a cup of coffee" She requested obviously not wanting to create any scene in front of her customers. I flared and fled to her office. She came following me..!!

"What would u like to have..??"

"My answer..!!" I grit out..!! She sighed and nodded.. Before lowering her gaze..!!

That bitch..!!

"Then why the fuck is she not here now..!!" I practically glowered in a low threatening voice.. She visibly swallowed took the glass of water from her table and drank a few sips before answering me..!!

"Yes she came here.. But She went in a party with you yesterday and today she is everywhere in the newspapers, social media and televisions."

She bent a little and pulled out a newspaper from her drawer to show the proof.

Surely there was the picture of us entering the event with me tightly holding her to my side and an another picture of her only.!!

When the hell did the took her picture?

I cussed for being so irresponsible and leaving her alone. The headline this was not a news "Manik's New Aliya" with all the shit they write every time. It makes no sense to me.. I rose my brows and cocked my head..

"Come to the point..!! So what if she's everywhere.. How does it relate to u kicking her out??"

"Manik you have a lot and I mean A LOT of fans and there are hell lot of Manya fans too.. Who came by this morning and started the tamasha. I didn't want any scene in my cafe.. So I requested her to resign the job.. I'm sorry Manik . but I had no other option.. In a way I saved her as well, they were so aggressive and were ready eat her alive..".

She shook her head sadly. No doubt she is telling the truth, some of the fans think they know everything, and want to control every damn thing. I love them but I have a life too, they need to understand..!!

I walked out of there without saying anything else. Tension and fear was crawling up on my spine as I drove wondering where to look..!!


Fear of what ??

Loosing her??


Fear of breaking her trust..!!

The trust she showed in me by coming with me..!!

Fear of going back and see my failure in the eyes of Ramesh Kaka, not being able to bring her daughter back.

I closed my eyes for moment to calm myself. There is no way she knows anybody here.

Where can she go then?

And if she had come to the job this morning it means she managed to get back from the party..!! She couldn't be there.

Where would she stay..??

Who could help............

Suddenly something strike me. Yes..!!


Cabir could have helped her. Yes. He was so protective of her. There are obvious reasons for this affection. He misses his family and Nandini has lost hers too.

No. Cabir's family is not dead. Those bastards are very much alive and living there life here in Mumbai. Cabir was 16 and I was 15 when he joined the school. He was.. Well he was Cabir, always making jokes, finding fun, playing pranks and everything. He was the BIGGEST JOKER and MATURE when required. My parents were never there with me, though they sent money a lot of money to compensate for their absences. But I was not worth of their time I guess..!! Cabir had been always their for me on my birthdays, my success, my failure.. As a friend and like a brother. So it didn't took long for us to become friends. We used to hang out, had night outs and the best time of our life together..!!

I smiled thinking..!! Gosh..!! I sound like any of his boyfriends who is swooning over him.. Haha.. But lemme clear this I and him were never interested in each other. I'm straight okay..!! And Cabir..

Well he is not..!! Cabir is Gay..!!

Sometimes when Cabir used to come to school there were bruises on him. I used to ask him "How did all this happen?? Did anyone hit you??" But as always he made some silly excuse of "being clumsy, falling from stairs, got hurt when cooking.." I never believed him though I never questioned him.

When we were about to complete high school it got worse. This time I repeatedly ask and force him to tell me. But the truth was something I couldn't imagine even in my wildest dream.

He was gay. And he knew it since he was 14. His parents tried everything to remove the gay from him. They even changed the city thinking it will change him. They used to see him as he was cursed, ill and they will cure it..

Bloody sick people..!! Those losers are highly educated but I don't think their education could do any good to him. They were still in the period where being gay is a crime.

"Manik. I got a boyfriend, a-and I-I tried to make them understand. B-but.." He didn't complete, he didn't need to finish I could see it.

They beat him. What the fuck they were trying to do. Beat the Gay out of him..!! That time I had started singing and was getting famous, Alya was there with me.

"Cabir.. Why don't u leave them..!!" I suggested. I can't see my best friend in this condition.

"Manik. They love me. At least they used to.." He gave a sad smile.. "Before they found out about my preference" he jokes and tried to laugh though he couldn't coz of the cut on his lip was deep and was making it difficult for him to speak even.

I somehow convinced him. I was growing and I needed a manager, So I offered him the job. He was always the intelligent one in our class. I also offered him to stay at my place till he's able to buy his own. He was hesitant at first but then he agreed. His parents tried to fight it but those shits could do nothing.

Everything was legal. Though I was 17 almost 18 but Cabir was nearly 19 and he had all the rights to take decisions for himself. Finally we both managed him out of that gutter. But he still misses a Family.

He is always soo grateful to me. He doesn't leave my side even when I'm on the path of self destruction and will probably destroy everything else with me. But he is like the strongest pillar of my house, saving me from everything.

No doubt Nandini is with him. He is going to kill me this time. He warned me..


I picked my phone for the first time to check there were 20 missed calls and 15 messages from NANDINI. All from the previous night. The messages were showing how worried and lonely she was feeling. The last few were..

N: Manik where are you?? Please answer.

N: Did you forget about me.. Are u home ? Please tell me.

N: Manik I have no way to go. I don't have anything with me. I'm getting scared. Are u okay..??

This was the last message showing her care for me as well. And I like a loser were getting drunk. Over what. Some shit I can't deal with.

Damn it..!!

I instantly dialed Nandini's number but it was switched off.

What the actual fuck?? Why her phone is switched off..!!

I cussed and hit the steering wheel and turned to drive to Cabir's a apartment while dialing Cabir's Number whose phone was ringing but he was not answering the call .!!


Okay people.. Done..!!

Now vote please..⭐

There are going to be more surprises and a few MaNan moments may be..😜

So vote fast to get the next chapter.


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