A Kohnnie Fanfiction: The Dev...

By scenequeendream

23K 863 530

Johnnie Guilbert has been living with Bryan Stars for quite some time. life is good for him, calm and peacefu... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Author's Note

Chapter Sixteen

385 13 12
By scenequeendream

The elongated rush into emergency room felt like it went on forever. The state of my butthole was not getting better in the slightest. It was losing its elasticity, fast. I knew if the surgery didn't happen quickly my butthole would be lost forever. All that would be left would be a gaping hole. A memory of what once was. How would me and Kyle consummate our love then? Did we even have a love to verify anymore? What was to become of Kyle and Johnnie? Of Kohnnie? These thoughts of doubt and horror kept flashing through my mind as we entered the surgical room. Just as they were prepping my anus for surgery Kyle unexpectedly walked in.

My eyes lit up when I got a glimpse of his face, "Johnnie. I want you to know. No matter what happens. I'm here for you. Butthole, no butthole. I won't let you go through this alone." His voice was soft and sincere, and his eyes matched his tone. My eyes filled with tears at his kindness. Kyle's support meant the world to me.

"Kyle...I... " I wanted to spill out my feelings tell him how much I loved him. How much I appreciated his words.

"Don't say anything. I know exactly how you feel. I love you too, Johnnie." He smiled softly, tears threatened to fall from his caring eyes. He gently kissed the side of my cheek. But, before the kiss could deepen a doctor interrupted.

"Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. We're going to put Mr. Guilbert under." Kyle solemnly nodded and looked back down to me.

"Be strong. Your butthole will heal. I'll be right outside. I love you." The last thing I saw of Kyle was his smile before he left the room.

The doctors put the mask over my face, and I waited for the anesthesia to take over. I hoped to see Kyle again soon. He was my rock.


As I walked out of the medical room tears, let themselves fall. I knew Johnnie's butthole would never heal. It'd take a miracle. I saw the damage. It was torn from end to end. It would never be the same. I didn't care about sex anymore. My penis didn't have to go anywhere near Johnnie's holes for all I cared. I just didn't know how he'd cope. All I could do was hope and pray.

I resented Bryan. Resented him. This dark angel didn't grant any prayers. He only brought nightmares. But again, the thought of him in that black angel costume brought my shivers. Shivers that went straight to my throbbing erection. I tried to conceal it. Tried not to get a hard-on right in this very hospital, but I was finding the task extremely hard.

I rushed to the bathroom to relieve myself. I pulled it out and pleasured myself to the thought of Bryan. Those black lips, the wings, his huge dick. As soon as I came, immediate guilt hit me. How could I continue to get hard for Bryan, but not my boyfriend?! What was wrong with me? I hated myself. I hated this penis. I wanted to tear it off. I started to cry, and hard. But I quickly stopped, I needed strength for Johnnie. I cleaned the evidence and went back to the waiting room outside the surgical room. I wouldn't cry.


Hours later the doctor pushed out of the room. The look on his face was one of pure exhaustion. Blood and what looked like human shit was smeared on his clothing.

"Mr.Hall." He beckoned me over.

"Yes?!" I asked jumping out of my seat.

"The surgery is complete."

"And?" I asked in anticipation.

"Johnnie's butthole is...."  


Hello, everyone! I haven't updated since March and I am so so so sorry! I promised an update AGES ago. I finally felt some motivation to do it. So here it is. I hope you enjoyed this riveting and emotional chapter. And I'm sorry (not sorry) for that major cliffhanger hahaha. Hope you're all doing well and don't hate me for not updating ;-; Thanks for reading!!!! 

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