The Alpha (BoyxBoy) (Book Two)

By Lownder

250K 11.2K 508

River is getting ready to step into his fathers shoes and take over as the Alpha of the Riverstone pack, all... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34

Part 25

6.1K 295 37
By Lownder

*River's PoV*

Right after the meeting ended we started the traditional alpha's mate party, I don't know what I was expecting when we announced it, but I was happy with the outcome. Everyone seemed pretty happy about the whole situation, and it seemed like I couldn't take a single step without being congratulated. Not even just for finding each other, but also the decision to merge.

"Babe!" I turned to where Jinx's voice had came from to see him a couple tables over with a woman who looked just like him, along with a little boy. I turned back to the group of dom's I was talking to and they just gave a knowing smile and nodded.

"We'll talk later alpha." One of them commented. "Go spend some time with your mate buddy, you've been away from each other since you announced it."

I nodded smiling at them before turning back towards Jinx and making my way over. "Sorry to interrupt you and your friends," Jinx started as soon as I got close enough. "I just figured it was probably time for you to meet my mom." He said with a grin. "Mom, this is River. River, this is my mom." He said as I sat down.

I reached out to shake her hand but she completely bypassed it and wrapped her arms around my neck. "It's so nice to meet you! Jinx has told me so much about you." She told me as she pulled away.

"He's talked about you quite a bit too, mom. I'm sorry I wasn't over here sooner." I started as I sat back and looked towards the boy. "You must be Toby." I started in a questioning way and watched as his face lit up and he started nodding.

"And you're my big brothers mate." He stated with a light giggle. I nodded and he giggled more. "So that means you're also my big brother now too right?"

I glanced towards Jinx who looked amused by the conversation as he waited to my reply. I looked back to Toby who was waiting patiently for me to answer him. "Yeah Toby, that makes me your big brother."

Toby's face once again lit up as another fit of giggles kicked in before he jumped forward, landing in my lap as he hugged me. I let my arms fall down around him as he buried his face against me while he continued giggling. I looked up towards Jinx and saw his smile had only grown.

"Come on Toby," Jinx started as he reached out and tried prying him off of me. "I've missed your like crazy, you're spending tonight with me, let River talk to mom tonight and you can spend tomorrow with him."

Toby groaned as he fought to stay attached to me, but eventually Jinx won the battle and had Toby sitting in his lap now, and as soon as he had stopped lunging to get back to me his mom started firing off questions. "Has Jinx been good to you?"

"Mom!" Jinx yelled, but she seemed unphased as she continued. "Because if he hasn't I'll fix that right now. Has he been understanding of your feelings, and showing you his softer side?" Jinx threw himself back in his seat looking irritated.

I laughed slightly as I reached over and set my hand on top of his. "I assure you, your son has been perfect."

She smiled and leaned forward. "Do you have any siblings? What do you do for fun?"

"Just Toby." I answered making everyone at the table smile brighter than the sun. "And for the most part I just hang out with my cousin honestly." I told her as I glanced in Jamie's direction to see him practically hiding behind Austin while trying to get punch I could practically guarantee Austin had offered to do for him at least a million times.

"The beta?" She asked in a way showing she already knew the answer before she continued. "He is just the cutest thing I have ever seen! What's his name again? Jamie right?" I nodded. "As soon as I get the chance I'm baking him and that mate of his some cookies."

"He likes honey in them." We looked up to see my father standing about a foot away. "My mate used to make him these, I think sugar cookie things, I don't know, but after she added the honey he practically wouldn't eat any other cookie." He took a step forward. "Mind if I sit?"

She quickly nodded and gestured to an empty seat just as Anthony came up and sat down. "Well isn't this table just filling up with power quickly." He commented as he looked around the room. "Where's the rest of your friends boys?"

Jinx looked around slowly before laughing a little. "Well Jacob is crashing and burning with his mate, and Andrew is laughing at him from afar." Anthony laughed lightly as he turned trying to find the scene, before turning to look at me.

"Well Corey went home as soon as the meeting was over, he's not doing so well with the whole heat thing." I explained. "Then Austin's over there, and it looks like he's trying to get Jamie to dance with him, which isn't gonna happen especially with a song as fast as this."

Jinx's mom immediately started 'awe'ing as my dad started cracking up. "You never know son, Austin's changing that boy a lot."

Which was hard to argue with, but still I didn't see it happening. Even from across the room, Jamie's blush seemed so potent I would believe it if you told me it went all the way down to his hands. "You know, I swear," my dad started, "he's lucky he doesn't hang around kitchens, he'd end up getting confused for a tomato."

The entire table erupted in laughter, mine being so intense I could feel the snort coming on, and I quickly tried to stop myself but as soon as my dad picked up a tomato off his plate and held it in Jamie's direction announcing that it was a perfect match, I lost it. As soon as the awful noise left me Jinx abruptly stopped and looked over towards me. Out of all the things about me, that was probably the one thing I hated, and I had worked so hard to try to get out of the annoying habit, but it seemed to be pretty uncontrollable.

"Did you just snort?" He asked in a serious tone. I could feel my own face growing red as his smile grew. "That was adorable! Do it again." He demanded.

I quickly pulled away from the table and stared back at him. "No, I hate it."

"Well I love it. I wanna hear it again." He whined.

I was going to argue further but my dad quickly stepped in affectingly ruining my entire life. "Jinx, wanna know the quickest way to hear it?" Jinx quickly nodded and my dad reached over and started tickling me, and I quickly moved away as the laughter erupted, only to find my other side falling under Jinx's attack. The assault continued until another snort escaped.

"God," he whispered so only I could hear it, "that's almost as beautiful as your moans."

"Jinx," Toby started as he shifted in his lap. "can you move your phone, it started stabbing me."

Jinx's face instantly reddened as he quickly pushed the chair out and handed Toby to his mom as he stood up while the rest of the table laughed. "I need to use the bathroom really quick, I'll be right back." He mumbled before turning and walking away quickly.

"So," His mom started in as she finally calmed down. "have you talked about kids?"

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