A Fifth Daughter [Book 2: The...

By JJHays

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A MODERN MEDIEVAL FANTASY #31 in Fantasy |Book 2 of the Fifth Daughter Trilogy| Davenport has returned to tak... More

Author's Note ~ Copyright
To Those Special Someones
Table of Contents
Prologue ~ 0
Part One
Chapter ~ 1
Chapter ~ 2
Chapter ~ 3
Chapter ~ 4
Chapter ~ 5
Chapter ~ 6
Chapter ~ 7
Part Two
Chapter ~ 9
Chapter ~ 10
Chapter ~ 11
Chapter ~ 12
Chapter ~ 13
Chapter ~ 14
Chapter ~ 15
Chapter ~ 16
Part Three
Chapter ~ 17
Chapter ~ 18
Chapter ~ 19
Chapter ~ 20
Chapter ~ 21
Part Four
Epilogue ~ 22
What's Going Through My Head

Chapter ~ 8

4.9K 362 35
By JJHays

~ Chapter 8: The Problem of Lýkos, Alphas, and Best Friends ~

The little Lýkos follows Clain and I as we search for Eaton, Tempest, and Anakin. I hope wolves was the only thing after us and that huge tree-crashing creature wasn't coming our way. I hope no one got stepped on. The most pressing question, or agitation though is, why is he – or she – following us? Do I just attract the strange ones or something?



And now this little squirt.


To make my self-pity worse, it starts raining and I'm starting to freeze. November plus frigid down-pour equals Popsicle Smoke. That does not sound like a dessert I'd want to eat.

"Cai," I moan. "Wake me up. Or do something. I'm beyond crazy right now."

"I wonder what that's called." He muses. "Is there a 'beyond crazy'?"

"Whatever it's called, I'm there."

"Huh... strange thought. Can you be crazier than crazy?"

"Cai, my brain is much too tired for this."

"You asked me to talk to you. So I am."

"Ugh... I regret it. Leave me alone."

Cai chuckles. He does all of this on purpose and it drives me... me... crazier than crazy – which isn't a thing.

"Keep straight. They're just up ahead."

"Cai, I'll run into a tree if I go straight."

"Well, avoid the tree and then continue on."

"Thanks." Unhelpful, fat lard.

"You're very welcome."

A few minutes pass before the little wolf whines and Clain stops. Eaton walks out of the high luminescent flowers in his huge silver Werewolf glory. The strange light emitted from basically everything growing, makes his coat glaringly bright; like a star that blew up. The little wolf growls slightly but continues to coward a safe distance away. Anakin arrives a moment later, his horse breathing hard.

I drop from Clain and lean into his shoulder at the warmth he gives. Of course he ruins it by stepping on my toe.

"Ouch, ouch." I hop around for a moment cradling my crying foot. "That hurt."

Eaton chortles in his wolfish way. I glare at him. He glares right back until the little Lýkos draws his attention once more. Something snaps and Eaton snarls at the small creature. The sound makes me want to fight back even though it's directed toward the Lýkos. It's from the way his Alpha voice sticks with me. Which probably explains why this little runt is following me. I made him (her) submit, and now it's found a small pack.

Great. Just great.

The little wolf doesn't back down. Instead it growls back lowly and hesitantly, looking at me for direction. Eaton isn't its Alpha, I am, and unless Eaton defeats me the little wolf will listen to me and only more.

More greatness. My life is just wonderfully great. Don't you think?

"He's not going to hurt me." I snap out at both of them. It's the rain's fault that I feel grumpy.

Eaton huffs and the little wolf turns a slight glare my way. I can read that look.

"Fine." I huff. I gesture at Eaton. "He's not going to hurt me." Looking pointedly at Eaton, I jab a finger toward the little Lýkos. "She's not going to hurt me." Well, I hope she won't.

Eaton snaps his jaw, threatening pain, but backs off just as Tempest tumbles through the bright plants. Her horse isn't with her.

She mumbles about dumb animals and how she misses Rash and I realize that Tempest is still here. I mean, I've know she's around, but she's still here... with me. She hasn't gone home – even though I wish she would. She's still three weeks fresh out of the hospital. Although her wounds don't seem to be causing her any trouble, I wish she'd relax a moment, at least for me.

Instead of saying anything I sit down with a yawn. We might as well take a break. It'll help me mentally and we can plan what to do next on our venture toward Elven Village.

The little Lýkos approaches me slowly, under the watchful gaze of Eaton, the curious cock of Tempest's head, and Anakin's sudden interest, until she's within arm reach. I just watch her. Having Cai is bad enough, having Cai and Clain is horrible, having Cai, Clain and this squirt is going to be a pain in my backside. Maybe I should have killed her.

"What do you want?" I snap.

She whines at my tone and takes half a step back, lowering her head. She can't help being submissive. It's how packs work and the only thing she understands. I flex my hand, my fingers twirling into my palm. I'm not a wolf, let alone a Werewolf. I can't be the leader that she needs for any chance of survival. Eaton would be a better choice, but he seems to be considering eating her and that doesn't sit well with me.

"Okay..." Tempest draws out, looking between us three. "What's with the pup?"

The Lýkos doesn't like being called that. She snarls aggressively but whines when I snap my fingers across her nose. She's going to have to deal with being seen as small. Although, she is intelligent compared to the other Lýkos who tried to eat Clain and I. She's not set on hunger either, no matter how malnourished she is. Does that mean I not only attract the strange ones, but also the intelligent? Just what I needed. More sass in this weird family.

"We're very glad you love us." Cai says, huffing with laughter.

"Are you still flying around above us?"


"What about... whatever that was?"

"Oh, Juniper. She wasn't after you, in fact she was trying to get the Lýkos out of her territory."

"Juniper? Isn't that a kind of tree?"

"Well, yes. But it's also the name of a dragon. She's lived in this canon for a very long time, protecting the animals and Elves. She would love to meet you, but understands how busy we are trying to save the world and all."

"So, what, you guys sat down and had to tea while talking about politics?"

"Not... exactly. Well, we didn't have tea."

"I'm not sure I even want to know."

Cai shrugs. The movement tugs at my shoulders, reminding me how connected Cai and I are.

Tempest drops down beside me and grimaces, holding her ribs. She's proving to me why she shouldn't be here. "I don't feel so good." She mumbles, blinking lazily, one eye slower than the other. It's a half-hearted attempted to stay awake.

I put a hand on her shoulder, stabilizing her teetering form. Worry gnaws at my gut. "You're not allowed to suddenly feel pain from the big hole taken out of your stomach." That's my half-hearted attempt to keep her awake.

She smiles ever so slightly, but still manages to look offended. "It's not a hole, just a hefty slice."

"That's on the verge of being debatable."

"Don't say that." She coughs. "It's annoying."

"Humph..." She leans forward and I steer her head to my shoulder.

"I think I just need to rest. I'll be fine in the morning."

Tempest wasn't better in the morning, nor is she any better as noon rolls around. I can't find anything physically wrong with her. Her wound is a thin scar, with no hint of infection or irritation. The only thing she complains about is a constant fire feeling in her stomach and an evading headache. Eaton set up a makeshift tent from an extra blanket and Tempest hasn't risen from the bed since I put her there last night.

"We need to keep going, Smoke." Eaton whispers quietly, stocking our little fire.

I nod slowly. "I know."

"I can go on ahead. Maybe get some help. I know a thing or two about internal wounds, it's no fun having to move around."

Tempest hasn't complained much about the moving around, but an internal wound is all we can think of.

"Are you sure? I know a thing or two about possessive Alphas."

Eaton huffs and rubs a hand over his jaw, he needs to shave. Silver hair on his head looks fine, but in his beard; he looks like an old man. I should tell him that one day. The old man part. Teasing always lifts people's spirits. Unless you're Rayn or Genny Grace and then they just look at you, saying; Shut up.

"I'm not possessive. Just protective."

"Uh-huh." I make sure to sound unconvinced and shoot a smirk at him.

He humphs and stands. The Lýkos growls ever so slightly from her spot by Clain. She's taken a liking to the horse, to the point that Clain has to kick out to get her to leave him alone. I've yet to name her, which is depressing because she needs a name. Saying Lýkos is getting annoying. Besides that word doesn't flow very well off my tongue. It sounds like a gravel truck trying to drive on glass.

"You come up with the weirdest similes." Cai says, chuckling

"I know right."

"At least you don't do puns."

"Well, I fail at them. So..."

Cai chuckles. It feels strange for him to be so close and yet so far away. The Emergent trees don't allow him to land and so he's stuck up in the sky or landing on the cliff. So far he's stuck with us but from his hourly updates, Nyx has had to land every now and then. She's not as strong nor as old as Cai.

Tempest screams. A harsh, brutal sound that penetrates all other noises and silences the world. I'm barely to my feet before she's tampered off to whimpers.

"Go." I command Eaton, rushing to the tent and finding Tempest curled into a little ball. "Find help." I crouch and pull her head into my lap. She shivers and groans. "Tell Nyx to follow Eaton and keep him safe." I command Cai.

"You got it boss. She's already in the air."

"Temp," I whisper, moving her dark hair to the side and touching her moist brow above weakly open blue eyes. "Eaton's gone to get help."

She makes the most miniscule of nods. "I feel like I've been stabbed and ripped apart." Her voice is just a croak, a slight grating of raw throat and thick tongue.

"Well, you were stabbed." I'm still trying to lighten the mood. More for me than for anyone else. I don't tend to handle these situations very well. Especially when it's family. "The ripped apart part is slightly extreme. You look pretty whole to me."

She only smiles tightly.

"Why couldn't you have just stayed home?" I mutter quietly. The thought has been nagging me. Why did she have to become someone for me to lose? Why did she have to stand up and try to defend me even though it was useless against a being stronger than her?

"I wanted to fulfil a dream. Besides, who would keep you alive?"

"What's that?" My fingers begin combing through her hair, absently removing leaves and twigs that have tried to find a home near her scalp. "Fight Demons and get killed? And, ha... I can keep myself alive thank you very much."

"To fly with you." She says quietly.

I pause and glance at her now closed blue eyes. She breathes strongly even with her weakened state. "Why – how – I –" I stop and shake my head. She giggles and then coughs.

"I've known all along who you are, Smoke. I've known about Rayn. About you being the one in front of us all for the throne. I even knew about your Choice to Dragonmage and your Pure One position."

My fingers flex in her hair and turn inward to form fists. "Why didn't you ever tell me? Why did no one ever tell me?"

"I tried. Well, once. When I asked if you'd ride Rash. I tried so hard to tell you. So hard to get you to understand. But the words wouldn't form. It was a relief when you decided to stay in Legend. I had only hoped the truth would come out sooner rather than later."

"And all that time... I thought you hated me."

Tempest shakes her head. "I did once. A really long time ago. So long ago I can't remember what it felt like. I don't anymore. In fact, I think I'm starting to love you."

"Yeah, you're not too bad either."

Tempest chuckles softly and breathes deeply. Her hand shoots out and she pokes me. "It's very debatable that without my help you'd be either dead or walking in circles."

I smile. "I thought you didn't like me saying that."

"Eh... it's growing on me." There's a pause where I think she's fallen asleep. Until, "Thank you."

I blink. "For what?"

"For flying with me." Her breathing slows until she really is asleep, only then do I answer as I cradle her head.

"You're welcome, Temp."

Laying her head down I curl up by her side and stare out the tent beyond our feet. It's raining again and the Lýkos is making her way towards us. With a quiet whine she flops herself by my other side, nuzzling her nose into my neck and licking my cheek. This is the first time we've touched each other and I can feel the content flooding off her.

I reach back and scratch her ear. "Keep watch, will ya."

I can just see her bright brown eyes as they blink. That's answer enough for me.

Someone squeals. The sound bringing me ever-so-slightly from the brink of sleep. Only ever-so-slightly. Something growls a warning and the warmth at my back bristles. Which feels strange. It's a fuzzy warmth. Which has me frowning and trying to wake up just to know what's pressed against me.

"Holy balls of fire, I've missed you so much!" A small bundle of red lands on my side painfully causing me to jerk and lose all the air in my lungs.

I cough harshly and glance down my nose at the gleaming pale-green eyes staring widely at me. For a moment the world spins and catches up to me. Somewhere in my confusion I notice Tempest is gone.

"Filly?" I just stare and hope this isn't me dreaming. The little Lýkos bunched up against me and halfway under Filly tells me I'm not.

"Well, duh... what other Elves would be missing you as much as me?"

"Uh..." I blink. That was a rhetorical question that I'm stupidly trying to answer. I blink again and the world snaps back into place. "Did you say holy balls of fire?"

Filly blushes. "Maybe. Cargo says it all the time and now I've picked it up. Have you realized how much you say because your dragon says it?"

"Um...No, not–" Dragon? Wait...! Dragon!

Filly smiles knowingly at me, as if sensing my train of thought. "Yep, that's right. My egg hatched. She's so cute." Filly flops her head to my chest and looks up at me. "Oh, for the love of Flame, I just love her."

"And her name is Cargo?"

She scrunches her nose. "No. That's her nickname, because right now she just rides around in my backpack like a useless warm blanket." She frowns at herself and shakes her head. "Her real name is Briseis, Bris for short."

I nod slowly. "I'm glad you got your dragon, welcome to the world of Riders, now could you, you know, get off of me?"

She pouts. "But you're incredibly too warm."

I frown and then shake my head. That sounded strange.

The Lýkos whines beneath us and Filly glances at her. "Aw... who's your new friend?"

"This is – I haven't named her yet."

"Well, she's adorable." Filly scratches behind the little wolf's ear, which she seems to enjoy and surprises me by not attacking Filly.

I shake my head – which I seem to be doing a lot of. "Filly, you think everything is adorable, now please get up."

With another pout she climbs off of me but continues scratching the Lýkos. I send the wolf a pointed look that she bows her head to, understanding what I don't want her to do, and that I will incinerate her if she so much as scratches Filly. This wolf is too intelligent for her own good.

"Thirsty?" Filly hands me her canteen and I down the water and a second later realize how thirsty I really was.

"Where's Temp?" I ask whipping my mouth with the back of my hand and feeling where Tempest should have been still sleeping. It's almost frigid to touch.

Filly doesn't look up from her ministrations behind the Lýkos' ear as she answers. "She went on ahead with Eaton. She's in pretty bad shape."

The Lýkos stiffens and I feel her sudden wariness. She whines in my direction. I try to comprehend what she's saying, but something has blocked my understanding. I blink a couple times and my head spins.

Something is terribly wrong.


There's nothing. No flutter of a response. There's not even a knowledge that he should be there, except my memoires that he is – or should be.


She finally looks at me when I nearly fall over and end up leaning on my elbow. She's crying and I don't understand why.

She reaches out and pulls my head down into her lap. "I'm so sorry." She whispers. "I'm so sorry." Her fingers move through my hair. "Please forgive me Smoke. We'll get you back, I promise."

"Temp?" My voice is strained and my heart is pounding.

Filly shakes her head. "No, Temp is safe, I promise." Her voice lowers and she places her mouth almost to my ear. "You will be too. We'll get you back. I promise."

The Lýkos whines and her wet nose touches my hand. I'm kind of surprised she hasn't attacked Filly yet. She was so protective of me earlier, what's made her stop now?

"Don't worry, Mia fenghi," Filly whispers. "She's going to be fine. You both are. I promise."


[Note]: Uh-oh, doesn't look good. What'd you think of the chapter? Do you think Filly actually betrayed Smoke?

~ Vote and Comment Please ~



Published: 11.29.16

Edited: 02.14.17

[Ps]: Because I love this picture so much I've decided to post it. It's me and one of my three horses, Stormy:

So, yeah, now you've finally seen what I look like - for the most part. (Photo bombed by Sunny's shoulder.)

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