Loving Hope (Third book to Th...

Por oldfashioneddaisies

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After three long years, full of horror and heartbreak, Klaus Mikaelson and Penelope Gilbert-Mikaelson have fi... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64

Chapter 44

985 28 14
Por oldfashioneddaisies

Hope's P.O.V.
I walk the school halls thinking about Aunt Rebekah's words that she spoke last night. No, it doesn't seem possible. "I'm too young. It isn't the right time. Is it even possible? It can't be." Is all the things I tell myself to try and convince myself that I'm not pregnant. My heart thumps in my chest and beats loudly in my ears as I hear chatting in the crowded hallway of Mystic Falls High. I have two more periods that I have to endure, but I decide on not going.

I walk outside of the school and sit on the front steps and I take a deep breath to try and calm myself but nothing seems to be working. I begin to feel tears come to my eyes just thinking about the idea of being pregnant. No, I'm way too young! It's not my time, not now! I have my whole life sitting right in front of me and a baby is a lifetime commitment that is way too much for me right now. I take out my phone and quickly dial a number.

"Hope, sweetheart? Are you there?" Aunt Bekah's voice says on the other end of the phone, concerned since I called her and I haven't said anything yet.

"Aunt Bekah, I need you to come pick me up." I say, my voice extremely pained as tears continue to spill down my cheeks.

"What's wrong sweetheart? Do you want me to get your mother on the phone?" Aunt Bekah asks curiously, knowing by the tone of my voice that I'm already extremely upset.

"No. No please don't do that. Can you just please come pick me up from school?" I ask her as I wipe away my tears and sniffle my nose.

"Of course darling, I'll be there soon." Aunt Bekah says as we hang up the phone. I'm praying that Aunt Bekah isn't right because honestly, I have no idea what I'm going to do if I actually am pregnant. I really can't even think about that right now. It's way, way too much.


"What am I going to do Aunt Bex? What if I actually am pregnant? I have no idea what I'm going to do. How am I going to tell Kai? Can I even keep it? What are my parents going to think?" I ask Bekah all these questions as I pace my father's study in a tizzy, feeling completely overwhelmed by everything.

"You cannot stress about a pregnancy until you know that you're actually pregnant." Bekah says as she grabs my hand to stop my pacing.

"So what should I do? Take a pregnancy test? Go to the doctor? What should I do?" I ask her frantically as I feel my chest bounce up and down.

"I don't think a pharmaceutical pregnancy test is going to work. But I do have a trick that will help us in finding out." Bekah says as she goes over to her purse and grabs a lotus flower from it. I look at her curiously. "Back when my mother was alive, and she started getting the feeling that she may be with child, she always did this one spell to confirm it since back then it was the only surefire way to confirm if a woman was with child or not." Bex says as she goes over to a vase of flowers on my father's desk and empties the flowers so that there is just water in the vase.

"So, hold this lotus to your stomach..." Rebekah says as she hands me the lotus. I hold it in my shaky hands and place it against my stomach. Rebekah then tells me to recite a spell as I hold the flower to my stomach. "So, by doing this, your energy will flow into the lotus and then once you drop it into the water, a fire will ignite... And if fire changes to a reddish, pinkish flame, it means that you're with child." Rebekah says as she holds the vase in her hand.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" I ask her curiously unsure of the spell.

"My mother did it seven times, I think that it's more accurate than a modern day pregnancy test. The spirits of nature will not misguide you. And being with child is a natural occurrence even if your baby might be a little supernatural." Bekah laughs like it's some joke or something. I just look at her and take a deep breath.

"Okay. I trust you." I say as I keep the lotus flower tightly to my stomach. Bekah looks at me, waiting for me to start. I close my eyes and begin chanting the spell Rebekah told me to chant. Within thirty seconds or so, I feel my hands warm up as the lotus flower glows with my energy in it's petals. I continue chanting as I let the beautiful flower float down from my hands and fall into the vase full of water. When it lands onto the water, a orange fire ignites. "Does this mean I'm not pregnant?" I ask Bekah curiously as I look at her in the eyes.

Bekah looks down and picks up the vase in her hands. "Not exactly, love." Rebekah says as she holds up the vase, a pinkish, reddish fire now burning in the vase, it even turns some of the remaining water pink, making me almost burst out into tears.

"No... Aunt Bekah I must have done something wrong this can't be right. I refuse to believe that I'm actually pregnant. It's not the right time. I'm too young! No, no it's not right!" I sob as I look at her desperately as the pink flame begins to die down. Aunt Bekah just looks like she's stuck in between a rock and a hard place.

"Hope Miranda Mikaelson, look at me." Bekah says as she places her hands on my face and makes her look at me. I look at her through my tear clouded eyes as I whimper quietly. "This is not the end of your life I promise you. I will be here to guide you through it. But right now you need to settle down and catch your breath before you start thinking any further ahead than you already are." Aunt Rebekah says in a calm voice in an attempt to calm me down. I just look at her and nod my head. This doesn't even feel real. But it is. The reality of the situation is that I'm pregnant with Kai's child, no ifs, ands or butts about it.


Penelope's P.O.V.
I drive down the road on my way to the grocery store to do some shopping before the kids get home from school in a few hours. I drown out my thoughts with the music from the radio that blasts throughout my car. I continue driving, clearing my thoughts, that is until my phone starts to ring in my purse. I reach over to the passenger side seat and reach into my purse so that I can answer my phone.

"Hello?" I answer as I hold my phone up to my ear and drive with one hand.

"Hi, this is principal Hannigan with Mystic Falls High. May I speak with Mr. and Mrs. Mikaelson please?" The lady principal asks on the other line.

"Um, Mr. Mikaelson is unavailable right now but you have the undivided attention of Mrs. Mikaelson." I tell her as my interest peaks as to why the principal of my children's school is calling me.

"That's perfect! I just wanted to call you and let you know that you need to come get Niklaus from school this afternoon." She tells me as I furrow my eyebrows.

"Is Nik okay?" I ask the principal concerned as I feel my heart speed up.

"Um well, this afternoon Niklaus got into a fight at school and I would like you to come here and discuss with me and then you can take him home." Mrs. Hannigan says, keeping her cool tone.

"Of course! I'll be there as soon as possible." I say as I make a quick U-turn and head back towards the school. I hope that Nik is okay, because the last thing this family needs right now is someone beating up on any of us, or at least attempting to beat up on us.


I walk into the school and quickly head to the principal's office in a tizzy, wanting to be able to see NJ as soon as possible. I walk in and see him and Faith sitting next to each other. Blood stains his clothes and skin. His usually soft blue eyes are harsh as he has his blood covered fists clenched. His cheeks and his eyes are blood splattered, but I know the blood isn't his. He doesn't have a cut or scrap on him which indicates to me that he beat someone mercilessly.

"Niklaus Henrik-Finn Mikaelson Jr. what the hell have you gotten yourself into?" I ask as I walk over to him and crouch in front of him to get a better look at him.

"Mom it wasn't my fault! This guy was talking shit about Doug right to Faith! Saying that he deserved to die and shit! That's messed up!" NJ defends as Faith continues to sit next to him silently.

"Hey! Watch your mouth!" I scold him as I stand up and look down at him. "And yes, I agree that's messed up but you didn't have to fight him Nik." I say with a disappointed tone. When I look at NJ, it really scares me because he's a spitting image of Klaus right now and honestly, that's terrifying considering he's only 14 years old.

"I'm not sure why you're so mad right now Mom! Dad taught me to never back down from a fight and you know that!" Nik exclaims as he stands up and meets me eye to eye.

"Well your dad is not here right now! I am!" I say getting angry with him at the mention of Klaus.

"That's because you made him leave! He'd be here right now if it wasn't for you." NJ sneers angrily, intending to hurt me. I look at him and take a deep breath. Thank God that we are in the hallway alone, waiting for the principal to call us in.

"I have my reasons for that are none of your business and aren't relevant in this point in time so sit down before I give you a kick in the ass." I growl, not really serious about kicking him but extremely angry with how he has been acting out. But before Nik has a chance to sit down the principal's office door opens up.

"Mrs. Mikaelson, thank you for coming on such short notice." Principal Hannigan says as she sticks her hand out to me.

"Of course. It's no issue Principal Hannigan." I say as I shake her hand with a distressed look on my face.

"Please, you and Niklaus can come in and have a seat." She says as she opens up her door. NJ and I walk in and take a seat in front of her desk in two chairs as she closes her office door and walks behind her desk and sits down.

"Principal Hannigan, Nik told me what happened and I apologize for his behavior. But I think that we should let kids be kids and the boys should get equal punishment." I say as I look at the hesitant Principal.

"I understand you're upset Mrs. Mikaelson. But, the boy that Niklaus engaged in a fight with has a broken nose, fractured eye socket and a broken jaw." Mrs. Hannigan announces, still keeping her cool tone of voice. My mouth falls open as I look at Nik who avoids eye contact with me.

"Oh my God." I say as I hold my hands over my mouth.

"Mrs. Mikaelson, I know that you understand that this is very serious and will not be taken lightly by any means." Principal Hannigan says as she leans forward onto her desk.

"Of course not." I answer shaking my head as I am still in complete shock.

"The other boy will be alright, but his parents are considering pressing charges on NJ. So I suggest that you either get a lawyer or you talk to the Peterson family yourself to plead your case or try and negotiate." She advises me as I sit on the edge of my seat.

"I don't think the authorities need to be involved Mrs. Hannigan. Nik's father just left a week ago and I understand he had an outburst but bringing the police into this seems extremely harsh! He's only 14 for God's sake!" I exclaim, feeling awful for the Peterson's but also sticking up for my son.

"That's not my call Mrs. Mikaelson. But, for the time being, Niklaus will be expelled from Mystic Falls High until further notice." She tells me as she looks between Nik and myself.

"Expelled? Can't you just give him a detention or a suspension? Expulsion seems rather severe considering this is his first offense!" I say, trying to plead NJ's case for him.

"I have to set an example here Mrs. Mikaelson, and this type of behavior is not tolerated by any stretch. I hope you can understand that." Principal Hannigan says as her calm tone becomes more harsh.

"Well, I hope you can understand that my husband just left last week and I have to raise three teenagers by myself and I really don't need you jumping my shit about how my child is the delinquent here! He was sticking up for his sister from a little asshole that probably got what was coming to him. So fine, expel my child, take me to fucking court, I don't care! I just thought that this school system would have had the decency to give punishments to both children that are guilty instead of just one." I say as I get up angrily and grab my purse. "Come on Nik, we're leaving." I say as I open up the door and let him out first. "Have a nice day, principal." I say passive aggressively as I slam her door. I really am not in the mood for anything or anyone right now. Honestly, in this moment I just want to disappear.


Hope's P.O.V.
"Aunt Bekah, how am I going to tell Kai?" I sob as my Aunt Bekah comes into the room after talking on the phone with my mom.

"Well, your mother is definitely on the cusp on her breaking point so we better not tell her for a while." Aunt Bekah says as she comes in and looks at me.

"But what about Kai? I mean, I love him so much but I have no idea how he's going to react. He already has commitment issues and if I decide to have this baby he is going to have to be committed to it for the rest of his life." I cry as Bekah kneels down in front of me to get down to my level since I'm sitting.

"There is no way I'm letting you get rid of this baby. If you do that you're going to regret it for the rest of your life." Bekah says as she grabs my hands. "In complete and utter honesty, Hope. I know that you want the baby's father in it's life, but do you really think that's the right decision?" Bekah asks me curiously as she looks into my eyes.

"What do you mean?" I ask her confused.

"Well, when your father eventually comes back and sees that you're pregnant he's going to know who did it to you. Could you imagine this boy's fate if he was in the area and your father found him after finding out that he got you pregnant?" Rebekah asks me as she keeps her words still kind of shielded.

"Aunt Bex I don't get what you're saying. You want me to break up with Kai and never see him again? You want me to exclude him from our child's life?" I ask as tears continue streaming down my face.

"No. Not exactly." Bex says as she stands up and begins pacing. "I think that it would be a good idea for me to compel him temporarily while you figure out what you're going to do. And when your father eventually comes back into your life and sees that you're with child, it will be good for him and for Kai if they don't see each other immediately. It will give your mother and our other various family members enough time to talk your father down before I uncompel Kai and let him come back into you and your child's life." Aunt Rebekah explains.

"Send him away? I couldn't do that to him Aunt Bex. It seems unfair to temporarily erase his mind and them welcome him back into my life when I'm ready. That seems so selfish!" I exclaim as I let her plan sink in.

"It's not selfish! It's selfless of you. You're protecting him and it seems like the best situation for you so that you can figure out what you're going to do. I believe this is the best for you and him." Bekah says whole heartedly believing in this.

"But I don't know if I can let him go, Bex. I love him so much." I cry as I hold my hands on my flat stomach.

"If you love him then you need to let him go for a while. Let him go somewhere safe because this pregnancy is going to be a firestorm. A tribrid and heretic baby is definitely going to stir up tension in the supernatural world. A werewolf and hybrid baby did, so I would expect nothing less with your child." Bekah says as she looks down at my stomach.

"Bekah I don't think I'm ready to do this. I'm too young! I'm eighteen years old! My mom was twenty one when she had me and that was too young for her and she's the strongest woman I know. How am I going to do this? How am I going to be able to do this without Kai's help possibly?" I ask, still hesitant on whether to 'get rid' of my baby or not, which sounds horrible but is definitely still an option.

"Your mother thought that she was alone too. But she was so far from alone, you don't even know. I promise that you will never be alone Hope. Okay?" Bekah assures me as I sniffle.

"I need to see Kai one more time before I figure out what I'm going to do." I tell her honestly. "Thank you for everything Aunt Bekah. It really does mean the world to me. I love you." I say as I pull her into a hug.

"I love you too sweetheart." Bekah says as she rubs my back. I had heard my parents love story a million times over. I fell in love with the idea of having something like they have. And I finally found something so similar to what they have. But I thought my love story would be different. I thought I'd break this cycle of bad mistakes and horrible decision making when it comes to unprotected sex especially. I was stupid, and now I'm in the cycle of this Klaus and Penelope time continuum, and I can't seem to get out.


Klaus's P.O.V.
My phone begins ringing and I can see that it is my baby sister giving me a ring on my telephone. "Rebekah! You just made my afternoon by giving me a ring, love."

"Oh you know that I just love to hear the sound of your passive aggressive tone Niklaus." Rebekah says sarcastically as I chuckle.

"What's the reasoning for your call? Am I aloud to come back home yet without Penelope beheading me?" I ask as I roll my eyes annoyed.

"Nope. I was just calling you to give you some details on what's been going on around here." Bekah says as she paces the floor beneath her.

"I'm all ears sweetheart." I tell her as I sit down.

"Nik got expelled from school today. He broke another boy's jaw and nose and fractured his eye socket. Penelope is distraught. She keeps thinking about the 'what if' he killed the boy and triggered his curse. The thought is torturing her and not even I can console her." Rebekah informs me.

"Well the boy is probably acting out because I am not up there to guide him! He already has anger issues to begin with and Penelope is not properly tempering them because she doesn't know how! I'm the one that has been controlling his rage all these years, not her." I say disgruntled as I raise my voice a bit.

"She is doing her best Niklaus. You made your bed and now you have to lay in it, do not blame this all on her." Rebekah says, taking Penelope's side on this one. 

"The all mighty Rebekah Mikaelson speaks Shall we all cherish and bask in her words of truth!" I say sarcastically as I roll my eyes.

"Don't be an ass." She scolds me as I chuckle a bit. "But Nik, I have a hunch that your New Orleans witches predictions are right. I know that something is coming and it's not going to be good. I can feel it's going to be much worse than when Hope was born. Maybe even worse than when Faith was born." Rebekah says, her voice spooked.

"I refuse to believe that. These witches are full of hogwash and I've already been through the seven levels of hell and conquered them with ease and precision." I say glibly, ignoring my sister's warning.

"Your arrogance is becoming ignorance Nik. I'm warning you, you need to watch yourself down there. Stay in the shadows." Rebekah informs me concerned.

"Will do, baby sister." I say just to get her off of my back. I'm not scared of any prediction anymore. I spit on the prophecy after my family and I conquered it, so there's no way these predictions could be worse than the last.

-Sorry this took so long to update! I really hope you guys like it and I understand there are similarities been P and Klaus and Kai and Hope but, as the story progresses it's going to be very different so I'm super excited to show you guys that. I'm excited to conjure up some more drama. Thank you guys so much! I love you! Xo

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