Speak//Ashton Irwin

By Haylee_morgan98

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Brooke had been mute ever since she was five years old but nobody knows why, she is now sixteen and falling f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 31

128 8 3
By Haylee_morgan98

I reluctantly went back to my house. I hated the part of the day where I had to leave her. Max and Sarah had said there would be no sleepovers until she turned eighteen. I knew they'd say that when they found out about us, but it didn't make me hate the rules any less.
Mum and Dad had gone out and Lauren was probably with Chris-the-dick, so the house was dark and deserted when I got in. I liked the peace though, and I couldn't wait for College when I'd really have my own space.
I sent Brooke a text, telling her that I loved her and I'd pick her up for school in the morning. She wouldn't reply of course.
At least it was Friday tomorrow so we could spend a little more time together in the evening. Not that it would do much good, this weekend she was going fishing with her dad again. Louis had gone with them a few times but quickly lost interest in being without his PlayStation.
I had been a couple times, too, and I wanted to go this weekend, but I think they needed time alone. She was going out with her mum, so it was only fair that Max got to spend time with her as well. And it was only one night. Lauren strolled into my room without knocking. "Do just come in," I said sarcastically. When did she get home anyway?
"I need to talk to you and you can't get mad. You have to let me finish. Okay?" Lauren rambled, waving her hands around in the air. Well, this sounds interesting. "Promise me, Ashton."
"Alright, I promise," I replied.
She sat down and blew out a huge breath. "Me and Chris broke up."
"Well hal-le-fucking-lu-jah," I called out, throwing my arms up in celebration.
"And I'm pregnant," she added quickly.
My heart stopped dead. Did she just say...?
"I'm sorry, you're what?"
"Pregnant. With child. Knocked up. Have a bun in the oven."
I jumped up, furious and ready to kill. Chris-the-dick knocked her up and left her. I was going to strangle him. "That bastard got you pregnant and ditched you." I knew he was a useless waste of oxygen, but I didn't think he would go that low.
"Wait," she shouted, holding her finger up and frowning at me. "I told you to let me finish! And don't shout, I've not told Mum and Dad yet."
"Shouldn't have agreed to listen first," I grumbled, sitting back on the bed. My hands shook I was so angry. As soon as she was finished, I was going to his house. Lauren might be a fool for taking him back so many times, but she didn't deserve this. What was going to happen to her now? How would she cope with a baby and trying to achieve everything she wanted.
She took a deep, calming breath, threaded her hands together and continued. "I found out a couple days ago that I'm pregnant. It's made me look at everything differently, you know. My relationship with Chris is... Well, let's face it, it's shit. I don't think we've ever gone a few days without arguing, and then there are the other women. I don't want my baby growing up around all that."
She uncoupled her hands and touched her flat stomach tenderly. Jesus, there was a human growing in there.
"This baby is the most important thing now. I know I have to be away from Chris to be the best mum I can be."
About time. Some of my anger melted as a huge grin crept across my face. I was so proud of her for finally ditching his cheating ass. And I was going to be an uncle. Way too early in life but we'd all make it work.
"That's great, Lauren. You and the baby deserve so much more than him. What did he say?"
"Said I'll go back to him soon enough. He shouted a bit, said I'd tricked him into getting pregnant," she explained. "I don't care what he thinks though, I didn't get pregnant on my own, and I certainly didn't plan it! Not sure how much involvement he'll want, but I won't stop him seeing her if he wants."
Lauren shrugged, smiling. I hadn't seen one of those smiles in a long time, the ones that lit up her whole face. "I don't mind what it is, but I have a feeling it's a girl."
"Well, I hope Chris does the right thing by the baby but if not you know you won't be alone, right? He or she will have their Uncle Ashton."
Lauren threw her arms around me, almost knocking me back and squeezed the life out of me. Was this good for the kid? "Alright, but you know you're probably squishing the baby right now," I teased breathlessly as she tightened her vice like arms.
"Thank you, Ashton," she whispered. "And she'll have her auntie Brooke!"
I ran my hand through my hair. The enormity of being with Brooke was still overwhelming. We had a lot to deal with, and I was still getting used to how good it felt to know she was mine.
"I really should marry that girl one day. The second she was ready.
"Ashton," Lauren snapped, waving her hand in front of my face.
I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. "Sorry."
"Thinking about her?" She teased.
Narrowing my eyes, I sat back on the bed. "Maybe."
"Aww, you're so cute," she gushed, reaching out to pinch my cheeks, but I managed to bat her hand away before she could.
"Don't call me cute. Anyway, when are you telling Mum and Dad? They'll be pissed, you know that, right?"
Lauren's face dropped. She was almost twenty, but Dad still thought of her as his little girl. He would definitely not be happy. Well, not at first at least. I knew he'd love that little baby to death once he'd gotten his head around it.
"I'm telling them in a minute actually. I am not looking forward to it, and thanks for your overwhelming words of encouragement, by the way."
"You're welcome. It'll be fine."
"Seriously, thanks for being supportive. It means a lot." She stood up to go tell our parents. "Oh, and if you hear shouting, come save me."
"Yeah, good luck, Lauren... It was nice knowing ya."
She rolled her eyes and walked out of my room slowly, groaning to herself.
I stripped out of my clothes and slipped into bed, noticing how silent the house was. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. Suddenly, Dad erupted. Damn. I couldn't hear exactly what was being said as his words blended in furious babble, but he was never going to be calm when she dropped that bombshell. He'd come around quickly, I was sure of it.
I should've gone down there, but they needed to talk it out between them. If it got worse, or if I heard Lauren cry, then I would. After a minute, everything settled down. I imagine Mum would've told Dad how ridiculous he was being or Lauren had just said she'd ended it with Chris-the-dick.

The next day, school passed painfully slowly. Thankfully it was now over, and I was waiting for Brooke by my car. Kerry and Ben loitered around with me, flirting with each other and play fighting.
Just what I wanted to see.
"You wanna tag along with us tomorrow? You know, so you don't look so pathetic being alone on a Saturday night," Ben said.
"Hmm, do I want to be a third wheel on your date? No, thanks. I think I'd rather be pathetic." The thought of watching them sticking their tongues down each other's throats all night made me want to hurl.
Kerry rolled her eyes and grabbed Ben's hand. "Fine, loser," she chirped and pulled on Ben's hand. "Come on, take me home."
Ben waved over his shoulder, and I nodded.
Moments later, Brooke walked out of the building with Alexus and some other guy, who was looking at her for slightly too long. If he valued his eyeballs he was going to need to look away real soon.
Brooke smiled as she saw me, and I couldn't help smiling back.
"Bye, Brooke," Alexus said, giving her a little wave, which she returned.
I held my arms out for her, and she gripped hold of me so tight, it took me by surprise. It was as if she was scared I would run away or something crazy like that. "I'll miss you this weekend, too," I whispered in her ear, predicting her problem.
She nuzzled my neck, confirming my guess.
The weekend would no doubt pass slowly. I definitely needed to go out and do something to make the time pass faster. Louis was talking about doing something so maybe I should go with him. It'd be much better than being a third wheel on Kerry and Ben's date.
Maybe I could also stop Louis from getting too drunk and calling Eleanor again. Last time he'd ranted about how she broke his heart and was an evil witch for making him still love her.
Or maybe not. It was funny.
I took Brooke for ice cream after school. With all the drama recently and Brooke's extra gymnastic classes, we hadn't been in a while. We took our usual seat in the booth by the window, and Lucy called to say she would bring our usual order over.
"So you're leaving at eight tomorrow morning and will be back at three in the afternoon on Sunday, yeah?" I questioned, making sure I remembered right. I was planning to pick her up at four on Sunday so she could have some time to shower and change, and then I was taking her to the arcades and dinner.
She nodded.
We were given our order and wasted no time tucking into the ice cream. She moaned as she ate the first mouthful. I closed my eyes, feeling my blood heat.
"Hey, if we can't get the house to ourselves soon we could always take my car in the woods or something," I suggested, only half joking. A light pink blush crept over her cheeks, and she flicked her straw at me. Ice-cold milkshake hit me in the face.
Oh, you're going down.
I dipped my fingers in my drink and she took off, running towards the door. I jumped out of my seat, laughing as I sprinted after her.
Brooke could run pretty damn fast when she wanted to, but I soon caught up to her and grabbed her around the waist. With a low, deep chuckle, I ran my index finger down her cheek, leaving behind a trail of chocolate milkshake.
"Love you," I mumbled against her neck and tightened my arms. I always thought men were pathetic for being so under the thumb and thinking about their girlfriends twenty-four-seven.
Now I was one of them, and I couldn't have been happier.

Groaning as my phone started making a hideous sound; I pushed myself up and turned the damn thing off. Getting up at 7:30am on a Saturday was hell, but there was a very good reason for me getting up so early. I wanted to say goodbye before Brooke and Max went off for the night.
I dressed in record time and ran over to her house just as Max was loading their tents and fishing equipment in the car.
"She's inside," he said, laughing at how eager I was.
I smiled sheepishly. "Thanks."
Brooke was hugging her mum, who was telling her to have a good time. "I'll let you say bye," Sarah said, nodding towards me.
Brooke turned around looking confused. She smiled as she saw me, and, like always, it made me feel a hundred feet tall. I walked up to her and placed my hands on her slim hips.
"Hi." She smiled wider and pushed herself up on tiptoes to kiss me. My body reacted immediately. I groaned and kissed her back passionately, my body bursting into flames.
Pulling away when I felt my self-control slipping, I pressed my forehead against hers. "You have a good time. I'll see you in thirty-two and a half hours." The corner of her lip turned up. Yeah, I'd worked out the hours.
Ashton Irwin was now officially a pathetic, whipped, lucky bastard. And I was proud.
"I'm gonna miss you so much. I love you."
She gripped my hair and kissed me hard.
If you throw her down on the sofa and have your wicked way with her, Max will cut your balls off. You like your balls.
The way she was kissing me drove me wild. What the hell was this? She wasn't usually this forward. I loved it. She was the one that pulled away first. Her breathing heavy and laboured and sexy as hell. With a sigh, she took my hand and pulled me outside.
Giving me a sad, longing smile that made my heart bang against my chest, she got in the front seat of the car and Max drove off. I'll miss you, too.
For the entire morning, I was unintentionally annoying my parents and Lauren. Apparently, I was intolerable when I was away from Brooke. Lauren had entertained me for a couple hours, talking about the baby and her plans. She was doing amazingly well getting over her relationship with Chris. This baby was the best thing that could have happened to her. I was happy that she was finally happy.
Eventually, I decided that I was going to go out with Louis, so we arranged to call a taxi and go on a pub-crawl. Getting off my face would pass the time tonight and a hangover would pass the time tomorrow morning.
Yeah, I'm a pathetic mess without her.
Just as I was about to start actually tidying my room to have something to do – it had gotten that bad- my phone started ringing. I froze. It played The Most Beautiful Girl In The World by Prince.
Sweat broke out all over my body.
I had never heard that song come from my phone before.
That was the ringtone I had set for Brooke, and she'd never called before.
Reaching out with a shaky hand, I grabbed the phone and pressed answer. Immediately, I heard quiet sobs. Each one cut through me. I felt sick.
Why is she crying?
"Ashton," she whispered in a meek, scratchy voice that sounded painful. "Help me."
My world crashed to a halt.

Authors note:
Sorry for the suspense, but I love leaving you guys waiting mwahaha. Anyways only 3 more chapters :)
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