Chapter 6

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I woke up in the morning to the sunlight streaming through the middle of my curtains and someone gently shaking my arm.
"Brooke, time to get up, sugar," Mum whispered softly. "Are you feeling okay? I don't normally have to wake you. I rubbed my eyes to try to wake myself up properly. Last day of school today. Finally. I pushed myself up and smiled. My head was pounding and I just wanted to stay in bed, but Dad worked from home on Thursdays and Fridays and I knew he wouldn't be happy if I missed another day. He would complain about my grades, too. It wouldn't look good for his perfect family image if his daughter's grades were anything less than A's.
"Okay. Well, breakfast will be ready soon. I'm making scrambled egg on toast. You need a good breakfast for your last day at school."
She left me to get ready and I wasted no time in packing my bag and changing into my uniform. It was far too hot for the school blazer, but the teachers didn't seem to care about that. I took a deep breath before brushing my teeth; just one more day to get through.
When I got downstairs for breakfast, Ashton was already sitting at the table, eating scrambled eggs. "Morning Aves," he mumbled, chewing on his food. I hated when he for 1) called me by my middle name and for 2) shortened it, my middle name is Avery but he calls me Aves just to get on my nerves because he knows I hate it.
I sat down next to Ashton and smiled at Mum, thanking her for the breakfast she just placed in front of me. "So are you two doing anything after school?" Mum asked, grinning at us both. She has a stupid fantasy in her head that me and Ashton will get together. Sure, we had been friends for years, but it couldn't ever be more than that, not now. Ashton could do so much better than me.
"Probably get some ice cream or something, right?" He glanced at me and shoveled another forkful of egg in his mouth. I smiled in agreement. That sounded like the perfect way to end the year, unlike some of my classmates who would be at the park downing beer.
"Okay, come on, we're gonna be late," Ashton mumbled, grabbing my hand and pulling me off the stool. I gasped in surprise but didn't pull my hand back. It felt too nice.
We parked outside the 6th block building as usual. It hadn't taken long to get to school, unfortunately, there wasn't a lot of traffic.
"Look, if anyone says anything to you today just come and find me. You know what lessons I have, and if I have a free one I'll be in the courtyard.
The only reason I knew what lessons he had was because he constantly shoved his timetable in my face so I would know where to find him if I needed him. It was sweet but unnecessary.
"You could even text me, you know. I'd come and find you straight away," he added quietly, staring out of the window.
I dropped my gaze to my lap. That couldn't happen. Ashton sighed and flopped back into his seat. "Brooke, just come and find me then."
I felt so horrible that I just kept staring at the floor. I hated disappointing him. "It's okay," he added reassuringly. "I'll see you later, yeah?"
Finally looking up, I nodded and smiled appreciatively. We both got out of the car and waved to each other as we went our separate ways. As always, I hugged myself and walked quickly towards my home room. One more day, that was all.
My hope for an uneventful day was nearly crushed when I saw Harry standing just ahead of me, in the middle of the corridor. He was messing around with his friends, pushing and punching each other. Thankfully, there was another way I could go so I wouldn't have to bump into him, yet. Harry's lip looked a little swollen and bruised, but I couldn't see properly from standing so far away, and I certainly wasn't going to get a closer look.
"Hi," Alexus said from behind me, making me jump slightly. I half expected it to be Delaney or one of her pathetic little friends. I smiled at Alexus, relaxing my shoulders, and we walked into registration together.
Luckily, the teacher was early today, so no one had a chance to say anything to me. The morning was going well so far, but I wasn't naïve enough to think it would continue that way all day.
The music teacher let us go five minutes early for lunch. I packed everything in my bag slowly so I would be the last one to leave.
"You coming to the canteen?" Alexus asked as she grabbed her bag and swung it over her shoulder. I shook my head and smiled, grateful that she had at least asked.
"Okay, see you later." She waved over her shoulder as she walked out with her friends.
I made my way quickly along the corridor. After lunch, I only had two lessons to get through. The back corridor was deserted, everyone had already gone to canteen or outside. Someone grabbed me from behind. I gasped, panic rose inside me. Before I even had the chance to struggle, I was pushed into a class room.
My lungs stung where I'd held my breath. I felt like a scared little girl again. "Hey, Brooke." I recognized his voice instantly. Harry. I felt only a tiny bit of relief that it wasn't him, but I still needed to get away.
Gulping, I stepped back. My hands shook with fear. What did he want? "I was hoping to find you on your own," he smirked.
I felt sick and dirty. My skin crawled, it felt as if a thousand bugs were running around all over my body. "Come on, don't look so scared. I'm not gonna hurt ya." His breath smelt strongly of tobacco. It almost made me gag.
Harry leant towards me and I recoiled in horror Was he trying to kiss me? "I just want to talk," he whispered, tucking my hair behind my ear. Don't be a victim again, Brooke, I screamed at myself.
I used every ounce of anger I had built up inside and shoved his chest. He stumbled backwards as I caught him off-guard, and swung his arm out to steady himself.
"Why do you have to be such a little bitch, Brooke? What the hell makes you better than anyone else, huh?" He bellowed and punched the wall.
I jumped back, my eyes widened in shock. What was that? Harry looked almost out of it. His eyes were dilated, and he was breathing heavily. He was high, he must be. "Who the fuck do you think you are" his lips curled baring his teeth.
Oh god, what's he going to do to me? Nothing. He wasn't going to do anything. I wouldn't let him hurt me.
The door swung open, and I ran towards it. Mrs Stains, one of the teaching assistants stood in front of me, blocking the way.
"What on earth is going on here?" She demanded, frowning in anger.
Harry straightened up. "Nothing, we were just talking about a project," he said with a cocky smirk.
"A project on the last day of school?" She asked, raising her eyebrows in doubt.
"Not a school one," Harry shot back.
She shook her head but knew there was nothing she could do, even though it was clear Harry was lying. "Out. Both of you"
I scurried past her and ran out of the building. It seemed like all I did at school was hide out and run away. I hated myself for that, but I just couldn't take the constant bullying.
As soon as I reached the wooden shelter at the local park, I collapsed to the ground. Wrapping my arms around my legs, I started sobbing. My head still hurt and I felt like crap. If they didn't like me, why couldn't they just leave me alone?
I squeezed my eyes closed as I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. It would be Ashton. I really didn't want to see him. Well, I didn't want him to see me like this. I wished I could have been home-schooled by Mum, but she thought as long as I did well in private school, then that's where I should be.
My phone had vibrated at least ten tines since I'd been sitting on the ground. A few texts and a load of missed calls. I flipped the phone open and started reading the first of Ashton's messages. 'Hey where are you? I'm waiting near my car x.' I sighed and scrolled down to read the next one. 'Hurry up I'm starving! X.' The next two were similar, but after that, he must have started to worry. 'Brooke where are you?' The final text message was angry as well as concerned. 'Where the hell are you? Text me back now! I just need to know you're okay.'
Switching the phone off, I laid down on the grass. I felt pathetic. I was pathetic. If the teacher hadn't opened the door when she did, what would Harry have done? I didn't believe he would physically hurt me, but I didn't entirely trust him not to either.
I sat up and wiped my tear-stained face with my hand. How had Ashton found me so quickly? I plastered on a fake smile and waited for him to appear around the corner.
Ashton let out a sigh of relief when he saw me, and seeing him made me relax. I relied on him too much. It was selfish of me. My relief soured as his expression turned to anger.
"What the hell, Brooke? Do you have any idea how worried I've been?" He shouted, his forehead creased in a deep frown. He looked as mad as he had been at Harry. Ashton, Mum and Louis were the only three people in the world that I trusted entirely. My shoulders sagged. I felt awful for making him worry.
After a few seconds of complete silence and just looking at each other, he knelt down beside me.
"What happened?" He asked softly, his voice was tight, but he was trying to be calm.
I looked at him and shook my head as I swallowed the lump in my throat.
"Nothing happened?" He asked doubtfully. Again, I shook my head. "Why didn't you text back or wait for me before you took off like that? I was really worried about you. You don't even seem to care!"
I flinched at his words. I did care. That was the problem; I cared about him too much.
Ashton scratched the back of his neck and groaned.
"You should have at least replied. I didn't know what happened to you."
I looked away, not wanting to see the disappointment and hurt in his eyes.
"Brooke! God, you have no idea, do you?"
His sudden outburst made me jump. We had argued and annoyed each other before, but he had never been this angry. He sighed heavily and shook his head.
"Fine. Don't worry about it. You obviously don't give a shit about me, so just forget it." He stood up and quickly walked away.
I stared at his back as he left. Tears rolled down my face, dropping down onto my lap. How could he think I didn't care about him? I felt sick. Was that it now? Did he want nothing to do with me again?
I cant lose him.

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