Chapter 19

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Brooke and I went back to her room to spend the hour together before we left for the water park, and I was seriously sulking because we had to pretend to be friends all day. We had only just gotten together, and I wanted to show her off.
Groaning loudly, I flopped down on the bed. "Why do they have to come?"
She smiled in amusement and jumped on the bed. I rolled onto my back, and she crept on top of me. My heart started beating faster and harder at the feel of her body pressing against mine. I ran my hands up her back and fisted her hair. See, things were much better when we were alone.
"Kiss me," I ordered, and she didn't hesitate to cover her mouth over mine.
Moaning deeply, I curled my hand around her neck and kissed her back. She tasted like the strawberries and watermelon she'd had at breakfast, and her lips drove me insane. She kissed me like she had to.
Brooke pulled away too soon and sat up, smiling down at me. I squeezed her thighs and willed myself to calm down. I didn't want to put any pressure on her, and I didn't want her to think that I just wanted her for sex.
If I had my way we'd spend the rest of the holiday in bed, but I also wanted to do everything she was excited for while we were here. Soon, it'd be back to reality, and when we told everyone about our relationship there would be a lot more rules we had to follow.
"You sure you're okay?" I asked, running my hands up her thighs and gripping her hips.
This is not helping me calm down.
She smiled, nodded and swung her leg off me. I couldn't tell if she wanted me inside her again or if she really was hurting. I knew she wouldn't tell me if she was, and it drove me crazy. Maybe I should have run her a bath this morning?
God, this was all new to me, and I felt like I was constantly fucking up.
"So, are you wearing that blue bikini?" I asked, innocently. Please say yes, please, please, I begged in my head. A blush swept across her cheeks and she dipped her head.
Oh, thank you. This was going to be a good day. I groaned and readjusted my shorts while she wasn't looking.
Sitting up, I kissed her and moved my lips down her neck. "I love you," I murmured against her skin. She gasped and gripped my t-shirt at the sides. "Okay," I said, ripping back like she'd just kicked me in the balls. I stood up and explained, "We need to go out soon and you're making it hard." Really, really hard.
A loud, obnoxious knock on the door, that I knew would be Louis, was like having a cold shower. Her brother could kill the mood in an instant.
"Let's go," Louis said with a wide smile as I opened the door.
We were supposed to meet in the lobby, but I guess he couldn't wait for that. He was probably to eager to stalk some poor, innocent girls by the pool. I couldn't help feeling a little sorry for him. Abby, his ex, had really screwed him over.
When Lauren arrived, her mood had changed completely from an hour ago. She was no longer excited to go out. Her face looked like someone had slapped her, and her blue eyes glared at everything. Obviously she had just spoken to Chris-the-dick. I fucking hated that guy, and if I knew I wouldn't lost my sister I would've punched him a long time ago.
"I booked a taxi, let's go," she said, trying to keep her voice light.
Brooke walked ahead with Lauren.
"Bet you twenty quid I score at least twice today," Louis said.
I looked over at him, bored. "When the fuck are you gonna grow up?"
He rolled his eyes and smirked. "Ashton, man, I'll do that shit when I'm in my forties. Why the hell would I want to settle down so young?"
"Why are you bothering, Ashton?" Lauren asked. "You know what Casanova is like."
"Isn't that the guy on the Titanic?"
Brooke snapped her head around and stared at her brother in disbelief.
I laughed at the stupid dick and wondered how the hell he got into Uni.
"What?" Louis said, frowning in annoyance at why I was laughing at him.
"Honestly, babe, it's a wonder you're able to dress yourself," Lauren teased. "You're lucky you're good looking, Louis.
His lip curved. "You think I'm good looking, sweetheart, you should see what I keep covered up."
She rolled her eyes and started walking. It was only then that Brooke shook her head and caught up with Lauren. Louis wasn't stupid, most of the time, but fuck he did not think things through before opening his mouth.
At the water park, we split up to go to the respective changing rooms and then met outside. Louis was immediately off as soon as he saw a group of girls walk by. They were all beautiful and probably about a year younger than Louis. Neither one could make me turn my eye from Brooke. That girl was buried deep under my skin, tattooed all over my heart. I fucking loved her with everything I had.
With Louis gone I looked like a bloody pervert waiting outside the ladies changing room. I averted my eyes as a group of pre-teens walked out. This was awkward. Lauren came out first, looking behind her. Brooke appeared, and I lost the ability to breathe.
She was breath taking. The bikini looked like it was custom made for her. Brooke's body was slim and thanks to gymnastics, it was toned, too. Every inch of her was perfection to me.
"Swim and then slides?" Lauren suggested.
My eye twitched. No, go away.
I forced a smile. "Sure."
Lauren led the way to the largest pool with the rapids, and I followed with Brooke. She'd folded her arms over her chest, uncomfortable from the male attention she was getting. There was nothing for her to worry about; I wouldn't let anyone touch her.
She stepped closer, her arm pressing against mine as we walked. I felt a twinge of jealousy every time I caught someone look at her, but I couldn't blame them, Brooke was stunning.
"Are you okay?" I asked, and she nodded, biting on her lip. "You look beautiful, okay. Don't be embarrassed by your body."
She looked away and took a deep breath. I had no idea why she felt ashamed of her body. There wasn't a single thing I would change about it.
I jumped into the warm water after Brooke. As soon as she was in the pool and her body wasn't on show, she relaxed.
We messed around in the pool for a while before we went on some of the slides. She made me go down with her but hell, I wasn't complaining. It was the perfect excuse to touch her.
"Wanna get some food?" I murmured against her skin as I kissed along her jaw. Lauren had gone to the toilet, and God knows what or who Louis was off doing, so we had a few minutes. Brooke let out a startled breath and nodded.
"Okay, let's go." My voice was embarrassingly urgent. I probably sounded like a dirty old man on one of those sex phone lines. Brooke's skin broke out in goose bumps as we walked back to the changing rooms to get dressed and go to the restaurant.
"Hey," I called out to her, and she looked up at me in surprise. "I love you."
One side of her mouth pulled up in a cute little grin. She winked and went into the changing room.
Yep, I'm definitely the luckiest bastard alive.
The rest of the week passed too quickly, and it was soon time to go home. I stood in the airport feeling like shit and wanting to go back to the hotel. The holiday had been the best of my life, and every day me and Brooke grew closer.
We'd decided to wait until after her birthday to tell everyone. She would be sixteen, and her parents were more likely to be chilled about it. Not that I thought they would hate us being together, but I didn't want to risk anything.
As our plane took off, I felt deflated, and once were able to leave our seats, Louis was off chatting to some girl he met at the gate. That was fine with me though, I had my girl to myself for a while.
"This has been the best two weeks of my life," I said, taking her hand. She nodded, biting her bottom lip. I'd come to know the look she was giving me right now. It was full of love and want. We'd slept together every night since our first time. I loved every second of being so close to her.
"I love you," I whispered in her ear. She closed her eyes like it was too much and snuggled into my side. I laid my head on hers and wondered if I would ever hear her say those three little words. Not that it really mattered, I knew she felt them, and that was more than enough for me.

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