Zoey 101 Back To PCA

By lailasheart

8.5K 128 16

Just a small story in remembrance of the awesomest show ever. Respect Zoey. Zoey and the gang are back at PCA... More

Say Whaaat?
Moments that last forever...Literally
Classes and Distractions
Distractions and Fails
Anger is Dangerous
A Day With Ayla
Strength In Numbers
Zoey's New Hobby
Ayla's Crew
Dunces and Dances

We Meet Again

2.3K 24 5
By lailasheart

"Zoey. Zoey. Wake up!" "Ow!" Zoey groaned and sat up in her bed and whacked her little brother with a pillow in return as he jumped back. "Get out freak!" He rolled his eyes, "Fine but your boyfriend is at PCA already."

Zoey jumped out of bed and Dustin, her little brother cackled and she threw a bottle at him. Which he expertly dodged by the way, and he should with years of living with Zoey. Zoey yawned and looked in the mirror at herself and grimaced. "We meet again terminator."


"Dad hurry up! I'm already packed. What am I saying? Dad I'm taking the new Porsche." Logan said as he looked at the rack of keys and picked up one. Just as he spun it around his finger his dad scoffed and pulled it off. "No. We're going together until you're eighteen."

Logan rolled his eyes, "I'm sixteen and I have a girlfriend. Kinda responsible now." His dad raised his eyebrows, "Yeah. The girlfriend that can burn you if you hurt her feelings. Like the coffee thing?"

Logan scoffed his voice going up octaves, "What are you talking about dad?" His dad chuckled and ruffled his hair. "Whatever son. Let's go."


"Mom! I'm on fire! Help!" A concerned brown haired woman ran into the kitchen to see a brown haired girl smiling with her bags. "Were you convinced?" Her mother sighed and grabbed her keys resting down the fire extinguisher. "Let's hurry and carry you to PCA Lola. I can't handle this anymore."


"Quinn! Come on! It's the first day of school!" Quinn pushed her purple glasses up smiling with her bags. "I am so ready." Her dad chuckled, "We are too." "Love your skirt." "Thanks I made it."


Chase bounced in the back of his dad's car as they entered PCA. He figured he was the first one there because he lived the closest.

"Honey. Are you going to be okay?" He nodded as he pulled his bags out and slid out the car. His mom hugged him tightly and he smiled. "See you on thanksgiving day." He walked into the yard pulling his bike along with him.

All of a sudden a loud squeal came from behind him and he fell as a weight fell on him. He groaned and hugged the person on top of him. Only one person would do this. "We meet again." Zoey raised her head off his shoulder and smiled at him. "Yes we do." She leaned forward and pecked his lip and pulled away.

He opened his eyes and smiled. "Hey girlfriend." She giggled and stood up and held out a hand to him. He pulled himself up and hugged her tightly. "I missed you. Even if we spent half of the summer together." Zoey pulled away and nodded, "I missed you too." He began to lean in when, "Eww. Gross. Get away from my sister."

Chase smiled and his head fell into her shoulder. "Step away from my daughter." Chase pulled away with his hands up quickly and smiled nervously. "Sorry Mr.Brookes."

Zoey's dad rolled his eyes and hugged her. "Thanks daddy. See you later." He nodded and kissed her forehead. "Dad." He ruffled her hair and smiled. He gave a pointed look at Chase and he looked down before looking him in the eye and smiling. 

He smiled back before saluting them and driving off. Zoey hooked her arm around her brother's neck and pulled him into her side. "Why are you doing this to me?" She looked down at him.

"Because I love you. Now let's go find your dorm." She kissed his cheek as a few of his classmates passed and he pulled away grimacing. "I feel like you hate me." Zoey rolled her eyes and pulled him along with her. Chase pulled their bags behind them groaning.

"Here Dustin. Room 225, Miller Hall. Home sweet home." Chase dragged himself and the bags before dropping to the floor exhausted. "You guys couldn't have kept the elevator door open?" Zoey smiled sheepishly and he huffed. Dustin slid over and grabbed his bags and walked into his room. Zoey smiled at him. "Let's find your dorm now."


Chase groaned as he entered Builder Hall and Zoey walked behind him. "It's close to mines. Maxwell hall. So you can come over anytime." Chase smiled at her and she held out her hand. "Now get up you big silly." He held it and pulled himself up. He opened the door and Zoey gasped. "What is that?" 

All of a sudden a short, brown haired guy ran over and slammed the door shut. "Ignore the goo okay. It's kinda hard to explain. This girl left something in here last year." Zoey nodded, "And you are?" The man chuckled and held out his hand. "I'm Chuck. The dorm dad or whatever. I'm more like a brother because I'm 22 but, who's counting ya know?" Zoey pulled her hand out of his and he began to shake Chase's.

All of a sudden he stopped and turned to Zoey, "Wait a second. You're a girl aren't you?" She gave a look and deadpanned, "Really?" He sighed, "Okay miss sassypants. You're not supposed to be here. What's your name anyway?"

"Zoey Brookes. Chase is my boyfriend. Can't I help him get settled in?" Chuck's eyes widened. "You're Choey! Dude you guys are like the perfect couple! Zoey can't be left here with you for more than an hour alone. I'll be watching you two." Zoey nodded as Chase blushed. "Okay Chase you're rooming with.. let's see here. Logan Reese, Michael and some kid named Jones? Okay room twenty five, down this hall. Have a good blah blah blah." He began to walk off before shouting, "I'm watching you Zoey!" Zoey looked at Chase. "Well he's... nice?"


"Lola!" A high pitched voice yelled as Lola waved her car goodbye. Lola turned around and smiled, "Quinn!" The girls dropped their duffle bags before hugging each other tightly. Lola pulled away first before smiling at her.

 "Wow what happened Quinn? Have you been working out?" She smiled and spun around showing her the long flowing skirt made of different fabric with a white tank top and a matching shirt. She faced her and posed before laughing loudly. "Made it myself." A pair of arms snaked around her waist slowly and she smiled as a familiar voice said, "Hope you haven't worked out more than me. That'll be embarrassing." Quinn beamed before spinning around in his arms and hugging him tightly. He lifted her up, spinning her around laughing.

"I missed you." Quinn nodded, "I missed you too baby." Lola gagged but they paid her no mind as they leaned in for a kiss. Lola cleared her throat before groaning as they ignored her. "Okay, I'm glad you're both all hopped up on rainbows but this is gross." She turned around to see a happy Michael holding out his hands, "No hug for me?" Lola squealed and he flinched hugging her tightly. "Is it just me or did that get louder and higher?" Lola nodded excitedly, "I perfected it over summer. I can break a glass now."

He nodded, "Okay so no visiting a china shop." He looked down at her, "Where's the rest of the guys?" Lola sighed, "Quinn is attached to Logan." Michael sighed, "Again?" He walked over to the pair who was still wrapped up in each other not having a care in the world for anyone else. "Hey guys it's me!" 

Logan held up a finger mumbling, "Just a second Michael." He kissed her again before they froze and pulled away. "Nice to see the octopuses separating for a bear hug." Quinn smiled before hugging him while Logan hugged Lola. Logan hugged Michael and he chuckled. "I'm a rocket pop!"

Chase smiled as him and Zoey were walking hand in hand toward her dorm when they heard a familiar noise. "I'm a rocket pop!" Chase smiled at Zoey and they ran towards their friends screaming. Chase jumed on Michael's back while Zoey ended up on Lola's. "You're here!" Michael laughed as tried to get Chase off to hug him properly and the curly haired let him go before hugging him tightly. He surprisingly lifted Michael a few feet off the floor and everyone chuckled as he told him to put him down.

"That's payback for everything you did to me." He rolled his eyes before hugging Zoey and letting go so the girls could group hug. They looked each other in the eye. "Race you to Room 101." They all nodded before taking off giggling leaving the boys with their bags. "Hey! Who's gonna carry all this?"


Zoey jumped on the single bed sprawling all over it. "Mine!" The girls groaned panting before their eyes widened as the pointed to the corner. A small girl waved at them shocked. Zoey sat up and saw that she had a single bed. "Hi." The girl pulled out her earphones smiling shyly. She had a short brown haircut with dark blue skinny jeans with a baggy jeans shirt and a dusty orange scarf. "Hello." Her voice was soft and she seemed meek. "What's your name?" She stood up bowing and as she stood up she shook her bangs out her eyes. "Hello. I'm Ayla Kim Jung. I'm in advanced classes. I'm fourteen. There wasn't anymore rooms with the freshman. I'm sorry."

She bowed again, "I hope you can take care of me." Her accent was very noticeable but not very heavy. "Zoey stood up and held out her hand, "I'm Zoey Brookes. This is Quinn Pensky and Lola Martinez. We're in our Senior year. Nice to meet you Anya." Anya smiled shyly shaking her hand before pulling away. "In my country we bow to show respect. Sunbae." Zoey frowned, "I'm a sundae?" Quinn chuckled, "She said sunbae, as in senior. Cause we're older than her."

Anya smiled before pointing to the top bunk, "Can I have it?" Quinn and Lola looked at each other before jumping at each other for the empty bed.

Zoey sighed as Lola and Quinn slept in the bed just to feel a 'real bed like home'. She rolled her eyes before going to bed. They'll find out in the morning.

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