Anger is Dangerous

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Quinn sat in the corner in a ball crying as Zoey and Lola tried to console her. Dustin and Ayla stood at the door of the hospital room and glanced out the window every few minutes to see if Logan was anywhere near. Dustin pulled Ayla out of the way as Logan burst into the room with Michael and Chase trying to pull him back. "It's not something we want you to see Logan." Logan glared at Michael before throwing him and Chase off of him and pushing the girls away quickly. He froze as he looked at his girlfriend's body curled up. His face morphed into a sneer as he growled out, "I'm going to kill him." Everyone dashed to hold him down.

24 hours earlier...

"You guys are disgusting. Please stop feeding each other in front of me." Logan looked at Lola from Quinn's lap and threw a grape at her. "You're not even looking up from your laptop." She turned her head and looked at them from above her glasses, "I sense your presence doing it," she returned back to typing, "That's enough for me." Logan sat up and held out his hand for Quinn and said, "Let's go to my room." Lola jumped up and slapped Logan's hand down. "Don't! No nieces or nephews anytime soon."

Logan rolled his eyes in response and scoffed, "I don't even want kids until I'm like thirty."

"I'm going to the bathroom," Quinn said as she began to walk to the hallway. She glanced back to see Logan and Lola wrestling on the couch. She chuckled before continuing walking. Just as she walked into the dark hallway, a pair of strong hands gripped her shoulders and pushed her to the wall. She winced before opening her eyes to see a big guy. "Vince what do you want?" She said angrily. 

This wasn't Vince, Lola's ex-boyfriend, this was Vince Walters, the big guy from New York who had a strange obsession with her. She struggled to get her zap watch and he pinned her arms to the wall and smirked, "No shocking today." Quinn glared and tried to knee him but he just dodged it.

An evil glint appeared in his eyes, "Believe me. I know all the tricks," he leaned in closer to whisper, "I've done this before." Quinn's eyes widened and she felt goosebumps on her arm and he chuckled, "Goosebumps. Nice touch. At least I know you're afraid." He gripped her neck as he bunched two of her hands together, "I like the fear in your eyes." She felt tears falling and he smiled and pushed her head hard against the wall. 

She sank to the floor sobbing and he spat on her arm, "Don't let me see your face again." He began to walk off but spun on his heels and walked back to her and grabbed her jaw squeezing it tightly before pressing a rough kiss against her mouth. She screamed against his mouth and as he pulled away she screamed as loudly as she could. He pointed to her, "Keep your mouth shut." He jogged off and she screamed at him, "I hate you!" He blew a kiss in response.


Quinn walked slowly and cried as she pushed her hair back. She had taken off her glasses and her shirt was torn because he had ripped it when he spotted her by herself a few hours later by the fountain. He didn't get to touch her but she was still terrified of the look in his eyes. He was like a predator just waiting for her guard to go down before he attacked. She walked to a bench and pulled out her phone. She shivered as her legs were exposed because she just had to wear her new shorts on the day Vince was on a hunt.

She tried to call but her phone ran out of credit. She yelled in frustration and threw her phone down. She didn't care anymore. For ten hours she had been playing cat and mouse with Vince. She just wanted it to be over. Her mascara was running, her lipstick was nonexistent and her hair was a bird's nest. She remembered the first time she met the psycho.


"Quinn can you please escort this young man to Brewer Hall?" Quinn smiled at the boy before frowning as he looked at her up and down. "Let's go, Vince. It's Vince right?" He nodded and Quinn flashed another smile, "My friend name is Vince. He was a football player. Do you play any sports?" He replied, "Maybe." Quinn tilted her head, "Okay?" An arm wrapped around her shoulders and she jumped before realizing who it was. "Hey babe." Quinn smiled at Logan and kissed his cheek. "Hey. This is Vince the new guy." Logan turned to him and smiled as he held out his hand, "I'm Quinn's boyfriend Logan. We actually have a friend with the same name." Vince looked at it before shaking it quickly. He glanced at Quinn with a hard look before walking off. Logan sneered, "What's his problem?" He glanced down at Quinn, "If he ever gives you any problems tell me." Quinn nodded.

Quinn jumped as Vince's face popped into her vision and she shrieked before beginning to run. He chased after her before throwing a rock at her foot making her fall down. She tried to stand but her ankle was sprained. She groaned in pain and whimpered loudly as he gripped her arm. "Didn't I tell you I don't want to see you?" At his last word she was thrown to the ground. He raised his foot and said, "Night night freak."

24 hours later

"Hold him down!" Michael yelled as he chased after Logan through the halls. A group of football players raced to him and began to tackle him. He shoved two of them off him immediately and groaned as two others gripped him and pinned him to the wall. "Calm down Logan!" A crowd had gathered but were keeping their distance. "Don't do it!" Chase yelled as he ran into the circle. Logan looked at him, "You know how I feel. It's like when I tore that giraffe. He broke what's mine." Chase eyes flahed and he pointed to the football players, "Put him down." "Are you crazy?" Michael yelled as he pulled Chase back. "Keep him down." Chase shook his head and whispered to Michael, "Trust me. That's making him stronger. Let him down." Michael glanced at him before nodding. The players let him down and he began to storm off but something stopped him. "Logan!" He turned around to see Quinn. She ran to him and he held her face lightly, "Why are you out? Go back inside and rest." She shook her head, "Count to ten. I need you to calm down babe." He frowned, "You're hurt. As your boyfriend I have to protect you. Also teach him that you never put your hands on a woman." Quinn hugged him tightly and muttered into his chest, "I need you more." He instantly melted and hugged her back. "I'll stay." Ayla held up her camera and took a picture of the two embracing each other.

She turned around and walked to her room. An hour later a knock on her door made her look up. "Let's go tiny." She was yanked through the door and she glared at the boy in front of her. She shook his hand off and walked back to the room and closed the door. "I'm not short Dustin." He just laughed, "Whatever you say."

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