Distractions and Fails

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"Put me down Dustin!" Dustin chuckled as he hoisted Ayla up on his shoulder again. Ayla's hair dangled as she swung back and forth trying to get off his back. She grabbed his shirt and pulled it. "Dustin! Stop it! At least carry me to the Selca tree." He bounced her body before beginning to walk to the tree. He stopped and let her pull herself up and grab a few leaves. He suddenly yanked her body backwards and she gasped as she had been still picking leaves. He let her drop the leaves on the table and sighed. "You're not putting me down are you?" "Yeah. You're my daily weight training now." Ayla sighed and slouched on his back.

Quinn panted as she suddenly stopped running. Logan stopped beside her and smiled. "Too fast babe?" She shook her head, "The other part needed for the project. Get some algae from the pond over there." Logan turned to the small pond with green algae and moss covering half of the water's surface. "No way babe. That's disgusting!" Quinn rolled her eyes and pulled out large tweezers and a small clear ziploc bag. "Please?" He scoffed and looked away. Quinn sighed and walked closer to him and hugged him from the side and leaned her head on his shoulder. "I guess I should just leave you all alone for tonight right babe?" He looked down at her and his eyes widened. "What are you saying?" She smirked and rubbed his hand slowly, "Nothing. You'll just be alone tonight at our date."

Logan walked slowly towards the pond and turned to look at Quinn who was a few steps behind. He slid a bit on the wet grass and screamed. He heard his girlfriend laughing and he sighed and muttered, "Things I do for love." He turned around. "Ha ha! So funny!" He walked closer and leaned down slightly and picked a large piece of moss slowly. He was about to get some when a loud scream peierced his ears and he leaned forward. The water enveloped him before he hurriedly ran out. Quinn burst out into laughter as she pointed at him. He barreled to her and hugged her tightly. She squealed at the action and he let her go smiling. "I love you." She groned as she smiled and wiped her clothes. She flicked her wet hand at his face, "Love you too babe." He suddenly ran off and Quinn remembered why they were running but just as she passed the football team a ball hit her in her head. The entire team came rushing to her and leaned over her body. "Are you okay Quinn?" A tall blonde asked. She glanced at all of them and smiled at the lack of shirts on all of them. "I'm fine. But I need help getting up though." The all leaned down to help her and she smirked. All of a sudden before any of them got closer to her a screaming wet guy ran into the circle of sweaty shirtless guys and picked her up bridal style. "No one touches my girlfriend." Quinn sighed softly before smiling at her boyfriend. The team all held up their hands in surrender, "Its cool bro we know she's yours. Just helping her out." Logan nodded at the captain and they jogged off. Quinn suddenly thought of something, "Why are guys afraid of you?" He smiled, "You never saw me really angry. Anyway let's get back to the assignment. What's next?"

Zoey panted as she stopped by a bench. "Let them run babe." Chase stopped and turned to her and smiled. "Babe huh?" Zoey blushed slightly before rolling her eyes. "Shut up Curly Sue. Let's go and start our assignment." He glared playfully before walking to her and grabbing her hand. They walked off towards the table.

Michael neighed and stopped running. "Your majesty." She jumped off and looked around, "Where are we anyway?" Michael sighed, "You broke character again." Lola pouted, "No really where are we?" Micheal looked around slowly and shrugged. Then the panic set in. "Help!"

Dustin set Ayla down at last and she stumbled before holding onto the table and glared at him. "Any longer and I would've bled through my ears." He smiled down at her, "It's your own fault shortie." Ayla huffed at the nickname and walked off. Dustin rested down the pestle and mortar as he was mashing the Selca leaves. "Where're you going?" She held up a ziploc bag, "Algae." He smirked and jogged over and threw her over his shoulder as he laughed. "Dustin! Put me down!" She shrieked as she hit his back. He just jogged off.

Zoey sighed and spread the materials they gathered. "Dustin!" Chase turned to look behind him and laughed at the sight before hugging Zoey. "Leave him. Let's do our work." Zoey slowly nodded as she sat down. "You mash up the herbs and I'll measure the solute and solvent before starting to write up the report." He nodded and began to cut the leaves.

Dustin had rested Ayla down to get the algae and jumped as a loud voice yelled help. Ayla froze as she stopped in the front of him and asked, "Did you hear that?" He nodded before groaning loudly, "That's Lola and Michael," he gestured to his back and said, "Come on." Ayla rolled her eyes, "I can run you know." He smirked, "Let's race." She dashed off and he ran after laughing.

The teacher walked to the tables and began to scan their experiments. He marked Zoey, Logan, Chase and Quinn with 100% for actually finishing. He gave the rest 95% because they proved his theory. When kids are outside distractions will always come. They can't resist it.

If he wasn't a cool teacher it would've been a fail.

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