Keep your enemies close and y...

By Simoneleroux1998

599 54 15

A young girl, Izzy never expected it. She knew that she was In love, she knew that she was adopted she knew e... More

Chapter 1: Thomas
Chapter 2: Rose
Chapter 3: The first day I got caught
Chapter 4: The Doppelganger
Chapter 6: Time is what it takes to heal
Chapter 7: Is it butterflies? Or a pit in my stomach?
Chapter 8: Determination is the key
Chapter 9: An Obsession
Chapter 10: It came out of nowhere

Chapter 5: There's a first for everything

46 4 1
By Simoneleroux1998

The following day at school was as normal as possible, it was the first day back after middle year break. I was jumping through the halls and singing I was as happy as could be! I was doing my usual morning routine and so I went to my locker, the second I opened it my smile got even bigger than before.

Right in front of me taking up the whole space of my locker was a bouquet of flowers, daisies. There was a card attached but before I even read it I knew who it was from, Tom! "Izzy, the love of my life, I can't stop thinking about what happened last night -and neither could I- I know that daisies are you favourite and yes, I did brake into your locker xoxo –Tom."

I was smiling so much when I saw that I didn't even notice Jess stomping toward me, "How dare you! I mean come on, you just leave me there all by myself! And to do what? Hey? I cant believe-" Jess was going on and on but I wasn't listening, I was replaying Tom and mines walk how last night. He was walking me home and the whole way there we were just talking and talking, well our hands were interlocked too, we must've looked like we were some 80's couple, but I didn't care, I hadn't seen him in two weeks.

I kept bringing up Nathan and asking how he knew him but Tom would just look toward the ground and change the subject. We talked about his trip with Jake and where they went and what they did. We finally got to my house after a lovely stroll home, "Finally, I finally got you all to myself tonight." We laughed and paused for a couple minutes, he leaned in to kiss me goodnight like his cute little self used to do, but I stopped him.

Just before he kissed me I put my arms out to his chest and bent my head. "Tom, I can't, I can't be with you and kiss you and be like this with you when I know your hiding something from me," he knew what I was talking about. "I've told you everything about me and even my darkest and I thought the same for you, but apparently not." I said it as he sat down on the porch step and I sat with him.

It was cold that night, he took my hands as we sat and he rubbed them together to make them warmer but he didn't say anything. "When I was in middle school Nathan and I were best friends, we were the pranksters, the ones every teacher hated and who every student wanted be. But the more and more pranks we did the more and more he got greedy from the fame and glory, so one day he told me of a prank that he wanted to do but it was to extreme.

I didn't want to do it but when it came to me he had a way with words, so I did it and at the end of it a kid got hurt and had to go to hospital. The two of us were facing expulsion and the principal made both of us a deal, first one to own up got full immunity. The two of us made a pact that neither of us would own up. But I did, he got expelled and shipped off and I was free of charge. Tonight was the first time I've seen him since then and-"

Tom choked up and he couldn't finish the sentence, "And you haven't forgiven yourself since." I said as a couple tears rolled down his cheek, he stood up and threw his arms up in the air. "I'm sorry okay! I'm sorry, I have wanted to tell you for so long but I just, I just love you so mu-" he paused and my face widened like never before, it was the first time either of us had said it, "You, you love me?"

Tears started streaming from my eyes as I said it, Tom laughed and started smiling as he looked at the ground. "Yeah," he looked up at me and met with my eyes, I was surprised he could see them through all the tears of joy. He wiped the tears away and held my face in his hands, "Yeah, I love you. I've loved you for such a long time now and I've been egging to say it, I just never knew when the right time was. I guess that it just had to come out."

At this point in time he had a couple tears as well. "Hello? Hellooooo? Izzy, come on stop day dreaming. I'm trying to make you feel bad!" Jess said waving me out of my memory, "Well you can't! I'm just too damn happy!" I said laughing as we linked arms and walked down the halls at school, "I'm honestly sorry I left you Jess."

I said looking at her with remorse but also with a crackling smile, "It's okay, don't worry, something good actually happened! So as I was in the bathroom washing off and this guy came in and he asked if I needed any help and well he was hot so obviously I said yes, so I washed off as he was talking then he took my hand and we went dancing till about eleven. He was so hottt though,"

She looked at me and started laughing. "So as I was saying he, oh wait there he is!" she jumped around like a fish out of water, "Come meet him Izzy, you'll love him so much." She unlinked my arm from hers and started dragging me toward him, I guess she finally found the 'right guy'. I couldn't see his face because he was turned around, I actually don't know how she saw his face?

She jumped in front of him and kissed him, I couldn't help but laugh because here my best friend is kissing some guy she just met. As she and him were turning around before I even saw him she said, "Izzy, this is my new boyfriend, Nathan." He turned around properly and I saw his face it was him, it was Nathan! "Oh Jess, there you are. I really, really need your help with the yearbook, come on."

Elana was busy dragging Jess off before we knew it, but that didn't stop her from giving him a goodbye kiss. "So Izzy is it?" Nathan said to me with a sarcastic grin, I walked off and started down the hallway. "Come on Izzy what's the matter don't you wanna stop and talk?" he said to me trying to keep up with my fast walking, "First of all, It's Isabella to you and secondly I have nothing to say to you I need to be in class in two minutes."

"Perfect! I can talk in one, so how's Tommy boy is he being good or has he blown something up yet?" As Nathan said it he put a puppy face on with big eyes. "If you want to know about Tom then you should talk to him yourself and get out of my way!" Nathan swerved in front of me and was so close that I was sure he was going to kiss me.

"Just watch out Isabella, you seem like a nice girl, I wouldn't want him messing with that sweat little heart of yours." As he walked away from me I stopped and thought for a second, "Would he really?" And before I knew it that was my waking nightmare for the next two weeks.

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