Torn Apart (Sequel to Brutal...

By HockeyisLife87

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Jessica loses her memory, Sid's looking for her like Crazy. She finds herself among the Boston bruins, and be... More

Chapter 1: Runnin Away
Chapter 2: Let Her Be
Chapter 3: Skating Again
Chapter 4: Who's Sid & Burrows?
Chapter 5: Where's Jessica?
Chapter 6: Brandon's Back
Chapter 7:Old Life Flashes Back
Chapter 8: Sid see's Jessica
Chapter 9: Mistakes were made
Chapter 10: Jace meets his mommy
Chapter 11: Oh Captain, My Captain
Chapter 12: Jace,Sid and Me
Chapter 13: My worst NightMare
Chapter 14: Jerk Face Returns
Chapter 15: Saying GoodBye
Chapter 16: Should I trust him?
Chapter 17: Back To Vancouver
Chapter 18: Jace Runs away
Chapter 19: Sticks and Skates
Chapter 20: Start of Something New :)
Chapter 21: I Confess My Love For Sid
Chapter 22: Making Love
Chapter 23: Backstabbing
Chapter 24: Lauren and Ashley
Chapter 25: Love Misconduct
Chapter 26: Off to Montreal
Chapter 27: Let the Game begin
Chapter 28: Truth Revealed
Chapter 29: Twins it Is
Chapter 30: Its Over but We'll start it again
Falling In Love Again
Chapter 31: A New Beginning
Chapter 32: Neglected
Chapter 33: Blinded
Chapter 34: Regrets
Chapter 35: Mysterious
Chapter 36: Big Reveal
Chapter 37: All is Fair except Love and War
Chapter 38: Battlefield
Chapter 39: NHL tryouts
Chapter 40: Jessie Williams
Chapter 41: Acceptence
Chapter 42: New Game, Old Friend
Chapter 43: NHL Seggy
Chapter 44: Dilemma
Chapter 45: Will there ever be a happily ever after?
Chapter 46: Return to Pittsburgh Once Again
Chapter 47: Wicked Witch
Chapter 48: We found Hope
Chapter 49: Jealousy
Chapter 50: Drug Addiction
Chapter 51: Supportive
Chapter 52: Dreams
Chapter 53: Blackhawk
Chapter 54: Awkward
Chapter 55: Adoption
Chapter 57: To Stay or To Go
Chapter 58: Boundaries Broken
Chapter 59: No turning back
Chapter 60: Death Awarded
Chapter 61: She's Alright
Chapter 62: Christmas
Chapter 63: Yours Truely
Author's Note
Chapter 64: Sabrina
Chapter 65: Old Times Renewed
Chapter 66: Past Forgetten
Chapter 67: She's Still Mine
Chapter 68: Nightmares
Chapter 69: Are you sure?
Chapter 70: All Of Me
Chapter 71: He trusts me
Chapter 72: Money Can't Buy Happiness
Chapter 73: Purpose

Chapter 56: Love Drives Us Insane

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By HockeyisLife87

Tyler's POV: For the past five days Jessica's has been living with me and it's been wonderful, I love having her around. And the most important thing is she's finally happy. "Jess pass the ball" I smile. We are engaged in a friendly round of basketball. "Come and get it" Jessica winks as she heads to the hoop and does a lay up.

"I can beat you easily, you know?" I smirk.

"Bring it" she smiles. Jessica and I are at the park besides my condo, playing on the court. I race over to her, and get in defense position. She has her left arm out to protect the ball and is dribbling with the right. I check her but she crossovers the ball through her legs and past me straight towards the hoop. She does an easily lay up and gets a basket. "I believe I just got a basket" she smiled.

I grabbed hold of the ball and moved past her straight towards the hoop, she got in the way and I spun around her and towards the hoop and dunked the ball in "HEY NO FAIR YOU TRAVELLED" she yelled. I pick her up and flung her over my shoulder "Not everything is fair in life" I laughed.

"Oh shut up, no need to start being deep" She said as she kicked me to let her go.

I put her down and she starts off with the ball again, she heading to the hoop but it starts pouring down all of a sudden and she screams. The rain just came out of no where. "Ty lets get back to the condo" she yells as she grabs hold of my hand and starts dragging me back. I hesitate to go back "let's enjoy the rain"

"Noo we are going to get sick" she whined. I picked her up and swirled her around as the rain fell on us. "Let's enjoy ourselves"

She began laughing and nodded her head. I set her down and she opened her arms and spun around. The rain fell gently on her beautiful face. I pulled her in, her eyes locked with mine. Her breath trickled off the tip of my nose. I moved in to close the distance and kissed her sweet lips. Her lips moved in sync with mine. I felt a burn inside me raising as the kiss grew more intense. She pulls back and smirks "Race you back" She starts running and so do I. "HEY, that's not fair you got a head start' I yell while running

"Like you said not everything is fair" she yells back.

She makes it to the front of the Condo lobby and waits for me to catch up. I huff and puff as I try to catch my breath. She holds my hand and leads me to the elevator. We get into the elevator "Someones out of shape" she speaks

"Please Jessica I'm in perfect shape" I smirk as I lift my shirt and showcase her my abs. She blushes.

The elevator stops at our floor and we get out. Jessica leads the way to our condo. She places the key in and begins turning it but I twirl her around. I cant take it anymore and grow hungry. I wrap my arms around her and start kissing her passionately. She kisses me back with equal hunger. Not breaking from the kiss I open the door and we tumble in. I quickly take the key out and close the door behind us. I throw the key onto the table and Jessica and I collapse onto the couch. Not breaking from the kiss my hands go down to her shirt and quickly lift it over her head. Jessica has slowed the kiss down and it seems like she unsure about what's happening. "You okay?" I ask as I pull away. She seems nervous "Ty I Don't know"

"I don't know about what?" I question her.

"About t..this" she stutters.

I back off of her slowly, a bit frustrated. I grab her shirt off the ground and throw it back to her. "Tyler" she calls after me

"What?" I yell

"I...I'm sorry" She spoke.

"Jessica stop thinking about Sid and think about your happiness for once" I yell as I walk into my bedroom and close the door.

Jessica's POV:

"I'm going for a drive" I yelled. I grabbed the car keys off the counter and changed my clothes into something warmer and not wet. I kept holding back and I knew it was getting to Tyler. I wasn't sure about this and didn't think it was right. My feelings were so jumbled up at that moment, and I'm so scared of getting hurt again that its ruining Tyler and my relationship. I know I can trust Tyler but then again I always knew I could trust Sid and everything went downhill.

I walked down to the car and got in and began driving. I needed to clear my head. The Night had freshly fallen and the rain is still coming down. My thoughts are racing and I am having a hard time coping with everything that has happened in my life in the past 2 weeks.

I drive to the rual area of Pittsburgh, which is surrounded by trees everywhere. I felt at peace driving here because everything was so quiet and the moon shone down beautifully at the trees. I parked the car to the side and got out and admired the scenery. I took a whiff of the fresh air and it helped calm me down and clear my mind. I sat on the hood of the car and admired the stars. Everything helped me feel at peace and I was starting to relax.

I stayed their for a good 30 minutes. I kept thinking about Sid and how the kids were doing, it had been almost a week since I had seen them. After that incident I didn't feel like going back and Tyler thought it was better if I stayed away from all that stress for a while. I missed the kids and a part of me even missed seeing Sid.

I decided to head back, I got into the car and tried to turn the ignition on and it wasn't working. I tried a couple more times and it still didn't start. I got out of the car and opened the hood, everything seemed to be fine, so why wasn't it starting. I pulled out my phone and tried to call someone for help but I had no signal at all. I cursed my luck. I held my phone high and tried to catch some bars but it wasn't working. I began to freakout a little, I had no ride out of here and it was starting to get real dark real fast. Not a single soul was passing my, from who I could ask someone help from.

I got into the car and locked the doors. I kept trying to call for help but it wasn't going through. I saw lights flash Infront of me as the lights got closer I noticed it was a car. I got out and stood on the side waving my hand, in hopes that the person would see me and help me. A white Lexus pulled up and the person inside the car began to pull his window down.

I tried to message Tyler but it kept saying unavailable to deliver. "Jessica?" Spoke the figure and I immediately recognized the voice. I looked up and my eyes met his.

"What are you doing here all alone at this hour?" He spoke.

" came here for a drive, Sid" I responded

His phone rang and he began talking "Lauren I"ll be home in 30 minutes, just be ready and I'll pick you up"

He hang up and looked back at me "Do you need help?"

"um actually no" I replied and started walking back to the car.

Sid stepped out of his car and approached me "Car isn't working?"

I nodded my head, "Need a ride?"

"Ugh um Tyler's coming, you should go I think you have to get somewhere important" I responded.

"No, its fine I'll drop you off. And staying here alone can be dangerous" he insisted.

Tyler wasn't really coming and I didn't want to stay here so I took up his offer. I made sure the car was locked properly and then headed with Sid.

I got into the car and So did Sid and he began driving. I was terribly uncomfortable and kept fiddling with my hands. Sid looked extremely attractive and was making me nervous. He had a suit on and it looked like he was going out somewhere fancy for dinner.

"Jessica why didn't you answer my calls? We all have been worrying about you. Are you better then before?" He asked.

My heart was racing "I...I didn't want to talk to anyone at that time and I am doing fine, thanks for asking"

"When are you coming home?"

I didn't know how to answer him. I didn't have a home, I didn't have anything that was actually mine, let alone a family.

"Are you going out or something?" I tried to change the topic.

Sid gave me a quick smile "Yeah, Lauren's friend invited us for dinner"

"Oh" I spoke as I looked out the window. I hated him saying her name.

Sid seemed so different and I just couldn't tell why. He seem very happy.

"Can you get Tyler to pick you up from my house? We are kinda of getting late" he asked.

I didn't want to go back to that house at all. "Just drop me off at the next lights" I spoke.

"I'll just take you home, that way the kids can also meet you" he said.

"No please just drop me here" I begged him.


"Because it pains me to go into that house" I yelled.

I clutched my head because a strong pain went through it when I yelled. "Are you okay?" Sid asked.

"I'm fine, stop the car" I said faintly.

Sid stopped the car and I got out "Thank you" I said and walked away. I called Tyler and he wouldn't pick up my phone. I sat on the park bench and message Tyler, it said message read but there was no reply. I felt someone come and sit besides me, I looked up and it was Sid. "Jessica, I know what your going through is tough, but you have to stay strong, you can't let it get to you"

He grabbed hold of my hand "I was never there for you and I regret that but Jessica there are a lot of people here for you now, don't drive yourself away from them"

I rolled my eyes "Don't you have somewhere to be?"

I stood up and began to leave and Sid pulled me in and began kissing me. No, what he was he doing?

I pushed him back "Stop, what are you doing?"

He just stared at me "Why do you forget you have a wife and I have a boyfriend?"

"I don't want to be called desperate for you and all those other things, leave me alone, I am happy with Tyler. Stop playing me" I added.

"Jessica, me and Lauren are getting divorced in about a week" he said as he turned around and began walking away.

" are what?" I called after him.

"Everything I did was to get you back in my life. But Fine, if you are happy without me, I am setting you free. Go live your life and be happy Jessica. I just want to see you smile again, I'll stop chasing after you, I'll leave you alone, after today we will only be teammates and nothing else " he spoke as he walked away.

I stood in shock, had he really freed me from all this? Was he really going to leave me alone? "Only teammates and nothing else" rang through my ears. I heard a honk and it snapped me back to reality. I looked to my left and I saw Tyler and Sid was walking away to my right.

For some reason I wanted to stop Sid, but my heart was telling me to let him go and move on. I looked back at Sid one last time and headed towards Tyler.

I got into the car, Tyler still seemed mad and wasn't talking to me. "Are you okay?" he finally spoke and I nodded my head and looked out the window.

"Nothing but teammates" Sids words kept running through my head. His words caused me pain for some reason.

We reached the condo and walked up. Tyler opened the door and I sat down on the couch and pulled the blanket over top of me. I couldn't get Sid off of my mind and his words were haunting me.

Tyler came and sat down beside me "What happened speak up?"

"Nothing" I replied.

"I saw Sid with you, did he say something?" Tyler grabbed my hand.

"No he didn't. Tyler I'm sorry for being such a bad girlfriend" I spoke.

He kissed my forehead "You are not a bad girlfriend, I shouldn't have treated you like that after what you just went through. I'm sorry Jess"

"Tyler you are the best" I flashed him a smile.

"It's getting late, lets head off to bed. We have practice in the morning" he said as he lifted me into his strong arms

He walked into the room and set me down on the bed. I got up and grabbed my clothes and changed and got into the bed. Tyler slipped out of his jeans and shirt and got into bed. My head was spinning from the thoughts of Sid, I had to get him off my mind. Everything between us was over and I had to deal with it.

Tyler wrapped his arms around my waist and closed his eyes. I moved in and lightly brushed my lips with his. His eyes opened and he gave me a questioning look. I began kissing his lips and he kissed me back with equal hunger and desire. He rolled ontop of me and adjusted his weight on my body. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he began sucking on my flesh making me moan. My hands ran down to the waistband of his boxers and tugged on it. His eyes gleamed and he smirked. He wasted no time in throwing my shirt off. His hand grasped my breast "Tyy" I moaned. He sucked on my sweet spot and moved his hands the the back of my bra and unhooked it. He immediately threw it off, and gave my breast a squeeze. He kissed and sucked on each on. I closed my eyes, pure pleasure was washing over me. He began kissing my stomach, his hands rested on my thighs and inched upwards.

He nibbled on my neck while his hands tugged on my underwear. He slipped me out of it, and he rubbed my clit with his thumb. I moaned his name in pure pleasure. I helped him slip out of his boxers. I took hold of his erect cock and massaged it, and a deep moan escaped his lips. I wanted him more then anything. I strocked his manhood, and he kept moaning, he reached over to grab the condom. He positioned himself at my enterance and thrusted in. Pain took over but it was shorted lived and pleasure filled me. He thrusted slowly and steadly. My back arched and he rested his hands onto my hips and forced himself deeper into me, I scruched the bed cover in my hands, as he thursted deeper and harder. "Jessica I love you" he moaned.

"I..I" I stuttered.

He was in perfect sync with me, and I kept telling him to push harder. After a couple more thursted he collapsed next to me and pulled me into his arms and slipped the bed cover over ontop of us....

💗 Updated💗

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please comment and leave ur thoughts? Opinions, questions and suggestions!!

Ill do another update tomorrow :) have fun reading :)

Oh and do u think Everything will be fine between sid and Jessica? Comment and let me know :) Happy Holidays 💕

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