Four years

By Milenaj98

1.5M 28.4K 53.7K

What if you got pregnant at 18 with the baby of a complete stranger? What if your whole life was put on hold... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Four years later
Chapter six
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 33 part 2
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Coisas sobre mim!!
Chapter 62
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Remember me???
Final chapter

Chapter 63

14.4K 275 360
By Milenaj98


"Neymar just leave it like this and go to bed" i sighed
"i want to do this!" He whined
"You have game tomorrow, you cant be tired" i said
"But im not tired yet, and we need to do this carla!" He replied
"Yeah, We do need to do this, but we have six more months, you dont need to start decorating a room at midnight" i sighed. He did this little half angry half sad face, its the same one manny does when i tell him no more chocolate or something. "Fine" he sighed putting down his paint brushes. "Im going to have a shower then'll come to bed okay" he smiled, he walked out of the room and kissed my cheek as he passed.

I looked around the room for the new baby, so far all that he had done is to paint lots of little color samples to see his favorite color but always he was trying to take me to the store to buy things for the room. I tell him we should wait until we know if its a boy or a girl but he says he cant wait so long, even its only a few more weeks. I turned off the light and walked into our room.

I lay down on the bed and lifted up my top a little bit so i could see my baby bump. I smiled and ran my hand over the skin, it was a week since i first noticed it and already i can see that it got a little bigger. It made me so happy because it means that there is really a little baby in there, this isnt some amazing dream its real life. I put my hand on my stomach again and smiled. "The baby!" I heard Neymar gasp excitedly. I looked up and saw him run across the room and jump onto the bed next to me. "Hey baby!" He said excitedly and put his hand on my stomach. "It got bigger again carla!" He smiled. "I know, it feels like every day it gets a little bigger" i smiled. I looked at him "soon i wont be able to hide it, we need to tell everyone" i shrugged
"Im going to see everyone at the game tomorrow, i'll tell them there" he replied
"What are you going to say to them?" I asked.

He looked at me and smiled. "I made a plan" he said proudly "and lionels going to help" i looked at him suspiciously. "Okay.. Well you know i love you two, but last time lionel and you made a plan, it involved three soccer teams, people traveling from foreign countries, twelve people got hurt, and Cristiano Ronaldo's house got destroyed" i said raising my eyebrows. He rolled his eyes "you dont trust us do you" he laughed "and that plan was for a war, this new plan is for something good, so everything will be okay" he smiled
"Okay i trust you" i laughed "as long as it wont be as dramatic as last time"
"If you think the plan lionel made is dramatic, then you need to ask your friend Pedro about the plan he made" he laughed. I looked at him confused "P made a plan? What was it?" I asked
"Umm, he can explain it" he laughed

He looked back at my stomach and smiled. "What do you think the baby will look like?" He asked. I looked back at my stomach too. "A bit like me and a bit like you" i shrugged. He rolled his eyes "obviously" he smiled "but how?"
"It will be different if it will be a boy or girl no?" I replied. He looked at me and smiled
"Well, if we have a girl, i want her to be just like you, with your black curly hair, your lips, and i want her to have the same eyes as my mom and Rafa, she would be so cute" he smiled
"And if we another boy?" I smiled
"Oh, he will have to look like miguel" he replied. I looked at him confused
"Why?" I asked
"He told me that manny looks too much like me and not enough like your family, if the new one looks like miguel then it will be balanced" he laughed. I rolled my eyes, miguel probably was joking but i know it came from something real.

"Ignore him" i sighed "but i like that manny looks so much like you" i said
"Really? Why?" He smiled
"Before you came back to us, i used to look at manny and see all the genes that he got from you, his skin color, his eyes and everything, it made me feel like still you two had a connection, even if you didnt know eachother" i smiled. He looked down and thought to himself. "I guess youre right" he smiled quietly. He looked back at my stomach. "I cant wait to see what our baby will look like" he said
"I know, me too" i smiled.
"Good night, i love you" he said kissing my cheek. I rested my head on the pillow. I felt neymar put his hand on my stomach again and i smiled. It was so weird to think how different things are this time


I looked at myself with the dress in the mirror, it was so pretty, tight and white with lace. I was looking for a dress to wear on Christmas or New year and this one seemed perfect. I turned to the side to see how it looks and suddenly my eyes widened. I stared and my reflection shocked for a few seconds and made sure i wasnt just imagining it. No, definitely it was real. "Shit" i muttered quietly to myself.

"Carla!" I heard sofia knock on the door of the changing room. "Let me see the dress!" She said. I opened the door and pulled her in quickly before i closed it again. "Girl what the hell are you doing?" She laughed "aww that dress looks so pretty on you! You have to buy it!" She smiled
"I cant buy it" i sighed
"What, why not?! It looks so pretty everyone will-"
"Sofia look!" I exclaimed quietly and turned to the side again. She stopped talking and her eyes went wide.
"Oh my god.." She muttered quietly

I sat down on the floor of the changing room and put my head in my hands. "What the hell am i going to do?!" I groaned, i felt like crying. I knew this day was going to come but still i wasnt prepared
"Hey, its okay" sofia said sitting down next to me. She put her arm around me
"I cant believe this is happening" i sighed
"I guess you will have to start to buy more loose clothes" she said
"I know" i said quietly. I felt a little tear fall down my cheek. Sofia wiped it away gently and smiled at me
"But still, buy the dress and wear it for christmas, it will make you feel better" she smiled
"I cant, its too obvious when i wear it and everyone will just stare at me" is sighed
"Okay, so buy it now and you can wear it after you have the baby" she shrugged
"I wont be able to wear it then, i'll be fat and ugly" i groaned
"Not all women get fat and ugly after they have kids, like your mom, she was the most beautiful women i know" she smiled. "im not my mom, im not even half the woman that she was" i muttered. She looked at me sympathetically
"Come on, lets get out of here" she said quietly

I stood up and took off the dress. I dropped it on the floor and put on my clothes. It was December and cold so i was wearing a big jacket so i couldnt see the bump anymore. Sofia looked down at the dress on the floor and smiled to herself. She hid the hanger under the seat and then shoved it into the bottom of her handbag
"Sofia! What the hell?!" I exclaimed quietly
"Shhh!" She said. She picked up the other dresses and left the changing room.
"Are you going to buy anything?" The woman asked
"No, not today" sofia said. She shoved the other dresses into the womans hands and pulled me past her. She pulled me across the store towards the doors. I felt myself become so tense as i saw the security gaurd and the detectors. I held my breath as we walked past. We walked out onto the street and the door closed behind us. I took a deep breath and relaxed. "I cant believe you did that!" I laughed looking at sofia shocked "girl youre crazy!"
"one day you will thank me" she shrugged and we started to walk down the street. "Anyway, everyone in that store is a bitch, im not letting you give money to them" she said

We walked down the street and i felt mysef shiver. Sofia looked at me "you shouldnt be in the cold, come on lets go get food" she said. We walked into a little diner and i looked around. "Seriously? Im cold so you take me into an ice cream store?" I laughed
"In the winter they sell warm things too" she smiled rolling her eyes "anyway, the old lady who owns this place is really nice" she said. We walked over to a booth on the edge of the store and sat down. I rested my head back and thought to myself. I still couldnt believe this was happening, i know god has a plan for everyone but this really isnt what i wanted! I wanted to be in class at medical school right now, not wasting my life and being sad all day.

I came out of my thoughts again and looked at sofia on the other side of the booth. She was looking at me so sympathetically again. "Are you okay?" She asked, obviously already she knew the answer
"I have a baby bump.." I said quietly and shook my head "this shit is really happening, im really pregnant" i sighed. She looked at the ground for a second then looked back at me. "What are you going to do?" She asked
"I need to start telling people, i cant hide it anymore" i sighed
"Who knows already?" She asked
"Only you, my dad, miguel and adriana" i said "still i have to tell all our other friends, and my family too" i said "ah shit my family is going to be so mad" i groaned putting my head into my hands "my grandparents, my aunties and uncles, my cousins, they're all going to think im a little whore"

Sofia reached across the table and held my hand. "Youre not a little whore dont say this" she sighed "youre family love you they wont get mad, and our friends will be fine too" she said "they will be on your side, they'll start a group chat to go to brasil and beat up the guy" she laughed and i felt myself smile "and to be honest, it will be better for you if that happens, then you wont be alone" she shrugged
"What do you mean?" I asked confused
"Well think about it, in our group youre the good girl with good morals, if even you cant resist Brasilian men and get pregnant, then just think what would happen to the rest of them, shit they will be being hoes before they leave the airport" she laughed and i started to laugh too. "We all love you carla, we support you" she smiled.

"I wish everyone was like you guys" i smiled quietly. She raised her eyebrows
"Miguel is still being an asshole?" She asked suspiciously
"He doesnt even look at me" i sighed. I looked back at her. Her face looked so mad
"Just wait until i see that little-"
"Sofia please dont do nothing" i sighed
"Just cause he's your brother doesnt mean i wont beat his ass!" She shrugged "he's dumb, he's mad with you because youre going to have a baby without a father, but because of him the baby wont have an uncle too, i dont know how that fool got into law school" she said rolling her eyes.It went silent and i rested my head back again. I looked down at my stomach, you couldnt see the bump under my jacket but still it was there, sadly. "You will have to buy maternity clothes soon" sofia said "oh my gosh, and baby clothes"
"I know" i said quietly
"Dont be too sad, i'll help you pick clothes for them, they will be the most stylish baby ever" she said and i felt myself smile a little. I looked up at her and she looked at me curiously. "What do you think your baby will look like?" She asked.

I thought to myslef, i never thought about this before. I though about the father and what he looked like. I hated him but i could never say he isnt gorgeous, at least i'll have a pretty baby. I didnt know what his parents looked like so it was hard to be certain what my baby will look like. "Well, i guess they'll have darker skin than me, and will look more exotic" i shrugged "but i dont know, i can never be sure" i said. I thought to myself again. "But to be honest, i want the baby to look like me and my family only" i said. Sofia looked at me surprised
"Why?" She asked.
"Because that will be better for everyone, the less they will look like the father then the less people will think about him and this is what i want" i sighed "still miguel doesnt accept this baby as family, if they grow up looking like a stanger then everything will become worse." I said "and for my child too, they have to grow up knowing that their father didnt want them, i dont want them to be reminded of this every time they look in the mirror and see him" i sighed

I looked at sofia but she was staring at the floor. She looked up at me suddenly and looked curious. "You know carla, you never told me about the father, only the story" she said
"Really?" I asked. She nodded her head
"Who is he? Whats his name?" She asked
"Um, i don't want to say" i muttered "sorry"
"I understand" she shrugged "but still will you tell me a little bit about him?"
I thought to myself, i was trying so hard not to think about him, i wanted to forget everything about him and block him from my mind, but just a few minutes talking about him with sofia will be okay i think. I felt myself smile as i thought about him and remembered all these little things.

"I dont know where to begin" i said
"Um, what does he do with his life?" Sofia asked
"He's a futball player" i said
"Everyone in brasil is a futball player" she laughed "i mean as a job"
"Not everyone" i laughed "and futball is his job, hes a professional" i smiled. Her eyes went wide
"Seriously?!" She gasped "is he famous?"
"Adriana said he's really famous in Brasil" i shrugged "but thats why i dont want to tell people his name" i sighed.
"What does he look like?" She asked. I felt myself smile again
"He was gorgeous, like really really gorgeous" i smiled quietly "he has amazing green eyes, and muscle, and tattoos on his bodys, you know i love tattoos on guys sofia" i laughed. I stopped talking and though to myself again "but looks wasnt why i liked him, there was something about him that had an effect on me" i shrugged
"Like what?" Sofia asked
"He was so different to every other boy i met, he was so sweet and kind, and he was so immature and funny as well" i giggled. I felt myself smile as i started to remember all these things he said to me

I came out of my thoughts and looked up at sofia, she was looking at me sadly.
"Whats wrong?" I asked
"Youre doing it again.." She sighed. I realized what she was talking about. I put my head into my hands and groaned
"I cant stop doing it!" I groaned. "I try everything, but still i keep thinking about him!"
"You need to forget him, i promise you everything will be so much easier if you forget him carla" she sighed taking my hand. "I cant" i muttered. I felt tears on my face, i didnt even bother to wipe them away, i was used to it, i cried 1000 tears for this boy and i knew probably i could cry 1000 more. "You fell in love with him carla, its obvious" sofia said quietly. I looked up at her. "You fell in love and all he did is break your heart" she sighed. She looked at me a little longer and then her expression changed suddenly "carla wipe away these tears, he's not worth it" she said giving me a tissue. "Get rid of the tears and the memories"

"Are you ready to order girls?" Someone said. I looked up and saw an old lady smiling at us, she looked sweet. I think she saw the tears on my eyes because suddenly her smile went and she looked at me concered. "Are you okay darling?" She asked putting her hand on my shoulder. I didnt know what to say and looked to sofia
"Umm, its boy trouble" she shrugged. The old lady looked at me sympathetically
"I'll come back in a few minutes" she said gently and walked away again.

I looked back at sofia but she was staring at the ground. "You okay?" I asked
"Im thinking about something" she replied
"What is it?"
"Carla, if this boy, the futball player, is only 19 but the whole of brasil knows his name, that means he's good, really good" she said raising her eyebrows. "I guess so" i shrugged "why should i care"
"Well, you arent worried that maybe a team in spanha will want him to play for them?" She asked "maybe even Barcelona will want him! Shit if that happens you might see him on tv, walking on the street, maybe you'll even see him at work or something like this!" She exclaimed quietly
"Even if he comes here i wont see him, he'll be rich and still i'll be poor, we'll spend all our time in different areas there no way i would see him" i shrugged "this is good because i dont want to see him ever again"
"Youre right, anyway he's an asshole, if he comes to barcelona everyone will tell him to go away" she said "Messi will tell the coach to fire him" she giggled
"Who?" I asked
"Oh, he's that guy from Argentina our dads and brothers are always talking about" she shrugged "dont worry, you'll never have to talk to him either" she laughed

"Girls?" A voice said. I looked up and saw the old lady who owned the store stood by us. In her hands she had two ice creams. "Oh, these arent ours, we didnt order yet" sofia shrugged
"I know, but i thought ice cream maybe will help with whatever troubles you have, they're free by the way" she smiled putting down the glasses on the table. "This is so kind, thank you" i smiled at her. She looked at me
"Well, i hope these helps, your eyes are too pretty cry sad tears" she said to me. I smiled and laughed to myself.
"Take her advice carla, she gets it" sofia laughed. The old lady smiled at me.
"Your name is carla?" She asked. I nodded my head. "Well carla, i don't know what these problems you have are, but i know always life will get better" she said holding my hand and i smiled at her "and this boy you are crying about, if he cant see that you are the best girl he can have, then forget about him, he's not worth your tears" she said
"Amen" sofia nodded her head
"But also, You never know what really is God's plan for you" she shrugged "maybe this boy is the love of your life and youre destined to be with him" she smiled.
"Yeah.. They can come here on a date" sofia said sarcastically and folded her arms. She hated talking about destiny and things like this. "Maybe he will ask you to marry him in here" the old lady laughed "anyway enjoy your ice creams"

Sofia watched the old lady walk away then looked back to me. "She had me at free ice cream but then she lost me when she started talking about destiny" she said rolling her eyes.
"I thought she's sweet" i shrugged. Sofia shook her head
"You shouldnt listen to things like that, they give you false hope. You need to forget him carla" she said raising her eyebrows. "You'll never see him again, and thats a good thing"
"I know" i said quietly
"Oh, but i guess it wouldnt be completley bad if he comes back to you" she said
"Why?" I asked confused
"Because that means i can slap him as hard as i can" she said and we started to laugh.


the next day

"i swear i put my phone here!" I groaned as i ran around in the kitchen.
"Do you want me to call it?" Antonella asked
"Its on silent" i sighed. "Whats happening to me, recently i became so unorganized and I'm late to everything!" I groaned. "If i was lionel, i would say its because your baby daddy is brasilian and you're getting his bad habits, but im not my husband so i'll just stand here smiling" Antonella said innocently. I smiled and rolled my eyes and then continued to search my phone. "Urg im going crazy! Im 100% sure i left my phone charging here" i groaned loudly
"Carla can we leave already, even with my driving we're going to be late" antonella sighed. I looked around the kitchen one time more. "Okay, its gone forever, lets go" i sighed

I walked over to manny and picked him up. "You look so handsome in your new barcelona shirt" i smiled at him
"I look like papai!" He said happily.
"Why arent you wearing a barça shirt too?" Antonella asked me.
"I cant, my baby bump is too obvious when i wear it" i shrugged happily "i cant wear it until 6 months later" i laughed
"They'll have a new kit by then" she laughed "lets go" she said leading me out of the house to her car.

I put manny in the back next to Thiago and Mateo. Antonella started driving crazy again but i was used to it now. "Im so annoyed i cant find my phone" i sighed
"Carla you realize youre nor poor anymore? If you've lost your phone you can buy a new phone with out thinking" she laughed. "But i wanted to take pictures, its speacial tonight" i said
"Why?" She said looking confused.
"Its neymars first game with us as a proper family, i want to remember it" i shrugged. Antonella looked at me and smiled "girl, you have to understand something, youre a wag now, that means you can go to any game you want, wherever and whenever you want" she said excitedly "i love it so much, i go to games even when leo isnt playing"
"Your kidding?" I laughed
"No im not!" She laughed "one time lionel was injured and couldnt play, but still we went to the game just to support the guys" she smiled "and its so cool, i get to travel all over the world because they playe against teams from all these different countries" she said exctiedly "last season i went to France, England, Germany, and last time they played in paris, i went with them on the plane and stayed in the hotel, but i didnt even watch the game, i just went shopping with shakira" she laughed
"Your life is amazing" i smiled
"Its good you think that, because now its your life too" she smiled


"Okay ten minutes until the game starts! Everyone try to relax and focus yourself" the coach shouted. I rested my head against the wall and took a deep breath. "Dont be nervous ney, the team we're playing tonight is useless" lionel said as he sat down next to me. "Im not nervous about the game, im nervous if out plan will work" i said
"All you need to do is score one goal, it will be fine" he shrugged
"But what if i dont score, i cant keep this secret for longer and this is what i want to do" i groaned
"Neymar already i promised i will spend all the game trying to set up a goal for you, dont worry" he said. Still i felt nervous. "Look, i'll get extra help for you too" he said and stood up. "Hey, suarez, come here!" He called across the locker room. "Lionel wjat are you doing its a secret!" I exclaimed
"Its fine i wont tell everything"

Luis was sat alone by himself and looked at us curiously when lionel called him. Lionel waved at him to come to us and suarez stood up and walked over to us. "Hey guys!" He said happily "what are you talking about? I was just thinking its so weird that.."
"Luis me and neymar have a plan" lionel inturrupted him
"A plan? What is it?!" He asked excitedly
"Tonight, dont try to score, instead pass to neymar because-"
"What?!" He exclaimed "how can you ask me that?!"
"Let me explain-" lionel started to say but he was interrupted by luis
"No no, you dont need to explain, i already know whats happening" he said looking hurt
"You do?" I asked confused
"Of course, you two are trying to make me look bad so i'll be transferred to another team!" He said "damn.. You accidentally fall teeth first onto one guy just once and suddenly no one in the world wants to be your friend" he said sadly.

Me and Lionel looked at each other confused. "Luis what are you talking about?" I asked
"Are you okay buddy" lionel asked sympathetically
"Dont pretend you care about me lionel, Everyone can see that you and neymar have your own special little friendship, im just the third wheel that no one likes" he sighed "thats why you want me to pass to neymar, so he can have glory not me" he said. Me and Lionel looked at each other confused again. "Do you want to explain to him?" Lionel sighed. I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Come here" i said standing up.

I whispered something to him and his eyes widened. "For real?!" He gasped
"Shhh, its a secret still, only a few people know" i smiled
"Okay, i'll help you score" he smiled. He was about to walk away but suddenly he turned around again and threw his arms around me. "Im so happy for you neymar" he said happily as he hugged me tightly. I stood there awkwardly with my arms by my sides. He never hugged me like this, what the hell am i supposed to do?! I looked at lionel for help. He raised his eyebrows at me. I hugged him back lightly and gently patted his shoulder. "Thanks man" i said. He pulled away and smiled at me and Lionel. "Well, i'll see you two on the pitch" he said happily
"Bye suarez" lionel smiled
"I'll be sat in my corner if you need me" he said
"Yep, thanks buddy" i smiled
"Um, okay, bye then" he said walking away

"That was too weird" i said sitting down next to lionel as we watched luis walk across the room and sit down in his corner. "Do you think we should ask him if he wants to sit with us?" Lionel asked
"No! Youre my best friend, not his!" I exclaimed
"Neymar chill! im not trying to replace you, he just seemed lonely or something" lionel laughed
"Whatever, we can have lunch with him once a week or something" i said rolling my eyes
"Aww, are you getting jealous?" He teased
"Over you? Yeah sure" i laughed pushing him away

"Okay everyone lets go!" The coach said walking into the room. Everyone got up and started to walk towards the door. "Remember the tactics and no arguing with the referee, yes im looking at you pique"
"Coach!" Gerard groaned


I was walking with antonella and our kids up some stairs in the corridors of the stadium and suddenly i heard the cheering from the crowd get louder . Antonella stopped walking and looked around "shit.. That means the game is about to start, we're late" she said
"We cant be late to their first game, they'll be upset" i groaned
"Um, oh i think i know a shorter way, lets go" she said grabbing my arm. She walked down a corridor i had never been down before, the cheers from the fans were getting louder so i guess we were getting closer to our seats. "You sure you know where we're going antonella?" I asked
"Um kinda. This way takes us to the vip seats i think" she said as we walked down some stairs

I looked up and my eyes widened "oh my god" i muttered
"Um, i think we took a wrong turn.." She said awkwardly
"How are you saying we? This was your idea, girl these are not the vip seats!" I laughed as i looked around. We were stood at the end of a hallway, and right infront of us was the pitch

"Well to adriano its a vip seat because he never does anything, he just watches us work hard" i heard a voice behind us laugh. "Pique shut up!" Another voice groaned. We turned around and saw Gerard stood their with the rest of the barça team in line behind him. "What are you guys doing here?" Antonella asked confused
"What are we doing here?! I should ask you two the same question! This place is for players only" He laughed. "Lionel and neymar come and sort out your girls" he called backwards. I looked at the line of players and saw lionel and Neymar appear. They looked confused and walked to the front.

"Pique whats your problem?" Lionel asked
"Yeah, why do you need-" Neymar started to say but he stopped when he saw us. "Well shit, we've got two extra players" he laughed. "Yeah, is this a new double date idea or something" Lionel laughed "why are you here?"
"We're here because your wife is stupid with directions" i laughed rolling my eyes
"Oh yeah, that" lionel smiled and antonella hit his arm. He looked down at Thiago and Mateo "are you guys going to play for papis team tonight?" He smiled
"Yeah!" Thiago exclaimed happily
"I want to play too!" Manny said excitedly and started to jump around

Neymar was about to say something but Gerard interrupted "yeah let manny play, then we can have two players running around getting into fights" he smiled. Me and neymar both glared at him then looked away again. The other team arrived and lined up too. "Okay time to go" lionel smiled. He picked up mateo and took thiagos hand. "Lets go boys"
"Lionel they cant really play with you!" Antonella exclaimed looking terrified
"Relax, im just taking them for the photo" he laughed rolling his eyes "and you should say thank you im taking them, now it looks like you two are supposed to be here and not two lost idiots" he smiled.
"Can i take manny too?" Neymar asked. I looked out at the pitch i know it was dumb but still i worried
"Come on carla you have to say yes, already you let ronaldo take him on the pitch in Madrid" gerard said
"Pique dont say that name in these hallways!" Lionel said. I turned to look at gerard
"You have a lot to say about us tonight dont you" i laughed raising my eyebrows
"Yeah cant you say something about lionels new hair or something instead" neymar said. Geri just shrugged and smiled at us.

I kissed mannys cheek before neymar took him and started to walk out onto the pitch with lionel and his kids. I heard the crowd start cheering louder as they appeared. The rest of the team started to walk out too. Gerard hugged me as he walked past. "Aww carla you got shorter!" He teased
"No your head just got bigger" i replied hugging him back
" you know i only tease you guys because i love you all" he laughed walking away, he hugged antonella too "why don't you guys go sit with shakira, if you dont get lost again" he laughed and walked onto the pitch.

All the other players hugged me as they walked past because we hadn't seen each other since before summer. Marc and sergi ran up to me and hugged me excitedly, dani and adriano hugged me and said how releaved they were that finally i was with neymar again, and at the end of the line that guy luis stopped and hugged me, i only talked to him a few times before but he hugged me excitedly and gave me this weird little smile, i have no idea why. But every time i hugged someone i felt like i had to breathe in so that they wont feel my bump.

I stood next to Antonella on the end of the pitch as we watched the teams do their fotos, manny, Thiago and mateo in the barcelona one. All around there were people taking pictures and i knew my son was probably on live tv to people all over the world right now but i didnt mind anymore, Neymar is his father and I'm proud to say that now. After the fotos the players walked around into position and the coach walked back with the kids. "Bye boys" he smiled as they ran towards us. I took mannys hand and started to follow antonella. "Carla?" I heard someone shout my name. I turned around and saw the coach smiling at me. "Welcome home, im happy you brought back my future number 11" he smiled. I laughed and turned around again.

I followed Antonella up some steps into where the seats are. "Hey!" I heard someone call excitedly. I looked and saw shakira sat alone waving to us. "Milan!" Manny said happily and ran towards them with thiago. "Hey girl! I haven't seen you for so long" i said hugging her.
"Damn finalls i have someone to sit with"
"Antonella got lost" i laughed
"Stupid hallways all look the same in this place" Antonella said rolling her eyes and sat down next to us.
" i saw you two standing down there, i thought you were trying to replace neymar and leo" she laughed
"Why nor, it doesnt seem so hard" antonella shrugged
"I said that to my brother once, he pulled my hair" i laughed

As we watched the game i looked at manny, he was standing at the front with Milan and Thiago, all of them were watching their daddies play so happily and excitedly, i watched manny just like a mini neymar, in his shirt with his matching smile and i felt so happy. I looked back at the pitch and saw neymar. He was so different when he was playing, so focused. The crowed cheered as he took the ball from a player on the other team and ran up the pitch with it, the more he ran the more they cheered and i felt so damn proud, the man all these people cheered for was my man, and he was fine as hell.

The game had been going for nearly 80 mins and the score was 2-0 to Barça, lionel scored the first and Luis scored the second. There still was time for neymar to score, he nearly scored lots of times so i thought he can do it, and manny will be so happy if he scores. Me, antonella and shakira were talking and watching the game at the same time but suddenly we stopped talking. Lionel got the ball and passed it to neymar, and neymar started to move towards the goal. Two players tried to take the ball but he avoied them. "Oh my god" i said excitedly and grabbed Antonellas hand. Everyone stood up to see better. He got closer to the goal and kicked the ball hard towards it. The goal keeper dived, but he was too late and the ball went in.

The whole stadium cheered loudly and i screamed excitedly and hugged the other two. "Thats my man bitches!" I shouted jumping up and down. I looked at the field to see Neymar celebrating but he wasn't doing his normal thing. I watched him confused and then i realized what was happening. I felt myself smile so much and the cheer from the crowd got even louder. "Youre pregnant?!" Shakira screamed excitedly as we watched Neymar run around with the ball under his shirt. "Surprise!" I laughed turning to her
"Oh my god this is amazing!" She shrieked hugging me tightly "this is amazing!"
"Congratulations carla!"
"Im so happy for you!"
All the other wives sat around us started to say nice things to me and hugged me. "Carla!" I heard someone shout my name again. I looked down and saw the coach smiling at me "two future players!" He said excitedly. I winked at him and looked back at the pitch and laughed. All the barça boys had jumped on neymar and there was just a big pile of them on the grass.

I looked around the stadium, everywhere complete strangers were cheering and waving at me. I smiled and looked back at the pitch. The pile was gone and they were standing again, they were all hugging him and saying congratulations. I felt little tears in my eyes as i watched him stood their hugging adriano, how time changes, and i wouldnt change anything for the world.


Hey guys,

Im really sorry i haven't update for so long i know its annoying. I dont want to go into details but basically something happened in my family and life got became really hard and kinda shit for a while and the last thing i wanted to do was write my book, anyway, a couple of weeks ago i started to write this little book of my good memories from brasil and my family etc because i found that it helped me feel better and it made me miss writing so i decide to start to write this book again. I dont know when i will update normally but i want to continue with this book and finish it because im nearly there.

Thank you for support, beijinhos xx

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