The Feet Of Jesus

By Priceless_Keyper

3.4K 172 213

Joel Smallbone had an amazing family- Moriah, Luke, Courtney, and his daughter, Sydney. But....instead of foc... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Six

196 13 7
By Priceless_Keyper

              Joel was a little happier now, as Rebecca's fever had finally broken. She was still very weak, and there was a possibility she could get sick again. She wasn't able to leave the house for now, as Hannah couldn't carry her. David was still recovering, and wasn't allowed to stand. So Rebecca spent most of her time talking with David, writing, and reading what she'd written to him. She sat at the table one day, and looked up at her mother.

       "When can I go visit dad?" She looked at Rebecca, slightly confused and shocked.
       "Rebecca, I don't think that would be a good idea." She looked confused.
       "Why not? He thinks I'm still sick, doesn't he? I want to go see him. I'll figure out something." Jude came in, carrying a couple logs.
        "Figure out something for what?" Hannah sighed.
       "Rebecca wants to go visit James." He set the wood down beside the stove.
       "Well, what if I take her? Nathan wouldn't do anything to her." Hannah spun around, glaring at him.
       "Wouldn't do anything to her?! He already arrested James, and shot David! And you say he wouldn't do anything to her?!" He raised his hands.
        "Yes. Even the people who are for him won't support harming a teenaged girl. She'll be safe." Hannah sighed, and David spoke up.
         "Hannah, just let her. It would be helpful for both of them. And you can send something with her, or go yourself." She smiled slightly.
        "Alright. But Jude, I expect my daughter back in one piece." He smiled, and touched the rim of his hat.
        "Yes ma'am. Rebecca, you ready?" She smiled, nodding, and her mother brought her shawl.
       "You better keep this on the whole time. Understand?" She said sternly, and Rebecca nodded. She got the shawl on, and Jude scooped her up. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and headed out. Nathan was just leaving, and he had obviously been drinking. They went in, and Jude smiled. He saw James, who was staring off into space. He set her down, and moved her chair closer to his door.

       "Sleeping? Ah, ah, ah. Nope. You've got company." He looked up, and saw Rebecca's smiling face. Joel smiled as he nearly fell on his face as he moved closer. He grabbed her hands, smiling.

      "Oh, baby." He nearly started crying, bowing his head. Rebecca was fighting tears, and she gently squeezed his hand.

       "Dad, don't you dare start crying. If you do, then I will, and it'll just be a mess." He chuckled, and wiped his eyes with his sleeve. Joel noticed he was moving somewhat slowly, as if any movement hurt.

       "So...the fever.....looks like it finally broke." She smiled again, looking down.
       "Yeah. But I'm not going to ever be able to walk again. That's the only thing. But it could be worse. And tomorrow, at the Christmas Eve service, I'm singing one of the songs I wrote." He face became stone serious all of a sudden.
       "Dad, I heard what happened. And he can't keep doing this. They won't win. I believe that." She smiled, and he kissed the top of her head.
       "They you keep praying and believing, and I'll pray as well. I've been praying ever since you got sick, and God answered that prayer. I believe he'll answer this one too. How's David?" She nearly grinned.
        "He's getting better. He's sick of being in the house, but mom and aunt Grace won't let him get up yet. They got the bullets out, and they're won't be any permanent damage. A couple scars, maybe, but he'll survive." Suddenly Billy came in, and looked at them. James stood, glaring at him.

       "What are you doing here, Billy?" He grabbed the keys, and started unlocking the door.
       "People are angry. My father just admitted you weren't the one who tore up the saloon, and now everyone's angry. And he.....He shot Maggie. Get out, now." James scooped Rebecca up, limping towards the door. Jude looked at him.
       "Wait....come with us. You probably just risked your life to do that. And besides, tomorrow's Christmas Eve. You deserve to have a home for Christmas." Billy dropped the keys, and followed.
       "Thank you. And....May I join your family for the church service tomorrow?" James smiled.
       "It would be an honour to have you come." They managed to reach home without incident....until Hannah nearly slapped Billy.

        "Hannah, stop!" He set Rebecca down, taking her hands.
        "He helped me. I invited him. His dad's going to be furious, so I figured we could help him. And it's Christmas, Hannah." She finally smiled and calmed down.
        "Well, why didn't you say anything?! My apologies, Billy. Your father isn't exactly appreciated around here." He chuckled slightly.
       "Ever since my mother died, he's blamed God. He's nearly gone mad, trying to figure out a way to make God disappear from town. He....He shot Charlie and Laura's daughter, Maggie. He's gone mad, and taken some of it out on me." He revealed bruises on his arms, and Hannah set to dealing with those. Then she took James in their room, dealing with his. Rebecca, David, and Billy were having a hard time not bursting out laughing. They kept hearing James complaining about them hurting, and Hannah scolding him to sit still and be quiet so she could work. Rebecca looked at Billy.

        "Can you hand me that book there? The brown leather one?" He obliged, and looked at her, curious.
        "What's in there?" She gave him a small, sneaky smile.
       "The song I wrote that I'm singing at the service tomorrow. I'm doing other Christmas songs, but this one isn't quite a Christmas song, and I wrote it." Joel smiled, watching the two. Steven walked up again, smiling as well.

      "Its almost time. Two more days, and then you can go home. It's been almost a month for Moriah and Sydney." Joel looked at him, startled.
      "Two days? What's going to happen in those two days?" Steven smiled.
       "Christmas. And the most important part of her story." He gestured to Rebecca, an almost sorrowful look on his face. Hannah and James came back, still arguing about her cleaning the cuts. David sat up, and he and James nearly cried, hugging each other. Grace and the boys came over, followed by Jude, Ellie, and Isaiah. Hannah pulled out more food, and they all ate and talked, laughing. But three things kept nagging at Joel's mind as he watched them. One, how would Sydney react to him coming back? Two, could he get her back after so long. And three, what did Steven mean, the most important part of Rebecca's story? He smiled, watching them. Maybe he could get his daughter back. He just had to actually pay attention for once in his life. She was more important. Besides, life is pretty much just a vapor in the wind, here today, gone tomorrow. He smiled, watching them. Yes. He would do whatever it took to fix things with Sydney, even if it took until he was eighty.

Author's note- Hello! And yes, this story will be coming to an end soon, sadly. And no, I will not be doing a sequel. The next chapter will be Sydney, and then the one after that will be Joel again. Thanks again for all your support on this book! Love you, my little cravers!- Bella Rae

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