Jaycee Lennox *Bayverse Fanfi...

By LilacAthenaRose

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Jaycee is the oldest daugter of William Lennox, and in the year 2007 this 4 year old girls life will take a m... More

Jaycee Lennox
Cousin Stephine's
The Men in Suits
The Yellow Hider
Mission City
The Silver Hider
The End


860 34 1
By LilacAthenaRose

I was silent after that, really really silent. The room was getting smaller and smallers...I couldn't do this. I promised Daddy I wouldn't cry..but if I did cry..Daddy wouldn't know would he? I mean if I never saws Daddy again, he would never know I cried. I sniffed lightly, rubbing my eyes to hold the tears back before they began to pour really fast. I even tried to yawn a few times, but it wasn't working at all. I just always kept thinking of Daddy and that I'd never see him again. 

We'd been driving all night, and the sun looked like it was waking up too now..I couldn't sleep though. Not in this car...and with these people. I was pressed up against the corner, curling myself into a tight ball as I watched them all. I just wanted Daddy. He'd make all these bad man disappear if he was here.

If Daddy was here.

The van stopped fast, and everyone huddled out. Even I was pulled out, my arm hanging limply in the soldiers hand. I couldn't fight any mores. I was too tired, and I didn't know where to go. I didn't know where Mommy was and Daddy was too far away. I knews now why Daddy told me to stay away from strangers, because they got you lost real fast. And I was really really lost.

I looked around slowly, trying to see if there was a way out. But I was really far from my playground at home. If I was at my playground I could get home, cause I knew how. Here there was only some heli-chopters..and a lot of land. A soldier man bent down in front of me, he looked sorta nice..and he smiled at me too, but he was a meanie. Like all the other meanies here, so I just stuck my tongue out at him. The man didn't seem to mind, but just put a heady phone on me, and led me to one of the copters. Katie's friends were there too, and the girl looked at me for a minute. She was pretty. Prettier then Princess..but everyone was prettier then Princess now..cause she was ugly on the inside. Everyone here was ugly on the inside..and I bet Daddy would beat them all up for being so ugly. The girl nudged the boy, and he looked at me gently for a minute before smiling. I looked away really fast, before peaking back over and waving a tiny bit. 

They were captured by meanies too. Maybe they were actually the nice guys. 

I wouldn't get to know though, cause they were put in a different copter then me.

A soldier man picked me up, before putting me in the middle of the one copter, and another soldier buckled me in. I looked at my hands the whole time, Daddy had told me about these copters. He said they were really cool...I wish Daddy was here with me now. He could tell me how cool everything was..and we'd have a lot of fun too.

I miss Daddy, a lot.

Daddy wouldn't like me saying that though. I wasn't suppose to miss him. Cause he always promised to come back to me. Yea, he did! I was being silly. Daddy would find me and take me home, I know it! So until then I should keep looking strong, so these meanie people don't get their way at all! Daddy said all meanies like making other people feel sad, so if I wasn't sad..the meanies wouldn't win!

I looked around the copter, and grinned happily. Daddy rode in these copters all the time! He was right they were really cool, and with the doors off you could look out the giant open window! PLUS I got to go flying! The copter's pinwheels started flying super fasts, and after a few bumps the world started getting really small looking's. I'd never seen the world so small! It was like my snow globe at home! 

The soldiers laughed happily at me, as I leaned forwards so I could look out the window. Daddy's soldiers would be laughing too! They were all funny like that. The world below was sandy..and nothin was really green. Maybe we went to Africa! We drove a long time and Africa was where the Lion King was at! His home looked a lot like this! Maybe the meanies lived with the Hyenas, it'd be a good place for them. They'd belong there I think. Daddy always said Africa was a long ways away, and I've traveled a long ways so maybe it counts. Plus the world was mountainy, and yellow..and below us was a huge looking river! It sorta looked like Eliza's Elephant place she went in that movie. I just hope they're not any sappy fences around, or poor little elephants. They were all in Africa too..I think.

The sun had just started coming up, making the mountains all shadowey and pretty. I tried to look at them as much as I could before the soldier man made me sit down, he said we were gonna descanting...whatever that meant. "You are clear for landing." A voice mumbled through my headphones, and my ears started popping. The mountains started getting larger too, and the sky was getting further away. 

I guess the ride was over. 

We waited for the spiny spiny pinwheels to stop, before we started getting out. I was super quick, and dropped my headphones before running ahead. A lot of important people were walkings around, and almost everyone had a bodyguard. It looked like one of Daddy's bases...WAIT...was my Daddy here? He lived in a far away place too! Almost further away then Africa! Daddy could be here right now! I looked around quickly, running between everyone before I accident hit someones. "Sorry!" I yelped, looking up at her. 

"Where are you going?" It was the girl from before! Katie's friends. "Do you know Katie?" I asked suddenly, and the girl smiled sadly. "No? Whose she?" 

"My babysitter, she goes to a higher school. You look like you go to higher schools too!" I admitted quickly, and she chuckled lightly. "I see. Maybe I do know her." 

"Really!? Do you know William Lennox?" I blurted, jumping up and down excitedly. If she knew Katie, maybe Katie told her about Daddy! "Who?"

"My Daddy! He was supposed to be here! The meanie soldiers told me that the giant hider men tried to hurt Daddy, but I know the hiders are really nice!" I grinned at her, 'So do you know Daddy?" 

"No sorry." The nice lady smiled down at me, and I just nodded. "Otay! Thanks anyway." I shrugged, turning my head when I heard some soldiers yelling after me. I figures they'd be running afters me soon. It wasn't that easy gettin away from soldiers. I knew that from Daddy and Uncle Epps. Though Daddy would've been chasing me sooner than this, I guess these soldiers were slow because they were bad. Bad soldiers weren't good for anything. "I gots to go!" I quickly waved, before starting to run. If they were bad at finding, I bet they were bad at catching too!

I took off running, making meanies in my way have to jump away because I bumped into them. I never got that far though, someone grabbed me after a minute. Though Daddy would've had me in seconds. "PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled, kicking my legs against the soldiers stomach but he just led me back to the pretty lady. 

I heard the soldier grunt when I hit his stomach pretty hard, and I grinned happily. Daddy wouldn't have gotten hurt that easily either! Real soldiers were tougher then these sissys.

"Oh and her juvey record..that's gotta be gone...like forever." The boy was telling some meanie soldiers in the background, but I wasn't paying attention. I was too busy beating this baby up. "Sir.." The soldier holding me began, his voice was all scratchy, probably cause he wanted to cry. Just like Ana did when I bit her back after she bit me. Mommy didn't like that at all...but I thought it was fair. I got hurt too!

The pretty lady looked at me for a minute, before turning to the meanie in front of her.

"And the kid. Yea, she needs to see her Daddy." The girl piped up, and the boy nodded in agreement. "I'm gonna need..what's your name again?" The boy asked, looking at me briefly. "Jaycee Marie Lennox." I stated, pausing my assault on the soldiers as I waved to him. I still needed to be polite to nice people, even with all the meanies around.

"Okay, Jaycee here..she needs to see her parents. Before I tell you anything." He added, and I stuck my tongue out at the meanie soldiers. He told them! And I got to see Daddy! I'd have to draw him a picture later, telling him thanks. I was right Katie's friends were really goods people. Just like Dad was.

"Fine, fine! Simmons, take Miss Lennox to her father." The mustached man ordered, and I was set down in front of Mr. Sims. Katie's friends were already leaving, following the other man but I still got a chance to turn to them and yell. "Thank you! Tell Katie I said hello!" 

"Mans an extortionist." Sims mumbled below his breath, before grabbing my arm and leading me away. He didn't seem like a spirit man to me. Extorcey people made bad spirits go away didn't they? That boy didn't seem anything like that! Guess these soldiers weren't smart neither. But that okay! Daddy will just a better time beating them up, it'll be an easy fight! I just had to find Daddy.

While we walked I noticed Sims didn't know how to be nice to kids, you could tell by how he dragged me along with him. My wrist had a red mark from where he was holding me, and I kept having to run in order not to falls over. I didn't mind though, I kept looking around. Daddy was here! If I could just find him, I'd know him anywhere! I always saw his face on the computer. It couldn't be THAT hard. Especially with all these uglies around.

Just then a red hat caught my eye. It was funny looking and flat, sorta like those painter hats I see on tv. I only knew one person who had that sort of hat! He came home with Daddy a lot, and played with me tons! 

"UNCLE EPPS!" I squealed, a grin spreading across my face as I twisted my hand away from Sims and started running. Mr. Sims screamed after me but I didn't listen, I could find my family on my own! I didn't need his help, especially since he wasn't nice to me. "UNCLE EPPS! IT'S ME!" I yelled, running as fast as I could toward the group. 

"Jaycee?" Epps called, looking around confused for a moment, as I kept running. I had to weave in and out of soldiers, but I knew it was them. "Uncle Epps!" I called one last time, waving my arms around quickly, before I tripped. A lot of soldiers started walking by, and I lost sight of them all. Stupid soldiers! Why couldn't they just get out of the way for once! Not like they were doing anything important!

I craned my neck, trying to see the hat again, but I couldn't see through all the soldiers in front of me. Did they even see me? I thought I was loud enough. I tried getting back up, but once I was on my  hands and knees I couldn't see them anymore at all. I lost them. I felt a tear fall down my face, and I sniffed a bit. I lost Uncle Epps and Daddy again. I sat down after that, rubbing my eyes as I tried to keep myself from crying. It wasn't working though. Tear spilled down my face quickly, and I got all itchy too. I almost found them, all on my owns! B-but all these meanies..made it so hard. I j-just wanted to go home with Daddy!

"Now what's this? The Jaycee I know would never be seen crying." A voice chided, and I felt a hand rest softly on my head. "Where's that smile at huh?" He hummed, and I looked up slowly. "Uncle Epps?" I sniffed, wiping my nose as my eyes landed on the familiar face. His red hat was all crooked, and he looked all scratched up..but it was him. My arms shook really bad, but I managed to wrap my them around him tightly. "Uncle Epps.." I whimpered, squeezing him as I rested my head on his shoulder. He was really real, just like at home.

"It's me Jay. C'mon I bet Daddy wants to see you." He murmured, scooping me up gently before leading me out of the crowd. "Daddy?" I murmured, nuzzling into Epps. It didn't feel real. After everything, I got to see him. They found me, just like they promised.

I heard my Daddy before I even saw him, he was arguing with some people really loudly. I knew that was his 'I'm a higher rank then you so listen voice!' He used that a lot when I played soldier. Daddy went to super school to learn how to do that. 

"Lennox! I got a visitor for you." Epps called loudly, and Daddy stopped talking. I pushed away from Uncle Epps, sitting up so I could look around at everyone. "Jaycee?!" Dad exclaimed, and I locked eyes with him. I wiped my face once more time, before I tried to lean out of Epps arms and into Daddy's. He reached out quickly, and got ready to wrap me in a hug. "I missed you so much! These meanies were so ugly Daddy and they told me all these bad things, but I knew they weren't true. Tell me they aren't true!" I blurted out, as Daddy caught me in his arms and hugged me tightly. I don't think Daddy heard me though, cause all he said was.

"Oh Jaycee, what are you doing here?" He mumbled into my hair, kissing my head gently. He got like that when he first came home. Mommy said it was because he was so happy to hold me again, that his mind went to jello. I think he was in a jello moment right now, so I just went along with it. "The meanie men took me from Cousin Stephines." I mumbled into his ear, relaxing on his shoulder happily. "But I got to see you so it's okay. I met a nice hider man, and flew in a copter. It's been a fun mission, and now I get to tell Mommy I found you first. She's gonna be so jelly!" I smiled happily, pushing away from him so I could look at his face.

"She's gonna be surprised, huh?" He smiled gently, before sitting me down. I instantly grabbed onto his pants, holding on tight as I saw Mr. Sims walk briskly over here. "Now you little bra-" He began, before my Daddy stepped up. "I'd watch what you'd say, Simmons was it?" He stated coldly, placing his hand on my soldier. "I hear her Dad's one tough brute." Epps added, coming to my other side. "Of course he is, but I have better things to do then find this kids Dad, so I need the brat corporation."

"Well good news, you don't have to find him anymore. Looks like the kid did the work for you." Uncle Epps whistled, and Dad smirked at the man. Sims got real quiet after that, and turned away. I guess he didn't wanna admit defeat, so he just walked away. Coward. "That's one of the scary men, Dad." I mumbled gently, and he rubbed my head. "I know, Jay." He murmured, smiling at me softly. I grinned up at him happily, Daddy was gonna make it all better now though I know it!

After that, Daddy introduced me to his whole team. They all looked sorta beat up, but I knew better then to ask them about it. Mom always said they don't need to remembers what they did, or how they got hurt. I don't want to make them remember all the bad things, so I don't ask. I like it when Daddy and his friends are happy, cause they only think about all the good things they do! Like being cool and awesome all the times. 

Daddy was keeping me close though, I could tell. He always had his hand on my back, or kept checking on me. I didn't mind. It'd been forever since I saw him last, so I just kept hold on his pants. Epps was acting nervous too, looking around all the time. They all seemed jumpy. Daddy was only this jumpy after Mommy went to the base a lot for him. It kinda scared me, but I wouldn't show it. Not to him. I just hope I wasn't making him all jumpy. I was scared sometimes, but I think I was tough for a lot of it. He doesn't need to worry about me. Maybe if I showed him I wasn't scared. That'd make him feel better.

Cause you don't show fear to your super, cause then the super can't trust you. I wanted Daddy to trust me lots and lots foreber. Yea! I'll act all tough now so I can be his soldier. A good soldier too. "Daddy. I'm not scared ok? This mission is easy." I admitted, looking up at him but his eyes were trained ahead. Like he was thinking real hard about something, or was watching someone.

Like a meanie he didn't like.

"Boys, come with me." Mr. Sims called, he was leading a pretty blond lady, a man the same color as Epps, and Katie's friends. Daddy's eyes narrowed at the man, and he pulled me closer. I don't think Daddy like him very much...but then agains I didn't either. We all followed though, it was orders..and everyone here knew you had to follow orders. Especially if you were trying to be a good soldier like I was.

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