Living With BTS (BTS FanFic)

By snowytears

117K 3.3K 932

"What?! You gotta be kidding me uncle. I wont live with them!" ♥Living with 7 boys, how does it feels like? ♥ More

★ Chapter 1 ★
★ Chapter 2 ★
★ Chapter 3 ★
★ Chapter 4 ★
★ Chapter 5 ★
★ Chapter 6 ★
★ Chapter 7 ★
★ Chapter 8 ★
★ Chapter 9 ★
★ Chapter 10 ★
★ Chapter 11 ★
★ Chapter 12 ★
★ Chapter 13 ★
★ Chapter 14 ★
★ Chapter 15 ★
★ Chapter 16 ★
★ Chapter 17 ★
★ Chapter 18 ★
★ Chapter 19 ★
★ Chapter 20 ★
★ Chapter 21 ★
★ Chapter 22 ★
★ Chapter 23 ★
★ Chapter 24 ★
★ Chapter 25 ★
★ Chapter 27 ★
★ Chapter 28 ★
★ Chapter 29 ★
★ Chapter 30 ★
★ Chapter 31 ★
★Living With BTS ( Ending ) ★

★ Chapter 26 ★

2.2K 76 0
By snowytears

I went to school alone as Jungkook needs to go for a fansign with the rest of BTS. I reached school with the help of my driver.

When i entered the gate and walked through the alley, something seemed off. Like, something was stranged. It just weird.

I bumped into a girl and she quickly bowed and asked for forgiveness though it wasnt her fault. She looked so scared and avoided making eye contacts with me. She was about to walk away when i stopped her.


She stopped and faced me with her head down.
"Wh--why?" She asked with stammered.

"Its not your fault. It was mine. Im sorry." I said and gave her a smile.

She shook her head as a no and quickly ran away.
"That was weird." I mumbled to myself.

Ignored that. I walked into the class and noticed that Hyesoo's seat was empty.
"She still hasnt reach? Its late already." I mumbled to myself and walked to my seat.

One by one students started to make their way in but Hyesoo still didnt show up. I became nervous. Lesson was going to start soon. Where was she?

I tried to call her but she didnt pick it up. That freaked me. She never skipped school. Something was off.

Soon, lessons began. When recess came, i ran all the way to the rooftop with the hope that she was there but she wasnt. I searched for her everywhere in the school but she wasnt there.

Then i realized.
"Junhoe is also absent."

I was so afraid. I then ditched school to find Hyesoo. I called her phone for the hundred times yet she still didnt pick it up.
"Hyesoo, dont freak me out."

I then called Jungkook.



"Why? You're not in school?"

"Hyesoo is missing!!! I ditched school to find her." I said with sobs.

"Hyena, relax. Maybe she is busy."

"No. She didnt pick up my calls. I went to her house but her parents say she went to school. I went to her boutique but she wasnt there."

"Where has she gone?"

"I dont know.! Jungkook, what should i do? Where should i find her? I have no idea." I said frustratedly.

But then Hoseok took Jungkook's phone.
"Hyena? Are you okay?" He asked.

I couldnt held in anymore. I bursted into tears.
"Hoseok,..... Hyesoo is missing." I said with tears.


"Im sorry. I planned for a meet up between the three of us today but everything has ruined. This is all my fault."

"Where are you?"

"Five blocks away from Hyesoo's boutique, near a park."

"Wait me there."

"But, the fansign?"

"I dont even care anymore. Wait me there."


He then handed back the phone to Jungkook.

"Hyena, we all have turned back and wait for us there. Dont fucking go anywhere."


"Gotta hang up now"



"I guess this has something to do with Junhoe."

"What?! That bastard. I knew it!"

"Please come here fast."

"Sure. We will reach there in two hours."

"I'll wait for you. Be careful."

"You too. Hyena, i love you."

"I love you too Jungkook."

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