
By katefoxtrotte

75 9 0

Drew Nip is a seventeen year old boy who is in search for Kaye Cann- a seventeen year old girl with telekinet... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8

Chapter 7

5 1 0
By katefoxtrotte


          I step on the patio of Alice’s house once again, two days after the misunderstanding Elle and I had. I come here to clear things up through Alice.

            The idea of looking for Kaye with Elle and Rena alone is impossible, practically speaking. However, I know we can do it with the help of mom and Alice— without the help of Marie right now. She can plan her own mission with looking for Kaye if she wants to. I just have to be sure to find her first before she does or she might do something to Kaye and make the situation worse.

            I ring the doorbell, hoping it would be Alice who’ll greet me. As the door opens, I face Kaye’s mom and I sigh a breath of relief.

            She welcomes me as how she always does and we sit at the sunken living room. Snacks are already prepared on the center table, as usual.

            The way Alice accepts me like her own son inspires me to look for Kaye more and the desire to have her back grows every single second of every day. I just hope we can really do this.

            But the possibility of failing to see Kaye haunts me. What if she’s kidnapped? Or hurt? Or dead? What if she decides to never come back?

            I swat the negative thoughts away and face Alice who reminds me so much of Kaye. Her resemblance with Alice’s brunette hair, blue eyes, and petite stature brings me back to the days when she was still my best friend and later on my girlfriend.

            “Elle is actually in her room. She doesn’t want to join us for now. And she told me about your plan. I recalled her mentioning about a CIA paper, if I’m not mistaken,” Alice says.

            “Yes. Well, this CIA thing is as absurd as it can be since it’s actually classified. I mean, most of what they do is classified. Even mom doesn’t tell me about it when she was still working for them before. And Rena had access to this which is what made Elle mad, I guess.”

            Alice nods and I can hear the mad tone as she speaks, “That’s one. But you actually planned on doing this with Rena and Elle only? I would say no to this, Drew.”

            “I’m sorry. I thought of it and I know it won’t work.”

            She lets out a big “yes” and I am frightened for the first time. I should not put her in the same mood with Elle or else nothing will work out.

            I wish to grab a piece of the snacks from the table but that is not part of the top priorities right now.

            “Just like how you feel, I also want to have Kaye back at this moment. And I am doing my best to find her. But I can’t do this alone, nor with Rena and Elle. That’s why I come here to ask you to help us find her along with mom. I removed Marie out of the list and I know that is a way to disrespect her but I have no choice since she’s treating us like puppets.”

            I said it all without a pause and Alice looks at me sternly. I hope she’s thinking about what I said.

            “I already talked to mom. Well, I always talk to her about this every day and I think her ears are tired of listening to me but she still listens. Anyway, I beg this favor and I’ll pay for this all in the future,” I add.

            She’s still starring at me and I think I said something wrong. Or maybe I spoke too much.

            But I say, “If you would please?” I can’t believe how much pity I ask from Alice with all sincerity.

            She sighs and smiles to me that make me feel relieved. “Of course. No mother would love to do nothing when their child is missing. I am just so mesmerized with how much you love my daughter that you can do this. I am proud with you and I know she is too.”

            I try not to tear up in front of her. “I miss her.”

            “Me too, Drew.” Alice pats me on my shoulder.

            “Me too, and I’m coming with you mom since you say it’s a go,” Elle says while she’s standing by the last step of the stairs.

            I stand up as I see her and automatically ask for forgiveness. She accepts it and forgives me. Thank God for I can’t stand to have a fight with one of Kaye’s family.

            Elle joins us in the living room and grabs a snack. Finally, I do the same.

            They start asking me about my plan. I aim to ask for Alice’s but I guess she wants to hear me first which is good. I try not to sound so bossy. Both of them nod to almost every single thought I express.

            Now I have to ask Rena again to finalize the team. I know she is willing to help. But I have to assure the fact that she always go against her mom and help me.

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