Anything But Cliche

By ilysmxiu

6.3K 368 329

**Discontuined, please read last update** **also half of this isn't edited and I wrote this three years ago s... More



211 14 4
By ilysmxiu

"This is stupid Autumn, you know I'll just come after you. There's no point in running to the bathroom." I stomp my way to the bathroom pushing Damon's protests away and deciding for myself. I'm tired of people trying to control me and setting out my life. I'm angry at all the tears I shed for my non-dead parents and my old life.

He just doesn't understand.

"Give me space." He starts to mutter something but I raise my hand to stop him, cutting off the sentence. I hear him sigh and take that as my cue to slam the bathroom door and lock it. No one isn't getting in or out. Suddenly, my anger vanishes when I think of his pleading face as if he cared for me. I have an idea that will most likely fail but, this is going to be fun. I arm myself with soap bars just in case someone decides to come in. 'Cause you know soap is life. I also grab the towel rack and push it in front of me, then throw two towels over it as my little fortress.

I hear Damon's footsteps walk towards the door, then the doorknob jiggle. Hehe, jiggle.

"Really Autumn. Open the door." I pop my head up and face the door. Oh, Damon if only you knew. I grab the shower head and place it in my cart, then run over to unlock the door. I rush back and duck under the cart and turn the water on.

"Thank-" He doesn't finish his sentence because I take the shower head and spray him with water, all over him. Cold water. I burst out laughing and run around him, out of the bathroom while he stands there stunned by the water. It only gives me about a 4-second head start. He starts to chase after me and I run into the kitchen and grab the wooden spoon to throw as a projectile if he comes close.

"Autumn I swear to God when I get you." He doesn't finish his sentence on purpose trying to scare me. Oh well, it takes more than a threat to scare me. He walks into the kitchen and I throw the spoon at him, hitting him right in the chest. It bounces off like his chest is made of steel and he looks up at me like I'm stupid. He has a smirk on his face as he starts to walk to me.

I run to the fridge and grab the nearest thing. Cool whip. Well, it's going to have to do. He comes up to me and places his arms on either side of me, not seeing the cool whip behind my back and trapping me in. He smirks, thinking he won the game but oh he's in for a surprise.

"Looks like I won. Guess that means I get a prize right?" He leans down and I smirk at him, making him look down at my hands. I have cool whip all over them. And now it's going to be all over his face. I rubbed it all over his lips and nose, kinda making him look like he just did a shit ton of crack. I burst out laughing and try to say something but get cut off by his lips. He smashed them over mine and our lips move together as one. I take his bottom lip between my teeth and tug on it, making him smile against my lips.

I quickly pull back and take a bit off cool whip off his face and lick it off my finger. Since his arms are beside me trapping me in, I go underneath his arm and head to the room we have to share. I'm not complaining anymore since I have a hot guy sleeping by me. Who would, though?

"And where do you think you're going? I still haven't gotten my prize." He follows behind me as I walk into our room and head towards the walk-in-closet. It is huge. I wonder what else of his is huge.

My eyes widen at what I just thought. Well, looks like we all have that dirty side right? Yea......

"I'm going to change then go to bed. I need sleep because I'm fat and lazy." Hmm. What should I wear? An idea pops into my mind and I turn to Damon's suitcase and unzip it. He has his t-shirts on one side and dress clothes on the other on. I take off my clothes and put one of his big t-shirts on. It goes down to my mid thigh and my bra strap shows from where his big shoulders are supposed to go.

This whole trip is going to be hard. With Damon trying to get me to see my parents and me trying to avoid them. I don't even remember what they're supposed to be like because all this time I thought they were dead. At least Damon is trying to help me.


Honestly, I don't know what we are. Since I've dated him in past life and technically we haven't got back together means he's just my ex. But I feel like he's more. More than just a friend, like I have a strong emotion connection with him.

"What are you thinking about?" He walks up behind me, making me jump because he scared the shit out of me.

"God Damon don't sneak up on me like that. You nearly gave me a heart attack." I place a hand over my thumping heart and turn around to face him.

"You were so lost in thought, not my fault." He raises his hands up in surrender and I push past him making my way to the comfortable looking bed. Oh God, it looks like heaven. I throw myself down on it and spread my arms and legs.

"Sorry, but I don't think I'm moving anytime soon." Damon sighs and plops down on top of me. I groan and try to push him off but he doesn't budge.

"Really dude, get off." He doesn't reply and all I get is his snoring. God, I didn't know he was this tired. Having him so close lets me get a look at his features. He has deep dark bags under his eyes probably is why he's so tired. He's been working so much, I feel bad. Like I'm not doing my part as his PA.


The doorbell rings in the living room, waking Damon up.

"Need me to get it?" I ask but he shakes his head.

"No I got it, can you get me a glass of water while you're at it? Thanks." He crawls off of me and walks to the living room whilst I walk the other way to get him a glass of water. I grab a black glass cup and feel it with water. Faint sounds of voices carry through the house to me. It sounds like two other people arguing with Damon.

"Hey Autumn, can you come here," Damon yells from the other room. It must be important then if he has to call me over.

"Coming!" I yell back and grab his glass, walking into the living room.

The glass drops from my hands and shatters into millions of pieces.

They're standing in the doorway staring at me.



So yea. Don't kill me since I haven't uploaded in forever. I'm having family problems right now and it's been hard. But ill try to update as fast as I can. And I know this chapter is poppy but ACTION IS COMING SOON

If you haven't seen my wall, I'm doing a count down to Halloween when I'm realising 39 Days!

Count down will begin Oct 1st. So follow my Instagram at wattpadcliche where I will be posting the days and sneak pecks.

Love y'all. Until next time!


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