The Flat

By etstyles

218K 4.8K 1.7K

A push-pull against all boundaries, more importantly, physical and emotional. More



11.4K 181 50
By etstyles

All through the night, I slept safely nestled in Harry's arms like a baby. I could definitely get used to this. As I slowly woke up with a familiar heat in my core, I realised that Harry's hand was snaked in between my legs. His fingers were delicately dancing against my centre. I shifted and felt his hard length pressing into my back.

He was, apparently, in a mood. As he felt me wake up, his fingers got more deliberate and began to flick over my clit. He nuzzled his face into my neck. I brought my hands up to run through his hair.

"Good Morning," he whispered. I could hear the smile in his voice as he pushed my arse back against his turgid shaft and pressed a finger into my wet warmth.

"Harry," I moaned, "what happened to giving me a break?"

"With you naked next to me?" he whispered as he began to move his fingers in and out of me. "Did you honestly expect me to be able to behave myself?" I let my head roll back and raked my fingers over his scalp. I arched my back and spread my legs. I wanted him. He quickly pressed his hips against mine and guided himself into me.

"You always feel so bloody good," he moaned into my ear as he pushed himself into me. I gasped and then began to grind against him. He slowly thrust back.

His hands ran over my body feeling every inch available to him. I reached back and felt his butt flex as he went in and out of me. His hands massaged my breasts while I reached between my legs and massaged my clit. I began to rock my hips back against him to make him go faster, but he just went slow. He kissed my neck as he played with my nipples and growled against my throat before he pulled my face to his and kissed me. He playfully bit my lip and traced his tongue along the inside of my mouth. Finally, he grabbed my hips and began to go faster.

"Oh fuck yes," I moaned and played with my clit. As he went faster, spreading my legs wider, I let my body relax against his. His breath got heavy in my ear. The sound of our hips slapping together was driving me wild. I reached back to stop his hips and wriggle out of his grasp.

Pushing him down on the bed, I got on top of him and carefully took him all the way inside of me, wincing as he filled me up. He hands massaged my thighs as I adjusted to him. Once I got used to him again, I began to grind my hips and rested my hands on his chest. I kept him inside me and just worked my clit against him. He tried to make me bounce on his length, but I insisted on grinding.

"Vivian..." he teased, tightening his grip on my hips. I looked down at him and pled.

"You feel so amazing," I moaned, "Please?"

Laying back, he bit his lip and watched as I worked my clit with his length buried inside me. "You want to use my cock, baby?"

"Yes," I pleaded.

"Its all yours. You should know that by now," he whispered and kissed me.

Thereafter, he sucked my nipples into his mouth while I rode him. I was so wet I could feel it pooling between us. His frustration was building. I leaned forward and continued to grind with him inside me. Shuddering, I clutched his shoulders for strength, losing myself with each caress from his shaft.

"I'm going to come," I whispered.

"Come for me baby. Come all over my cock," he whispered. He held my face to his as I began to writhe on top of him. He moved his hips, letting me get more contact.

As I began to clench around him, he moaned under me and his hips began to thrust against mine. He bit his lip in frustration. It was clear this felt amazing, but he wasn't going to come from it. I sat up, taking him as deep as I could.

"Good girl," he whispered. His mouth hung open as his hips bucked under me while he watched me climax. I felt so sexy and satisfied on top of him. I began to run my hands over my body; through my hair, over my breasts and across my stomach. His eyes drank me in.

"Fuck me," I moaned in the throws of my orgasm. He turned me over and did just that. His face met mine. Sweat beaded on his forehead as we slowly rocked together. We both wanted to go faster, but this slow grind just felt so good.

He interlocked his fingers with mine as he held my hands on either side of my face. His gaze held mine. We kissed and kissed; our tongues getting beyond acquainted. I spread my legs wide and latched them around the small of his back. He moaned into my mouth, he was getting close and so was I. Then he slowed down, letting me enjoy every inch of him. I cried out in pleasure. He growled. I felt my toes curl.

"Oh my...Harry," I moaned as I felt my orgasm building past anything I had every felt before. Each spasm shaking my body as I clenched around him.

"Fuck," he groaned in return. The look in his eyes told me that he was also in ecstasy. My hips to meet his every thrust and I whimpered. Even though I had just climaxed, I was ready for another. Finally, he began to go faster. Our breath quickened together.

"Oh my God," I breathed as our bodies melded. We both longed for release. He kissed me and rested his forehead against mine. I looked up unto his eyes and we both fell apart. I felt a rush of warmth as Harry came inside me. My walls began to clench around his dick the moment he did. I was sure we both moaned loud enough for the neighbours to hear.

For a while we both just lay there. I had never experienced anything like that before. Harry rolled off me and I curled into his chest, not wanting his body to leave mine just yet. I kissed his shoulders and neck while pleasure radiated off of our bodies.

"You," he whispered, "you..." he trailed off. He kissed me gently. We quickly got caught up with each other and ended up intertwined again. Suddenly, Harry's phone began to blare. "Shit. I have to go to work," he whispered as he rolled over and silenced his phone. He began to kiss me again, pressing his body against mine.

"Harry," I whispered between kisses, "I don't want you to be late."

"I don't care," he groaned and continued kissing me.

"You have to go," I giggled, pushing him off of me.

"Do I?" He smiled as he, reluctantly, rolled out of my bed. Then I watched him begin to pick up his clothes up off the floor before he came back to the bed and kissed me. "You sexy little thing," he growled, grinning at me. He kissed me again and smacked my bum, working his way back into my bed.

"Harry," I warned, "you're going to be late." He playfully grabbed my bum as he kissed me one more time before getting out of my bed and leaving my room.

Giddy as a dog in a park, I rolled into my covers and simply laid there for a moment, letting my satisfaction wash over me. I heard the front door to the flat close as Harry left. Just as I was about to drift off into the most perfect sleep, I heard the message tone on my phone go off. I grinned as I checked the glowing screen, expecting a message from Harry.

But it wasn't. The message was from Natasha. It was two words. Two words that made my heart drop into my stomach.

Lying bitch.

What? How? How did she know? Did Harry tell her? Did she figure it out? Who else has she told? What exactly does she know? Those questions and more raced through my head as Harry and I spent our Friday night together.

We made dinner, went to the latest summer blockbuster, relaxed up at Harry's favourite dive bar and ended the evening scarfing down pizza rolls.

Even though Harry spent most of the night insisting that it was not a date, it was one of the better dates I had ever been on. We talked for hours. There was never a lull. We shamelessly flirted with each other, but with the comfort that we were going home together at the end of the night.

But, the entire time, I watched him. Had he betrayed my trust, or did Natasha just figure it out? Either way I was waiting to tell him about the text. I needed more information before I let him know that our little secret had leaked.

"Vivian, baby, what's up?" Harry asked as he waved his hand in front of my face. I had spaced out again.

"Nothing," I mumbled and continued to stuff my face with pizza rolls. He started to try and hail a taxi. "Wait," I said as I pulled his hand down, "let's walk back home. It'll be fun."

"Okay." He smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist, resting his hand in my back pocket. I did the same to him.

When we reached the tourist mosh pit of Croydon, we had stop at the pedestrian crossing and wait for traffic. When we did, he pulled me in for a passionate kiss, not caring about our blatant PDA. It was like he wanted to tell everyone that I was his. I let myself get lost in the kiss until I felt the crowd move around us. I broke the kiss and pull him across the road before we lost the light. That was how we made our way around the city. He would grab my face or my hips or my waist and kiss my lips, my neck or my collar as we made our way back home.

When we reached a quiet street, he pushed me up against a brick wall and really went at it. Before I let the affection go to my head, I pushed him off of me.

"How are things with Natasha going?" I asked.

"What? Really?" He backed away from me. I nodded. "I don't ask you about Aaron," he snapped, "Don't ask me about her."

"Ok," I answered.

"I'm just being honest," he defended.

"She's my best friend."

"Yeah...about that," he started. I felt my stomach flip. This was it, "She understands that I see other girls. She knows. Hell, when the mood strikes her, she participates,"

"So?" I probed.

"Stop worrying,"


"Truly," he whispered as he grabbed my face, pulling me against him, "she sees other people too. I'm sure of it,"

"Have you seen other people recently?" I asked, pushing away from him.

"Besides you?" he asked, frustrated.




"Why would I lie to you?" He was searching my eyes.

"Okay." I breathed and let myself relax. Natasha had obviously figured it out on her own. Now it was up to me to figure out how.


"A double date?" I repeated in disbelief.

"Yeah. I have a few extra tickets, we should invite Harry and Natasha along," Aaron smiled as he perused the books on my bookcase. I spread myself out on my bed, hoping to distract him. It didn't work.

"I don't know..." I trailed off.

"Yeah," he continued after glancing at me for a moment, "Phoebs got passes to the soft-opening of a club in town. I know its not our usual scene, but I think it could be fun." He smiled. I grinned back.

"Okay," I responded.

"C'mon, Vivian," he chuckled. I began posing on my bed for him, still trying to distract him. He gave me a long look before he continued. "It'll be fun. Worst case scenario we have a few drinks, endure some loud music and go home," Aaron said as he made his way to the edge of my bed. He began to caress my foot. I smiled.

"Alright," I mumbled as my eyes rolled back into my head. He slowly worked his way up my leg.

"That doesn't sound very convincing," he teased as his hands moved higher.

"Okay Aaron," I groaned, "Let's go." He began to tickle me, I swatted him away. He ended up pinning me to my bed. After, playfully, struggling, I planted a kiss on him. He pulled me in for another and we began to make out.

Before we got too hot and heavy, Aaron's phone went off. He pushed himself off of me and checked it. Confused, I sat up and waited. He quickly pulled himself to the other side of my room to check his phone.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing," he mumbled as he texted, "Work stuff."

"Is it important?" I challenged. Obviously, feeling put off from him darting across the room.

"No," he mumbled, "I mean, yes. It's important, but nothing crazy,"

A crash in the kitchen stopped me from questioning him further. Suddenly loud music started playing.

"That must be Harry," I said as Aaron buried himself in his phone. I opened my door and yelled towards Harry in kitchen. Some part of me wanted to question Aaron further, but I assured myself that it was nothing.

"Harry!" I yelled, "What are you doing?"

"Making jambalaya!" he responded, "and listening to the Foo Fighters! How do you use a crockpot?!"

"Are you serious!" I asked. I glanced back at Aaron, he was still on his phone. I made my way to the kitchen. "What exactly are you trying to make?" I asked.

Harry showed me the recipe he printed online. As I checked the pantry for seasonings, Aaron entered the kitchen. I gave Aaron an annoyed look over my shoulder. He smiled at Harry.

"Hey!" Aaron said, as he waved at Harry, "I got VIP tickets to a club in town. Wanna come?"

"Sure!" Harry chirped as he added too much paprika to the crockpot.

"Harry, no!" I yelped as I snatched it from him. He looked hurt. "I mean 'yes' to the club, but 'no' to the paprika. Did you even read this recipe?" I responded, flustered by the two of them being in the same room together. I, quickly, busied myself with the jambalaya as the guys talked about the club.

Red faced, I found myself measuring and mixing things until I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Aaron. He pulled me from the kitchen to the hallway. Before I could ask him what was going on, he pinned me up against the wall and kissed me passionately. As he made his way down my neck I giggled.

"What?" he asked.

"That tickles," I whispered. He continued, but before he got to my chest, he stopped."What?" I asked.

"I have to go, but I couldn't leave before I did that," he grinned. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yes," I breathed.

"I can't wait."


After having full day of work, I managed to make it back home to grab a dress and heels before heading to Aaron's.

I shooed him out of his bedroom while I got read, letting his pug, Matty, follow me. He sat patiently at my feet while I did my make up. When I was done I checked myself out in the mirror. I looked great. I looked sexy. I had on a tight little black dress with sheer sections and cut outs. All of which were strategically placed to make me look extra curvy. I also had on sky high black heels.

I let my hair out of my ponytail and began tousle it. Then I heard a knock on the bathroom door. It was Aaron. I gave my hair a good shake and opened the door. Matty scurried away while Aaron stood there, mesmerised.

"Hey you," I whispered. I smiled, innocently, back at him. His eyes drank me in. In response, he grabbed my face and kissed me. I moaned into his mouth and he grabbed my bum.

"How long has it been since you've been to a club?" he asked as I pushed my bum into his hands.

"So long," I mumbled. His hands were caressing me. He, quickly, began to kiss my neck. "What?" I giggled. He was much more affectionate than usual.

"I've never seen you like this, it's....different," he whispered.

"How so?" I asked playfully. He kissed me deeply and his hands drifted over my body. After a moment, he broke the kiss.

"You look like trouble, Vivian," he moaned into my ear.

"Maybe I am," I moaned back. He dug his hands into my hair and pressed my mouth against his. We spent the next few minutes working each other up until the car arrived.

I saw Harry and Natasha waiting in line. I hadn't seen her since the text. My heart dropped into my stomach. Her eyes were fixed on Aaron, ignoring me. As usual, she looked amazing. It looked like she had been dipped in liquid silver, her breasts looked perfect, her nipples delicately pressed through the skin tight fabric. I'm sure her butt left just as little to the imagination. Every guy in line glanced at her in lust. I waved to Harry, I was too scared of facing Natasha.

Aaron motioned to the guy working the door and he pulled them out of line. I watched as every one in line checked out Natasha as she strutted by. Her hair was impeccable, her body was perfectly displayed in that dress. But, even though Harry was holding her hand, I could feel his eyes all over me. I blushed and I felt myself strutting, a bit, for his benefit. The look in his eyes told me that he definitely noticed.

As we were pulled across the velvet rope, we were greeted by our own personal bartender and a booth at the top of the club. I quickly kissed Aaron, partially in thanks and in an effort to keep his eyes on me. There was a plethora of beautiful people dancing and drinking. I felt oddly possessive of him.

We saw Phoebe, she was in a sparkly mini skirt and a matching crop top. She was networking the VIP section. Liam from brunch, was perched at her side. Aaron quickly excused himself to thank her for the invite and to buy her a drink. After running an art opening, I understood all too well. We were there to support her. I kissed him on the cheek and sauntered over to the private bar. As I ordered our usual drinks, I heard Harry's voice in my ear.

"I wouldn't let you out of the house like that," he whispered, I gasped in surprise. He sidled up next to me and rested his hand on my thigh. "Well," he reconsidered, "not unless you'd been thoroughly fucked first," he groaned into my ear. His lips drifted over my neck. "Has he fucked you already?"

"Harry, what are you doing?" I pushed him off of me, "Aaron's here!"

"So?" He laughed.

"And Tasha looks amazing," I offered.

"Not as amazing as you," he smiled as his hand grabbed my bum. I carefully pulled myself away and perched on a barstool.

"Harry, that's a lie. I mean...I'd fuck her in that dress," I laughed.

"Would you?" he smiled, "Do you have bisexual tendencies that I don't know about? Because I'll gladly exploit those."

"Harry, I'm serious, she looks gorgeous," I asserted.

"I can't take my eyes off of you," he grinned, "Don't try to distract me. I know what I want." He began to kiss my shoulders and up my neck. I let him. The bartender, uncomfortably delivered our drinks. I playfully pushed Harry away and began to sip my cocktail. Harry grabbed my hand and made me put my drink down, pulling me onto the dance floor.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Dancing with you," he responded, "I'll buy you another drink if you want," he said, "just dance with me." He pulled me onto the middle of the floor. It was full of grinding bodies.

I was slightly uncomfortable by the wanton display of sexuality. But, as Harry began to kiss my neck and grind his crotch into my butt, I began to relax. He quickly snaked his hand under my dress.

"Harry," I gasped but he ignored me and kept going, slowly rubbing me through my thong in time with the music. Suddenly, I spotted Aaron in the crowd, he was looking for me.

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