Live On

By Ne0nAbyss

10K 162 32

Leah never would have guessed that escorting her little sister to a One Direction concert would end with her... More



380 7 0
By Ne0nAbyss

I opened my eyes with a slight yawn and looked up at Harry who, to my surprise, was looking at me fondly. He jumped as I sat up and placed my lips to his softly which he returned a few seconds later after registering what happened. I looked around and noticed we were still in the living room after our movie night with the boys, who were sprawled around the living room floor fast asleep as the moonlight shone through the windows. I rubbed my eyes and yawned as I sat up fully from my position on Harry’s lap.

“What time is it Harry?” I whispered in a shush tone as not to disturb the others.

“Last I looked it was coming up on two in the morning.” He replied in the same hushed tone only with a chuckle.

Harry looked tired as my eyes adjusted to the darkness around us, “have you even slept yet?” I asked.

He shook his head before answering me, “no, I wanted to make sure you were safe before I dared fall asleep.” I rubbed his cheek and smiled softly at him.

“Well I am, and that means it's time for you to get some rest.” He nodded to show he agreed with me.

We looked around us before carefully standing up off the couch and crept into the hall. We stopped when we heard Niall’s voice, thinking we had woke them up, but decided he was just talking in his sleep as we continued to Harry's room. We plopped down on his bed and Harry immediately wrapped his arms around me protectively. I thought back to when he had snuck into my room and I realized that Harry needed me as much as I currently needed him. He was suffering on the inside and was hiding it from everyone that was close to him. I wanted to help Harry and comfort him when he needed me to, but he hides this part of himself so deep inside his heart until it eats him away. I knew I had to protect him and I knew that I shouldn't because of everything he has done to me but I think I am falling for Harry Styles.

I looked up towards Harry and saw him staring off into the darkness, “Harry,” I stated.

“Yes, love?” He responded immediately meaning he wasn't trying to sleep.

“Lets run away. We have a lot on our shoulders right now and I don't want to drag the others down with us.” Harry sat up on his elbow and looked down at me as I laid under him.

“I've been pondering just taking you and leaving far away from here, If you're serious about this then we need to do it tonight.” I nodded although surprised. I had thought that Harry would shut the idea down and insult me for even suggesting it, I had never thought that he would be getting out of bed to run away with me. I looked at the clocked and noticed it was fifteen minutes until three in the morning.

“We will need to hurry, Liam gets up at five-thirty every morning.” Harry nodded.

Harry pulled two large suitcases from his closet and flipped on his desk lamp. He started cleaning out his dresser as quietly as he could and packed his clothing, accessories, and an extra pair of sneakers into his suitcases. I didn't have anything to pack so I pulled the bedding from his bed and folded it up neatly before looking at Harry. He was taking a group picture of him with the boys and wrapping it in one of the scarves before placing it inside his suitcase. Our room was on the ground floor so we carefully sat everything out the window since leaving through the front door would wake the boys up. Harry pulled a backpack from inside his closet and packed it with all of his toiletries as well as some towels, rags, and toilet paper. He zipped up that backpack and handed me his laptop and phone while he shoved any small items into his pockets.

I watched Harry carefully remove a box from under his bed and opened it. It contained money that was still in its bands from the bank.

“I've been secretly withdrawing money from my account for a few years now. They assumed it was for partying but I put it away so if I ever got tired of the fame I could disappear and still be set. There's got to be a few mil in here which should set us up for a long time.” He said before sealing the box shut and looking up at me.

“Harry we need to leave.” He nodded and held the box as we climbed from the window.

It took a couple trips to fully load up the silver mustang that rested in the garage. I had placed the money in the backseat with the bedding suitcase and the backpack on top of it so it wouldn't come open accidentally. I looked down at Harry’s phone before shutting it off and throwing it in the glove compartment.

“Alright, are you ready for this Leah? We are gonna end up sleeping in this car a few times you know that right? I want to go pretty far away.” I nodded and smiled at him.

“I am fine with anything we do from here on out.” He smiled back at me before pulling out of the garage and driving away from the house.

“Where's my phone Leah?” Harry asked glancing towards me.

“It's in the glove compartment, I turned it off so they wouldn't be able to find us.” Harry nodded as he drove faster.

“It's better if they don't know where we are. They can't be bothered by our actions now and can easily feign ignorance.” I nodded and relaxed in the seat as I looked out the window. Time for a new chapter of my life to begin.

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