Secrets Don't Make Friends

By bluegem101

543 13 1


Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 2

43 2 0
By bluegem101

Chapter 2 -- First Day--

I walked into the office and stood at the front desk. The receptionist was on the phone with another lady. She looked up and held a finger, telling me to wait.

"... But that boy, Alec, he seems to run this whole school... It’s like he's corrupted the principles mind... Well yes, he's very charming and he's handsome too... Yes exactly... That's what I keep trying to tell him but he doesn't listen to me... I can't quit... Well because Dorothy, this is probably the only decent paying job I'll be able to find... It is- it's very hard to find a job in such short notice... Hold on Dorothy, I think this is the new student I was to be expecting... I'll ask." she took the phone a short distance away from her ear and put her hand to the mouth piece of the phone, "Is you're name Emma?" she asked me.

"Yes ma'am," I said with a smile. Well who would have thought Dorothy knew this lady.

"Yeah, her name's Emma... Okay I'll tell her," the lady turned her focus back to me, "Dorothy says hi."

"Tell her hi for me and that I really enjoyed her cookies."

"She says hi and that she likes her cookies... Okay good bye, sweetie, I'll call you later. Tell Luke hi for me... Okay bye-bye." and she hung up the phone. "Sorry, old friend. So you're the new student, Emma yes?"

"Yes ma'am, Emma Jones."

"Okay, it looks like you're all set, your mother came in earlier this week and set you all up." she smiled at me.

"Glad to hear it." I said. Maybe I could get some information from her.

"I'll just print you a copy really fast and then you can go." she said and busied herself with the computer.

"So his Alec guy..." I started.

"Oh don't listen to me, just an old gossiper," she said, waving her hand dismissively.

"No, I'm really curious. And it could help me in choosing the people I make my friends." I said playing innocent.

"When you put it that way... I guess it couldn't hurt... Well from what I've seen, he gets all of his friends out of suspension or expulsion even when they deserve it. He's a cutie alright, very handsome, but he scares everyone, even the teachers. There's something fishy about that boy, it's almost like he's god and controls everyone's move. No one in his little group does anything without his okay accept his best friend and his younger sister."

"His younger sister or his friend’s younger sister?" I wasn't aware he had a younger sister.

"His, her name's Lily, she's a year younger than him, and she’s a junior this year. They're practically inseparable every sense their dad died. That was a horrible accident, he was such a good man, and everyone loved him. I feel sorry for the boy, having to live in that kind of shadow. Must be dreadful. But it's no reason to act the way he does, if you ask me." she said, and finished just as the late bell rang for class. "Oh dear, I've talked to my heart’s content. I'll write you a late pass and give you roughly 15 minutes just so you can walk around, get to your locker, and become familiar with the school." she said, giving me a kind smile.

"Thank you so much. I appreciate it." I said. I could get used to this lady. Maybe I should become closer to Dorothy as well; they were very gossipy and seemed to know quite a lot for old ladies. 

I took the pass and began to walk around the school I already knew where everything was; I had a whole plane trip to memorize everything. The school was a two story building, it was kind of old, but had been freshly updated, there were new computers and a new gym, the seniors also had new lockers. I didn't really have any books so I didn't need to go to my locker, instead I walked around the school, and it wouldn't hurt to get a feel of everything. It was a lot bigger than it seemed.

I heard someone behind me, I knew it was Alec, but he would have to be the first to speak up. And he did, "It's Emma, right?"

"Yes." I replied turning around, "I'm sorry but I don't remember your name," I smiled sweetly.

I don't think he bought it though, "Right... It's Alec."

"Oh, yeah, that's right, Reece said you're name. I remember now."

"I'm sure you do," he said, again with a forced smile, "Listen, I think we got off on the wrong foot. I just wanted to say sorry, I didn't mean to... Snap at you," he smiled at his own inside joke.

"No problem. I'm sure it's natural for people to get upset when someone else is in their territory." I smiled. Alec's face seemed alarmed but then he quickly got it under control. That's right, I thought silently while giving him a sly grin, I know what you are. I turned and walked away. I was half way down the hall when I heard him mutter "Good luck, Emma Jones." looks like the boy had done some research of his own, but he wasn't as good as me.

I walked into my first hour class to find it in total disarray. The poor teacher was trying to get the students under control but they were all over the place. I handed him my slip and gave him a warm smile, "Hi, sir, my name's Emma Jones, I just moved here with my mother. Sorry I'm late."

The poor teacher gave me a grateful smile, "Thank you Emma. I'm sure it'll be a joy to have you in the class. Take a seat anywhere."

I took a look around the room and saw Reece with some other people. Reece looked at me and waved, he then gestured for me to take a seat over by him. Try harder, I thought, as I gave him a flirty smile and walked over to the other side of the room.

"Well would you look at that, Emma Jones is in my first hour class." Reece said as he walked over.

"Aren't you just the luckiest person on earth?" I said with a smile.

He laughed, "Indeed I am. Although I gotta hand it to you, the way you talked to Alec was astounding; usually the girls are swooning over his hotness."

"What can I say?" I shrugged.

"You stood up to Alec?! How are you still alive?" a girl right next to me asked, "I mean, I've always wanted to; he may be a Greek god but he is a total jerk!"

"It's one of life's wonders."

Reece slapped my desk and stood up, "I'll leave you alone. It was great seeing you but I've got places to be people to see." he left with a final wink to the girl that just spoke who blushed and giggled.

When Reece was over with his friends the girl spoke again in a hushed voice, "I also think that Reece is pretty hot too."

I smiled, well aware that Reece had heard. "Really? I think he's kind of a pig, but shh, don't tell anyone." I saw Reece look up in total shock and I winked at him with a grin, and like a child Reece stuck his tongue out at me. "he almost looks like a wart hog too." Reece flipped me off from the other side of the room.

"I think you're just saying that to hide the fact that you like him."

Reece laughed from across the room and pointed his finger at me while laughing harder. "No, I was telling the truth, I mean do you see that face he's making right now? Well right now he looks like a rat, but still you get my point." I said and nearly burst up laughing as Reece abruptly stopped laughing and glared at me.

"Was he listening in to everything we were saying?" she asked in total shock.

"Pretty much." I stated. The girls face turned pink again as she realized he had even heard her comment about him being hot. "The name's Emma."

"Layla." she said smiling. Layla was pretty, with flaming red hair and bright green eyes. The bridge of her nose was splattered with freckles but they looked flattering on her. "So what did you do to upset Alec?"

"Apparently I parked in his 'area'." I smiled.

Layla laughed, "How did he react?"

"Well at first he didn't say anything but then finally he was like 'you're new aren't you? That was my area, but since your new, I'll let it slide.'." I said trying to imitate his voice.

"Really? Wow..."

"That was a horrible imitation." speak of the devil.

Layla immediately stopped laughing and turned around in her seat, stiff as a board. In fact everyone seemed to quiet down and face the front... Everyone except Reece and I.

"I hate to break it to you, but that was very accurate. I mean the high voice and everything. It was pretty darn perfect." I saw the flash of anger cross his face.

"Are you trying to piss me off?" he asked, his voice was low, his fists were clenched, and he was shaking just a little.

"I don't know. Is it working?" I taunted. "I mean, I think it is. Parking in your area, mocking you. Are you angry?" Alec glared at me, his lips in a firm line, and he was beginning to shake uncontrollably. I knew I had upset him, I really wasn't meaning to, but there was just something about him that made me want to poke and pry. He didn't say a word but he stood up and walked out, slamming the door behind him. "Violence isn't the answer," I called after him.

Immediately after Alec left the tension in the room disappeared. People began to talk again, mainly about what just happened, and others were looking at me like I was invincible. I was getting more attention than I wanted.

"So Layla, where does a gal go to have some fun?"

Layla was looking at me with her mouth open and her eyes wide, "You just talked to Alec like that..."

"Yes, now moving past that." I said in a bored tone. It took Layla a while to get over it but once she did she was talking and talking like no tomorrow. She told me about random amusement parks, malls that were nearby, and a bunch of clubs in the area. I saw Reece sneaking glances at me, his face more cautious and closed. I might have gone a little over board with my last few comments to Alec.

The bell rang and Layla and I walked out together still talking. We arranged to meet at lunch since we didn't have any more classes together. I left her to go out to the parking lot; I had the next two classes off so I decided to roam the town.

I walked to my car and threw my bag in the back. I smelt Alec before I actually saw him and it took all of my will power not to react to his next move. I opened the driver’s door when his hand came up and slammed it closed; he twisted me around and shoved me against the car, his body pressing against mine.

"Who the hell are you?" he hissed. His eyes were black pits as they seared into mine.

"Just your average Joe." I said calmly. I was a professional it would take more than an upset werewolf to make me screw up a mission.

"You know something. So tell me what it is and where you got your information!"

"I hate to break it to you but I know nothing. I just moved here with my mother. But if you've got something you want to tell me that I supposedly know then do tell. The curiosity is eating at me." I smiled playfully.

Alec stared at me for a really long time, "I'll find out who you are. I always do. Punks like you always come around suddenly and leave just as suddenly without a trace of where they came from or went to."

I glared at him, he couldn't threaten me, he had no idea who he was messing with, "I'd like to see you try. I'm not just some random punk."

I shoved him off of me, maybe a little too hard, and opened my door. I got in and started the car, put it into reverse and pulled out. I clenched the steering wheel with all my might. How dare he threaten me!.

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