𝘽𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙘 𝘼𝙘𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙢𝙮―�...

By BandGeek4Life8

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Amelia Mills and her sister, Ramona Mills, go to the Bionic Academy to control their bionic abilities. The on... More

Chapter 1 Bionic Academy
Chapter 2 Officially Meeting Bree, Adam, and Chase
Chapter 3 Learning Something About Chase
Chapter 5 Adam Steps Up
Chapter 6 Ideas, Planning, and Phone Calls
Chapter 7 Operation Rattlesnake
Chapter 8 Commando App Engaged
Chapter 9 Sebastian, Spin, and Bob
Chapter 10 Birthday Twins... And Malphas?
Chapter 10 Part 2 Malphas?
Chapter 11 Naturally Paranormal
Chapter 12 Carlos

Chapter 4 Gold and Prophecies

681 11 2
By BandGeek4Life8

Previously on the Bionic Academy

I lay down on my bed in my pajamas with Mikey on my pillow next to my head. I did manage to learn one thing about Chase Davenport. I learned that Chase Davenport is a person driven by science, logic, and facts and he won't ever believe me.

The good news about this one on one study was that in the day, I would have freedom. The bad news about this whole thing is that at night I'll be stuck with Chase Davenport for three hours at most. 

While I was waiting to grow tired, I was wondering about two other things to worry about in my life. I had Peter Pan to worry about and I had Malphas to worry about. I just hope that no one ever found out why. 

After a good five minutes on pondering myself. After that, my mind wandered off to Chase Davenport. Yes, he was going to drive me insane, but everyone must have saw that coming. Yes, he was one of the first bionic humans ever. 

Yes, he was going to be drove insane by Ramona and her forty trillion questions. Yes, I had to spend three hours with him five days a week, but it won't be all bad. The one thought I had as I fell asleep was that he and I would never see eye to eye.


I have been at Bionic Academy for a month, and still I've managed to make zero friends. I would have made a friend, Marilyn, but when I told her my last name, she screamed and ran the other direction.

I was doing worse than my sister, and her only friend at home is Henry, Violet, and Grace only because of Henry and ME. She had gotten to know Bree a lot as she spent a lot of time buttering up to Mr. Davenport.

I should have thought of that, but no. I was the one who was here trying to see her worth. Not to mention, Amy had blown everything we've ever done off only to have one on one sessions with Chase Davenport, her private mentor.

She filled me in on what Mr. Davenport had said with their deal, and she knew how bad it would be if you broke the deal. Oh come on, Rumpelstiltskin AKA the Dark One was our teacher of Dark Magic, and he made deals.

I was walking through the halls when I noticed the hydro-loop was coming in. That was odd considering that we weren't expecting any visitors today. At the time, Chase,  Adam, Bree, and Leo were in the lobby like area.

When the doors opened, Rumpelstiltskin came off with a girl about my age.

"Hello, dearie." He told me.

"I am not your dearie. That is strictly for my sister." I barked at him.

At that moment, the Davenports including Leo walked in. With one look at Rumpelstiltskin, Mr. Davenport became angry.

"What do you want, Gold?" Mr. Davenport snapped at him.

So he knows my teacher. Bree, Chase, and Leo looked at him with a look that said how do you know this dude.

"I'm confused. You know this dude?" Bree asked him.

"Wait, that's the dude who worked with Douglas with everything!" Chase exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah. You all know my sister's and my godfather." I stated.

"Wait. This is your godfather?" Bree asked me.

"Yeah, I'm her and Amelia's godfather, and they're my apprentices." Rumple exclaimed.

"Of what exactly?" Leo asked him.

"Of darkness of course. Well, Amelia never really liked dark magic as she persuaded the blue fairy to teach her magic. It was then that I discovered she was a charm speaker, because the blue fairy wouldn't let one of her fairies help their mother.

"Oh, by the way, Donald. I need to speak with you over a matter of extreme importance." Rumple told Mr. Davenport.

"I don't care, but you need to make it quick." Mr. Davenport said.

At that moment, Rumple started to whisper in his ear. Mr. Davenport's eyes grew wide, before he looked at Adam, Bree, Leo, and me?!

"Adam, Bree, Mona, Leo, we need to speak with both of you." Mr. Davenport exclaimed.

We looked at one another before looking at Chase who had an expression between confusion and shock.

"Chase, go find Amy. I'm sure she could use the help with whatever she needs." Mr. Davenport exclaimed before Chase left to go find my sister.

"Okay, so now, Chase is gone what do you need to tell us?" Mr. Davenport exclaimed.

"Wait, could you introduce us first? Who is this person and how do you know him?" Bree asked her father.

"This is Rumpelstiltskin, but he goes by Mr. Gold, Gold, and Rumple. Gold, you already know who these three are." Mr. Davenport explained.

"Piper here came up with a discovery, as she is the new oracle." Gold explained.

"What does that mean?" Bree asked.

"An oracle is like a seer as they can see the future. They only problem is while Seers give a look at your future, Oracles can only give out prophecies. Another neat factor is that they can tell us who the prophecy is talking about." I explained.

"You must be that A student Regina was telling me about." Mr. Davenport told me.

"No, that's Amelia. I get the Bs and A-s." I replied.

"Well, what is the prophecy?" Leo asked Rumple.

Suddenly, Piper's eyes went white and her voice went ghostly.

"Two lovers destined to defeat the green evil. Meeting when bridge and genius collide. By the youngest princess's twenty-first birthday, it will become reality when they've fallen for the other." Piper stated before everything went back to normal.

"What does all that mean?" Bree asked him.

"The bridge is the person who can get their mental state to the spirit realm, and can use the powers giving to them in a state called The Poderoso State. The bridge can be anyone who has the ability.

"The genius can also be anyone as is the green evil. There is only one person we all know who can fit the qualifications." I explained.

"What do you mean?" Leo asked me.

"Your brother is a genius and my sister can speak to the spirits, and I've seen her cross over into the Poderoso state and the spirit realm. That is why she meditates before lessons: to feel the energy of the spirits flow through her veins." I explained.

"Okay, so we have two. Who is the princess that will turn twenty-one and who is the green evil then?" Mr. Davenport asked.

"It could also mean Amelia for the princess and Pan as the green evil." Rumple stated.

"Mona's the princess and Peter Pan is the green evil." Piper confirmed.

"Gold, it still doesn't explain why you are here." Mr. Davenport told him.

"I brought this." Rumple said taking a vial out of his pocket.

"That's a love potion. Rumple, you can't rush things like this." I told him.

"I know, but my father is still out there. He's going to come for me unless I can stop him which I should be able to when his son and your sister you know." Rumple explained.

"Yeah, but you know about Amelia's condition right?" I asked him.

"What condition?" Leo asked.

"Yeah, what condition?" Adam asked making his first comment.

"She is immune to potions and poisons." Mr. Davenport explained.

"Yes, but for potions it is different. She is only immune if she knows she has taken one. I want one of you to give this to both of them. Remember give the first one to Amelia." Rumple said.

"Why?" Bree asked.

"Because when the first one is drank by someone, it is only broken for both of them when there is an antidote. In this case, when Amelia realizes that she drank a love potion, it will stop for both of them.

"If Chase would have drank it first, he would still be under the potion's influence even though Amelia isn't under the influence." I explained.

"How did you know all that?" Leo asked me.

"I did reading on it, and Rumple wanted me to perform the potion on Belle which I didn't, because I actually like her." I stated.

"I'm confused." Adam commented.

"You're always confused about everything, Adam." I told him.

"Mona is correct. That is why you have to follow my instructions very carefully. You pour this full way to the top of a cup, and then you pour it separately into two cups. It will look orangey almost. Tell them it's Cranberry Orange Juice." Rumple explained ignoring Adam.

"I think I can come up with a plan to give both of them the love potion. Just give me a week at most." I told him.

"And I'll help you. It's about time Chase attracts a female that isn't soon repulsed by him." Bree acknowledged.

"Remember don't tell her, or it could throw off the balance of this world." Piper commented making her first statement.

"Don't worry, we will." Mr. Davenport exclaimed as Rumple and Piper left.

I left to go to Amy's and my room to see if she was there. I opened the door a crack to see what was going on. All of our stuff was moved out of the way as Chase and Amy were working on how to work her agility with her powers.

As she flipped and somersaulted using her super speed, she lost her balance and fell bringing Chase down with her.

"I'm so sorry." Amelia apologized to him getting off of him.

"It's completely fine, Amy." Chase told her. "You just need practice that's all."

"From what I just did, I need more practice than you care to admit, and don't disagree because I know you agree with me." Amelia exclaimed.

He laughed at her and she joined in with him. Maybe I don't need to give them the love potion. Maybe they could fall in love all on their own.

A/N: Okay, so I know I said that it will take a long time for them to actual fall for each other, but guys remember this is Rumpelstiltskin who only does something because he gets something in return sort of like his deals and it will be the work of a love potion. I also want to point out that the next chapter will be Adam Steps Up. You should expect at least one episode every four chapters. I won't go over that. Also I'm deciding Amelia's and Chase's ship name. I have Chamelia which Bree calls Chameleon and Amese. Choose which one you like better. Don't forget to vote or comment. 

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