
By foblvr

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Dean Winchester. Shy, sweet kid next door kind of person. He was never the aggressive type. And Cas never kne... More

Prologue: Astro
Year 1: Peanut Butter
Year 2: People Are Mean
Year 3: I Don't Want To
Year 4: Fireworks
Year 5: Friends Who Sick Together, Stay Together
Year 6: Curse Those Wooden Stairs
Year 7: You're My Hero
Year 8: But I Can Ask You, Can't I?
Year 9: The Balloon Rule
Year 10: Pool Party
Year 11: Christmas In a Gloom Setting
Year 12: Colleges, Picnics, and Couples Tattoos
Year 13: Here With You Is Where I Want To Be
Year 14: Take 'Em Out
Year 16: Ring Around The Rosey
Year 17: I Do
Year 18: Familiar
Year 19: We Have To Stop Meeting Like This
Year 20: Vodka (SMUT)
Year 21: Adventures Of Gabe And Luci
Year 22: Tea And Meds
Year 23: The Meadow
Year 24: Gif
10 Years of Bittersweet
Year 35: Keep It Sweet
Year 36: The Lake
Epilogue: Guns N Roses
Hilarious A/N

Year 15: He Seems So Real

99 6 9
By foblvr

Castiel had a fresh degree in psychology and an internship back in Kansas.

Yes, after four years of torture, 22 year old, Castiel Novak was done with college, and out in the field, learning on the job. It was a tedious process, really. Castiel was always precise. He'd leave a half hour earlier than he was supposed to, get to the office before the traffic would begin to build up, and have his breakfast there, except for when Dean would insist on him eating at home. Sometimes, Cas was so busy he'd forget to eat, and Dean could sense those days even before Cas could. Today was like every other one. Both of them left the same time. They both had internships, but at different places, and Dean's  wasn't as prestigious as Cas's. Castiel was completely pissed to find out that people wouldn't let Dean work because of his condition. People thought that he wasn't able to even think, let alone think for other people, which, in reality, wasn't the case at all. Dean was one of the smartest, most empathetic people that Castiel ever laid eyes upon. Dean was perfect for the job, and he knew when he couldn't work. He knew when his meds wouldn't work. That's why Doctor Marcus had taken interest in him. She had no limits to her work. She had such an imagination. It was perfect for Dean.

Cas, however, was the more creative one in the work place. He would bring things to the attention of his boss, Doctor Wallace, and She would normally give Castiel all tha thanks. Sometimes, she'd even have him stand in with some of her younger patients. Today was one of those days, really.

Castiel teemed as he dipped his Bear Claw in his coffee. It was becoming more and more bland, the more he ate the same meal from the same shop next door. The sweetness was great, balanced with the bitter, it was amazing, but he seemed to have fallen into a rut. The same ol' same ol'. Yeah, it gets annoying, and it's sometimes so damn tiresome that Cas literally punches the clock, but today, Laura, the receptionist at this god awful office, looked quite worried. She spoke into the phone with panic I her voice.

"But, Miss, you have 6 appointments set up for today. No, no, miss... Do you think he can? Okay, okay, I'll tell him right away. Get better. Okay. Bye." She looked up at Castiel as she set the phone down. "Castiel, you are going to take over today."

"I'm sorry, what?" Castiel wasn't ready. Not completely, at least. He had only ever done anything similar to this on Dean. That was nowhere near the level of difficulty as a stranger is. That's nowhere near the level of knowledge that Cas had for Dean. He blew out a puff of air. "Uhm, okay." He stood, looking down. Laura pointed him to the door in which behind it sat a desk. That desk is where Castie would sit for the remainder of the day and tell people what to do about their problems.

And he succeeded. Most of them were pretty easy to help. Most of them were feeling the exact same way Castiel had when he was a kid, and he knew just how to fix that: find comfort in someone or something, and spend your life around it. That was how it worked for him.

But then 3:00 PM rolled around, and Castiel had the last appointment to take care of. It was not, no, definitely not easy. It was no piece of cake, especially because Castiel knew the patient. He never thought he'd see her again. Certainly not in this state.

That little blonde girl that Castiel met four years ago in the hospital after his attempt. The one little girl who stuck out, who he later found out was 8, when he met her. Castiel couldn't believe his eyes, or his ears...

When Millie said, "Cancer should have killed me."

"Millie," Castiel whispered, looking at her with saddened eyes. She was about to turn 13, now, and Castiel hadn't heard from her since she was discharged all those years ago. "Millie, care to tell me why you think that?"

"Don't act like you know me, Castiel. Last time I saw you was four years ago, and I know what you did. Do you ever wish you succeeded with that, Castiel? Do you ever wish you weren't here?" Millie crossed her arms, looking down. "I didn't like having Leukemia, Castiel. You made it better, and as soon as I was out of that hospital, you were gone along with it."

"I never wish I had succeeded. Not since that day when I actually tried. Millie, it's the worst feeling in the world to have your youngest brother crying into your chest because of your stupid mistake. Could you imagine where your family would be if you weren't sitting here, right now? Do you really wish that the Leukemia killed you?" Castiel was venting to a twelve year old girl, now. He had pleading eyes, because, even though she hasn't seen him in four years, and he hasn't seen her, he still thought of her as his little sister. "Millie, what's going on?"

"The kids at school... They're worse than ever," she whispered, looking at her hands. They tell me to do bad things, Castiel. They tell me that I will amount to nothing. That I'm useless."

Oh, hell no

Castiel clenched his fists, thinking of Jacob Valdez and the one time he stood up for himself. The one time be broke his bully's streak. The one time Castiel managed to stand up for himself. "Useless is not a definition, Millie. And people don't define you. I learned that lesson just a bit too late. When I was your age, people hated me. Sometimes it was because my older brother was the tough kid, and they wanted leverage against him. Other times, it was just plain hate, and the time I realized that they were being completely irrational, it was because my boyfriend was quarterback and he was getting distracted. So, tell me, Millie, what reason are people picking on you."

"Well, there's the school's perfect girl. She's pretty, she's nice, and she has great grades, but she gets everything. Oh, there's a play you wanna audition for? Might as well throw that lead role audition away. She's got that. Cheer squad? You ain't making captain. The problem is, I did make captain. I worked my butt off for two years just to reach her level of skill, and when I finally did, she was so nice about it, but everyone started this rumor that I cheated and I began to kiss up to the coaches. They said I just wanted the image. Castiel, I don't know what to do."

"One word, Millie: jealousy. They're all jealous that you did what no one else could do. You made captain. You surpassed Miss Perfect in something, and they refuse to believe it. Here is what I propose to you. I want you to go back to school, and be proud of what you did, not down on yourself because other people are making you feel bad about it. If it doesn't stop, tell the coaches that this is happening. Make them aware. They'll stop the rumors, and if that doesn't stop, come back here. I can't guarantee that it'll be just me, here, but I can guarantee I will be here."

"Uhm, okay."

"Anything else that you wish to bring to my attention?" Castiel gave her a soft smile, looking her in the eye.

Make them feel welcome.

"You have a boyfriend?"

"Yep." He popped the p, making Millie chuckle.

"You don't... Seem gay."

"Well, I'm sorry miss perfect. I forgot my rainbow at home," Castiel joked. He looked at her as she laughed at that joke. "Now, Millie, are you good?"

"Uh, yeah. I think I am."


Castiel shut the door to their house, falling back against the hard wood. He was tired, to say the least. He kept replaying today's conversations in his head. He was trying to find his mistakes that he made, and, to his surprise, there were none. Not that he could make out. He was actually satisfied with his overall performance.

But Cas had one more patient to tend to.

He heard a tiny whimper from upstairs, and his heart beat a little faster. "Dean?" He called, pushing himself up the steps, cautiously. It's been a habit with stairs ever since he was 12. "Dean-o." Castiel called again, slowly putting his hand on the doorknob. He turned it with such caution that it almost made Castiel laugh.

"Leave me alone," Dean whispered, but Cas knew it wasn't directed towards him. No, it was directed towards the invisible figure by the window. This one was rare, but Castiel knew which one this was. This was Fredrick, and he has always been evil. That's what Dean saw. Dean saw Fredrick as a reaper like creature, no eyes and extremely thin skin. It was almost transparent. Fredrick didn't come around as much as Bartholomew, but Fredrick was much worse, and usually only showed up when Dean got really shaken up. The way Cas knew it was him is by the way Dean was watching. Where he was watching. They all have assigned places, except for Bart. He's everywhere but their room. Bartholomew doesn't like Cas, or anything to do with him.

"Dean," Cas whispered, slowly walking in and biting his lip. "Dean, where is he?" Dean pointed to exactly where Cas predicted, and he stood in the spot. "Leave, Fredrick. You are unwanted."

Dean seemed to loosen up, like he always did, and Cas almost felt bad for him. Almost. "Dean," he whispered, gripping his shoulders and pulling him onto his feet. "Hey, shh. It's okay."

Dean pulled him closer, being careful not to step on Scarlett's paws, who was sitting by Dean the entire time. "Cas, he seems so real."

"I know, babe. I know." Castiel pulled Dean closer, kissing his cheek. "I know."


Yes yes yes 1,700 words on the dot

I'm tired but I plan on doing pure fluff for the next two chapters

I'm v excited for the rest of this book. I hope you guys all like it.

Hey Noomi I like your glasses
And your Vans
And your Power To The Local Dreamer shirt

My arms hurt and I have school tomorrow. Gnite loves

I love you my Carcrashovercastyoungbloods
-Emily aka foblvr

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