In Hope Of Release

By graciejgibbs

961 27 9

Sometimes the only way out, is in. Chase Jones is under probation in SARC (Spy Academy Recruitment Centre). H... More

In Hope Of Release
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3,4,5
Chapter 11-14

Chapters 6-10

118 4 2
By graciejgibbs



Well, here we are. I look to my right; Dani’s asleep in the passenger seat and Alex in the back. The wheels of the jeep crunch as we hit the gravel track, winding our way through the valley. Geeps Creek, I grinned to myself, it’s where I grew up. The so called summer camp had been an amazing place of mysteries and secrets. It was the main training facility for SARC and a life saver for me! I cringed, thinking about my life before I’d been chosen to attend the training camp.

We came to a curve in the track. To the untrained eye the track hasn’t been used in years and here this bend the plant life has completely taken hold. The track is impenetrable.

“Did we take a wrong turn?” I jumped at Dani’s sleepy voice. She’s watching me with her large green eyes.

“No,” I murmur slipping off my seatbelt and slipping out the car. “First lesson, never take things as they are. Expect the unexpected, there’s a way out of everything.” Her eyebrows fused together and she was quickly out the jeep and at my side.

“Let me guess, this is the secret entrance to Geeps Creak?” She reaches out and touches the bark of a nearby tree. “And there should be a button or keypad in one of the trees or rocks here…am I right?” She steps to the densest part of the trees feeling the plant life with her hands. She’s right and I don’t know how she guessed, it’d taken me three years of training to finally work it out. “Here it is!” She calls and I arrive at her side. She’s found the key pad and I step forward typing in the twenty digit code.

“Well done,” I murmured catching a grin before it was smothered by a shrug of the shoulder.

The trees move away allowing us to access the rest of the track. I glanced over at Dani after a while; she’d been silent since we’d hopped back into the jeep.

“Nervous?” I questioned, reaching forward to find my ID card. She doesn’t move as she answers.

“No,” there’s a quiver in her voice and I pick up on her fears.

“It’ll be OK you know.”

“I know I’ll be.” She replies viciously. “I’m not weak you know!” Suddenly I realise, she saw being nervous as a weakness. Shaking my head I lightly reached over and touched her hand.

“Being nervous only shows two things Dani,” with a pause I watched her. Steadily her eyes met mine. “That you’re human and brave, because even though you’re nervous and feeling out of place your still here.” Silence fell once more as we rounded another corner. There stood the guard, he came to the window and I gave him my ID card.

“Who are these?” He gestured to Dani and Alex who was still asleep in the back.

“This is Danielle and Alex Woods, Danielle is a new recruit and Alex her brother which she cares for.” He nods thoughtfully as I show him Dani’s recruitment letter.

“Right, you’re through…good to see you Chase.” He nods, I know him from one of my training classes.

“You too Luke,” nodding, I grimace as he leans through the window.

“Hey Danielle, if your ever in the need of company give me a note in me pigeon hole.” Looking over at Dani I grind my teeth; she’s smiling a flirty smile and flicking her hair.

“Sure, I’ll think about it.” With her words I put my foot on the accelerator and we head off through the now wide open gate.

* * *

“Wow!” Alex exclaims as he jumps from the jeep. “This is fully awesome!” We’re standing in the middle of camp and to our left a grenade prac is in process. Kids of the age of about twelve are throwing the highly explosive grenades into garbage bins and watching them explode. I watch Dani’s expression fall to one of confusion to on of concern.

“They shouldn’t be handling those; they’re not even old enough to go to high school.” Grabbing Alex’s hand she led him away from the prac. I sighed, maybe this was going to be harder than I’d thought, she was so protective over her brother. What would happen if she didn’t want him to attend Geeps Creak Camp?

Dani pulled out her bags and handed Alex his. Slowly I took one from her.

“You should’ve let me get them out.” I murmured, she spins on me.

“I can look after myself Chase! I’ve done it for my whole life!” I backed away from her pointing finger. “So don’t you dare start treating me like I can’t!”

“Wow, calm down…” I grimaced at her piecing expression. “I was just trying to what you call a gentleman.” Instantly I regretted the cheeky grin that always arises on my features at the wrong moment. She doesn’t say anything but turns her back on my, I can feel her anger as if it was myself feeling it. She’s fuming.

“Chase Jones! How wonderful that you’re here so soon!” My trainers voice distracts me from my trainees anger. Belinda Childs expression was of pure joy as she pulled me into a hug. She whispered in my ear. “Looks like you brought home a wild cat.”

“Indeed.” I reply pulling away. “Belinda, this is Danielle Wood and her brother Alex.” Dani’s expression instantly changes as she shakes Belinda’s hand. Maybe it was the woman thing, I don’t know but her eyes were cold when she glanced at me.

“It’s extremely good to see you.”

“Belinda was my trainer,” I informed her and I saw curiosity from on her features.

“Really, well I’m eager to know more of the faults my trainer has…” She smiled at Belinda before moving away from me. I groaned watching them, walk into the common cabin leaving Alex at my side.

“She really hates you now.” Alex murmured giving me a grin.

“Wonderful to hear.” I muttered, my heart feels like it’s fallen off a cliff. I have no idea why. Returning to my work I pull out the last suitcase.

“If you want her to ever like her you’ll have to win her back.” I stop mid-pull and turn on the eight year old.

“And what makes you think I want her to like me?”

“The way you look at her and watch her.” He touched his nose. “Don’t worry mate your secrets safe with me.”

“First of all mate, there’s no secret, second of all, I don’t look at her and watch her…” I groan inwardly. “And third of all, I don’t think she’ll ever like me that way…and besides I don’t want her to like that way…why would I?” Alex nodded his head thoughtfully and huge grin forming.

“Whatever you say Chase…” Then he leaned foreword. “By the way, that’s code for I don’t believe you.” With that he was off carrying his little backpack up and into where his sister had gone. I sighed rubbing my forehead. He’d been right about one thing, if Dani hadn’t disliked me before, now she would really despise me and I was pretty sure she held a grudge for a very long time.

* * *

“So Alex, looking forward to summer camp?” Belinda was chatting away to Alex while Dani and I ate silently.

“Yes! When do we get to handle guns?” Alex asked rolling his peas around he plate. Beside me Dani groan heavily and rose from her seat.

“If you don’t mind I really need to sleep.” She picked up her cases. Belinda nods in my direction.

“Sure Danielle, Chase, your both in cabin 67.” I stop short, since when did genders cabin together?

“Both?” I questioned, I could feel my jaw had dropped and I quickly shut it.

“Yes, both, your not officially part of Geeps Creek as students...”

“Um, excuse me? I’m in a cabin with him.” Dani interrupted Belinda. “There’s got to be some sort of mistake.” I couldn’t help but notice the mischievous smile that cropped up on Belinda’s expression.

“There’s no mistake, it’s where Director Hartford has put you both.” Alex sniggered beside her. “There’s a shortage of cabins at the moment with the new interns here, so there’s no choice I’m sorry.”

Sighing, I glanced at Dani. We’d been walking through the camp; she hadn’t said a word since we’d left Belinda and Alex.

“If you want I’ll sleep outside.” I murmured taking one of her cases. She didn’t argue, I knew she wasn’t used to being looked after, or even having anyone think of her. She’d had a hard life, on knew exactly how to look after herself. It was true, maybe she didn’t need anyone, but sometimes it was good to let yourself be helped.

“Chase,” She paused stopping suddenly.

“Yeah?” I questioned, turning to face her.

“Why are you doing this?” I froze, had she worked out that I wasn’t a trainer. That this wasn’t even the area I’d been trained in. I’d thought I was doing OK. “I mean, why are you being so nice to me?” Her eyes hardened. “What do you want from me?”

“Nothing.” I replied, running my fingers through my hair. “I want absolutely nothing.” She paused her lips studying my expression. I let my eyes open to her so she could see I was telling the absolute truth.

“OK, and no, you don’t have to sleep outside.” She flicked her chestnut hair flashing me a grin. I smiled back, memorising her smile. With that we continued to cabin 67.



I surveyed our cabin carefully. It wasn’t big but it was bigger than I’d expected. On one side was a small bed an on the other another. Chase dropped the suitcases and sat on the nearest bed.

“Brings back memories…” He murmured a small smile appearing on his features. “Which bed do you want?” He asked and I shrugged.

“I don’t mind, you chose.” He rose and walked over to the best looking bed. I turned away muttering under my breath. So perhaps for a moment I’d thought he could be a descent guy, but I’d been wrong, a descent guy would’ve chosen the worst bed. As I dumped my case on my bed I groaned tiredly. The sun was only just setting but I felt as though it was late at night. I also was worried about Alex; I didn’t like how dangerous this camp could be for him. What if he got hurt or even killed?

“Ready for training tomorrow?” I groaned inwardly at the sound of his voice. 

“Yeah,” I muttered a reply not refraining from my unpacking.

“I thought we could do some mental fitness, and then go on with some geography.”

“Geography? I think I know how to read a map.” He was silenced my sharp tone and for a moment said nothing.


“Hmmm.” I murmured.

“Dani, look at me.” I didn’t respond. I heard him rise from his bed and thought he was heading outside. Suddenly I was grabbed from behind and spun around. “Look at me!” I repeated as I tried to avoid his brown eyes.

“Let me go Chase.” I growled angrily. He didn’t and I could tell by his expression he was trying to decide whether he a furious or confused.

“Why do you hate me so much?” His expression changed from anger to hurt and then utter distress. All the while my stomach was circling my abdomen. “What have I done? How can I help inprove your view on me?!”

“Let me go for one!” I screamed at him.

“No!” His voice rose. “If I’m going to be your trainer we have to work as a team, to work as a team we need to be able to stand each other.” I stared at him feeling my features gradually soften. “In this business it’s a matter of life or death, to be a team we have to trust each other. So why do you hate me? And how can I fix it?” I couldn’t breathe; he’d been so plain, so honest that I couldn’t find the reason why I didn’t trust him.

“I don’t think I hate you.” I pulled from him, trying to clear my head. “I just don’t…”

“Dani, you need to get it through your thick skull that I’m not the threat here!” At his raised voice I shuddered. Flash backs came through my mind, nothing I wanted to relive.

“Don’t shout.” I was crumpling to the ground my head in my hands. “Please just don’t shout at me!” The tears sprang up and I cursed under my breath, I was showing my weakness. His arms came around me and he pulled me up onto the bed.

“Hey, I’m sorry.” I found myself leaning against his chest to tired to talk. “I shouldn’t have shouted at you. We’ve had a long journey and you’re tired.”

“Why does everything go bad for me?” I murmured as Chase laid me back on the bed and pulling up the covers.

“Shhh,” he murmured and I looked up into his concerned brown eyes. “You go to sleep, everything will be OK tomorrow and we’ll start training.” I nodded tiredly and rolled over. Chase rose from my side and I heard him walk over to his bed. The light switched off and I drifted into a dreamy sleep.

“Goodnight Chase.” I murmured.

“Night Dani.” I heard his calm voice reply and finally I fell into a peaceful sleep.

* * *

“See this?” Chase rolled out a large piece of paper. “This is a spy map. It’s different to normal maps.” He glanced up at me but I continued staring at the map. It had strange lines covering it and words like ‘black op’ and ‘hand over’. “It’s only Geeps Creek spies that can read it.”

“So how do I read this map?” I questioned illusively, I’d been at Geeps Creak for three weeks now and everyday there’d be something new that I’d learn. It scared me that I new so little of what was really lurking in the world we lived in.

“How do you think?” I frowned as he sat back crossing his arms. “Tell me what you think about it.” I tracked a black area with my finger thoughtfully.

“These black spots, are they uncovered areas?” He didn’t answer but gestured for me to continue. “These are safe houses.” I pointed at the symbol of a house.

“Yeah, but not just any safe house.” He murmured spinning around in his wheelie chair to face the computer. I slid to his side and watched as he clicked into the computer file named ‘safe house training’. He brought up blue prints for one of the safe houses. “See they all have the same design, in each basement is a hidden trap door.” He gazed at me his eyes gleaming. “There’s a basement below the basement, it’s stacked with weapons, ammo, food stores, everything you might need.” I read down the list of weapons stored in each and every SARC safe house across the globe. Guns, grenades, rifles even explosives.  Shaking my head I turned away.

“So this stuff is just there for use?”

“Yeah, for any SARC spy.” I didn’t know what to think, they were geared up as if they were in the middle of some sort of war. “Something’s bothering you.” His voice broke into my thoughts. I looked up suddenly and found him watching me intently.

“Ah nope nothing…” I lied leaning back over the computer. “So will I get a list of where these safe houses are?”

“Dani, only you would try to lie to a spy.” With that he had me by the hand and on my feet. “Let’s take a walk its time we had a break.” I followed him out the tech room. My mind was racing, did I really want to be apart of this. That whole day I’d been learning stuff which made me realise how insecure we were, I’d been naive to think our country was safe. Everyday fully trained spies were out there, protecting the country, removing threats. Most of the time that’d include the odd assassination mission, or ruining a few plans. Being a spy meant you were constantly looking over your shoulder, reading peoples body language, always in danger. Was that how I wanted to live my life?

We’d reached a small creak when we stopped. Chase sat down dangling he legs into the water, looking up at me; he patted the ground next to him.

“Sit,” he murmured. I did what he said, the water was cold and I closed my eyes taking in the sound of nature and the feel of the water on my legs.

“Have you ever just wished the world was peaceful like this?” I murmured, I heard Chase stir at my side but I didn’t take notice. I only focused on the trickling of the water and the sound of the wind rounding the trees. “I wish there was no such thing as war, that we didn’t need guns or spies. I wish there was only such a thing as peace.”

“That’s not how things are.” His voice interrupted me abruptly, “Its no use having a dream that will never come true!”

“Who says it won’t come true?!” I questioned in annoyance. “The President? Terrorists? Spies?” My eyes flew open and I glared at him. “Who says we can’t have peace?!” He rose from where he’d sat and glared at me, his expression full of pain.  I watched as he ran his fingers through his hair and began to walk away. He approached me once more.

“It’s human nature that says so!” The way he said those words sent chills through my spine. “It’s our fault, its human nature we can’t help it!”

“But that’s no excuse!” I spat back furiously. He shook his head sadly.

“Dani, you need to start excepting things how they are.” I shied away from his reaching hand. “There will always be war and suffering, we can’t change that.” I glared at him that was his job; we were trying to stop wars and suffering.

“Then what’s the point of us? Why do we even learn all this if we’ll never stop wars!?” I stood up and stared him in the eyes. He gazed at me a small smile spreading on his features.

“There’s many question we ask Dani, but the answer to that particular one isn’t for us to answer!” I screamed in annoyance and marched of in the direction we’d come from, leaving Chase still standing by the creak watching the water pass.



I groaned as I glanced at the time. Five pm, I’d been sitting here by the creak for over an hour. Dani had gone off, why did she have to be so stubborn? So hard to handle? She was the perfect trainee, always remembering, practicing what I’d taught her, but she always got to me. I couldn’t control my feelings around her, one minute I’d be feeling drawn to take her in my arms and kiss her, and next I’d be forcing myself not to bite her head off.

“What am I going to do with her?” I questioned myself shaking my head. I flexed my arm absentmindedly; it’d been two years since I’d injured it. I’d been lucky to only escape with a shattered arm; my partner hadn’t escaped at all. A silent tear rolled down my cheek as I remembered the moment I’d seen Eddy, my best mate, shot in the forehead. He’d looked at me with wide eyes as he’d realised it was the end of the road for him. We’d gone through primary school together. Then we both got given a scholarship to attend Geeps Creak Summer camp, we never realised that it was a new start, not just a summer camp. I wiped the moister from my face and rose to my feet. I tried not to remember, but the day I was left without a best mate haunted me in my dreams. It’d been a bust mission, an agent hadn’t fulfilled his job and Eddy had been the one who’d suffered for it. I could still feel the cable ties strapping me to the chair.

“Don’t crack Chase, whatever you do don’t crack!” He’d whispered to me frantically, his eyes showing his fear. I’d just grinned my confident grin and nudged him teasingly.

“Don’t worry so much mate, we’ll get out of this.” He hadn’t. At the funeral I saw his parents; they thought he’d died in a car accident on the way home from boarding school. I watched them, trying to feel their pain for them. I’d seen Eddy die, I knew he was a hero but the rest of the world would never know. That was the catch; we lived and died as spies, unknown for what we really were. We were hero’s saving the world, a world that didn’t even know they needed to be saved.

Eddy had died for a mission which had saved the world from war. We’d assonated the mastermind of the attack. Eddy had saved the world; he’d died a hero, known for his efforts throughout the spy world. That hadn’t helped him, being a hero hadn’t saved him.

Dani lived in an imaginary world. A world where there was only right and wrong, no middle boundary. She’d entered a world where spies were the middle boundary, what we do, what I do is neither right nor wrong.

I closed my eyes to my thoughts and remembered how Eddy’s eyes had gone cold when he’d realised. He had turned white as the gun was placed to his forehead. I could still hear my scream of utter disbelief as he’d flopped to the ground. Dead.

* * *

“Chase, there you are.” Belinda approached me, her hand settled on my shoulder. “You’re finding this tough aye?” I grinned at herNew Zealandaccent.

“Yeah, just a bit…” I told her. My trainer nodded in understanding. “She’s feisty.” I’d emerged from the bush.

“But smart and capable.” She laughed and my comment. “You’re good together though.”

“Where not together.” I jumped in feeling the need to defend myself. Instantly a grin sprang from her lips. “Where is she by the way?”

“She came back rather stormy.” She paused surveying my expression, “what happened on your walk?” I groaned feeling the anger return.

“We had an argument; she has the wrong idea about the world. She doesn’t understand.”

“And what are these wrong ideas?” My trainer questioned, leading me to a garden seat under a large oak tree.

“She doesn’t understand that there will always be war, there will always be death.” My head went to my hands. “She dreams of a better place, a world of peace.” My fist clenched as I fought away my feeling of hope. Belinda’s hand landed on my arm.

“Chase,” she murmured focusing on my face. “It’s not a crime to dream.”

“No, but…”

“Nothing good would ever happen if we didn’t have a dream, if we didn’t have hope.” Her expression softened. “What are we if we don’t hope for peace and a better future?” I looked away rubbing my forehead. What were we if we didn’t hope? It was as good as not caring.

“Monsters…” I muttered.

“That’s right, that’s what makes us on the right side. We hope for a better future, for the world to be fair and just.” Looking back at Belinda I knew I’d made a mistake with what I’d said to Dani. In saying it was human natures fault; we’d be giving up the fight against it.

“Where is she?” I asked worriedly.

“With Luke.” Belinda rose from the chair and stood in front of me. “She’s had a rough life Chase; she can’t learn to trust unless she has someone to trust.”

“Why is she with Luke?” I questioned stumbling over my words. My heart had begun to work full sped. Just the thought of him near her sent shivers through me. “Where are they?”

“She was crying, Luke took her to the training gym…” Her expression darkened. “Chase if you don’t get your act together you’re gonna lose her.” I was shaking and as I looked over at the building that held the training gym I swore under my breath. “She’ll find someone else to learn to trust.” Shaking my head I stood but digging my hands in my pockets.

“She doesn’t want me around.”

“Yes, she does,” Belinda whispered. “I think you should go take her from Luke, he’s bad news.” With that the trainer walked away. I grimaced trying to decide what to do. Then I made a decision. I walked through the trees and entered the training gym.

Dani stood in a ready position facing Luke on the practice mat. As he ran at her, she grabbed his elbow flipping him while she pressed all her weight on his chest thumping him into the ground. I stood in the door watching quietly. All that could be heard was their heavy breathing.

“Well done.” Luke breathed heavily, getting up slowly he took the towel and wiped the sweat from his face. “You’re a fast learner.” He exclaimed patting her on the shoulder.

I watched Dani’s expression as she stared at the practice mat. She frowned fiddling with her fingers. Slowly as she turned, the light fully shone on her face and I stole a breath as her hair sparkled. She was so beautiful.

“You let me win.” She said loudly her voice disappointed. Luke swiveled his expression defiant.

“No, I didn’t.”

“Yes, you did!” She stepped up close poking him in the bare chest. “Don’t lie to me.” Luke laughed and I grimaced as he ran from her shoulder and down her bare arms.

“Prove it.” He murmured his head moving closer to hers.

My finger nails bit into the flesh of my palms and I fought back the urge to run in and disturb them. Dani backed away slightly.

“Your pupils are dilated, and as soon as I said it you became defiant like you were ready to defend yourself.” He stepped closer but this time she didn’t move away.

“Is that all?”

“No, you’re sweating now more than before.”

“There’s a reason for that darling.” Just like that his lips latched onto hers. I closed my eyes not wanting to watch. I should’ve interrupted, I should’ve…


 Instantly I opened my eyes only to see Luke being thumped onto the ground by Dani. She elbowed him in the stomach before moving away from him. I watched wide eyed as she flicked her brown hair defiantly as she stood over him.

“Well darling, I can fake things too! It wasn’t just your pupils and sweat glands letting me know you were lying! Your lip curls up ever so slightly with ever lie you mutter. Not to mention the way your eyes flare when you see something you want.” She glared at him and I felt fear run through my veins just watching. Luke must be terrified. “If you ever try to hit on me again! Or even come near me! I will not hold back and the whole camp will know you were beaten by a girl!” She strolled over to his gear, picked it up and dropped it by his head. “Now get out of here.” I couldn’t help but grin at her strength. She’d remembered absolutely everything I’d taught her about catching a lie, not to mention the few self-defense skills we’d started learning.

It wasn’t until Luke had left that Dani showed weakness. She sank to the ground with her head in her hands. I stayed where I was hidden behind the arena stand, she wouldn’t want me there.

“What have I done?” She murmured, “Why am I here?” My heart sank. She didn’t want to be here.

“Well, there was this girl who was chosen by SARC.” I rose from my squat and walked over with my hands in my pockets. “She came looking for a new life, a life where she’d have adventures and fun, a life where she could help bring peace to the world.” She watched me as if not surprised that I’d come.

“Don’t taunt me Chase,” her voice was strong and I smiled.

“Wait, I’m not finished yet,” slowly I sat down opposite from her. “There was this boy who’d forgotten what it was like to dream and didn’t believe it made much use in dreaming.” She watched me with big green eyes. “He was wrong, what is a world with no hope? We are monsters if we don’t long for a fair and peaceful future.” For a moment she had no reaction but then a smile broke out across her expression. She seemed to be speechless as she watched me still. “I was wrong,” I murmured. “Please forgive me?” Dani nodded her head softly.

“I forgive you, I’m sorry I reacted that way though,” she caught my eyes. “Everyone’s always said I should have red hair.” I grinned cheekily.

“Well, I don’t know what they’re talking about.” She laughed as I murmured in her hearing. “I like the brown.”



“Come on, attack me!” Chase’s eyes were bright as he stood there challenging her. “Don’t be afraid.” He taunted and with his I lunged at him. He blocked my hits with accuracy, he was good! “Come on you can do better than that.” He told me as I stood back frustrated that I couldn’t at least get a descent hit on him. “Be unpredictable.” I watched him carefully studying his movement, memorising the way he placed his feet.

“OK here goes…” I muttered under my breath and lunged at his right.  He went to block but I ducked under his outstretched arm and around behind him. Before he could retaliate to my movement I had him in grid lock. I kicked out his legs from under him, he lowered onto the ground. I pinned him down for ten seconds then rolled off and lay staring up at the ceiling.

“Well done,” he murmured rolling over to look at me. “That was excellent.” I smothered a smile at his praise. For once I didn’t feel venerable, I’d pinned Chase to the ground and I knew he hadn’t just let me win. “It feels good huh?” He was still watching my expression, his head propped up in his palms. “Knowing that you can protect yourself.” I nodded.

“Did I hurt you?” I moved my head, looking him in the eyes. He shook his head.

“Not much.” Instantly a grin surfaced and I smiled back.

“Good, I didn’t want to hurt you.”

“Sometimes I’d think otherwise,” he sighed laying back where I couldn’t study his deep brown eyes. “Sometimes I think you’d love just to tear me to shreds.”

“Sometimes,” I murmured. “But I’m not that out of control.” He laughed and turned back to me.

“How do you think Alex is doing?”

“I’ve barely seen him.” I chewed my lip. In three weeks I’d only seen him a few times, I’d talked to him twice and that’d been because I’d pulled him away from his new found friends. He seemed happy, but I missed having him around. “He seemed OK.”

“You’re worried about him.” He sat up looking down on me.

“I miss him,” I whispered. We fell silent for a moment; Chase looked as though his thoughts were running a million miles per hour as he gazed at me, his eyes never leaving mine. My thoughts wandered too, but as I went over what had just happened on the practice mat five minutes ago, I stopped myself instantly. Shaking my head I sat up forcing the memories of feeling Chase’s chest rise and fall as I pinned him down.

“I’m gonna go have a shower.” I muttered standing up, Chase nodded and I walked quickly out of the training gym. I had to stop these thoughts, I needed to be focused on one thing, training. Not on my trainer and definitely not a relationship.

* * *

I walked past a class of kids watching their trainer wrestling with another trainer. The man was large and tough; I couldn’t help but think he looked like the commando from a movie as he lunged at the woman he was wrestling with. She had long straight blonde hair and perfect features. Her body was slim and looked about six of eight. Standing there I watched as the bulky man lunged to grab her, she looked no match for him but she dodged, flicking her legs against his and knocking him down. He did his best to trip her but she jumped gracefully rolling him over. The battle was over as she pulled his arms back behind him pushing his face into the grass.

Standing up they shook hands, smiling at each other.

“You’re still as sharp as ever Isabel,” the man patted her on the back.

“Why thankyou Joel, your pretty good too.” She replied with a strong Italian accent.

“What brings you here?” Joel ran his hands over his forehead. “Aren’t you a big shot now?”

“Yeah, but who says I can’t visit my humble beginnings.” I was sure her teeth could be stars they shone so bright.

“Cool, I’ll introduce you to the class.” He strolled over an addressed the class. I picked out a familiar face among them, Alex. He sat with a group of boys, his expression full of energy. I smiled, he looked happy and at home. “Class, this is Isabel Shivos, she trained here at Geeps Creak for how many years?” He questioned Isabel.

“Five years,” she informed them. “Don’t treat this camp like a game, its preparing for life. This camp is your life.” With a grin she turned to Joel. “I have to sign in, but I’ll see at dinner sì?”

“Yes, see you at dinner.” Joel grinned. I frowned slightly wondering who she was. Obviously, she’d trained here at the camp, and now was important in the spy world. There was something about her that gave me the feeling of unease. Shrugging I continued to watch Alex in his class, he glanced in my direction feeling he was being watched. As soon as he saw me a huge grin spread across his expression. I waved slightly but he didn’t wave back. I frowned slightly wondering why, his friends began to talk to him and he seemed to totally forget I was there.

Shrugging I continued to the showers. I’d have to have a talk with Alex sometime soon; I was missing my brothers company.

As Chase slid into the seat beside me at dinner I shivered with his closeness. I move to the side, giving him more room. I didn’t notice the small frown that my movement caused on his features. Reaching forward he filled up our glasses with cordial.

“I was thinking…” He said glancing in my direction. “If you’re up to it, how about we have another training session tonight?” I stared across the room to where my brother sat. “We can use the darkness to make it more realistic…watcha think?” I barely heard what he said I was so focused on watching Alex. “Earth to Dani!” I jumped as he tapped my arm.

“Ahhh, what?”Flushingred I turned back to him. “Sorry, I didn’t hear.” He sighed in annoyance.

“I was wondering whether you’d like to have a training session tonight, the dark makes it more realistic.”

“Yeah sure…” I brought my cup to my lips but then paused. Alex’s eyes met mine and instantly the most hateful expression came to his features. I gasped for air as if I’d been punched in the ribs.

“What was that about?” Chase’s voice brought me back to our meal.

“You saw that?” I questioned. “You saw the way he looked at me?”

“Yeah, what’s happened?”

“Absolutely, nothing.” I replied in confusion. Shaking my head I looked back, he was now laughing with his friends. “He has no reason to be angry at me…” Chase touched my shoulder gently and I turned to me. “Has he? I mean, all I've been doing is training…”

“Don’t worry about it; do you want me to talk to him for you?” Watching him I knew it was my job to talk to Alex.

“No, I will.” He nodded his expression comforting.

“How about we forget about it for now?” I nodded in agreement, but for the next ten minutes could only push my peas around my plate. Chase talked to Belinda about missions and training methods. Standing up I picked up my plate.

“I’ll be back for dessert.” I said before walking away.

I placed my paper plate in the bin and approached Alex. His friends went silent when they saw me coming. “Hey Alex, wanna come for a walk?” He looked up at me his expression annoyed.

“Fine, let’s go.” He stood up and marched outside. “What is it?!” He asked angrily spinning around on me once we were away from the dining cabin.

“I just thought we hadn’t hung out much lately and now was a good time.” He scowled at me and I reached for him. “I’ve missed you.”

“Oh, OK.”

“How’s things been going? Do you like it here?”

“I love it here.” He murmured, then shied away from my hand. “Look, do you know how embarrassing it is having you here?!” My mouth dropped open with his angry tone. “You’re such a loser, do you know what people say about you!?”

“Alex, I don’t understand…” I stuttered but he interrupted me.

“I wish you weren’t here, I wish you’d go away…” turning away he was only a shadow in the darkening night. “I wish you weren’t my sister.” My heart skipped a beat as he walked away leaving me there. I didn’t know what I’d done wrong? Where had my little brother gone? The one who’d been my only support at home, who was this new Alex? Tears rolled down my cheeks and I wiped them away.

Once I felt I could control myself I walked back into the dining cabin. Alex was back with friends laughing at something funny, he didn’t even look up as I walk through the door. With my head down I made my way to our table, in my seat sat Isabel. If it was possible my heart sank lower, Chase didn’t even notice me, he was laughing at something she’d said. There was a free seat next to Belinda so I sat there. 

“So why are you here Issy?” I flinched as he called her by a nickname, obviously he knew her and they were close. “Shouldn’t you be on one of your all important missions?” Isabella flicked her hair.

“Ahhh, there’s some business here I need to settle, besides, I wanted to come back and visit you all.” Her eyes didn’t move from Chase’s. “I was told you’ve given p your missions and become a trainer.” It was only then that Chase noticed me; his eyes glowed with excitement of talking to his friend.

“Yeah, Isabel this is Dani, my student…” Student, only a student. I didn’t let his words change my expression, I eyed Isabel coolly giving a small nod. Her eyes seemed to narrow as she studied my expression. “Dani, this is Isabel, she’s a very old friend…we were actually in the same class for four years.”

“And don’t forget the missions.” Isabel pitched in, her voice shrill. I couldn’t help Chase’s eyes darken.

“Yes and many missions.”

I couldn’t stay there watching anymore.

“Ahhh, I think I’ll have an early night tonight…” I rose from my chair. “Good to meet you Isabel.” I turned away just in time to hide my breaking expression of pain. I walked out the dining cabin and ran towards my cabin. I didn’t make it before I collapsed in agonizing tears.



“Do you remember inFrance, how we went to the embassy and they held you back because you forgot to leave your gun at the apartment?” Isabel smiled her glistening smile. Her arm was wrapped around mine, I felt strange. Usually I’d be ecstatic to have Isabel’s full attention, but she wasn’t what was on my mind at that moment.

“Yeah, good memories.” We’d been sitting there talking for over an hour. Dani had left before that, and something in my gut was telling me she wasn’t happy.

“I have a question for you Chase Jones…”

“Hmm what’s that?” I asked unenthusiastically.

“Why are you wasting your time training some lost cause?”

“Dani’s not a lost cause…” I retaliated pulling away so I could think clearly. Isabel smiled her sugary sweet smile.

“That’s not what everyone’s saying. Is it true her parents are drunks?” She leaned forward on the table and I looked over my shoulder.

“She’s a hard worker and a worthy trainee,” I informed her forcefully. “She’s gonna be an amazing spy, if not one of the best. People shouldn’t be talking about what they don’t know. Issy, I came from a drunken and abusive family and look at me now, why can’t she have the same deal.” Her expression changed from sweet to serious.

“Yes, look at you now…a mere trainer, wasting your skills on a job someone else could do just as good.” I’d had enough and rose from the table.

“It’s not your life to decide Isabel.” She looked up at me and I flinched, back inFrancewe’d been together, dating, but now she seemed to be trying to ease her way back into my heart once more. “Goodnight.”

“Night Chase.” She murmured and I turned away and walked out the room.

The air was fresh and chilled. I breathed deeply trying to work away my anger. People judged to quickly, without knowing the whole story. Remembering the adrenaline rush when on a mission, I sighed. After this SARC would let me go back to missions, I’d have fulfilled my punishment and maybe Dani could be my partner.

Digging my hands in my pockets I strolled towards our cabin. Something caught my eye, a shadow beside a tree which looked human made. Slowly I approached silently, using my senses to know when to move with the wind and slow to a stop. The figure now appeared to be a woman; long hair fell down her back and blew in the light gusts of wind. It was Dani, I stood about a metre behind her and watched as she wiped her face with her hands, moisture glistened in the moonlight, she’d been crying.

“I know your there.” She murmured softly, I shuddered at the deadness of her voice. “Not very smart, you weren’t silent until you saw me.” I sat down beside her and followed her gaze into the darkness.

“What are you doing out here?” I questioned, she’d said she was going to bed.

“How’s Isabel?” She mused, her tone sarcastic. I decided to ignore it.

“She’s good; it’s nice to see her again.”


“What’s that meant to mean?” I laughed, she didn’t answer. Breaking up a stick I tried to think of why she was acting like this. Maybe something happened with her brother. “Did you talk to Alex?”

“Yes.” Silence fell once more.

“What happened?” digging for my I watched her expression crumple. She hid her face in her hands and started shaking as tears fell. Pulling her to my chest I wrapped my arms around her. “Tell me Dani.”

“He…hates me.” She sobbed into my shirt. “He said I was an embarrassment…and he wished…” I frowned in confusion as she didn’t finish her sentence.

“What did he wish?” I asked clearing the damp hair from her face and tucking it behind her ear.

“He wished I wasn’t his sister…” Pain dug at me in my chest as I hugged her close. What had gone so wrong? Why was Alex acting like this? Suddenly I remembered what Isabel had said ‘training a lost cause’. Was Alex getting paid out for Dani being his sister? What was so wrong with her training here? Apart from being just a bit older than normal trainees, and not coming from a rich family.

“Oh, Dani…” I murmured and she looked up at me, her green eyes flooding with tears. “He probably didn’t mean it, don’t take it to heart.” She shuddered I my arms and I pulled her away so I could study her. “How about, tomorrow I’ll talk to him; find out what’s going on…” She chewed her lip viciously and nodded silently. “Now come on, you need rest…” pulling her up, I steered her to our cabin.

With in fifteen minutes she was fast asleep. I sat on my bed watching her peaceful expression as she slept. Sighing, I flopped back into my own bed and studied the ceiling. Why did things keep knocking her down? Hadn’t she had a hard enough life? Then there was Isabel, she wanted something, otherwise she wouldn’t be there. I had a strange feeling she wanted me on a mission. The thoughts circled and finally I was able to get to sleep.

* * *

“Oi! Wake up! You’re gonna miss breakfast!” I groaned, was that an earthquake or was I being shaken? Opening my eyes I saw green ones frowning at me. “Get up now!” As Dani stood over me her arms folded, I grinned.

“Or watcha gonna do?” I questioned. Her expression turned to a smirk as she leaped on me, she didn’t weigh much but I pretended she did. “Awww, get off before you break every bone in my body…” I over reacted. She laughed and I grinned grabbing her around the waist. To my surprise she didn’t squirm out of my grasp but stopped and surveyed my expression.

“You need to get up.” She told me. I’d become very aware of her hands which had settled on my shoulders. Her eyes had glazed up; she was also holding her breath. She was totally relaxed and all I had to do was meet her lips and kiss her. “Come on…” her voice had turned to a whisper, but there was no way I could let her go. “Isabel will want to see you…” she tensed up with the name and tried to pull away.

“Dani,” I murmured not letting go. “About Isabel…” She paused looking down at me once more. “She’s a nice girl but not my type.” I grinned and she grimaced.

“She thinks you’re her type…”

“What’s that meant to mean?”

“She likes you.” I took a deep breath, should I take the risk? My words could make or break our relationship. I surveyed Dani, her eyes were trained on me and I could she was studying my reaction.

“Yes, but the thing is…”

“Come on we’re really late.” She slipped from my grip and I jumped out of the bed quickly pulling her back to me. I felt her breathing quicken. “What are you do…” she was silenced as my lips met hers, as she went to pull away she seemed to decide not to and came back to me her arms slipping around my neck. I felt as light as a feather and I pulled away touching her cheek gently.

“The thing is…” I murmured into her ear. “I like you.” She studied my expression carefully, calculating everything, deciding whether to trust me. She said nothing but settled her lips back on mine for a few seconds then pulled away.

“Come on, breakfast is waiting.” She said pausing for a moment. I chuckled softly as she went to wait outside as I got changed. I don’t think I’ve ever got dressed so fast, as I ran my fingers through my hair I wondered what was going to happen now.

She was sitting on the step when I went to join her. Smiling shyly she rose her hands in her pockets.

“You feel like training today?” I questioned, searching for more words.

“Yeah, if you want to.” She answered smiling at me. Her brown hair swept back in the breeze, for a moment I studied her, she walked kicking a pinecone along the ground.

“I want to.” Cocking my head so I could see her expression, she smiled at my words.

“What will we do?” Slowly I thought through what we’d done. She was ready to take a step further.

“I’ll introduce you to guns.” I murmured edging closer to her side. Every now and then she’d glance at me, then when I looked back she’d quickly look away. Grinning, I remembered how her lips had felt, she was amazing and beautiful.

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