Naomi [Wattys 2017]

By HusseinaJafiya

34.1K 4.1K 247

*COMPLETED* Formerly known as: The Cow Bee. When Naomi was four she got vitiligo, also known as leucoderma... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chaptet 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
New story alert!
Wattys 2017

Chapter 29

488 52 8
By HusseinaJafiya

Please could you help comment which girl among the 3 in the picture above/ on the side I should use as a character for Naomi. [VOTE IS CLOSED]

Chapter 29

The usual Monday morning routine was back to me. I wake up. Usual. I go to school. Usual. I park my car in the school's parking lot. Usual. I walk into the block ten minutes before the first bell which was also usual.

I see Jo, Jamie and Grace by my locker from a distance. This was not usual. I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw them. They were distinctly talking with seriousness on their faces although I couldn't see Grace's face because I could see her with her long Jean skirt and black long sleeve top backing me.

Before I got to my locker, my head snapped to Hayley's locker side to see if she was there but she wasn't. Rather there was something there which made me stopped.

It was a four big lettered acronym which was spray painted in red on the whole front of her locker. On it wrote JMDS.

What the hell does that mean?

I shook my head because I guarantee it was someone like The Enemy that wrote that.

I turned on my heels and walked to my locker when suddenly the 3 girls turned to me.

"Naomi thank God your here!" Grace said.

"What's going on?" I fold my arms and looked at them.

"Hayley is so done in this school." Grace said.

"Jenna did a thread tweet of terrible things about Hayley being a slut and it went round Twitter." Jo added.

"What makes Hayley a slut?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Remember she was dancing or rather grinding with Jenna's boyfriend, Noah in the club?" Grace reminded me.

"Oh it's that kind of dance called grinding?" I opened my eyes.

"Naomi that isn't the problem now and yes it is." Grace said and turned to Jo. "Jo show Naomi the tweet."

Jo unlocked her iPhone 5s and clicked the screen up to 5 times before showing me the phone.

I looked at @PinkBooty's tweet, which was Jenna's tweet. She wrote:

When @Hay_lee71 has been fucking with your boyfriend the whole time and still wonder why she isn't a JMDS

Below that tweet, Jenna still tweeted

Karma doesn't play shit like that when your ex boyfriend gets his true love pregnant and not you. Don't go stealing other people's boyfriends just because your ex was stolen by-

I was too lazy to read the rest of that tweet because it wasn't even relevant. There were more and more tweets by jenna below which I guess was the 'thread' they were talking about but I didn't have time to waste on such.

It was really cruel of Jenna to expose Hayley like that and worst of all is that Hayley didn't ever screw around Noah. Wasn't it just dancing? Or grinding or whatever.

"This whole thing is not really true." I told them while giving Jo back her phone.

"That's typical Jenna. She lies to bring you down." Jamie said. "Now Hayley is a JMDS."

"What's JMDS?" I asked.

"James Murphy Designated Slut." The three of them said in unison.

My mouth gaped mouth opened and shut immediately.

"Why would someone give such a mean name?" I asked.

"Don't pretend like we don't have one. People call me James when my name is clearly Jamie." Jamie rolled her eyes.

"Yours is way better. I'm being called mother Teresa all the time." Grace whined which made me laugh because that was actually funny.

"Don't forget nun too." Jamie smirked at Grace which made her scowl.

"I have three! Fat jo, bulgy and fat bitch." Jo tensed up.

"Fat jo sounds cool." I snorted.

"Not like you know what it feels like." She rolled her eyes.

"And you're being called a cow bee, queen of cows." Grace said making me scowl because I hated that name so much. "If this is the case, why can't Hayley be part of our crew since she is being called a JMDS."

"Nobody stopped her from being part of us." Jamie said which was partly true.

"That's if she is willing to join us." Jo added.

"I think she will." Said Grace.

"But where is she?" I asked while turning to her locker stand from where we were.

"I don't think she will show up today. Not after Jenna's tweet got up to a thousand retweets and a lot of people have been making mean comments about it." Jo replied.

I looked at them.

"Hope she's going to be okay?" I sounded worried.

"Let's wish for the best." Grace shrugged the moment the first bell rang.

I sighed. I really hope she's going to be okay.


We've been seated in calculus class for almost 30 minutes and my eyes have been darting to the clock for the 87th time this period.

I really wasn't paying attention at all. First of all it was boring and secondly I was still worried about Hayley. I mean if Hayley is a really vulnerable person, she could possibly commit suicide like every other exposed vulnerable high school kid. But I highly doubt that because her situation was not much of a big deal.

If anyone was to commit suicide, it will be me.

Actually, I've actually tried committing suicide. It was all the way in middle school when I was a big time loner. Hardly had friends, always being made fun of my skin and being treated like a bag of bin. The worst part was, it wasn't only students that were being mean to me, also a specific teacher. My biology teacher. Mr Wilson.

That name alone makes me run mad.

He always felt like the coolest teacher in school and I don't know why everybody liked him. He was kind of a black racist and said mean things to students too but everyone took it as a joke. Except for me, on the day he actually did make me feel insulted.

One of those days he first taught us reproduction and I didn't understand what the whole concept meant. I brought out my confidence by raising my hand to ask a question about what it meant.

And guess what he said?

Reproduction created everyone in the room just like me and it caused my existence because my mother had sex with a cow.

Everyone found that as the funniest thing they've heard. It wasn't funny at all because that was one of the meanest things someone could tell me in this entire human history. Mostly because my mum was included. So I decided after school that day to take a knife right in front of my parents and blame them for the whole idea of me having this kind of skin. Especially my mum, I actually did think for a moment that she actually had sex with a cow. But it was all jokes then because I was only being immature.

Remembering that situation made me feel devastated at the moment. What if my parents didn't stop me? What if I didn't do it in front of them? I could have been dead by now.

I looked at my two patch skinned hands on the table. I rub them and I looked at my palms getting sweaty. This was because I was devastated.

I looked at Mr Carman teaching and I felt like he was mute. I could barely hear or understand anything. Maybe I was just feeling dizzy.

"Mr Carman," I raised my hand and he paused to look at me, "can I go to the bathroom please."

He nodded and I stood up and he gave me a Hall Pass before I left the class immediately.

I quickly made my way to the nearest girls toilet before I pass out on the floor with my dizziness. I pushed the ladies bathroom door quite hard without caring because I guess nobody was in the bathroom.

Without waste of time, I made my way to the sink and opened the tap. I fetch cold water into my hands and splash it on my face.

"Oh my god." I gasped because the water was reallyy cold but it did quite a pretty job with my dizziness.

I looked at the mirror to see my wet face looking really tired. Suddenly my gaze got caught by the last stall to my right in the mirror. I saw legs and black flip flops below the door.

Well that doesn't bother me.

I fetch another round of cold water again and was about to put it on my face when suddenly I hear a sniffing sound.

I turned back to be sure if it was coming from the girl in the last stall. I heard the sound again and it was actually from the last stall.

"Hello?" I murmured.

The sniffing sound stopped.

"Are you okay?" I asked waiting for an answer.

No answer.


"You don't have to worry about me." I heard a familiar voice.

"Hayley?" I gasped.

I walked over to the stall and pulled the door open.

Hayley was seated in the toilet with a lot of used tissues around her. Her face was terribly gone. Her mascara was falling off her face and her eyes were red. Her hair was quite messy as well. But luckily her white sundress didn't get any make up marks on them.

"Oh my god." I whimpered. "What happened to you?"

She swore under her breathe and turned her face to the side so that I will not see it.

"It's nothing, okay?" She said.

"This does not look like nothing," I puffed, "does it have to do with the JMDS thing?"

"You know about it too?" She looked at me.

I nodded and leaned by the toilet door.

"Stupid bitch," She muttered, "she just ruined my life."

"I understand how you feel. Jenna has always been a bitch and will always be a bitch. She just lied about the whole You fucking with Noah just to get you a bad name."

"I know."

"And the least you did was to dance with him." I rolled my eyes.

She remained silent and looked into space.

"Actually..." She started. "I did have sex with him."

"You what?!" I shouted.

"Naomi please don't tell anyone. I'm begging you." She looked at me sadly. "Let's just pretend it's a rumour."

"Jeez Hayley this isn't a joke anymore." I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"That was the biggest mistake I've ever made and it still kills me every time I think about it."

I sighed in frustration and run my hand through my hair.

"Naomi I'm sorry." She cried out.

"I don't have any business to do with it. You were the one that put yourself in this situation." I pointed at her. "Look at you, you look very very sad and awful."

"I know." She muttered.

"What were you thinking?!"

"I was just so upset about the whole Luke thing."

"That doesn't matter! Don't you know what this means to Jenna-"

"-I know and it's all my fault! Please don't get mad at me!" She squealed.

Suddenly she started crying again.

I sighed and cursed myself for actually causing more problems for her. I moved closer to her and squatted right infront of her.

"I'm sorry for being too hard on you." I said realising that I sounded like my mum.

She nodded her head and gave a small smile.

"Maybe you should be less desperate next time." I said.

With that, I stood up and made my way to leave. I didn't want any argument again because I was a bit mad for trusting Hayley to be a better person. I didn't even know who she was anymore.

"Naomi?" I turned back the moment she called my name. "Thank you."

I nodded my head in response before I turned around and walked to the exit of the toilet.

Maybe we all deserve the name we are being called.


School was over and I was definitely going to Adam's house soon for my prep. A lot of people have still been talking about Hayley being known as the JMDS because of one person's tweet.

It's so weird how a single person's tweet could change a lot.

I unpacked some of the necessary books I needed from my locker and realised I had a test coming up in two days. It was algebra, the worst subject in history.

"Hey." I heard a voice behind me which caused me to turn back.

I didn't see anyone behind me then I turned to the front and my brother was there.

"You think your scary huh?" I rolled my eyes as I turned my attention back to my locker.

"Certainly." He smirked.

"What do you want?"

"To take me home."

Did my brother just asked me to take him home?

I turned to look at him to be sure if he was serious. And he actually looked serious.

"What changed your mind today? Not ashamed of me anymore?" I raised my eyebrows.

He scoffed. "Who said I was ever ashamed of you. My amazing sister'"

I rolled my eyes and turned back to my locker. Yeah he was dead sarcastic.

"So is that a yes?" He asked.

"5 dollars per kilometre."

"Haha very funny." He scoffed.

"You think I'm playing baby boy."

"No baby girl."

I turned to look at my smirking brother.

"I'm not going home. I've got somewhere to go to." I told him before I closed my locker.

"To see the 'real' baby boy yeah?" He smugged.

"Don't be silly." I rolled my eyes and put my arms around his shoulders before I smirked. "Why aren't you staying late with the 'real' baby girl?"

"We've broken up." He scoffed.

"Good for you." I squeezed his cheeks before releasing my arms round his shoulder to walk ahead of him to the car park.

My brother didn't waste time to catch up with me while I was walking ahead of him. He knew definitely that there was no way I would say no to his request.

We got to the car and entered as soon as possible. I started the engine while my brother hopped into the passenger seat.

After few minutes of leaving school my brother suddenly decided to come up with the question of the day.

"What's up with Hayley in school today?" He asked.

"How did you get this information?" I asked surprised that even the freshmen knew.

"We go to the same school duhh."

I rolled my eyes. "Go ask the person that told you about it."

"They told me everything and I'm asking you because you're Hayley's best friend."

"I'm what?!" I chuckled. "Her best friend? No way. Hayley and I aren't best friends."

"But you two are so close."

"That doesn't make us best friends."

"Whatever you say." He waved his hands. "And if I ask about Adam, you will tell me you two aren't dating."

"Ofcourse we aren't dating!"

"You suck." He nudged his head. "Maybe youre just too scared to kiss him."

I don't answer but mentally just laugh at my brother who doesn't know any thing.

"Wait have you?!" He gasped.

I turned to him and smirked.

"I'm so proud of you!" He said while jumping on me to hug me like a girl.

Weird David.

"Did you kiss him first?" He asked.

"Didn't have a choice but to follow your advice." I shrugged.

"How was his reaction?"

"Well... Surprised but he seemed to like it I guess because he did it again after."

I didn't hear any response from David which caused me to turn to look at his direction.

He was smirking at me and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I'm really happy you're growing up." He said.

"I'm older than you little buddy." I scoffed.

"Maybe not mentally."

I pushed his shoulders while he laughed at his petty joke.

"So are you two dating now?" He asked.

"Nope. Don't want to."

"This is so Naomi." He shook his head and rolled his eyes. "But do you like him?"

"Probably.. Yes but nothing is going to happen."

"Something is going to happen if you let it happen."

"And what are you implying?" I raised my eyebrows.

"You should tell him."

"Don't make me go through another the-girl-has-to-do-it-first thing."

"I'm just trying to make your life more meaningful." He said.

"It has always been. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

I rolled my eyes for the 100th time. Thankfully, we were already close to the house when David brought up this whole thing and I was glad that we've finally come to a stop so that I could drop off my nosy little brother.

"The ride was fun." He smirked.

"Yeah yeah you can leave now."

He unbuckled his seat belt and came down from the car while I was about to put my car on drive.

"Wait Naomi." My brother knocked on the passenger seat window after he closed the door.

I brought the window down and waited for him to talk.

"Promise me you'll tell Adam about how you feel."

"No!" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Come on don't be a baby."

"We'll see about that." I said it so that he wouldn't waste more of my time.

He gave me thumbs up before turning to leave for the house.

I shook my head. Always pointing fingers at me. I was certainly not going to tell Adam anything.

Please don't forget to vote for which girl between #1-3 in the picture above should be casted for Naomi.

Thanks xx

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