Operation Friendzoned (Cashby...

By Captain_Cashby

10.7K 884 177

Kellin and Vic were the best of friends from the time they were in second grade and on. But, when Vic gets a... More

Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty


605 48 24
By Captain_Cashby

Same thing here, i don't have them in order POSSIBLY , if it makes sense then it's fine

Alan's POV

I was beyond excited for my date today with Austin. I couldn't wait to see him again and I couldn't wait for my mom to meet him. I hope she liked him.  I was also extremely nervous. I didn't want to look like a complete idiot in front of him, but I didn't want to look fake either.

I wanted to be myself like Oliver had said.

Which meant I had to relax a little and not stress so much.  Otherwise he'd think I was some freak and he'd never talk to me again. But, he seemed to be comfortable with me when Kellin dragged me to his house.   Then again, maybe it was because he had Kellin there to talk to instead of an awkward thing with me.

But, he did take me to his comic book collection alone.

I sighed, I was just overthinking this like I always did.

"Alan." My mom said, knocking on my door.

"Yeah?" I asked, opening the door just a crack.

"Austin's here."

My eyes went wide, "It's two already?"

"Yeah, it is."

I shut the door and quickly scavenged for something to wear, only end with black skinny jeans and a plain  white shirt.

He'll never want to see me again.

I wouldn't either.

I sighed and grabbed a hoodie before heading out to him and my mom.

"H-Hey Aust," I said nervously and walked to him.

"Hey Alan." He said smiling at me, "Ready to go?"

"Uh yeah. I'll be back later, Mom."

"Alright," she said with a smile and looked at Austin. "It was nice to meet you."

"Yeah, you as well."

He smiled at her one more time before taking my hand in his as we left the apartment complex.

"Are you ready for our awesome date?"

"Yeah, where are we going?"

"Well I was thinking we could go to the comic book store and then we could go to the petting zoo." He said.

"That sounds amazing."  I said, blush flaring up on my cheeks.

"You don't think it's dorky?" He asked me nervously, his own face turning red.

"No! I think it's cute."

"Okay, good, good."

"I haven't been on a date since my freshman year."

"You beat me, this is my first date."

"Really? Why?" I asked, "Sorry that sounded really rude, but it wasn't meant to, I mean anyone would be really lucky to go on a date with you. You're like really cute and nice and- I'm making a fool of myself right now."

He shrugged. "I'm homeschooled, I don't really get out a lot to meet a lot of people."

I nodded silently, still embarrassed from moments before.

"So, aside from Deadpool, what's your favorite comic series?" He asked.

"Uh Batman is really great, too, I think." 

"I'm team Superman all the way."

"Oh yikes." I said taking my hand from his, "I think this date has to be over then."


"Yep. Superman is the worst."

"He's better than Batman. Batman's only where he's at because his parents got killed and left them their money. He's a spoiled brat with a knife."

I shrugged, "I still think he's better."

"He isn't."

"Whatever you say." I said smiling when he wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked.

"But, you know who's the best?"

"Who? Me?"

"I was going to say Wonder Woman."

"Same thing."

"You're not an amazing amazon woman."

"I guess I'm not." I said with a sigh.

"Sorry sweetie," he laughed.

I blushed at the pet name, "Sweetie?" 

"I-I uh I'm sorry."

"No, it's cute. I like it."

"Oh, uh, okay."

I bit my lip and gave him a kiss on the cheek before we stopped in front of the comic book store. Austin blushed and hurriedly grabbed the door to open it for me.  I walked inside, disappearing to look at all the comic books.

"Alan! Come back," I heard Austin whine.

I giggled a little and let out a squeal when he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Austin!" I squealed, kicking my feet a little.

"That's my name."

"Let me go."

"Nope," he said. "I don't wanna lose you. I promised your mom I wouldn't."

"Isn't that sweet of you."

"Of course it is. I'm a sweet guy."

"Yeah you are."

"I know."

I smiled at him and left his grip, "Now what?"

"What comics do you want to look at?"

"All of them. I don't get to go out and do this stuff often."

"Alright then," Austin said and started walking down a row, keeping me in his arms.

I hummed contently. I really liked being in his arms. I'd never been held like this and I adored every second of it.

"What's your favorite animal?" I asked as we ventured through the store.

"A monkey."


"They're cool. You remind me of a monkey."

"Should I be offended?"

"I just told you monkeys are my favorite animal. Of course you shouldn't be offended."

"So I'm your favorite then?"


I blushed, "Cute."

"I know you are."

"I think I've blushed enough today."

"I don't think you have. I haven't lost count yet."

"How many is it right now?"

Austin told me how many and I giggled.

He kissed my cheek and that added more to the count. We hung out at the comic book store for a while before we started going to the petting zoo.

"Are you hungry at all?" He asked.

"A little bit."

"Let's stop and get something to eat," he suggested.

"That sounds nice." I said.

"I know," Austin said, kissing my cheek.

"Why are you so sweet?"

"Because my dad raised me right," he told me.

"What about your mom?"

"She did too, when I stayed with her."

"Where's your mom then?" I asked, "Sorry if I'm intruding. You don't have to tell me."

He shrugged. "It's fine. My parents got divorced when I was like eight, she lives a few states over. I stay with her in the summer."

"Oh I'm sorry, but at least you can see her in the summer."

"It's fine."

"I was totally intruding on your life, sorry."

"Alan, it's okay. It's not a big deal, me and mom aren't even all that close. She hardly knows me."

"Oh." I said not knowing what to really say.

"What about your parents?"

"What about them?" 

"What are they like?"

"Uh well you met my mom and she's great. It's been her and I for like five years now." I said, nervously. I didn't want to scare him away if I told him my dad was in prison. God knows what he'd think.

"What about your dad?"

"He's in, uh, prison."

"Oh? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pushed."

"No, it's fine. I mean it'd come out eventually so why not now and before you think something totally out of this picture, he's not bad. He just made one stupid mistake and got involved with the wrong people. He's really a great dad and he calls all the time to talk with my mom and I."

"Well I'm glad he's good to you."

"He's a great dad."

"What did he do? You don't have to tell me," he rushed.

"Armed robbery, three counts or however you'd say it in law terms. He's not dangerous."

"He just got mixed up?"

"Yeah, he's not mean and it was just totally out of character for him. He's not like that, he'd never hurt a fly."

"You don't have to justify his actions, I get it."

"Well some of the people I've told that always assume the worst and that's not true."

"I'm not some people."

"I know, you're better than most people."

"I wouldn't say that."

"You are. I can tell already." I said when we stopped at a Chick-fil-A.

"Well I'm glad you think so."

"You are."

"Think it's a good idea for gay guys to go here on a date?" Austin asked.

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"I mean..." he trailed off with a laugh.


"Nothing, nothing. Just a joke Kellin's made about this place."

"Oh. Well should we go inside then?"

He nodded and we walked inside then ordered some food. When we got it we sat down in at a table then ate our food.

"I feel conflicted eating here," Austin murmured.


"They're against gay people, you realize this right?"

"They are? I didn't know that."

"Yeah, they're like super against that. Which was why I was going to make a joke but I didn't think you'd get it. Kellin and Vic come up here once a year dressed up as cows to get free chicken sandwiches, sometimes they drag me along too."

I laughed, "I didn't know that at all. I wouldn't have stopped walking here."

He shrugged. "It's whatever. It's kinda funny coming in here with my friends just because of the trouble they get us into."

"Well that's good then."

"If they ever stop arguing then I'll have to show you what we're all like together."

"Great, I mean not the arguing, but you know what I mean right?"

"I do," he laughed.

"Okay good." I said finishing my food just as he did.

"Let's get to the petting zoo, I mean if you're still up for it."

"What are we waiting for!? Let's go!"

"Let's go," he said, taking my hand.

I smiled at him and swung our hands between us as we walked and talked.

"Have I ever told you how pretty you are?" He asked.

I blushed and shook my head.

"You are!" Austin exclaimed.

"No one's told me that before."

"Well now I am. You're gorgeous."


"Don't thank me for telling the truth."

"I don't think I've had a minute of non blushing this entire date.' I said and laughed.

"Good. That means I'm doing my job right."

"Oh whatever."

"It's true."

"You're such a sweetheart." I told him as we arrived at the petting zoo.

"I know I am."

I smiled at him.

"This has been a really great date," I told him as we finished at the Petting zoo.

"I'm glad you had fun."

"Best date I've ever been on."

"Thank god," he said, his shoulders slumping in relief.

"Did you think it was bad? I loved every minute of this!"

"I was worried that you wouldn't like it."

"I loved it! I had so much fun today!" I said happily and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Austin blushed, "thanks."

He walked me home, our hands swinging in between us. We spoke every so often but mostly just enjoying eachothers company.

When we got back to the building before standing in front of the door.

"Thank you again." I said with a smile. "I really did have fun."

"I'm glad. How about again tomorrow?"

I nodded, " I'd love that."

He bit his lip and started leaning into me. My breathing hitched and I started to lean in with him , just as my mother opening the door. Austin ended up kissing my cheek instead.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I said with a smile before heading inside where my mother questioned me to death.

Kellin's POV

"Don't ruin his relationship, Kells," Austin told me through the screen. I was skyping Austin as I got ready to hang out with Vic and his stupid girlfriend. I needed to do research and scope her out, see how bad she really was and then make my plan. Which was why I "gave in" and agreed to let Vic introduce us.

"I never said anything about ruining it."

"You said you wanted to break them up."

"I do. But this is just a recon operation, I just need to meet her before I start looking for gossip. After I hang out with the bitch and Vic I'm going to go hang out with Lynn who said if I give her a certain something she'll dig up as much garbage on this Emily character as she can find but, if I want to give her what she wants then I need to go hook up with Ronnie and let me just tell you Austin, I am one hundred percent committed to this," I rambled, trying to find a shirt.

"Why am I letting you do all this?" 

"Because if we're being honest, you can't stop me."

"That's true." 

"I know. I will fuck every single person in school if it means Vic will break up with the bitch and realize that he belongs with me."

"That's not healthy at all."

"How so? I love Vic, that bitch isn't good enough for him. Not like I am and if that's what it takes to prove to him that she's not then I'll do it."

He sighed, "Don't mess up."

"Me? When have I ever messed up?" I asked, yanking down a t-shirt and tore the one I was wearing off.


"What's that supposed to mean?" I demanded, glaring at him through the screen.

"Nothing, nothing at all. Oh look at the time, I have schoolwork to do. Bye!" He said and hung up.

I scowled and shut my laptop. That little shit was going to get socked in the stomach next time I saw him.  I groaned and laid on my bed while I waited for Vic. Austin was convinced I was going to mess this all up somehow, but I wasn't. I knew I wasn't. I knew Vic better than anyone, I knew him better than himself and I knew that this witch wasn't right for him.

I know what he deserved in a relationship.

He deserved me. I was the only person in the world good enough for him. No one else was, they'd all hurt him or fuck him over. I wouldn't, though. I loved Vic more than anything, I always have.

We were perfect for each other.

I just needed him to see that.

"Come on Kelly," Vic said, walking into my room, the whore, in tow.


"Are you even ready?"

I sat up and looked at him, arching my eyebrows. "I am ready. I've just been waiting on you."

"Well we're here."

"Well what are you waiting for? Let's go party," I said, jumping out of bed.

"Alright then."

"So, what are we doing?" I asked, walking out of my room with Vic and his slut in tow.

"I don't know. What do you think we should do Babe?"

I scowled as he looked at the blonde haired bimbo. I hated that he called her babe, I wanted to fucking punch that little smirk off of her slutty face. God, I already despised her.

"I think we should go bowling." She said.

"Bowling's fucking stupid," I muttered. "Only old retired men bowl."

"I think it's a good idea." Vic said.

"I'm not bowling."

"It'll be fun."

"Vic, you know I hate bowling. I've always hated bowling," I told him. "You two can go bowling, I don't have to go with you."

"But we're hanging out all together."

"Not if it's bowling," I argued. "You know I've hated bowling ever since that accident when we were kids."

"Fine, how about the arcade?"


"Viccy, I hate the arcade," the bitch whined and my face went red. Viccy was my nickname for Vic. No one else's.

I rolled my eyes, "I love the arcade."

"Well, she doesn't so we'll have to find something else."

"Oh my god," I groaned. "Just go do something for you two," I exclaimed.

"Kells, come on."

"No. This is already a bad idea."

"It's not a bad idea." 

"Yes it is."

"No it's not."

"It is," I argued. "You two go have a nice little date while bowling, I'm going to go find Andy and see if I can get him to forgive me."

"Kells, you bit his dick, he's not going to forgive you. Just come on."

I needed to do this. I had to see all the reasons she's bad for him. I sighed. "Let's go get ice cream," I said before looking at the whore. "Or, do you hate that too?"

"I love ice cream.'

"Good, let's fucking go then."

I heard Vic let out an annoyed sigh.

"I am so hooking up with Andy tonight," I mumbled to myself. I deserved it. Especially after dealing with who I already knew was going to be a major bitch.

We went out to Vic's car, her and I both reaching for the passenger side door.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. "Get in the backseat, Bitch."


"What? The front seat is mine," I said, pushing her aside and got in. "It's always been mine."

"She's my girlfriend."

"And I'm your best friend. I don't see what labels have to do with any of this. You should know by now, I'm not a guy for labels."


"That's my name," I sang, kicking my feet up on the dash.

He sighed and said nothing more as he started driving.  I smiled smugly to myself, I was going to get them broken up in no time, and when I did, I'd make my move as the rebound.

The rebound would be better than nothing at all.

I let out a loud, dramatic sigh and looked at my shoes. "So, like, are you going to turn on the radio or are we just going to sit in silence?"

"Turn the radio on then."

I sighed and turned it on, letting out a squeal as ACDC started blaring through the speakers.

"Ew. Oh my god turn this off," the bitch said. "Viccy, play the CD I put in here."

Vic nodded and turned the CD player on, only for Celine Dion to start playing.

"That's it, I'm going to kill myself," I muttered. "Is this the Titanic soundtrack?"

"I love this soundtrack." She said.


"It's great."

"No, it's fucking terrible," I stated.

"Kellin," Vic said with a disapproving sigh.


"Quit it."

"I'm not doing anything."

"You are."

"What am I doing, exactly?"

"You're being rude."

"I'm always like this."

"No you're not."

"Yes, yes I am."

"No I'm not." 

"Yes you are."

"You are."

"How?" I demanded, shutting the stupid radio off. I was about fed up with hearing about how Celine's heart would go on.

"You're commenting on everything she likes and doesn't like and you're being a dick about it."

"I am not. I'm acting like I usually do."


I scoffed and rolled my eyes, this was already hell. I hated every single thing about this bitch. Why couldn't Vic see that she was terrible?

Why was he being so dumb?

"Viccy, are you still taking me to get my nails done tomorrow?" Emily asked, looking at Vic. I arched my eyebrows slightly.

"You're kidding right?" I asked, looking at Vic with disbelief. 

"What? She wants her nails done!"

"I never thought you'd step foot in a nail salon."

"If it's what she wants," he shrugged. "Now quit being mean."

I laughed to myself, "Okay."

This girl was already changing him. And I hated her for it. Vic wasn't the kind of guy to just go take his girlfriend to get her nails done. Or at least, I didn't think he was.  He never forced himself to anything like that for any girl or guy he's been with. He wouldn't even go shopping with me, when I begged him to. He thought it was all boring and stupid.

Something was really wrong here.

She was doing something to him. Something about her just wasn't right.  She was changing my best friend into something he wasn't. Anyone who changed their significant other into someone they weren't needed to get out of the picture and fast.

I had to do something about this.

The rest of my stupid recon mission dragged on and on until I was ready to kill myself. The bitch was ridiculous. She wouldn't eat an ice cream by herself, so she made Vic share one with her. And not only that but it was strawberry ice cream! Strawberry! Vic hated strawberry!

I was ready to wring this bitch's neck out.

Then she had the audacity to tell me that pistachio was a terrible flavor and that I needed to die for it. What the hell was that all about?

And Vic sat there silently, not saying a damn thing when she was being a bitch to me.

What kind of friend did that? And that wasn't it, sure, I had a snide remark for everything she did. But, she had one for everything I did too. And I was the only one who got scolded by Vic.

I couldn't wait to just punch her out one day.

I was going to destroy their relationship. Vic couldn't be with her.

But, it thankfully ended and I found myself walking to a good friend's house.

I knocked on the door of Ronnie's house and waited patiently for him to answer the door.

The door opened and he smiled at me. "Hey."


"What do you want?" He asked, pulling me close by my belt loop.

"I think you know."

"Well," he said with a smirk. "What are you doing out here?"

I smiled and took the hand he offered before he pulled me on inside.

Thirty minutes later, I walked out of his house with a limp in my step as I walked down the street, a baggie in my hand and a smirk on my face as I did.

This was gonna be good.

I skipped to Lynn's place and knocked on the door. It swung open a few moments later and I shoved the baggie in my pocket as I was greeted with her mother. "Hi Mrs. Gunnufulsen! Is Lynn home?"

"She's upstairs and it's nice to see you Kellin." She said and let me come in.

I smiled. "You too, I miss coming around here."

"Well you should get over here more often."

"I'll make sure to try, maybe I'll even try to talk her into giving me another chance," I lied, smiling at Lynn's mom before walking to the stairs.

"Lynn." I sang.

She opened the door and smiled at me. "Kellin! What can I do for you?" She asked, letting me in.

"Boy do I have some shit to tell you."

"Really?" She asked, jumping onto her bed as I shut the door behind us. "What is it? Is it juicy? Is it the kind of stuff I can use to ruin someone's life? Please tell me it is," she said excitedly. "Oh and did you get the stuff!?"

I nodded. "I had to fuck Ronnie Radke for this shit."

"You're my favorite person."

I tossed her the baggie and she grinned. "I need to get checked again just for walking into his house."

She laughed, "You got that right."

"Shut up," I said, rolling my eyes. "So, I need your expert skills."


"I need you to dig up as much dirt as you can on this sophomore named Emily. She's dating Vic. And after you dig up all the dirt, spread it around town. If you do it, without letting anyone know who asked you to do it, I will," I sighed. "I'll give you whatever you want."


I nodded. "Anything."


I sighed. "What all are you wanting in this whole anything deal so I can, I guess, mentally prepare."

"I don't know yet."

I groaned. "Fine, fine. But can you do it?"

"I said it was a deal, didn't I?"

"Good," I said with a smile and looked at her. "So, what have you been up to?"

"Kellin, since when have you cared about what I'm up to?" She laughed.

"Whatever, I'm just making conversation."

"Is that what you're really over here for, though?"


Lynn smiled and crawled on top of me. "That's what I thought," she murmured.

"Lynn, your moms downstairs."

"And I care?"

"I do! I just wanted to get high, not fuck and gossip."

"Come on Kells."

"Don't come on me. We aren't fucking when your mom's home. That's weird."

"You're not fun."

"I'm always fun, I'm just saying that's weird."

"It's not that weird."

"It's weird. But if you're that horny. I guess I should make it all better, shouldn't I?"

"Yeah you should."

"Oh I guess," I laughed, placing my hands on her hips. "We can have a little fun."

"I like the sound of that."

I smiled and pulled her down to me, kissing her neck softly. Twice in one day? That was my favorite.

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