Truly Sincere [Part 1]

By etuphb

6.1K 513 162

Is it possible for a broken person to fall in love all over again? Can a broken person be fixed? do soulmate... More

Authors Note


57 4 3
By etuphb

I walked towards him and looked in the direction where Harry was looking, standing there sternly

"Mom! ...Dad" my mouth agape in surprise as Hoor was welcoming them at the door, I looked at Harry and he took a glance at me and again looked at them, my mother looked at me and opened her arms for me with tears in her eyes

"Jasmin..!" Her voice cracked, I looked at my father and he nodded slightly with a smile at me to come and hug my mother, I was frozen standing there. Harry held me by my shoulders as he practically walked me towards them, I looked at him and he smiled assuringly while walking.

"Jasmin! I missed you so much" my mother cupped my cheeks as her voice whimpered when she cried, I softly put my arms around her and let out some tears on her shoulder, as my father embraced us both in his arms

"Harry, how are you son?" My father patted shoulders strongly as he hugged him and I noticed Harry smiled brightly greeting him

"Come in" Harry welcomed them with his bright smile, I knew he wouldn't throw it away just because he was angry at me, and we had our first fight as husband and wife, talk about timing. Mom patted Harry's cheek motherly before taking the seat.

Everyone settled in the lounge as Hoor disappeared in the kitchen and I came to know that Anne and Gemma weren't home, I somehow took a breath of relief that they didn't have to witness our fight. Harry sat down with me on the sofa as my parents sat in front of us

"We were devastated hearing the news, about your baby" Dad spoke, his eyes were flushed red holding back his tears as he forced a smile at me, I simply looked at him, quietly

"How have you been?" Mom's voice was concerned but guilty, she was in guilt of not being here for me when I needed her and she knew that

"Do you care?" I looked at my hands fidgeting them awkwardly, I didn't look at her but I could tell how her face went realizing the truth

"Of course you must be furious with us, but we had our reasons, but we realize our mistakes now" Mom stayed in the character of a stern woman she always has been, that her words didn't actually affected me

"What reasons could possibly a parent can have, to not be a part of their life, and all of sudden you come back into my life" I blurted as my face was burning gathering all the guts to talk back, my heart was beating so loudly as I was still fidgeting crazily. I felt Harry's hand on mine and when I looked at him he was looking at me sternly. Differences aside he was still my partner that moment, he stayed truthful to the oath we made, together.

"You're right, we were being egoistic, that we couldn't see how happy you actually are" my father spoke before looking at my mother, my mother straightened her back staying in the character simply not wanting to believe those words

"We care about you Jasmin, we realize that Harry is such a good kid, he will make you happy" Mom smiled at us and I looked at Harry and he kissed the top of my hand before looking away, he was still mad at me, but he wouldn't let it go

"He is the perfect partner I could have asked for, he jokes like my best friend and protects me like a husband, I can't imagine a life without him" I looked at Harry and my vision got blurry with tears, Harry quietly looked at me with the pain in his eyes, pain that I caused

"You've raised such a perfect daughter, she doesn't know how the room lights up when she comes in, her positivity impacted my life, she makes me want to be perfect for her" Harry looked at my mother as his grip around my hands grew tightly, our fingers were intertwined together, habitual of each other

"I can't tell you how happy I am to see you both happy" my father soaked the corner of his eye with his thumb as he smiled at us brightly

"You two belong together" my mother couldn't hold her tears back and I realized that the straight facade is the part of her, and she was being truthful about her emotions that moment "can you forgive us, Jasmin?" She spoke in a low voice as she held back herself

"One of many things you taught me is to let people in who ask for forgiveness, how can I not open my door for my parents" I answered as my mother smiled brightly, the kind of smile I'd never seen before and I walked towards her to hug her

"The table is ready" Hoor walked in the living area

"Shall we" Harry stood up as he lead us towards the dining room, we sat down at the table and Anne walked in, she was happy to see my parents and they all got along so well, Harry sat there talking to everyone but me, but I was actually glad that he didn't let this opportunity go in waste, I held Harry's hand underneath the table but he still looked at me sternly, I was beginning to get worried

"Oh! We're out of syrup" Anne chuckled when she picked up the maple syrup bowl to put on the pancakes

"I'll get it" Harry got up at once taking the bowl as he walked away, leaving my hand cold, he was looking for an opportunity to leave my hand

"I'll help him" I don't know how foolish it sounded, but I got up at once and followed him to the kitchen. When I went inside Hoor was standing there cooling the home made maple syrup she'd made and Harry glanced at me standing beside her, I smiled at Hoor and she frowned worriedly at me, which cleared that she knows about fight

"It's cooling here, I'll go check on pancakes at the table" Hoor quickly left towards the dining lounge, Harry didn't look up, as he touches the bowl from outside to check the temperature

"Thank you Harry" I said as I walked up towards him, he was shifting his body in uneasiness, he gripped the chair rail

"What for?" his voice stern, still his eyes weren't looking in mine, I was uneasy, I yearned for him to look at me, with love and affection, like he always does, it was breaking me into million pieces

"..f-for not leaving" I said as I slid my hand on his bicep, and he titled his head away as his grip around the ears of chair grew tighter

"I have made my decision, I'll go today" Harry said in a low voice, and I nodded, because eventually he had to leave for work "Jas! Go and sit at the table, I'll bring it" he looked down at the floor

"Look at me!" I pleaded, I held his chin as I turned his face towards me, he looked softly at me and I smiled

"I'm glad that you stayed my partner, this moment" I smiled at him as I cupped his cheek, he stayed quiet as he looked away

"Unlike you, I did it for us, I wouldn't not do anything and say it wasn't even about you later" Harry picked up the syrup bowl as he looked down at my hands that were holding his arm, I slid my hands back off of him and he glanced at me before leaving the kitchen

I held myself for that moment, I didn't want to let anyone know that we had our ups and downs, and I told myself if I've gotten this far with Harry, it shall too pass. I wiped my face as I walked back in the dining room echoing with laughter

"Jasmin your mother was telling us how much you obsessively loved your teddy bear" Anne smiled at me and I too laughed a little

"His name was Momo, I couldn't sleep without him, I'd carry it around everywhere" I laughed looking in the air recalling him, as I took the seat

"It's still there, in your bedroom" my father smiled at me. Harry's phone rang, when he left the room all the sounds of my mother telling other embarrassing stories about me and Anne laughing at them, went inaudible.

Harry walked in again and I straightened my back, unconsciously, he walked towards Anne and hugged her

"I have to leave for sets, wish me luck" Harry said and my heart sunk as I threw my head down

"Already!" Anne asked and she looked at me, I had to smile widely to pretend it was pre-planned and we were fine

"It was so nice to have you here, I'll be gone for two weeks, I'm glad that she has her parents too by her side now, I can leave in peace" Harry hugged both my parents and before walking up the door he looked at me "if you all excuse me, I'll like to have a moment with my wife" everyone in the room smiled and I got up as I walked up towards him, he held my shoulders as we towards the front door, a limo was already waiting for him, his little luggage was already in the car

"So! Momo huh? Never heard that one before" He chuckled as he was still holding my shoulder, I looked up at him and he smiled softly

"You know what, you're my Momo now, and I can't sleep in peace without you either, I become restless when you're not around, or when you don't look into my eyes" I smiled at him as he kissed my forehead

"Jasmin! Take care of yourself" Harry licked his lower lip as he looked at me intently, his pupils were dilated as he brushed my cheek with his thumb holding my arm

"Sorry! For everything" I said in a low voice, our intense gaze not shifting away

"We need some time for fixing, not sorrys" he frowned softly cupping my cheeks, I tip toed to reach his height as I pressed my lips against his holding the back of his neck with one hand and ruffling his hair with other, he held my hips pulling me in more closer as he leaned down.

"Good-bye" he pulled back kissing me softly once again and I smiled at him as he sat down in the car and waved at me.

I knew the words he said to me should have left me in a chaos of what my place really is, but in my heart I was happy, happier than ever, I knew, we needed a distance to know how much we crave for each other, it was a silly phase, maybe people who love each other so much go through this type of phase, just so when they patch up again they're unbreakable.


"You can't just go MIA whenever you want, it's been a whole ass week Jas I haven't seen you, you haven't even updated me about your parents yet" Alex was constantly complaining while I wore bluetooth headset, one thing I learned so far was to never trust Alex on phone. I pursed my lips to control my laugh as I was watering the indoor plants of the living room

"And of course, I talked to Harry, he told me about your parents, and .... I'm sorry that he heard everything, but you're dumb, I'll blame you for playing them on speaker" she apologized in her own way, but she paused for a while so that I could say something now

"Well! In my defense, I was alone in my room that moment, but I'm glad it came out, it came out wrong, but I'm glad, get me?" I smiled toothily but then I realized she can't see me

"And about my parents, you know my mother, that day, before leaving she literally asked me if there's anything going wrong between Harry and I, she sniffs like a cat" I blurted as I scrunched my nose

"She wasn't completely illusive, she's a mother she sensed something maybe" Alex said and I raised my eyebrows at how in the world can Alex defend my mother

"I simply said, mother! as much as I appreciate you being here, that's not your matter to worry upon, we're completely fine" I put my hand on my waist to stay in character

"You're being so hard Jas, if you accepted their apology, might as well give them a chance, she's your mother for goodness sake" she said and I stopped in my way as I focused on the words she said, realizing she was right

"I'm ridiculous, aren't i?" I scratched the back of my head, but there was a long minute of silence at the other end

"You didn't talk to Harry?" She asked concerned

"I called him, he didn't pick up, guess he really is the man of his word, and I kind of deserve his silent treatment" I sighed heavily as I walked towards the other vase "you're dirty" I muttered under my breath

"Well! I know how it sucks to not talk to your man, but you can't have phone sex with me" she blurted out, and I chuckled

"You wish" I laughed as I sprayed water on dusty leaves of that plant

"You're pretty fucked up with all your plants, you need real photosynthesis in your life, like shopping as a freaking bridesmaid" she almost yelled at me and I clenched my teeth in guilt that she was indeed right

"I know, I'm the terrible one, you were best tho" my voice came out impressed

"We're going shopping tomorrow" she said sternly

"I can't, I have lunch with my mother" I groaned

"You're dead meat" she groaned in frustration

"You can be my date, please be my date, we'll go shopping afterwards" I pleaded as I placed the watering can aside on the ground and I walked towards the sofa to sit down

"Fine, I can cheat on James with you, he wouldn't mind" she laughed as I sat down picking up the magazine from table, laughing along with her, I sensed a silhouette standing there at my left side staring at me, I stood up looking at Harry, we looked at each other in silence for God knows how long that moment lasted, there was yearning and obvious longing on both sides, his shoulders were heavily hung low as he stood there, for God knows how long he stood there for me, his lips were trembling as if trying to tell something but finding no right words, Regardless to say words weren't needed, the sparks howled the whole story

"Jas! Are you dead? What happened?" I came to my trance when I heard Alex's voice echoing in my head, I blinked in that while

"I'll call you later" I said in a low voice

"Wait! what happened? are you okay?" Her voice screeched

"I'm okay, I just got photosynthesized" I took off my headsets and God knows where I threw them, I just ran towards Harry, endearing our lips together as our souls kissed, that's how we pledged the love and desires that moment.

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